'FCKeditor', 'vendor url' => 'http://www.fckeditor.net', 'download url' => 'http://www.fckeditor.net/download', 'libraries' => array( '' => array( 'title' => 'Default', 'files' => array('fckeditor.js'), ), ), 'verified version range' => array('2.6.0', '2.6.11'), 'version callback' => 'wysiwyg_fckeditor_version', 'themes callback' => 'wysiwyg_fckeditor_themes', 'settings form callback' => 'wysiwyg_fckeditor_settings_form', 'settings callback' => 'wysiwyg_fckeditor_settings', 'plugin callback' => '_wysiwyg_fckeditor_plugins', 'plugin meta callback' => '_wysiwyg_fckeditor_plugin_meta', 'plugin settings callback' => '_wysiwyg_fckeditor_plugin_settings', 'proxy plugin' => array( 'drupal' => array( 'load' => TRUE, 'proxy' => TRUE, ), ), 'proxy plugin settings callback' => '_wysiwyg_fckeditor_proxy_plugin_settings', 'versions' => array( '2.6' => array( 'js files' => array('fckeditor-2.6.js'), ), ), ); return $editor; } /** * Detect editor version. * * @param $editor * An array containing editor properties as returned from hook_editor(). * * @return * The installed editor version. */ function wysiwyg_fckeditor_version($editor) { $library = $editor['library path'] . '/fckeditor.js'; if (!file_exists($library)) { return; } $library = fopen($library, 'r'); $max_lines = 100; while ($max_lines && $line = fgets($library, 60)) { if (preg_match('@^FCKeditor.prototype.Version\s*= \'([\d\.]+)@', $line, $version)) { fclose($library); return $version[1]; } $max_lines--; } fclose($library); } /** * Determine available editor themes or check/reset a given one. * * @param $editor * A processed hook_editor() array of editor properties. * @param $profile * A wysiwyg editor profile. * * @return * An array of theme names. The first returned name should be the default * theme name. */ function wysiwyg_fckeditor_themes($editor, $profile) { return array('default', 'office2003', 'silver'); } /** * Enhances the editor profile settings form for FCKeditor. * * @see http://docs.cksource.com/FCKeditor_2.x/Developers_Guide/Configuration/Configuration_Options */ function wysiwyg_fckeditor_settings_form(&$form, &$form_state) { $profile = $form_state['wysiwyg_profile']; $settings = $profile->settings; $settings += array( 'AutoDetectPasteFromWord' => TRUE, 'ForcePasteAsPlainText' => FALSE, 'FontFormats' => 'p;address;pre;h2;h3;h4;h5;h6;div', 'FormatOutput' => TRUE, 'FormatSource' => TRUE, ); $form['output']['FormatSource'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Apply source formatting'), '#default_value' => $settings['FormatSource'], '#return_value' => 1, '#description' => t('If enabled, the editor will re-format the HTML source code when switching to Source View.') . ' ' . t('Uses the @setting setting internally.', array('@setting' => 'FormatSource', '@url' => url('http://docs.cksource.com/FCKeditor_2.x/Developers_Guide/Configuration/Configuration_Options/FormatSource'))), ); $form['output']['FormatOutput'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Apply output formatting'), '#default_value' => $settings['FormatOutput'], '#return_value' => 1, '#description' => t('If enabled, the editor will re-format the HTML source code output. Disabling this option could avoid conflicts with other input filters.') . ' ' . t('Uses the @setting setting internally.', array('@setting' => 'FormatOutput', '@url' => url('http://docs.cksource.com/FCKeditor_2.x/Developers_Guide/Configuration/Configuration_Options/FormatOutput'))), ); $form['css']['FontFormats'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Block formats'), '#default_value' => $settings['FontFormats'], '#size' => 40, '#maxlength' => 250, '#description' => t('Semicolon separated list of HTML block formats. Possible values: @format-list.', array('@format-list' => 'p;h1;h2;h3;h4;h5;h6;div;address;pre')) . ' ' . t('Uses the @setting setting internally.', array('@setting' => 'FontFormats', '@url' => url('http://docs.cksource.com/FCKeditor_2.x/Developers_Guide/Configuration/Configuration_Options/FontFormats'))), ); $form['paste'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Paste plugin'), '#description' => t('Settings for the paste