/** * @file: * Converts textfield to a autocomplete deluxe widget. */ (function($) { Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe = Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe || {}; Drupal.behaviors.autocomplete_deluxe = { attach: function(context) { var autocomplete_settings = Drupal.settings.autocomplete_deluxe; $('input.autocomplete-deluxe-form').once( function() { new Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe(this, autocomplete_settings[$(this).attr('id')]); }); } }; /** * Autocomplete deluxe object. */ Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe = function(input, settings) { this.id = settings.input_id; this.jqObject = $('#' + this.id); this.jqObject.addClass('ui-corner-left'); this.type = settings.type; this.minLength = settings.min_length; this.multiple = settings.multiple; this.opendByFocus = false; this.keyPress = false; if (settings.select_input !== undefined) { this.selectInput = $('#' + settings.select_input); this.selectInput.hide(); this.jqObject.show(); } this.button = $(' '); this.button.attr({ 'tabIndex': -1, 'title': 'Show all items' }); this.button.insertAfter(this.jqObject); this.button.button({ icons: { primary: 'ui-icon-triangle-1-s' }, text: false }); // Don't round the left corners. this.button.removeClass('ui-corner-all'); this.button.addClass('ui-corner-right ui-button-icon autocomplete-deluxe-button'); this.jqObject.autocomplete(); this.jqObject.autocomplete("option", "minLength", this.minLength); // Add a custom class, so we can style the autocomplete box without // interfering with other jquery autocomplete widgets. this.jqObject.autocomplete("widget").addClass('autocomplete-deluxe-widget'); this.hasFocus = false; // Save the current autocomplete object, so it can be used in // handlers. var instance = this; // Override enter keypress for the form, but only when the input hasn't // the focus and it isn\t empty. $('form').keypress(function(event) { if (event.keyCode == 13 && instance.hasFocus && instance.jqObject.val() !== "") return false; }); // Event handlers. this.jqObject.focus( function(eventObject) { // Overlay causes a second focus, wich has to be instance.catched. if (eventObject.originalEvent === undefined) { return false; } instance.open(); instance.opendByFocus = true; }); this.jqObject.focusin(function(){ instance.hasFocus = true; }) this.jqObject.focusout(function(){ instance.hasFocus = false; }) // Needed when the window is closed but the textfield has the focus. this.jqObject.click( function() { if (!instance.opendByFocus) { instance.toggle(); } else { instance.opendByFocus = false; } }); // Create the source item, set its options and elements and initialize it. switch (this.type) { case 'ajax': var uri = settings.uri; this.source = new Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.ajaxSource(uri); break; case 'list': this.source = new Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.listSource(settings.data, this.selectInput); break; } this.source.autocomplete = this; this.source.multiple = settings.multiple; if (this.multiple) { this.source.container = this.jqObject.parent().parent().children('.autocomplete-deluxe-values'); } this.source.init(); this.jqObject.autocomplete("option", "source", function(request, response) { instance.source.setResponse(request, response); }); this.jqObject.bind("autocompletesearch", function(event, ui) { instance.jqObject.addClass('throbbing'); return ui; }); // Don't set the value input when autocomplete window has focus. this.jqObject.bind("autocompletefocus", function(event, ui) { return false; }); this.jqObject.bind("autocompletechange", function(event, ui) { instance.source.change(event, ui); }); this.jqObject.bind("autocompleteselect", function(event, ui) { instance.close(); instance.opendByFocus = false; var ret = instance.source._select(this, ui); if (instance.keyPress === false) { this.blur(); } else { instance.keyPress = false; } return ret; }); this.jqObject.blur(function() { if (!instance.jqObject.autocomplete("widget").is(":visible")) { var val = instance.jqObject.val(); if (val.substring(val.length, val.length - 2) == ', ') { instance.jqObject.val(val.substring(0, val.length - 2)); } } }); this.jqObject.keypress(function(event) { instance.keyPress = true; instance.source.keypress(event); }); this.jqObject.keyup(function(event) { if (instance.multiple && event.which == 188 || event.which == 13) { instance.jqObject.val(''); instance.close(); } }); // Since jquery autocomplete by default strips html text by using .text() // we need our own _renderItem function to display html content. this.jqObject.data("autocomplete")._renderItem = function(ul, item) { return $("
  • ").data("item.autocomplete", item).append("" + item.label + "").appendTo(ul); }; // Costume response callback to delete the throbbing class. Could be deleted // once the ui-autocomplete-loading css class is implemented in seven theme. this.jqObject.data("autocomplete")._response = function(content) { if (content && content.length) { content = this._normalize(content); this._suggest(content); this._trigger("open"); } else { this.close(); } this.element.removeClass('throbbing'); }; this.button.click( function() { instance.jqObject.blur(); instance.toggle(true); }); }; /** * EscapeRegex function from jquery autocomplete, is not included in drupal. */ Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.escapeRegex = function(value) { return value.