/*jshint node:true */ /*global describe:false, it:false */ "use strict"; var consume = require('../'); var Stream = require('stream'); var Readable = Stream.Readable; var Writable = Stream.Writable; var Duplex = Stream.Duplex; var should = require('should'); var through = require('through2'); require('mocha'); describe('stream-consume', function() { it('should cause a Readable stream to complete if it\'s not piped anywhere', function(done) { var rs = new Readable({highWaterMark: 2}); var a = 0; var ended = false; rs._read = function() { if (a++ < 100) { rs.push(a + ""); } else { ended = true; rs.push(null); } }; rs.on("end", function() { a.should.be.above(99); ended.should.be.true; done(); }); consume(rs); }); it('should work with Readable streams in objectMode', function(done) { var rs = new Readable({highWaterMark: 2, objectMode: true}); var a = 0; var ended = false; rs._read = function() { if (a++ < 100) { rs.push(a); } else { ended = true; rs.push(null); } }; rs.on("end", function() { a.should.be.above(99); ended.should.be.true; done(); }); consume(rs); }); it('should not interfere with a Readable stream that is piped somewhere', function(done) { var rs = new Readable({highWaterMark: 2}); var a = 0; var ended = false; rs._read = function() { if (a++ < 100) { rs.push("."); } else { ended = true; rs.push(null); } }; var sizeRead = 0; var ws = new Writable({highWaterMark: 2}); ws._write = function(chunk, enc, next) { sizeRead += chunk.length; next(); } ws.on("finish", function() { a.should.be.above(99); ended.should.be.true; sizeRead.should.equal(100); done(); }); rs.pipe(ws); consume(rs); }); it('should not interfere with a Writable stream', function(done) { var rs = new Readable({highWaterMark: 2}); var a = 0; var ended = false; rs._read = function() { if (a++ < 100) { rs.push("."); } else { ended = true; rs.push(null); } }; var sizeRead = 0; var ws = new Writable({highWaterMark: 2}); ws._write = function(chunk, enc, next) { sizeRead += chunk.length; next(); } ws.on("finish", function() { a.should.be.above(99); ended.should.be.true; sizeRead.should.equal(100); done(); }); rs.pipe(ws); consume(ws); }); it('should handle a Transform stream', function(done) { var rs = new Readable({highWaterMark: 2}); var a = 0; var ended = false; rs._read = function() { if (a++ < 100) { rs.push("."); } else { ended = true; rs.push(null); } }; var sizeRead = 0; var flushed = false; var ts = through({highWaterMark: 2}, function(chunk, enc, cb) { sizeRead += chunk.length; this.push(chunk); cb(); }, function(cb) { flushed = true; cb(); }); ts.on("end", function() { a.should.be.above(99); ended.should.be.true; sizeRead.should.equal(100); flushed.should.be.true; done(); }); rs.pipe(ts); consume(ts); }); it('should handle a classic stream', function(done) { var rs = new Stream(); var ended = false; var i; rs.on("end", function() { ended.should.be.true; done(); }); consume(rs); for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { rs.emit("data", i); } ended = true; rs.emit("end"); }); });