/*jshint asi:true */ var debug //= true; var test = debug ? function () {} : require('tap').test var test_ = !debug ? function () {} : require('tap').test , path = require('path') , fs = require('fs') , util = require('util') , TransformStream = require('readable-stream').Transform , through = require('through2') , proxyquire = require('proxyquire') , streamapi = require('../stream-api') , readdirp = require('..') , root = path.join(__dirname, 'bed') , totalDirs = 6 , totalFiles = 12 , ext1Files = 4 , ext2Files = 3 , ext3Files = 2 ; // see test/readdirp.js for test bed layout function opts (extend) { var o = { root: root }; if (extend) { for (var prop in extend) { o[prop] = extend[prop]; } } return o; } function capture () { var result = { entries: [], errors: [], ended: false } , dst = new TransformStream({ objectMode: true }); dst._transform = function (entry, _, cb) { result.entries.push(entry); cb(); } dst._flush = function (cb) { result.ended = true; this.push(result); cb(); } return dst; } test('\nintegrated', function (t) { t.test('\n# reading root without filter', function (t) { t.plan(2); readdirp(opts()) .on('error', function (err) { t.fail('should not throw error', err); }) .pipe(capture()) .pipe(through.obj( function (result, _ , cb) { t.equals(result.entries.length, totalFiles, 'emits all files'); t.ok(result.ended, 'ends stream'); t.end(); cb(); } )); }) t.test('\n# normal: ["*.ext1", "*.ext3"]', function (t) { t.plan(2); readdirp(opts( { fileFilter: [ '*.ext1', '*.ext3' ] } )) .on('error', function (err) { t.fail('should not throw error', err); }) .pipe(capture()) .pipe(through.obj( function (result, _ , cb) { t.equals(result.entries.length, ext1Files + ext3Files, 'all ext1 and ext3 files'); t.ok(result.ended, 'ends stream'); t.end(); cb(); } )) }) t.test('\n# files only', function (t) { t.plan(2); readdirp(opts( { entryType: 'files' } )) .on('error', function (err) { t.fail('should not throw error', err); }) .pipe(capture()) .pipe(through.obj( function (result, _ , cb) { t.equals(result.entries.length, totalFiles, 'returned files'); t.ok(result.ended, 'ends stream'); t.end(); cb(); } )) }) t.test('\n# directories only', function (t) { t.plan(2); readdirp(opts( { entryType: 'directories' } )) .on('error', function (err) { t.fail('should not throw error', err); }) .pipe(capture()) .pipe(through.obj( function (result, _ , cb) { t.equals(result.entries.length, totalDirs, 'returned directories'); t.ok(result.ended, 'ends stream'); t.end(); cb(); } )) }) t.test('\n# both directories + files', function (t) { t.plan(2); readdirp(opts( { entryType: 'both' } )) .on('error', function (err) { t.fail('should not throw error', err); }) .pipe(capture()) .pipe(through.obj( function (result, _ , cb) { t.equals(result.entries.length, totalDirs + totalFiles, 'returned everything'); t.ok(result.ended, 'ends stream'); t.end(); cb(); } )) }) t.test('\n# directory filter with directories only', function (t) { t.plan(2); readdirp(opts( { entryType: 'directories', directoryFilter: [ 'root_dir1', '*dir1_subdir1' ] } )) .on('error', function (err) { t.fail('should not throw error', err); }) .pipe(capture()) .pipe(through.obj( function (result, _ , cb) { t.equals(result.entries.length, 2, 'two directories'); t.ok(result.ended, 'ends stream'); t.end(); cb(); } )) }) t.test('\n# directory and file filters with both entries', function (t) { t.plan(2); readdirp(opts( { entryType: 'both', directoryFilter: [ 'root_dir1', '*dir1_subdir1' ], fileFilter: [ '!*.ext1' ] } )) .on('error', function (err) { t.fail('should not throw error', err); }) .pipe(capture()) .pipe(through.obj( function (result, _ , cb) { t.equals(result.entries.length, 6, '2 directories and 4 files'); t.ok(result.ended, 'ends stream'); t.end(); cb(); } )) }) t.test('\n# negated: ["!