1, // Programmatic errors and wrong use of program. 'algo' => 100, 'use' => 101, // Missing permission. 'perm_general' => 200, 'form_expired' => 201, 'perm_filter_crud' => 202, 'perm_filter_restricted' => 203, // Database. 'db_general' => 500, // Misc. 'filter_name_composition' => 1001, 'filter_name_nonunique' => 1002, 'filter_doesnt_exist' => 1003, 'bad_filter_condition' => 1010, ); /** * Traces and logs via Inspect tracer, or watchdog (no trace). * * @param Exception $xc * @param integer $severity * - default: WATCHDOG_ERROR * @return void */ protected static function _errorHandler($xc, $severity = WATCHDOG_ERROR) { if (module_exists('inspect')) { inspect_trace($xc, array('category' => 'log_filter', 'severity' => $severity)); } else { watchdog( 'log_filter', '(' . (int)$xc->getCode() . ') ' . check_plain($xc->getMessage()), NULL, $severity ); } } /** * @type array */ protected static $_fields = array( 'settings' => array( 'only_own', 'delete_logs_max', 'translate', 'pager_range', ), 'filter' => array( 'name', // Hidden. 'origin', 'name_suggest', 'description', 'require_admin', ), 'conditions' => array( 'time_range', 'time_from', 'time_from_proxy', // Skip in actual conditions. 'time_to', 'time_to_proxy', // Skip in actual conditions. 'severity', 'type_wildcard', // Skip in actual conditions. 'type', 'role', // Default in database: -1. 'uid', // Default in database: -1. 'hostname', 'location', 'referer', ), 'order_by' => array( 'orderby_', 'descending_', ), ); /** * Defines log viewer form and GUI. * * @param array $form * @param array &$form_state * @return array */ public static function viewerForm($form, &$form_state) { $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'log_filter'); // Get Judy. drupal_add_library('judy', 'judy'); // Get jQuery UI dialog. drupal_add_library('system', 'ui.dialog'); // Get jQuery UI datepicker. drupal_add_library('system', 'ui.datepicker'); // Get jQuery UI autocomplete for username. drupal_add_library('system', 'ui.autocomplete'); // Have to include own datepicker localisation, because it doesnt seem to exist in neither core nor the Date Popup module. drupal_add_js( $path . '/js/jquery_ui_datepicker_i18n/jquery.ui.datepicker-' . $GLOBALS['language']->language . '.min.js', array('type' => 'file', 'group' => JS_DEFAULT, 'preprocess' => FALSE, 'every_page' => FALSE) ); // Use the module's default css. if (($use_module_css = variable_get('log_filter_cssdefault', TRUE))) { drupal_add_css( $path . '/css/log_filter' . '.min' . '.css', array('type' => 'file', 'group' => CSS_DEFAULT, 'preprocess' => FALSE, 'every_page' => FALSE) ); } // Add table header script. drupal_add_js('misc/tableheader.js'); drupal_add_js( $path . '/js/log_filter' . '.min' . '.js', array('type' => 'file', 'group' => JS_DEFAULT, 'preprocess' => FALSE, 'every_page' => FALSE) ); try { $allow_filter_edit = user_access('log_filter edit filters'); // Get submitted vars from session, and remove them (for later form build and submission). $formSubmitted = $session = $settings = $submitted = $messages = NULL; if (module_exists('state')) { if (($session = State::sessionGet('module', 'log_filter')) && array_key_exists('submitted', $session)) { State::sessionRemove('module', 'log_filter', 'submitted'); State::sessionRemove('module', 'log_filter', 'messages'); } } else { drupal_session_start(); if (!empty($_SESSION['module']) && !empty($_SESSION['module']['log_filter'])) { $session = $_SESSION['module']['log_filter']; unset($_SESSION['module']['log_filter']['submitted']); unset($_SESSION['module']['log_filter']['messages']); } } if ($session) { if (array_key_exists('settings', $session)) { $settings =& $session['settings']; } if (array_key_exists('submitted', $session)) { $formSubmitted = TRUE; $submitted =& $session['submitted']; } if (array_key_exists('messages', $session)) { $messages =& $session['messages']; } } // Get current filter name from url, if any. $filter_name = $submitted ? $submitted['filter']['name'] : (($le = strlen($v = arg(self::FILTER_NAME_ARG))) // Deliberately not drupal_...(). && $le <= 32 && $v != 'log_filter' && $v != 'default' && $v != 'adhoc' && preg_match('/^[a-z_][a-z\d_]+$/', $v) ? $v : ''); $require_admin = $submitted ? $submitted['filter']['require_admin'] : FALSE; $user_admin_permission = user_access('log_filter administer'); // Get mode: default | adhoc | stored (create|edit|delete_filter aren't allowed at form build). $mode = $submitted ? $submitted['mode'] : ($filter_name ? 'stored' : 'default'); // Stored mode may degrade to default. if ($mode == 'stored') { $success = TRUE; if (!$filter_name) { throw new Exception('Filter name[' . $filter_name . '] cannot be empty in mode[stored].'); } if (!($stored_filter = self::_readFilter($filter_name))) { $success = FALSE; if (!$formSubmitted) { // Don't put these errors twice. if ($stored_filter === FALSE) { drupal_set_message( t('The filter \'!name\' doesn\'t exist.', array('!name' => $filter_name)), 'warning' ); } else { drupal_set_message( t('You\'re not allowed to use the filter named \'!name\'.', array('!name' => $filter_name)), 'warning' ); } } $mode = 'default'; } if ($success) { $filter = array( 'origin' => '', 'description' => $stored_filter['description'], 'require_admin' => $require_admin = $stored_filter['require_admin'], ); $fields_conditions =& self::$_fields['conditions']; $conditions = array(); foreach ($fields_conditions as $name) { switch ($name) { case 'time_range': case 'time_from': case 'time_to': case 'role': $conditions[$name] = ($v = $stored_filter[$name]) > 0 ? $v : ''; case 'uid': $conditions[$name] = ($v = $stored_filter[$name]) > 0 || $v === '0' || $v === 0 ? $v : ''; break; case 'severity': if (!strlen($v = $stored_filter['severity'])) { // Deliberately not drupal_...