
 * User permission component tests for Features
class FeaturesUserTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  protected $profile = 'testing';

   * Test info.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Component tests'),
      'description' => t('Run tests for components of Features.') ,
      'group' => t('Features'),

   * Set up test.
  public function setUp() {

    // Run a features rebuild to ensure our feature is fully installed.

    $admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer features'));

   * Run test.
  public function test() {
    module_load_include('inc', 'features', 'features.export');

    $components = array_filter(array(
      'field_instance' => 'field',
      'filter' => 'filter',
      'image' => 'image',
      'node' => 'node',
      'user_permission' => 'user',
      'views_view' => 'views',
    ), 'module_exists');

    foreach (array_keys($components) as $component) {
      $callback = "_test_{$component}";

      // Ensure that the component/default is properly available.
      $object = $this->$callback('load');
      $this->assertTrue(!empty($object), t('@component present.', array('@component' => $component)));

      // Ensure that the component is defaulted.
      $states = features_get_component_states(array('features_test'), FALSE, TRUE);
      $this->assertTrue($states['features_test'][$component] === FEATURES_DEFAULT, t('@component state: Default.', array('@component' => $component)));

      // Override component and test that Features detects the override.
      $this->$callback('override', $this);
      $states = features_get_component_states(array('features_test'), FALSE, TRUE);
      $this->assertTrue($states['features_test'][$component] === FEATURES_OVERRIDDEN, t('@component state: Overridden.', array('@component' => $component)));

    // Revert component and ensure that component has reverted.
    // Do this in separate loops so we only have to run
    // drupal_flush_all_caches() once.
    foreach (array_keys($components) as $component) {
      features_revert(array('features_test' => array($component)));
    foreach (array_keys($components) as $component) {
      // Reload so things like Views can clear it's cache
      $states = features_get_component_states(array('features_test'), FALSE, TRUE);
      $this->assertTrue($states['features_test'][$component] === FEATURES_DEFAULT, t('@component reverted.', array('@component' => $component)));

  protected function _test_field_instance($op = 'load') {
    switch ($op) {
      case 'load':
        return field_info_instance('node', 'field_features_test', 'features_test');
      case 'override':
        $field_instance = field_info_instance('node', 'field_features_test', 'features_test');
        $field_instance['label'] = 'Foo bar';

  protected function _test_filter($op = 'load') {
    // So... relying on our own API functions to test is pretty lame.
    // But these modules don't have APIs either. So might as well use
    // the ones we've written for them...
    switch ($op) {
      case 'load':
        return features_filter_format_load('features_test');
      case 'override':
        $format = features_filter_format_load('features_test');

  protected function _test_image($op = 'load') {
    switch ($op) {
      case 'load':
        return image_style_load('features_test');
      case 'override':
        $style = image_style_load('features_test');
        $style = image_style_save($style);
        foreach ($style['effects'] as $effect) {
          $effect['data']['width'] = '120';

  protected function _test_node($op = 'load') {
    switch ($op) {
      case 'load':
        return node_type_get_type('features_test');
      case 'override':
        $type = node_type_get_type('features_test');
        $type->description = 'Foo bar baz.';
        $type->modified = TRUE;

  protected function _test_views_view($op = 'load') {
    switch ($op) {
      case 'load':
        return views_get_view('features_test', TRUE);
      case 'override':
        $view = views_get_view('features_test', TRUE);
        $view->display_handler->override_option('title', 'Foo bar');
        // Clear the load cache from above
        views_get_view('features_test', TRUE);

  protected function _test_user_permission($op = 'load') {
    switch ($op) {
      case 'load':
        $permissions = user_role_permissions(array(DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID => 'authenticated user'));
        return !empty($permissions[DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID]['create features_test content']);
      case 'override':
        user_role_change_permissions(DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID, array('create features_test content' => 0));

 * Tests enabling of feature modules.
class FeaturesEnableTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  protected $profile = 'testing';

   * Test info.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Features enable tests'),
      'description' => t('Run tests for enabling of features.') ,
      'group' => t('Features'),

   * Run test for features_get_components on enable.
  public function testFeaturesGetComponents() {

    // Testing that features_get_components returns correct after enable.
    $modules = array(

    // Make sure features_get_components is cached if features already enabled.
    if (!module_exists('features')) {
      drupal_load('module', 'features');


    // Make sure correct information for enabled modules is now cached.
    $components = features_get_components();
    $taxonomy_component_info = taxonomy_features_api();
    $this->assertTrue(!empty($components['taxonomy']) && $components['taxonomy'] == $taxonomy_component_info['taxonomy'], 'features_get_components returns correct taxonomy information on enable');

    $this->assertNotNull(taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load('taxonomy_features_test'), 'Taxonomy vocabulary correctly enabled on enable.');

 * Tests integration of ctools for features.
class FeaturesCtoolsIntegrationTest extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  protected $profile = 'testing';

   * Test info.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Features Chaos Tools integration'),
      'description' => t('Run tests for ctool integration of features.') ,
      'group' => t('Features'),

   * Set up test.
  public function setUp() {

   * Run test.
  public function testModuleEnable() {
    $try = array(

    // Trigger the first includes and the static to be set.
    $function_ends = array(
    foreach ($try as $module) {
      $function = $module . '_features_api';
      $this->assertFalse(function_exists($function), 'Chaos tools functions for ' . $module . ' do not exist while it is disabled.');
      // Module enable will trigger declaring the new functions.

    // CTools hooks only created when there is an actual feature exportable
    // enabled.

    foreach ($try as $module) {
      if (module_exists($module)) {
        $function_exists = function_exists($function);
        if ($function_exists) {
          foreach ($function() as $component_type => $component_info) {
            foreach ($function_ends as $function_end) {
              $function_exists = $function_exists && function_exists($component_type . '_' . $function_end);
        $this->assertTrue($function_exists, 'Chaos tools functions for ' . $module . ' exist when it is enabled.');

 * Test detecting modules as features. 
class FeaturesDetectionTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  protected $profile = 'testing';

   * Test info.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Feature Detection tests'),
      'description' => t('Run tests for detecting items as features.') ,
      'group' => t('Features'),

   * Set up test.
  public function setUp() {

   * Run test.
  public function test() {
    module_load_include('inc', 'features', 'features.export');
    // First test that features_populate inserts the features api key.
    $export = features_populate(array(), array(), 'features_test_empty_fake');
    $this->assertTrue(!empty($export['features']['features_api']) && key($export['features']['features_api']) == 'api:' . FEATURES_API, 'Features API key added to new export.');
    $this->assertTrue((bool)features_get_features('features_test'), 'Features test recognized as a feature.');
    $this->assertFalse((bool)features_get_features('features'), 'Features module not recognized as a feature.');