getWorkflow(); // Show the current state and the Workflow form to allow state changing. // N.B. This part is replicated in hook_node_view, workflow_tab_page, workflow_vbo, transition_edit. // @todo: support multiple workflows per entity. // For workflow_tab_page with multiple workflows, use a separate view. See [#2217291]. $field = _workflow_info_field($field_name, $workflow); $field_id = $field['id']; $instance = field_info_instance($entity_type, $field_name, $entity_bundle); if (!$field_id) { // This is a Workflow Node workflow. Set widget options as in v7.x-1.2 $field['settings']['widget']['comment'] = isset($workflow->options['comment_log_tab']) ? $workflow->options['comment_log_tab'] : 1; // vs. ['comment_log_node']; $field['settings']['widget']['current_status'] = TRUE; } $form_id = implode('_', array('workflow_transition_form', $entity_type, $entity_id, $field_id)); $form += drupal_get_form($form_id, $field, $instance, $entity_type, $entity); $output = drupal_render($form); // Show the history table. $rows = array(); $current_themed = FALSE; $limit = variable_get('workflow_states_per_page', 20); // Get the history for any field_name. foreach (workflow_transition_load_multiple($entity_type, array($entity_id), NULL, $limit) as $history) { $old_state_name = $new_state_name = ''; $label = $name = ''; $new_state = $history->getNewState(); if ($new_state) { $name = $new_state->getName(); $label = check_plain(t($new_state->label())); } if (!$new_state) { // This is an invalid/deleted state. $old_state_name = $label; } elseif ($history->new_sid == $current_sid && $new_state->isActive() && !$current_themed) { // Theme the current state differently so it stands out. $new_state_name = theme('workflow_history_current_state', array( 'state_name' => $label, 'state_system_name' => $name, 'sid' => $history->new_sid, )); // Make a note that we have themed the current state; other times in the history // of this node where the node was in this state do not need to be specially themed. $current_themed = TRUE; } elseif (!$new_state->isActive()) { // The state has been deleted, but we include it in the history. $new_state_name = theme('workflow_deleted_state', array( 'state_name' => $label, 'state_system_name' => $name, 'sid' => $history->new_sid, )); $footer_needed = TRUE; } else { // Regular state. $new_state_name = $label; } unset($new_state); // Not needed anymore. $label = $name = MARK_STATE_IS_DELETED; $old_state = $history->getOldState(); if ($old_state) { $name = $old_state->getName(); $label = check_plain(t($old_state->label())); } if (!$old_state) { // This is an invalid/deleted state. $old_state_name = $label; } elseif (!$old_state->isActive()) { $old_state_name = theme('workflow_deleted_state', array( 'state_name' => $label, 'state_system_name' => $name, 'sid' => $history->old_sid, )); $footer_needed = TRUE; } else { // Regular state. $old_state_name = $label; } unset($old_state); // Not needed anymore. $variables = array( 'transition' => $history, // @todo D8: pass this WorkflowTransition as only variable. It contains everything. 'extra' => '', 'history' => $history, // @todo D8: remove, as this is the same as 'transition'. 'old_sid' => $history->old_sid, // @todo D8: remove this redundant property. 'sid' => $history->new_sid, // @todo D8: remove this redundant property. 'uid' => $history->uid, // @todo D8: remove this redundant property. 'old_state_name' => $old_state_name, 'state_name' => $new_state_name, ); // Allow other modules to modify the row. // $todo D8: pass only a $transition object. drupal_alter('workflow_history', $variables); $rows[] = theme('workflow_history_table_row', $variables); } // Mark the first and last rows. $rows[0]['class'][] = 'first'; $last = count($rows) - 1; $rows[$last]['class'][] = 'last'; $header = array(t('Date'), t('Field name'), t('Old State'), t('New State'), t('By'), t('Comment')); $header[] = array('data' => t('Operations')); // Only display the table if there's anything in it. if ($rows) { $variables = array( 'header' => $header, 'rows' => $rows, 'footer' => !empty($footer_needed), 'entity' => $entity, 'entity_type' => $entity_type, ); $output .= theme('workflow_history_table', $variables); $output .= theme('pager', array('tags' => $limit)); } return $output; } /** * Theme one WorkflowTansition in a workflow history table row. * * $old_state_name and $state_name must be run through check_plain(t()) prior * to calling this theme function. */ function theme_workflow_history_table_row($variables) { $row = array(); $old_state_name = $variables['old_state_name']; $state_name = $variables['state_name']; $transition = $variables['transition']; $row = array( 'data' => array( array('data' => format_date($transition->stamp), 'class' => array('timestamp')), array('data' => $transition->field_name, 'class' => array('field-name')), array('data' => $old_state_name, 'class' => array('previous-state-name')), array('data' => $state_name, 'class' => array('state-name')), array('data' => theme('username', array('account' => $transition->getUser())), 'class' => array('user-name')), array('data' => filter_xss($transition->comment), 'class' => array('log-comment')), $variables['extra'], ), 'class' => array('workflow_history_row'), ); return $row; } /** * Theme entire workflow history table. */ function theme_workflow_history_table($variables) { $header = $variables['header']; $rows = $variables['rows']; $footer = $variables['footer']; $entity = $variables['entity']; $entity_type = $variables['entity_type']; $column_field_name = 1; $column_operations = 6; // Remove the Operations column if none are added. $empty = TRUE; foreach ($rows as $row) { $empty &= empty($row['data'][$column_operations]); } if ($empty) { foreach ($rows as &$row) { unset($row['data'][$column_operations]); unset($header[$column_operations]); } } // Remove the Field name column if only 1 workflow_field exists. if (count(_workflow_info_fields($entity, $entity_type)) < 2) { foreach ($rows as &$row) { unset($row['data'][$column_field_name]); unset($header[$column_field_name]); } } $output = theme('table', array('header' => $header, 'rows' => $rows, 'caption' => t('Workflow History'))); if ($footer) { $output .= MARK_STATE_IS_DELETED . ' ' . t('State is no longer available.'); } return $output; } /** * Theme the current state in the workflow history table. * * $state_name must be run through check_plain(t()) prior * to calling this theme function. */ function theme_workflow_history_current_state($variables) { return $variables['state_name']; } /** * Theme a deleted state in the workflow history table. * * $state_name must be run through check_plain(t()) prior * to calling this theme function. */ function theme_workflow_deleted_state($variables) { return $variables['state_name'] . MARK_STATE_IS_DELETED; }