(). $v = array('-1'); } else { $v = str_replace(',0,', ',zero,', ',' . $v . ','); $v = explode(',', substr($v, 1, strlen($v) - 1)); // Deliberately not drupal_...(). } $conditions['severity'] = $v; break; case 'type_wildcard': $conditions['type_wildcard'] = !$stored_filter['type'] ? TRUE : FALSE; break; case 'type': $conditions['type'] = ($v = $stored_filter['type']) ? explode(',', $v) : array(); break; case 'time_from_proxy': case 'time_to_proxy': // Set by frontend, if non-empty time_from/time_to $conditions[$name] = ''; break; default: $conditions[$name] = $stored_filter[$name]; } } unset($fields_conditions); $order_by = array(); if (($v = $stored_filter['order_by'])) { $le = count($arr = explode(',', $v)); for ($i = 0; $i < $le; $i++) { $v = explode(':', $arr[$i]); $order_by[] = array( $v[0], $v[1] == 'DESC' // ~ To boolean. ); } } $title = $filter_name . (($v = $filter['description']) ? (' - ' . $v . '') : ''); } else { $mode = 'default'; $filter_name = 'default'; } unset($stored_filter); } // Do other modes. switch ($mode) { case 'default': $filter = array( 'origin' => '', 'description' => '', 'require_admin' => FALSE, ); $fields_conditions =& self::$_fields['conditions']; $conditions = array(); foreach ($fields_conditions as $name) { switch ($name) { case 'severity': $conditions[$name] = array('-1'); break; case 'type_wildcard': $conditions[$name] = TRUE; break; case 'type': $conditions[$name] = array(); break; default: $conditions[$name] = ''; } } unset($fields_conditions); $order_by = array( array('time', TRUE), ); $title = t('Default'); break; case 'adhoc': $filter =& $submitted['filter']; $conditions =& $submitted['conditions']; if (!$conditions['severity']) { $conditions['severity'] = array('-1'); } $order_by =& $submitted['order_by']; $title = t('Ad hoc') . (($v = $filter['origin']) ? (' - ' . t('based on !origin', array('!origin' => $v)) . '') : ''); break; case 'stored': // Done earlier. break; case 'create': case 'edit': case 'delete_filter': throw new Exception('Mode[' . $mode . '] not allowed at form build.', self::$_errorCodes['algo']); break; default: throw new Exception('Unsupported mode[' . $mode . '].', self::$_errorCodes['algo']); } // Prepare some fields. // Type (frontend: type_some). if (($options_type = db_select('watchdog') ->fields('watchdog', array('type')) ->distinct() ->execute()->fetchCol())) { sort($options_type); foreach ($options_type as &$v) { $v = str_replace(array("\r", "\n", ','), ' ', $v); } unset($v); // Clear reference. $options_type = array_combine($options_type, $options_type); // The filter may contain types that do not exist currently. $prepend_types = array(); if ($conditions['type']) { foreach ($conditions['type'] as $v) { if ($v) { if (isset($options_type[$v])) { unset($options_type[$v]); } $prepend_types[$v] = $v; } } if ($prepend_types) { $options_type = array_merge($prepend_types, $options_type); } } } elseif ($conditions['type']) { $options_type = $conditions['type']; } else { // Make sure that there's always at least a single option. $options_type = array('php' => 'php'); } // Severity. $options_severity = array( '-1' => t('Any'), 'zero' => t('emergency'), '1' => t('alert'), '2' => t('critical'), '3' => t('error'), '4' => t('warning'), '5' => t('notice'), '6' => t('info'), '7' => t('debug'), ); // Role. $options_role = user_roles(); foreach ($options_role as &$v) { $v = t($v); } unset($v); // Clear reference. $options_role = array('' => t('Any')) + $options_role; // Union operator (+) doesnt re-index numerical keys like array_merge() does. // Order by. $options_order_by = array( '' => '', 'time' => t('Time'), 'severity' => t('Severity'), 'type' => t('Type'), 'role' => t('User role'), 'uid' => t('User ID'), 'hostname' => t('Visitor\'s hostname'), 'location' => t('Location'), 'referer' => t('Referrer'), ); $length_order_by = count($order_by); // Only own filters. $value_only_own = $settings && array_key_exists('only_own', $settings) ? $settings['only_own'] : FALSE; // Filter selector. $uid = $GLOBALS['user']->uid; if ( ($options_filters = self::_listFilters(!$value_only_own ? NULL : array($uid), array('name'), array(array('name')), $uid) ) ) { $js_filters = '["' . join('","', $options_filters) . '"]'; $options_filters = array_merge( array('' => t('Default')), array_combine($options_filters, $options_filters) ); } else { $js_filters = '[]'; $options_filters = array('' => t('Default')); } // Get current theme. $theme = $GLOBALS['theme']; // Build form. $form['#attributes'] = array('autocomplete' => 'off'); $form['log_filter_filter_edit'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Filter') . ': ' . $title . '', '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => FALSE, 'frontend_init' => array( '#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '', ), // Control vars. 'log_filter_mode' => array( '#type' => 'hidden', '#default_value' => $mode, ), 'log_filter_name' => array( '#type' => 'hidden', '#default_value' => $filter_name, ), 'log_filter_origin' => array( '#type' => 'hidden', '#default_value' => $filter['origin'], ), // Conditions. // Time. 'log_filter_time_range' => array( // (3 open) '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Preceding hours'), '#default_value' => $conditions['time_range'] ? $conditions['time_range'] : '', '#size' => 2, '#prefix' => '
