fetchAllKeyed(); } /** * Getss workflow_type_map for a type. On no record, FALSE is returned. * * Currently this is a unique result but requests have been made to allow a node to have multiple * workflows. This is trickier than it sounds as a lot of our processing code will have to be * tweaked to account for multiple results. * ALERT: If a node type is *not* mapped to a workflow it will be listed as wid 0. * Hence, we filter out the non-mapped results. * * @see workflow_get_workflows_by_type() */ function workflow_get_workflow_type_map_by_type($type) { static $map = array(); if (!isset($map[$type])) { $results = db_query('SELECT type, wid FROM {workflow_type_map} WHERE type = :type AND wid <> 0', array(':type' => $type)); $map[$type] = $results->fetchObject(); } return $map[$type]; } /** * Given a wid, finds all node types mapped to it. */ function workflow_get_workflow_type_map_by_wid($wid) { static $map = array(); if (!isset($map[$wid])) { $results = db_query('SELECT type, wid FROM {workflow_type_map} WHERE wid = :wid', array(':wid' => $wid)); $map[$wid] = $results->fetchAll(); } return $map[$wid]; } /** * Deletes all type maps. * * @todo: why is this here instead of the admin_ui? */ function workflow_delete_workflow_type_map_all() { return db_delete('workflow_type_map')->execute(); } /** * Given a wid, deletes the map for that workflow. */ function workflow_delete_workflow_type_map_by_wid($wid) { return db_delete('workflow_type_map')->condition('wid', $wid)->execute(); } /** * Given a type, deletes the map for that workflow. */ function workflow_delete_workflow_type_map_by_type($type) { return db_delete('workflow_type_map')->condition('type', $type)->execute(); } /** * Given information, inserts a new workflow_type_map. Returns data by ref. (like node_save). * * @todo: why is this here instead of the admin_ui? */ function workflow_insert_workflow_type_map($node_type, $wid) { $type_map = (object) array( 'type' => $node_type, 'wid' => $wid, ); // Be sure we have a clean insert. There should never be more than one map for a type. workflow_delete_workflow_type_map_by_type($type_map->type); if ($type_map->wid) { drupal_write_record('workflow_type_map', $type_map); } }