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/gi, "\\$&"); }; /** * Filter function from jquery autocomplete, is not included in drupal. */ Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.filter = function(array, term) { var matcher = new RegExp(Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.escapeRegex(term), "i"); return $.grep(array, function(value) { return matcher.test(value.label || value.value || value); }); }; /** * Open the autocomplete window. * @param emptySearch If true it will perform an empty search. */ Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.prototype.open = function(emptySearch) { if ( emptySearch !== undefined) { var item = this.jqObject.val(); var searchFor = item.substring(0, this.minLength); } else { var searchFor = this.jqObject.val(); } this.jqObject.autocomplete("search", searchFor); this.button.addClass("ui-state-focus"); }; /** * Close the autocomplete window. */ Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.prototype.close = function() { this.jqObject.autocomplete("close"); this.button.removeClass("ui-state-focus"); this.opendByFocus = false; }; /** * Toggle the autcomplete window. * @param emptySearch If true and autocomplete is opening, it will perform an * empty search. */ Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.prototype.toggle = function(emptySearch) { if (this.jqObject.autocomplete("widget").is(":visible")) { this.close(); } else { this.open(emptySearch); } }; /** * Handles value elements for multiple entries. */ Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.value = function(value, source) { this.removeLink = $(' ') this.span = $('' + value + ''); this.value = value; this.source = source; source.container.append(this.span); this.span.append(this.removeLink); var object = this; this.removeLink.click(function(){ object.span.remove(); object.source.removeValue(object.value) }); }; Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.value.prototype.value = null; Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.value.prototype.span = null; Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.value.prototype.source = null; /** * Main abstract source object. */ Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.source = function() { }; // Some base settings for all source objects. Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.source.prototype.autocomplete = null; Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.source.prototype.multiple = false; Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.source.prototype.container = undefined; Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.source.prototype.highlight = function(term, data) { // If no term is entered, we want to return the data as it is. if (term == '') { return data; } else { // Create a new data array, so we can keep our original data clean // (without tags). var newData = new Array(); var regex = new RegExp("(?![^&;]+;)(?!<[^<>]*)(" + term + ")(?![^<>]*>)(?![^&;]+;)", "gi"); for ( var i in data) { var nterm = data[i].label.replace(regex, "$1"); newData.push({ label: nterm, value: data[i].value }); } return newData; } }; /** * Sets the source element from the autocomplete deluxe object. */ Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.source.prototype.response = function(request, response, data) { response(this.highlight(request.term, data)); }; /** * Select super function. Super because, in contrary to the .select() * function this function will be always called, not depending on the source * objects type. */ Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.source.prototype._select = function(input, ui) { // Strip the strong tags from the label. ui.item.label = $("" + ui.item.label + "").text(); this.select(input, ui); if (this.multiple) { this.addValue(this.autocomplete.jqObject.val()); input.value = ''; } return false; }; /** * Initialization function for setting the default states. */ Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.source.prototype.init = function() { }; /** * Select event function. */ Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.source.prototype.select = function(input, ui) { }; /** * Change event function. */ Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.source.prototype.change = function(input, ui) { }; /** * Keypress event function. */ Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.source.prototype.keypress = function(event) { if (this.multiple && event.which == 44 || event.which == 13) { var val = this.autocomplete.jqObject.val(); if (val != '') { this.addValue(val); } } }; /** * Adds a new value. */ Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.source.prototype.addValue = function(value) { new Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.value(value, this); } /** * Will be called if a value is removed. */ Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.source.prototype.removeValue = function(value) { } /** * List Source Object * * @param data * The data for the autocomplete object. */ Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.listSource = function(data, select) { this.list = new Array(); var instance = this; this.selectbox = select; jQuery.each(data, function(index, value) { instance.list.push({ label: $.trim(value), value: index }); }); }; /** * Sort function for the list entries. */ Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.listSource.sortList = function(itemA, itemB) { if (itemA.value < itemB.value) return -1; if (itemA.value > itemB.value) return 1; return 0; } // Set base class. Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.listSource.prototype = new Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.source(); /** * Override init function, */ Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.listSource.prototype.init = function(data, select) { if (this.multiple) { var instance = this; // Add all selected(probably by #default_value) to the selected list. this.selectbox.children("option:selected").each( function() { instance.addValue($(this).text()); }); } else { this.autocomplete.jqObject.val(this.selectbox.children("option:selected").text()); } } Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.listSource.prototype.selectbox = null; /** * Will be called by the JQuery autocomplete source function to retrieve the * data. */ Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.listSource.prototype.setResponse = function(request, response) { var filtered = Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.filter(this.list, request.term); this.response(request, response, filtered); }; /** * Override select event function. */ Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.listSource.prototype.select = function(input, ui) { input.value = ui.item.label; if (!this.multiple) { this.selectbox.children('option:contains("' + input.value + '")').attr("selected", true); } }; /** * Overrides the add new value function. */ Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.listSource.prototype.addValue = function(value) { for (var i=0; i < this.list.length; i++) { if (value == this.list[i].label) { this.selectbox.children('option:contains("' + value + '")').attr("selected", true); new Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.value(value, this); this.list.splice(i, 1); } }; }; /** * Overrides the remove item event function. */ Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.listSource.prototype.removeValue = function(value) { this.selectbox.children('option:contains("' + value + '")').attr("selected", false); this.list.push({ label: $.trim(value), value: this.selectbox.children('option:contains("' + value + '")').val() }); this.list.sort(Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.listSource. sortList); }; /** * Ajax Source Object for selection * * @param uri * URI to server with the data. * @param dataType * If nothing is passed, json will be used as default. */ Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.ajaxSource = function(uri, dataType) { this.cache = new Array(); this.uri = uri; if (dataType === undefined) { this.dataType = 'json'; } else { this.dataType = dataType; } }; // Set base class. Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.ajaxSource.prototype = new Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.source(); Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.ajaxSource.prototype.valueField = null; Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.ajaxSource.prototype.values = null; /** * Initialization function for setting the default states. */ Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.ajaxSource.prototype.init = function() { if (this.multiple) { this.valueField = this.autocomplete.jqObject.parent().parent().children('div.autocomplete-deluxe-value-container').children().children(); this.valueField.hide(); this.autocomplete.jqObject.show(); this.values = (this.valueField.val().split(',') != "") ? this.valueField.val().split(',') : new Array(); for (var i in this.values) { if (this.values[i] != "" && this.values[i] != " ") { new Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.value(this.values[i], this); } } } }; /** * Will be called by the JQuery autocomplete source function to retrieve the * data. */ Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.ajaxSource.prototype.setResponse = function(request, response) { var instance = this; if (request.term in this.cache) { var instance = this; var terms = this.cache[request.term].filter(function(val) { for (var i in instance.values) { if (instance.values[i] == val.value) { return false; } } return true; }); instance.response(request, response, (terms)); return; } $.ajax({ url: this.uri + '/' + request.term, dataType: this.dataType, success: function(data) { instance.response(request, response, instance.success(data, request)); } }); }; /** * Success function for the autocomplete object. */ Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.ajaxSource.prototype.success = function(data, request) { var instance = this; this.cache[request.term] = new Array(); jQuery.each(data, function(index, value) { instance.cache[request.term].push({ label: value, value: index }); }); var terms = this.cache[request.term].filter(function(val) { for (var i in instance.values) { if (instance.values[i] == val.value) { return false; } } return true; }); return terms; }; /** * Override select event function. */ Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.ajaxSource.prototype.select = function(input, ui) { input.value = ui.item.value; }; /** * Overrides the add new value function. */ Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.ajaxSource.prototype.addValue = function(value) { new Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.value(value, this); this.values.push(value); this.valueField.val(this.values.join(',')) } /** * Overrides the remove item event function. */ Drupal.autocomplete_deluxe.ajaxSource.prototype.removeValue = function(value) { var idx = this.values.indexOf(value); if (idx >-1) { this.values.splice(idx, 1); } this.valueField.val(this.values.join(',')) } })(jQuery);