' . '', ), 'log_filter_time_from_proxy' => array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('From') . '?', '#default_value' => '', // Frontend sets it, if non-empty time_from. '#size' => 10, '#prefix' => '
' . t('or') . '
', ), 'log_filter_time_from' => array( '#type' => 'hidden', '#default_value' => $conditions['time_from'], ), 'log_filter_time_to_proxy' => array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('To'), '#default_value' => '', // Frontend sets it, if non-empty time_to. '#size' => 10, ), 'log_filter_time_to' => array( // End: log-filter-time (2 open). '#type' => 'hidden', '#default_value' => $conditions['time_to'], '#suffix' => '
', ), // Severity. 'log_filter_severity' => array( '#type' => 'checkboxes', '#title' => t('Severity'), '#multiple' => TRUE, '#options' => $options_severity, '#default_value' => $conditions['severity'], ), // Type. 'log_filter_type_wildcard' => array( // (3 open). '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Any'), '#default_value' => $conditions['type_wildcard'], '#prefix' => '
' . '', ), 'log_filter_type_proxy' => array( '#type' => 'checkboxes', '#options' => $options_type, '#default_value' => array(), '#prefix' => '
', ), 'log_filter_type' => array( // End: log-filter-type (2 open). '#type' => 'textarea', '#default_value' => join("\n", $conditions['type']), '#resizable' => FALSE, '#suffix' => '
', ), // Various. 'log_filter_role' => array( // (4 open). '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('User role'), '#options' => $options_role, '#default_value' => $conditions['role'], '#prefix' => '
', ), 'log_filter_uid' => array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('ID'), '#default_value' => $conditions['uid'], '#size' => 11, ), 'log_filter_username' => array( // End: log-filter-user (3 open). '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Name'), '#default_value' => $conditions['uid'], '#size' => 20, // Can't use Drupal Form API autocomplete, because we need to pass value to the uid field upon selection. '#attributes' => array( 'class' => array('form-autocomplete'), ), '#suffix' => '
', ), 'log_filter_hostname' => array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Visitor\'s hostname') . '?', '#default_value' => $conditions['hostname'], '#size' => 64, ), 'log_filter_location' => array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Location') . '?', '#default_value' => $conditions['location'], '#size' => 64, ), 'log_filter_referer' => array( // End: filter-conditions, (1 open). '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Referrer') . '?', '#default_value' => $conditions['referer'], '#size' => 64, '#suffix' => '
', ), // Order by. 'log_filter_orderby_1' => array( // (2 open) '#type' => 'select', '#options' => $options_order_by, '#default_value' => $length_order_by ? array($order_by[0][0]) : array(), '#prefix' => '
', ), 'log_filter_descending_1' => array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#default_value' => $length_order_by ? $order_by[0][1] : FALSE, '#attributes' => array( 'title' => t('Descending'), ), ), 'log_filter_orderby_2' => array( '#type' => 'select', '#options' => $options_order_by, '#default_value' => $length_order_by > 1 ? array($order_by[1][0]) : array(), ), 'log_filter_descending_2' => array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#default_value' => $length_order_by > 1 ? $order_by[1][1] : FALSE, '#attributes' => array( 'title' => t('Descending'), ), ), 'log_filter_orderby_3' => array( '#type' => 'select', '#options' => $options_order_by, '#default_value' => $length_order_by > 2 ? array($order_by[2][0]) : array(), ), 'log_filter_descending_3' => array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#default_value' => $length_order_by > 2 ? $order_by[2][1] : FALSE, '#attributes' => array( 'title' => t('Descending'), ), ), 'log_filter_reset' => array( // End: log-filter-reset, filter-orderby, log_filter_criteria (0 open). '#type' => 'button', '#name' => 'log_filter_reset', '#value' => t('Reset'), '#button_type' => 'button', // Doesnt work; still type:submit. '#attributes' => array( 'type' => 'button', // Doesnt work; still type:submit. 'class' => array('form-submit', 'edit-reset'), ), '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', ), // Filters. array( '#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '
', ), 'log_filter_filter' => array( // (2 open) '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Filter'), '#options' => $options_filters, '#default_value' => $filter_name, ), 'log_filter_only_own' => array( '#access' => $allow_filter_edit, '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('List my filters only'), '#default_value' => $value_only_own, ), array( '#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '
' // End: log_filter_filters_cell_0 . '