*.ext1", "!*.ext3"]', function (t) { t.plan(2); readdirp(opts( { fileFilter: [ '!*.ext1', '!*.ext3' ] } )) .on('error', function (err) { t.fail('should not throw error', err); }) .pipe(capture()) .pipe(through.obj( function (result, _ , cb) { t.equals(result.entries.length, totalFiles - ext1Files - ext3Files, 'all but ext1 and ext3 files'); t.ok(result.ended, 'ends stream'); t.end(); } )) }) t.test('\n# no options given', function (t) { t.plan(1); readdirp() .on('error', function (err) { t.similar(err.toString() , /Need to pass at least one argument/ , 'emits meaningful error'); t.end(); }) }) t.test('\n# mixed: ["*.ext1", "!*.ext3"]', function (t) { t.plan(1); readdirp(opts( { fileFilter: [ '*.ext1', '!*.ext3' ] } )) .on('error', function (err) { t.similar(err.toString() , /Cannot mix negated with non negated glob filters/ , 'emits meaningful error'); t.end(); }) }) }) test('\napi separately', function (t) { t.test('\n# handleError', function (t) { t.plan(1); var api = streamapi() , warning = new Error('some file caused problems'); api.stream .on('warn', function (err) { t.equals(err, warning, 'warns with the handled error'); }) api.handleError(warning); }) t.test('\n# when stream is paused and then resumed', function (t) { t.plan(6); var api = streamapi() , resumed = false , fatalError = new Error('fatal!') , nonfatalError = new Error('nonfatal!') , processedData = 'some data' ; api.stream .on('warn', function (err) { t.equals(err, nonfatalError, 'emits the buffered warning'); t.ok(resumed, 'emits warning only after it was resumed'); }) .on('error', function (err) { t.equals(err, fatalError, 'emits the buffered fatal error'); t.ok(resumed, 'emits errors only after it was resumed'); }) .on('data', function (data) { t.equals(data, processedData, 'emits the buffered data'); t.ok(resumed, 'emits data only after it was resumed'); }) .pause() api.processEntry(processedData); api.handleError(nonfatalError); api.handleFatalError(fatalError); setTimeout(function () { resumed = true; api.stream.resume(); }, 1) }) t.test('\n# when a stream is paused it stops walking the fs', function (t) { var resumed = false, mockedAPI = streamapi(); mockedAPI.processEntry = function (entry) { if (!resumed) t.notOk(true, 'should not emit while paused') t.ok(entry, 'emitted while resumed') }.bind(mockedAPI.stream) function wrapper () { return mockedAPI } var readdirp = proxyquire('../readdirp', {'./stream-api': wrapper}) , stream = readdirp(opts()) .on('error', function (err) { t.fail('should not throw error', err); }) .on('end', function () { t.end() }) .pause(); setTimeout(function () { resumed = true; stream.resume(); }, 5) }) t.test('\n# when a stream is destroyed, it emits "closed", but no longer emits "data", "warn" and "error"', function (t) { var api = streamapi() , fatalError = new Error('fatal!') , nonfatalError = new Error('nonfatal!') , processedData = 'some data' , plan = 0; t.plan(6) var stream = api.stream .on('warn', function (err) { t.ok(!stream._destroyed, 'emits warning until destroyed'); }) .on('error', function (err) { t.ok(!stream._destroyed, 'emits errors until destroyed'); }) .on('data', function (data) { t.ok(!stream._destroyed, 'emits data until destroyed'); }) .on('close', function () { t.ok(stream._destroyed, 'emits close when stream is destroyed'); }) api.processEntry(processedData); api.handleError(nonfatalError); api.handleFatalError(fatalError); setTimeout(function () { stream.destroy() t.notOk(stream.readable, 'stream is no longer readable after it is destroyed') api.processEntry(processedData); api.handleError(nonfatalError); api.handleFatalError(fatalError); process.nextTick(function () { t.pass('emits no more data, warn or error events after it was destroyed') t.end(); }) }, 10) }) })