array( 'title' => t('Administer queues'), 'description' => t('View, run, and delete queues'), ), ); } /** * Implements hook_menu(). */ function queue_ui_menu() { $items['admin/config/system/queue-ui'] = array( 'title' => 'Queue manager', 'description' => 'View and manage queues', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('queue_ui_page'), 'access arguments' => array('admin queue_ui'), 'file' => '', ); return $items; } /** * Menu loader for queue_ui_queue. */ function queue_ui_queue_load($name) { return DrupalQueue::get($name); } // @todo remove before prod function queue_ui_test() { $queue = DrupalQueue::get('queue ui test_me'); $queue->createQueue(); $num = mt_rand(0,99); for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { $queue->createItem(time()); } } /** * Get the names of queues. * * @param Array of queue names suitable for DrupalQueue::get(); */ function queue_ui_queue_names() { $result = db_query("SELECT DISTINCT name FROM {queue}"); return $result->fetchAll(); } /** * Get queues. * * @return Array of queues indexed by name and containing queue object and number * of items. */ function queue_ui_queues() { $queues = array(); $queue_names = queue_ui_queue_names(); if (!empty($queue_names)) { // Build array of queues indexed by name with number of items. foreach ($queue_names as $name) { $queue = DrupalQueue::get($name->name); $queues[$name->name] = array( 'queue' => $queue, 'items' => $queue->numberOfItems(), ); } } return $queues; } /** * Get queues defined with hook_queue_info(). * * @return Array of queues indexed by name and containing */ function queue_ui_defined_queues() { $queues = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__); if (!isset($queues)) { // Invoke hook_queue_info(). $queues = module_invoke_all('queue_info'); } return $queues; } /** * Implements hook_cron(). */ function queue_ui_cron() { // Retrieve queues set for cron processing. $defs = queue_ui_defined_queues(); if (!empty($defs)) { foreach ($defs as $name => $definition) { $queue = DrupalQueue::get($name); // A cron callback must be defined and there must be items in the queue. if (isset($definition['cron']) && is_object($queue) && $queue->numberOfItems()) { $active = variable_get('queue_ui_cron_' . $name, FALSE); if ($active) { // Pass $queue to cron callback for processing. $function = $definition['cron']['callback']; // Definitions can define arguments. $args = isset($definition['cron']['callback']) ? $definition['cron']['callback'] : NULL; $function($queue, $args); } } } } } // @todo remove before prod function queue_ui_queue_info() { return array( 'queue ui test_me' => array( 'title' => t('Test queue'), 'batch' => array( 'operations' => array(array('queue_ui_batch_test', array())), 'finished' => 'queue_ui_batch_finished', 'title' => t('Processing test queue'), ), 'cron' => array( 'callback' =>'queue_ui_test_process', ), ), ); } function queue_ui_test_process($queue) { $count = $queue->numberOfItems(); for ($i = 0; $i < 20 && $count > 0; $i++) { $item = $queue->claimItem(20); // Lease time. if ($item) { // We would do some processing, if this were REAL. $queue->deleteItem($item); $count--; } } } function queue_ui_batch_test($queue, &$context) { if (empty($context['sandbox'])) { $context['sandbox']['progress'] = 0; $context['sandbox']['current'] = 0; $context['sandbox']['max'] = $queue->numberOfItems(); } for ($i = 0; $i < 20 && $context['sandbox']['current'] < $context['sandbox']['max']; $i++) { $item = $queue->claimItem(20); // Lease time. if ($item) { // We would do some processing, if this were REAL. $queue->deleteItem($item); } $context['sandbox']['progress']++; $context['sandbox']['current']++; } if ($context['sandbox']['progress'] != $context['sandbox']['max']) { $context['finished'] = $context['sandbox']['progress'] / $context['sandbox']['max']; } } function queue_ui_batch_finished($success, $results, $operations) { if ($success) { $message = 'success'; } else { $message = t('An error occured @todo.'); } drupal_set_message($message); }