', ), 'log_filter_name_suggest' => array( '#access' => $allow_filter_edit, '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Name'), '#default_value' => '', // Only used frontend. '#size' => 32, '#attributes' => array( 'maxlength' => 32, ), ), 'log_filter_require_admin' => array( '#access' => $allow_filter_edit && $user_admin_permission, '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Restrict access') . '?', '#default_value' => $require_admin, '#attributes' => array( 'title' => $title, ), ), array( // End: log_filter_filters_cell_1 '#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '
', ), 'log_filter_description' => array( '#access' => $allow_filter_edit, '#type' => 'textarea', '#title' => t('Description'), '#default_value' => $filter['description'], '#rows' => 3, '#cols' => 32, '#resizable' => FALSE, // Otherwise styling too complicated, and browsers support it natively. ), array( // (3 open) '#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '
', ), 'log_filter_edit' => array( '#access' => $allow_filter_edit, '#type' => 'button', '#name' => 'log_filter_edit', '#value' => t('Edit'), '#button_type' => 'button', // Doesnt work; still type:submit. '#attributes' => array( 'type' => 'button', // Doesnt work; still type:submit. 'class' => array('form-submit'), 'style' => 'display:none;', ), ), 'log_filter_create' => array( // (2 open) '#access' => $allow_filter_edit, '#type' => 'button', '#name' => 'log_filter_create', '#value' => t('Save as...'), '#button_type' => 'button', // Doesnt work; still type:submit. '#attributes' => array( 'type' => 'button', // Doesnt work; still type:submit. 'class' => array('form-submit'), 'style' => 'display:none;', ), ), array( '#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '
' // End. log-filter-edit-create . '
', ), 'log_filter_cancel' => array( // (3 open) '#access' => $allow_filter_edit, '#type' => 'button', '#name' => 'log_filter_cancel', '#value' => t('Cancel'), '#button_type' => 'button', // Doesnt work; still type:submit. '#attributes' => array( 'type' => 'button', // Doesnt work; still type:submit. 'class' => array('form-submit', 'edit-cancel'), 'style' => 'display:none;', ), ), 'log_filter_save' => array( '#access' => $allow_filter_edit, '#type' => 'button', '#name' => 'log_filter_save', '#value' => t('Save'), '#button_type' => 'button', // Doesnt work; still type:submit. '#attributes' => array( 'type' => 'button', // Doesnt work; still type:submit. 'class' => array('form-submit'), 'style' => 'display:none;', ), ), array( '#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '
' // End: log-filter-cancel-save . '
', ), 'log_filter_delete' => array( '#access' => $allow_filter_edit, '#type' => 'button', '#name' => 'log_filter_delete', '#value' => t('Delete filter'), '#button_type' => 'button', // Doesnt work; still type:submit. '#attributes' => array( 'type' => 'button', // Doesnt work; still type:submit. 'class' => array('form-submit', 'edit-delete'), 'style' => 'display:none;', ), ), array( '#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '
' // End: log-filter-delete . '
', // End: log_filter_box_filter ), array( '#access' => ($allow_delete_logs = user_access('log_filter remove logs')), '#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '
', ), array( '#access' => !$allow_delete_logs, '#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '
 ', ), array( // (2 open) '#access' => $allow_delete_logs, '#type' => 'button', '#name' => 'log_filter_delete_logs_button', '#value' => t('Delete logs'), '#button_type' => 'button', // Doesnt work; still type:submit. '#attributes' => array( 'type' => 'button', // Doesnt work; still type:submit. 'class' => array('form-submit', 'edit-delete'), 'style' => 'display:none;', ), ), array( '#access' => $allow_delete_logs, '#type' => 'textfield', '#name' => 'log_filter_delete_logs_max', '#title' => t('Max.'), '#default_value' => $settings && array_key_exists('delete_logs_max', $settings) ? $settings['delete_logs_max'] : '', '#attributes' => array( 'maxlength' => 11, ), ), array( '#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '
' // End: log_filter_box_delete_logs . '
', // End: log_filter_filters ), ); $form['log_filter_list_controls'] = array( 'frontend_setup' => array( '#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => ' ', ), 'log_filter_update_list' => array( '#type' => 'button', '#name' => 'log_filter_update_list', '#value' => t('Update list'), '#button_type' => 'button', // Doesnt work; still type:submit. '#attributes' => array( 'class' => array('form-submit'), 'title' => t('[CTR + U / CMD + U]'), ), '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', ), 'log_filter_pager_controls' => array( '#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '
' . '
' . '
' . '
' . '
' . t('Loading...') . '
' . '
' . '
' . '
', ), 'log_filter_pager_range' => array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Logs per page'), '#default_value' => $settings && array_key_exists('pager_range', $settings) && $settings['pager_range'] > 0 ? $settings['pager_range'] : variable_get('log_filter_pgrng', self::PAGE_RANGE_DEFAULT), '#size' => 4, ), 'log_filter_translate' => array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Translate messages') . '?', '#default_value' => $settings && array_key_exists('translate', $settings) ? $settings['translate'] : variable_get('log_filter_trnslt', 0), '#attributes' => array( 'title' => $title, ), ), 'actions' => array( '#type' => 'actions', 'submit' => array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Update list'), '#attributes' => array('style' => 'display:none;'), ), ), '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', ); $logList = ''; for ($i = 97; $i < 97 + 26; $i++) { //$logList .= '
