# node-jsmin2 [![Build status](https://travis-ci.org/twolfson/node-jsmin2.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/twolfson/node-jsmin2) [![Donate on Gittip](http://badgr.co/gittip/twolfson.png)](https://www.gittip.com/twolfson/) Another port of JSMin -- this time outputting a coordinate map ## Getting Started Install the module with: `npm install node-jsmin2` ## Documentation JSMin is a function that minifies a single set of JavaScript and outputs an object with a code and codeMap. ```js /** * jsmin - Refer to LICENSE in base directory * @param {String} input JavaScript to minifiy * @return {Object} retObj * @return {String} retObj.code Minified JavaScript * @return {Object} retObj.codeMap Point to point map from source JavaScript to minified JavaScript */ ``` ## Example ```js // Load in jsmin and jQuery var jsmin = require('node-jsmin2'), jquerySrc = fs.readFileSync('jquery.js', 'utf8'); // Process the jquery source via jsmin var jqueryMinObj = jsmin(jquerySrc); // Minified code is available at // jqueryMinObj.code; // Coordinate map of source code to minified code is available at // jqueryMinObj.codeMap; ``` ## Contributing In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint your code via [grunt](http://gruntjs.com/) and test via `npm test`. ## License Copyright (c) 2012 Todd Wolfson The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil. (see LICENSE)