'workflow_access', 'admin ui' => array( 'path' => 'admin/config/workflow/workflow', // Do not add 'file', since each page has its own file. // 'file' => 'workflow_admin_ui/workflow_admin_ui.pages.inc', 'controller class' => 'EntityWorkflowUIController', 'menu wildcard' => '%workflow', ), ); } /** * Implements hook_help(). */ function workflow_admin_ui_help($path, $arg) { switch ($path) { case 'admin/modules': case 'admin/config/workflow/workflow': // case 'admin/config/workflow/workflow/manage/%/states': // Already has its own text. if (module_exists('workflownode') && module_exists('workflowfield')) { $m = t('Do not enable Workfow Node and Workflow Field submodules at the same time (unless you are in a migration phase). Visit the modules page.', array('@url' => url('admin/modules', array('fragment' => 'Workflow')))); drupal_set_message($m, 'warning'); } return; case 'admin/config/workflow/workflow/add': return t('To get started, provide a name for your workflow. This name will be used as a label when the workflow status is shown during node editing.'); case 'admin/config/workflow/workflow/manage/%/states': return t("To create a new state, enter its name in the last row of the 'State' column. Check the 'Active' box to make it effective. You may also drag it to the appropriate position.") . '
' . t("A state must be marked as active, to be available in the workflow's transitions.") . '
' . t("If you wish to inactivate a state that has content (i.e. count is not zero), then you need to select a state to which to reassign that content."); case 'admin/config/workflow/workflow/manage/%/transitions': return t('You are currently viewing the possible transitions to and from workflow states. The state is shown in the left column; the state to be moved to is to the right. For each transition, check the box next to the role(s) that may initiate the transition. For example, if only the "production editor" role may move a node from Review state to the Published state, check the box next to "production editor". The author role is built in and refers to the user who authored the node.') . '
' . t("If not all roles are in the list, please review which roles may 'participate in workflows' on the Permissions page. ", array('!url' => url('admin/people/permissions', array( 'fragment' => 'module-workflow')))); case 'admin/config/workflow/workflow/manage/%/labels': return t('You can add labels to transitions if you don\'t like the standard state labels. They will modify the Workflow form options, so specific workflow transitions can have their own labels, relative to the beginning and ending states. Rather than showing the user a workflow box containing options like "review required" as a state in the workflow, it could say "move to the editing department for grammar review".'); } } /** * Implements hook_permission(). */ function workflow_admin_ui_permission() { return array( 'administer workflow' => array( 'title' => t('Administer workflow'), 'description' => t('Administer workflow configurations.'), ), ); } function workflow_form($form, &$form_state, $workflow, $op, $entity_type) { module_load_include('inc', 'workflow_admin_ui', 'workflow_admin_ui.page.workflow'); switch ($op) { case 'add': case 'edit': case 'clone': return workflow_admin_ui_edit_form($form, $form_state, $workflow, $op); case 'view': case 'delete': default: } } /** * Determines whether the given user has access to a Workflow entity. * * @param string $op * The operation being performed. One of 'view', 'update', 'create' or 'delete'. * @param object $entity * Entity to check access for. If no entity is given, it will be * determined whether access is allowed for all entities of the given type. * @param object $account * The user to check for. Leave it to NULL to check for the global user. * @param string $entity_type * The entity type. * * @return bool * Whether access is allowed or not. If the entity type does not specify any * access information, NULL is returned. */ function workflow_access($op, $entity, $account, $entity_type) { return user_access('administer workflow', $account); } /** * Implements hook_theme(). */ function workflow_admin_ui_theme() { return array( 'workflow_admin_ui_type_map_form' => array('render element' => 'form'), 'workflow_admin_ui_states_form' => array('render element' => 'form'), 'workflow_admin_ui_transitions_form' => array('render element' => 'form'), ); } /** * Helper function. Create breadcrumbs. * * @param object $workflow * The workflow object. * @param mixed $extra * Optional. The link to the extra item to add to the end of the breadcrumbs. */ function workflow_admin_ui_breadcrumbs($workflow, $extra = NULL) { $bc = array(l(t('Home'), '')); $bc[] = l(t('Configuration'), 'admin/config'); $bc[] = l(t('Workflow'), 'admin/config/workflow'); $bc[] = l(t('Workflow'), 'admin/config/workflow/workflow'); if ($workflow) { $bc[] = l($workflow->label(), "admin/config/workflow/workflow/$workflow->wid"); } if ($extra) { $bc[] = $extra; } drupal_set_breadcrumb($bc); }