' . str_repeat(chr($i), 3) . '
'; } $form['log_filter_log_list'] = array( '#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '
' . $logList . '
', ); // Add our submit form; $form['#submit'][] = '_log_filter_form_submit'; return $form; } catch (Exception $xc) { self::_errorHandler($xc); drupal_set_message($xc->getMessage(), 'error'); return array(); } } /** * Called when log viewer form submits. * * @param array $form * @param array &$form_state * @return void */ public static function viewerFormSubmit($form, &$form_state) { try { $values =& $form_state['values']; $prefix = 'log_filter_'; $messages = array(); $settings = array( 'only_own' => !array_key_exists($prefix . 'only_own', $values) ? FALSE : $values[$prefix . 'only_own'], 'delete_logs_max' => !array_key_exists($prefix . 'delete_logs_max', $values) ? '' : $values[$prefix . 'delete_logs_max'], 'translate' => $values[$prefix . 'translate'], 'only_own' => !array_key_exists($prefix . 'only_own', $values) ? FALSE : $values[$prefix . 'only_own'], 'pager_range' => ($v = (int)$values[$prefix . 'pager_range']) > -1 ? ($v > self::PAGE_RANGE_MAX ? self::PAGE_RANGE_MAX : $v) : variable_get('log_filter_pgrng', self::PAGE_RANGE_DEFAULT), ); $submitted = array( 'mode' => $values[$prefix . 'mode'], 'filter' => array( 'name' => '', 'origin' => '', 'name_suggest' => '', 'description' => '', 'require_admin' => !array_key_exists($prefix . 'require_admin', $values) ? FALSE : $values[$prefix . 'require_admin'], ), ); $use_form_values = $save = FALSE; switch (($mode = $submitted['mode'])) { case 'default': // Use default values. break; case 'adhoc': // Get specs from form. $use_form_values = TRUE; $submitted['filter']['origin'] = $values[$prefix . 'origin']; // ~ Hidden field. break; case 'stored': // Saved filter. // Just get filter name; in stored mode we do absolutely nothing at submission but establishing the filter's name. // Whether the filter require_admin and user has that permission will be checked at form build - no reason to check twice. if (!($submitted['filter']['name'] = $filter_name = $values[$prefix . 'name'])) { throw new Exception('Mode[' . $mode . '], empty name[' . $filter_name . '].', self::$_errorCodes['filter_name_composition']); } break; case 'create': // Always AJAX-handled. throw new Exception('Mode[' . $mode . '] not allowed at form submission.', self::$_errorCodes['algo']); break; case 'edit': case 'delete_filter': // Get name. if (!($submitted['filter']['name'] = $filter_name = $values[$prefix . 'name'])) { throw new Exception('Mode[' . $mode . '], empty name[' . $filter_name . '].', self::$_errorCodes['filter_name_composition']); } $success = TRUE; // Check CRUD permission. if (!user_access('log_filter edit filters')) { $success = FALSE; // Horrible; have to make almost exactly same message, because of shortcomings of the localization regime. switch ($mode) { case 'edit': watchdog( 'log_filter', 'Won\'t edit the filter \'!name\' because user !user doesn\'t have \'log_filter edit filters\' permission.', array('!name' => $filter_name, '!user' => $GLOBALS['user']->name), WATCHDOG_WARNING ); drupal_set_message( t('Cannot edit the filter \'!name\', because you don\'t have permission to edit log filters.', array('!name' => $filter_name)), 'warning' ); break; default: // delete watchdog( 'log_filter', 'Won\'t delete the filter \'!name\' because user !user doesn\'t have \'log_filter edit filters\' permission.', array('!name' => $filter_name, '!user' => $GLOBALS['user']->name), WATCHDOG_WARNING ); drupal_set_message( t('Cannot delete the filter \'!name\', because you don\'t have permission to edit log filters.', array('!name' => $filter_name)), 'warning' ); } } // Check if exists, and get require_admin field. elseif (!($require_admin = db_select('log_filter') ->fields('log_filter', array('require_admin')) ->condition('name', $filter_name, '=') ->execute()->fetchField()) ) { if ($require_admin === FALSE) { // Doesn't exist. $success = FALSE; /* drupal_set_message( t('The filter \'!name\' doesn\'t exist.', array('!name' => $filter_name)), 'warning' ); */ $messages[] = array( t('The filter \'!name\' doesn\'t exist.', array('!name' => $filter_name)), 'warning' ); } // else... the filter doesnt require admin permission. } elseif (!user_access('log_filter administer')) { $success = FALSE; } if ($success) { switch ($mode) { case 'edit': // Get specs from form, and save to database. $use_form_values = TRUE; $save = TRUE; $submitted['filter']['description'] = $values[$prefix . 