plugin.'), '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => TRUE, '#group' => 'advanced', ); $form['paste']['AutoDetectPasteFromWord'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Auto detect paste from Word'), '#default_value' => $settings['AutoDetectPasteFromWord'], '#return_value' => 1, '#description' => t('If enabled, FCKeditor checks if pasted text comes from MS Word. If so the editor will launch the "Paste from Word" window. Only works in Internet Explorer.') . ' ' . t('Uses the @setting setting internally.', array('@setting' => 'AutoDetectPasteFromWord', '@url' => url('http://docs.cksource.com/FCKeditor_2.x/Developers_Guide/Configuration/Configuration_Options/AutoDetectPasteFromWord'))), ); $form['paste']['ForcePasteAsPlainText'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Force paste as plain text'), '#default_value' => $settings['ForcePasteAsPlainText'], '#return_value' => 1, '#description' => t('If enabled, forces the editor to discard all formatting when pasting text. It will also disable the Paste from Word operation.') . ' ' . t('Uses the @setting setting internally.', array('@setting' => 'ForcePasteAsPlainText', '@url' => url('http://docs.cksource.com/FCKeditor_2.x/Developers_Guide/Configuration/Configuration_Options/ForcePasteAsPlainText'))), ); } /** * Return runtime editor settings for a given wysiwyg profile. * * @param $editor * A processed hook_editor() array of editor properties. * @param $config * An array containing wysiwyg editor profile settings. * @param $theme * The name of a theme/GUI/skin to use. * * @return * A settings array to be populated in * Drupal.settings.wysiwyg.configs.{editor} */ function wysiwyg_fckeditor_settings($editor, $config, $theme) { $settings = array( 'EditorPath' => base_path() . $editor['library path'] . '/', 'SkinPath' => base_path() . $editor['library path'] . '/editor/skins/' . $theme . '/', 'CustomConfigurationsPath' => base_path() . drupal_get_path('module', 'wysiwyg') . '/editors/js/fckeditor.config.js', 'Width' => '100%', 'LinkBrowser' => FALSE, 'LinkUpload' => FALSE, 'ImageBrowser' => FALSE, 'ImageUpload' => FALSE, 'FlashBrowser' => FALSE, 'FlashUpload' => FALSE, // By default, FCKeditor converts most characters into HTML entities. Since // it does not support a custom definition, but Drupal supports Unicode, we // disable at least the additional character sets. FCKeditor always converts // XML default characters '&', '<', '>'. // @todo Check whether completely disabling ProcessHTMLEntities is an option. 'IncludeLatinEntities' => FALSE, 'IncludeGreekEntities' => FALSE, ); if (isset($config['FontFormats'])) { $settings['FontFormats'] = preg_replace('@\s+@', '', $config['FontFormats']); } $check_if_set = array( 'AutoDetectPasteFromWord', 'ForcePasteAsPlainText', 'FormatOutput', 'FormatSource', ); foreach ($check_if_set as $setting_name) { if (isset($config[$setting_name])) { $settings[$setting_name] = $config[$setting_name]; } } if (isset($config['css_setting'])) { if ($config['css_setting'] == 'theme') { $settings['EditorAreaCSS'] = implode(',', wysiwyg_get_css(isset($config['css_theme']) ? $config['css_theme'] : '')); } elseif ($config['css_setting'] == 'self' && isset($config['css_path'])) { $settings['EditorAreaCSS'] = strtr($config['css_path'], array( '%b' => base_path(), '%t' => drupal_get_path('theme', variable_get('theme_default', NULL)), '%q' => variable_get('css_js_query_string', ''), )); } } // Use our custom toolbar set. $settings['ToolbarSet'] = 'Wysiwyg'; // Populate our custom toolbar set for fckeditor.config.js. $settings['buttons'] = array(); if (!empty($config['buttons'])) { $plugins = wysiwyg_get_plugins($editor['name']); foreach ($config['buttons'] as $plugin => $buttons) { foreach ($buttons as $button => $enabled) { // Iterate separately over buttons and extensions properties. foreach (array('buttons', 'extensions') as $type) { // Skip unavailable plugins. if (!isset($plugins[$plugin][$type][$button])) { continue; } // Add buttons. if ($type == 'buttons') { $settings['buttons'][] = $button; } // Allow plugins to add or override global configuration settings. if (!empty($plugins[$plugin]['options'])) { $settings = array_merge($settings, $plugins[$plugin]['options']); } } } } } // For now, all buttons are placed into one row. $settings['buttons'] = array($settings['buttons']); return $settings; } /** * Build a JS settings array with global metadata for native external plugins. */ function _wysiwyg_fckeditor_plugin_meta($editor, $plugin) { $meta = array(); // Add path for native external plugins; internal ones do not need a path. if (empty($plugin['internal']) && isset($plugin['path'])) { // All native FCKeditor plugins use the filename fckplugin.js. $meta['path'] = base_path() . $plugin['path'] . '/'; } if (!empty($plugin['languages'])) { $meta['languages'] = $plugin['languages']; } return $meta; } /** * Build a JS settings array for native external plugins. */ function _wysiwyg_fckeditor_plugin_settings($editor, $profile, $plugins) { $settings = array(); foreach ($plugins as $name => $plugin) { if (!empty($plugin['load'])) { // Just need a list of all enabled plugins for each instance. $settings[$name] = TRUE; } } return $settings; } /** * Build a JS settings array for Drupal plugins loaded via the proxy plugin. */ function _wysiwyg_fckeditor_proxy_plugin_settings($editor, $profile, $plugins) { $settings = array(); foreach ($plugins as $name => $plugin) { // Just need a list of all enabled plugins for each instance. $settings[$name] = TRUE; } return $settings; } /** * Return internal plugins for this editor; semi-implementation of hook_wysiwyg_plugin(). */ function _wysiwyg_fckeditor_plugins($editor) { $plugins = array( 'default' => array( 'buttons' => array( 'Bold' => t('Bold'), 'Italic' => t('Italic'), 'Underline' => t('Underline'), 'StrikeThrough' => t('Strike-through'), 'JustifyLeft' => t('Align left'), 'JustifyCenter' => t('Align center'), 'JustifyRight' => t('Align right'), 'JustifyFull' => t('Justify'), 'UnorderedList' => t('Bullet list'), 'OrderedList' => t('Numbered list'), 'Outdent' => t('Outdent'), 'Indent' => t('Indent'), 'Undo' => t('Undo'), 'Redo' => t('Redo'), 'Link' => t('Link'), 'Unlink' => t('Unlink'), 'Anchor' => t('Anchor'), 'Image' => t('Image'), 'TextColor' => t('Forecolor'), 'BGColor' => t('Backcolor'), 'Superscript' => t('Superscript'), 'Subscript' => t('Subscript'), 'Blockquote' => t('Blockquote'), 'Source' => t('Source code'), 'Rule' => t('Horizontal rule'), 'Cut' => t('Cut'), 'Copy' => t('Copy'), 'Paste' => t('Paste'), 'PasteText' => t('Paste Text'), 'PasteWord' => t('Paste from Word'), 'ShowBlocks' => t('Show blocks'), 'RemoveFormat' => t('Remove format'), 'SpecialChar' => t('Character map'), 'About' => t('About'), 'FontFormat' => t('HTML block format'), 'FontName' => t('Font'), 'FontSize' => t('Font size'), 'Style' => t('Font style'), 'Table' => t('Table'), 'Find' => t('Search'), 'Replace' => t('Replace'), 'SelectAll' => t('Select all'), 'CreateDiv' => t('Create DIV container'), 'Flash' => t('Flash'), 'Smiley' => t('Smiley'), 'FitWindow' => t('FitWindow'), 'SpellCheck' => t('Check spelling'), ), 'internal' => TRUE, ), 'autogrow' => array( 'path' => $editor['library path'] . '/editor/plugins', 'extensions' => array( 'autogrow' => t('Autogrow'), ), 'options' => array( 'AutoGrowMax' => 800, ), 'internal' => TRUE, 'load' => TRUE, ), 'bbcode' => array( 'path' => $editor['library path'] . '/editor/plugins', 'extensions' => array( 'bbcode' => t('BBCode'), ), 'internal' => TRUE, 'load' => TRUE, ), 'dragresizetable' => array( 'path' => $editor['library path'] . '/editor/plugins', 'extensions' => array( 'dragresizetable' => t('Table drag/resize'), ), 'internal' => TRUE, 'load' => TRUE, ), 'tablecommands' => array( 'path' => $editor['library path'] . '/editor/plugins', 'buttons' => array( 'TableCellProp' => t('Table: Cell properties'), 'TableInsertRowAfter' => t('Table: Insert row after'), 'TableInsertColumnAfter' => t('Table: Insert column after'), 'TableInsertCellAfter' => t('Table: Insert cell after'), 'TableDeleteRows' => t('Table: Delete rows'), 'TableDeleteColumns' => t('Table: Delete columns'), 'TableDeleteCells' => t('Table: Delete cells'), 'TableMergeCells' => t('Table: Merge cells'), 'TableHorizontalSplitCell' => t('Table: Horizontal split cell'), ), 'internal' => TRUE, 'load' => TRUE, ), ); return $plugins; }