'description']; // Change mode. $submitted['mode'] = $mode = 'stored'; break; default: // delete global $user; db_delete('log_filter')->condition('name', $filter_name, '=')->execute(); watchdog( 'log_filter', 'User (%uid) %name deleted the log filter \'!filter\'.', array('%uid' => $user->uid, '%name' => $user->name, '!filter' => $filter_name), WATCHDOG_INFO ); $messages[] = array( t('Deleted the filter \'!name\'.', array('!name' => $filter_name)) ); // Change mode. $submitted['mode'] = $mode = 'default'; } } else { $use_form_values = $save = FALSE; // Change mode. $submitted['mode'] = $mode = 'default'; } break; default: throw new Exception('Unsupported mode[' . $mode . '].', self::$_errorCodes['algo']); } // Load values from form. if ($use_form_values) { $fields_conditions =& self::$_fields['conditions']; $conditions = array(); foreach ($fields_conditions as $name) { switch ($name) { case 'time_range': $conditions[$name] = ($v = trim($values[$prefix . $name])) ? $v : ''; break; case 'role': $conditions[$name] = ($v = trim($values[$prefix . $name])) > 0 ? $v : -1; break; case 'uid': // Accepts zero. $conditions[$name] = ($v = trim($values[$prefix . $name])) > 0 || $v === '0' || $v === 0 ? $v : -1; break; case 'time_from': $conditions[$name] = $conditions['time_range'] ? '' : (($v = trim($values[$prefix . $name])) ? $v : ''); break; case 'time_from_proxy': if (!$save) { // Because save doesnt use the proxy field. $conditions[$name] = !$conditions['time_from'] ? '' : $values[$prefix . $name]; } break; case 'time_to': $conditions[$name] = $conditions['time_range'] ? '' : (($v = trim($values[$prefix . $name])) ? $v : ''); break; case 'time_to_proxy': if (!$save) { // Because save doesnt use the proxy field.y $conditions[$name] = !$conditions['time_to'] ? '' : $values[$prefix . $name]; } break; case 'severity': $arr = $values[$prefix . $name]; $vals = array(); foreach ($arr as $k => $v) { if ($v) { if ('' . $k == '-1') { $vals = array(); break; } else { $vals[] = $k; } } } $conditions[$name] = $vals; break; case 'type_wildcard': $conditions[$name] = $values[$prefix . $name] ? TRUE : FALSE; break; case 'type': // Dont remember type list (may be very long), if wildcard on. $conditions[$name] = $conditions['type_wildcard'] ? array() : array_combine($a = explode("\n", str_replace("\r", '', $values[$prefix . $name])), $a); if ($save) { unset($conditions['type_wildcard']); } break; default: $conditions[$name] = trim($values[$prefix . $name]); } } unset($fields_conditions); $submitted['conditions'] =& $conditions; $fields_order_by =& self::$_fields['order_by']; $order_by = array(); for ($i = 1; $i < 10; $i++) { if (array_key_exists($key = $prefix . $fields_order_by[0] . $i, $values)) { if (($key = $values[ $key ])) { if (!$save) { $order_by[] = array($key, $values[ $prefix . $fields_order_by[1] . $i ]); } else { $order_by[] = array($key, $values[ $prefix . $fields_order_by[1] . $i ] ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'); } } } else { break; } } $submitted['order_by'] =& $order_by; unset($order_by, $fields_order_by); } if ($save) { // edit mode. $success = TRUE; try { self::_saveFilter($filter_name, $submitted); } catch (Exception $xc) { self::_errorHandler($xc); $success = FALSE; $messages[] = array( t('Failed to update filter \'!name\'.', array('!name' => $filter_name)), 'warning' ); } // Change mode. if ($success) { $submitted['mode'] = $mode = 'stored'; } else { $submitted['mode'] = $mode = 'default'; } } // Clear conditions and order_by from vars to be passed to session, unless adhoc filter. if ($mode != 'adhoc') { unset( $submitted['conditions'], $submitted['order_by'] ); } // Pass to session. $session = array('settings' => $settings, 'submitted' => $submitted); if ($messages) { $session['messages'] = $messages; } if (module_exists('state')) { State::sessionSet('module', 'log_filter', $session); } else { drupal_session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['module'])) { $_SESSION['module'] = array( 'log_filter' => $session, ); } else { $_SESSION['module']['log_filter'] = $session; } } } catch (Exception $xc) { self::_errorHandler($xc); drupal_set_message($xc->getMessage(), 'error'); } } /** * Filters off restricted filters if current user isnt allowed to administer filters. * * @throws PDOException * @param integer|string|array|NULL $creatorIds * - default: NULL (~ any user) * - integer|string: list only filters created by that user * - array: list only filters created by those users * @param array|NULL $fields * - default: all fields * @param arrayNULL $orderBy * - default: unordered * - array: multi-dimensional; every bucket being an array listing field name and 'ASC'|'DESC' * @param integer|string|NULL $latestAtTop * - default: not * - user id: place lastest changed of that user at the very top of the list (requires that $fields is falsy or has 'name' bucket) * @return array */ protected static function _listFilters($creatorIds = NULL, $fields = NULL, $orderBy = NULL, $latestAtTop = NULL) { $uid = $GLOBALS['user']->uid; if ( ($creatorIds && !is_array($creatorIds)) || (!$creatorIds && $creatorIds !== NULL)) { $creatorIds = array($creatorIds); } $list = db_select('log_filter') ->fields('log_filter', $fields ? $fields : array('*')); if ($creatorIds) { $list->condition('creator', $creatorIds, 'IN'); } if (!user_access('log_filter administer')) { $list->condition('require_admin', 0); } if ($orderBy) { foreach ($orderBy as $subArr) { $list->orderBy($subArr[0], !empty($subArr[1]) ? $subArr[1] : 'ASC'); } } $list = ($singleColumned = ($fields && count($fields) == 1)) ? $list->execute()->fetchCol() : $list->execute()->fetchAll(); if ($list && $latestAtTop !== NULL && (!$creatorIds || in_array($latestAtTop, $creatorIds)) && (!$fields || in_array('name', $fields)) ) { if (($listLatest = db_select('log_filter') ->fields('log_filter', array('name', 'changed')) ->condition('editor', $latestAtTop, '=') ->execute() ->fetchAll() )) { $latestChange = $latestName = 0; foreach ($listLatest as $subObj) { if ($subObj->changed > $latestChange) { $latestChange = $subObj->changed; $latestName = $subObj->name; } } if ($latestName) { if ($singleColumned) { if (($index = array_search($latestName, $list))) { // No need to check !== FALSE, because if zero there's nothing to be done. array_splice($list, $index, 1); array_unshift($list, $latestName); } } else { $index = 0; foreach ($list as $k => $subObj) { if ($subObj->name == $latestName) { $index = $k; break; } } if ($index) { $latest = array_splice($list, $index, 1); array_unshift($list, $latest); } } } } } return $list; } /** * Checks if the filter requires log_filter administrative permission and whether the user has that permission. * * @throws PDOException * @param string $name * @return array|boolean|NULL * - FALSE: the filter doesnt exist * - NULL: user not allowed to use that filter */ protected static function _readFilter($name) { return !( $filter = db_select('log_filter') ->fields('log_filter') ->condition('name', $name, '=') ->execute()->fetchAssoc() ) ? FALSE : $filter['require_admin'] && !user_access('log_filter administer') ? NULL : $filter; } /** * Insert/update filter in database. * * @throws Exception * @param string $name * @param array $values * @param boolean $create * - default: FALSE * @return void * - throws error on failure */ protected static function _saveFilter($name, $values, $create = FALSE) { $uid = $GLOBALS['user']->uid; if (!user_access('log_filter edit filters')) { throw new Exception( 'You\'re not allowed to edit filters.', self::$_errorCodes['perm_filter_crud'] ); } // Filter metadata and last updated by. $fields = array( 'editor' => $uid, 'changed' => REQUEST_TIME, 'require_admin' => !empty($values['filter']['require_admin']) ? 1 : 0, 'description' => $values['filter']['description'], ); if ($create) { $fields['creator'] = $uid; $fields['created'] = REQUEST_TIME; } // Conditions. $names =& self::$_fields['conditions']; $conditions =& $values['conditions']; foreach ($names as $key) { switch ($key) { case 'severity': if (!empty($conditions[$key])) { if (!is_array($v = $conditions[$key])) { throw new Exception('Non-empty condition[' . $key . '], type[' . gettype($v) . '], must be array.', self::$_errorCodes['bad_filter_condition']); } // Use array values, but convert 'zero' to zero. // And make sure it's all integers. $fields[$key] = preg_replace('/[^\d,]/', '', str_replace('zero', '0', join(',', $v))); } else { $fields[$key] = ''; } break; case 'type': if (!empty($conditions[$key])) { if (!is_array($v = $conditions[$key])) { throw new Exception('Non-empty condition[' . $key . '], type[' . gettype($v) . '], must be array.', self::$_errorCodes['bad_filter_condition']); } // Use array values, because key is simply numeric index. $fields[$key] = check_plain(join(',', $v)); } else { $fields[$key] = ''; } break; case 'time_range': $fields[$key] = !empty($conditions[$key]) && ($v = (int)$conditions[$key]) > 0 && $v < 10000 ? $v : 0; break; case 'time_from': case 'time_to': $fields[$key] = !empty($conditions[$key]) && ($v = (int)$conditions[$key]) > 0 && $v <= PHP_INT_MAX ? $v : 0; break; case 'role': case 'uid': $fields[$key] = array_key_exists($key, $conditions) ? (int)$conditions[$key] : -1; break; case 'hostname': case 'location': case 'referer': $fields[$key] = !empty($conditions[$key]) ? check_plain($conditions[$key]) : ''; break; default: // Ignore. } } // Order by. $order_by = ''; if (!empty($values['order_by'])) { $order_by = array(); foreach ($values['order_by'] as $k => $v) { if (preg_match('/^[a-z\d_]{2,32}$/', $k) && ($v === 'DESC' || $v === 'ASC')) { $order_by[] = $k . ':' . $v; } } $fields['order_by'] = join(',', $order_by); } else { $fields['order_by'] = ''; } // Use unique key on name column for testing uniqueness. if ($create) { $fields['name'] = $name; try { db_insert('log_filter') ->fields($fields) ->execute(); } catch (PDOException $xc) { if ((int)$xc->getCode() == 23000) { // Fair chance that it's a duplicate key error, though 23000 may also (MySQL) mean null error. throw new Exception('Filter name[' . $name . '] already exists.', self::$_errorCodes['filter_name_nonunique']); } else { throw $xc; } } } elseif (!($filter = self::_readFilter($name))) { if ($filter === FALSE) { throw new Exception('Filter name[' . $name . '] doesnt exist.', self::$_errorCodes['filter_doesnt_exist']); } throw new Exception('User (' . $uid . ') ' . $GLOBALS['user']->name . ' is not allowed to use filter[' . $name . '].', self::$_errorCodes['perm_filter_restricted']); } elseif ( !db_update('log_filter') ->fields($fields) ->condition('name', $name) ->execute() ) { throw new Exception('Failed to update filter[' . $name . '].', self::$_errorCodes['unknown']); } } /** * @param array &$conditions * - empty or invalid conditions will be removed from the array * @param array $order_by * @param integer $offset * - default: zero * - ignored until MySQL supports LIMIT for sub queries * @param integer $max * - default: zero * - ignored until MySQL supports LIMIT for sub queries * @param array|NULL|boolean $log_columns * - default: NULL (~ all watchdog columns) * - FALSE: count only * @param array|boolean $user_columns * - default: FALSE (~ no user columns) * @param boolean $deletion * - default: FALSE (~ not for deleting logs) * @return SelectQuery|SelectQueryInterface * @throws Exception * - PDOException */ protected static function _logListQuery(&$conditions, $order_by, $offset = 0, $max = 0, $log_columns = NULL, $user_columns = FALSE, $deletion = FALSE) { $query = db_select('watchdog', 'w'); if ($user_columns) { $query->leftJoin('users', 'u', 'w.uid = u.uid'); } if (!$log_columns) { if ($log_columns !== FALSE) { $query->fields('w'); // Wildcard columns. //->fields('w', array('wid', 'uid', 'type', 'message', 'variables', 'severity', 'link', 'location', 'referer', 'hostname', 'timestamp')) } } else { $query->fields('w', $log_columns); } if ($user_columns) { $le = count($user_columns); for ($i = 0; $i < $le; $i++) { $query->addField('u', $user_columns[$i]); } } // Conditions. if ($deletion || $conditions) { // The wid (log id) condition is not part of the overall used conditions, so we have to handle it differently. // @todo: Explain just how, the code is certainly not self-explanatory in this sense. $wid = 0; if (isset($conditions['wid'])) { if (($v = (int)$conditions['wid']) && $v > -1 && $v <= PHP_INT_MAX) { $wid = $v; $query->condition('w.' . 'wid', $v, '='); // Remove all other conditions. array_splice($conditions, 0); $conditions['wid'] = $wid; } else { unset($conditions['wid']); } } if (!$wid) { $names =& self::$_fields['conditions']; // Use user id instead of role (anonymous user role doesnt really exists - only as a lack of any roles)? $is_anonymous = $not_anonymous = FALSE; if (isset($conditions['role'])) { switch ($conditions['role']) { case DRUPAL_ANONYMOUS_RID: $is_anonymous = TRUE; $conditions['uid'] = 0; break; case DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID: $not_anonymous = TRUE; $conditions['uid'] = 0; break; } } // Deleting events that log deletion of events is illegal. if ($deletion) { if (!empty($conditions['type']) && ($index = array_search('log_filter delete logs', $conditions['type'], TRUE)) !== FALSE) { if (count($conditions['type']) == 1) { unset($conditions['type']); } else { array_splice($conditions['type'], $index, 1); } } $query->condition('w.' . 'type', 'log_filter delete logs', '!='); } foreach ($names as $key) { if (isset($conditions[$key])) { if (!($v = $conditions[$key]) && $key != 'uid') { unset($conditions[$key]); } else { switch ($key) { case 'severity': if (!is_array($v)) { throw new Exception('Non-empty condition[' . $key . '], type[' . gettype($v) . '], must be array.', self::$_errorCodes['bad_filter_condition']); } // Convert 'zero' to zero. $query->condition('w.' . $key, explode(',', str_replace('zero', '0', join(',', $v))), 'IN'); break; case 'type': if (!is_array($v)) { throw new Exception('Non-empty condition[' . $key . '], type[' . gettype($v) . '], must be array.', self::$_errorCodes['bad_filter_condition']); } $query->condition('w.' . $key, explode(',', check_plain(join(',', $v))), 'IN'); break; case 'time_range': if (($v = (int)$v) > 0 && $v < 10000) { $query->condition('w.' . 'timestamp', REQUEST_TIME - ($v * 60 * 60), '>='); } else { unset($conditions[$key]); } break; case 'time_from': if (($v = (int)$v) > 0 && $v <= PHP_INT_MAX) { $query->condition('w.' . 'timestamp', $v, '>='); } else { unset($conditions[$key]); } break; case 'time_to': if (($v = (int)$v) > 0 && $v <= PHP_INT_MAX) { $query->condition('w.' . 'timestamp', $v, '<='); } else { unset($conditions[$key]); } break; case 'role': if (($v = (int)$v) > 0 && $v <= PHP_INT_MAX) { if (!$is_anonymous && !$not_anonymous) { $query->join('users_roles', 'ur', 'w.uid = ur.uid AND ur.rid = :rid', array(':rid' => $v)); } } else { unset($conditions[$key]); } break; case 'uid': if (($v = (int)$v) > -1 && $v <= PHP_INT_MAX) { $query->condition('w.' . $key, $v, !$not_anonymous ? '=' : '!='); } else { unset($conditions[$key]); } break; case 'hostname': case 'location': if (($v = trim(check_plain($v))) && $v !== '*') { $query->condition('w.' . $key, $v, '='); } else { unset($conditions[$key]); } break; case 'referer': // Support strictly empty value 'none' if (($v = trim(check_plain($v))) && $v !== '*') { if ($v != 'none') { $query->condition('w.' . $key, $v, '='); } else { $query->condition(db_or()->condition('w.' . $key, '', '=')->isNull('w.' . $key)); } } else { unset($conditions[$key]); } break; default: // Ignore. } } } } // Remove uid again, if only used as surrogate for role. if ($is_anonymous || $not_anonymous) { unset($conditions['uid']); } } } // Simple log listing defaults to hide previous log deletions, unless user actually want to list log deletions. if (!$deletion && (empty($conditions['type']) || array_search('log_filter delete logs', $conditions['type'], TRUE) === FALSE) && !variable_get('log_filter_showdeletions', FALSE) ) { $query->condition('w.' . 'type', 'log_filter delete logs', '!='); } if ($log_columns === FALSE) { return $query->countQuery(); } // Order by. // Will always be qualified extra by log id order, to secure correct (sub) order. if (!empty($order_by)) { $timeAscending = FALSE; foreach($order_by as &$orderBy) { if (preg_match('/^[a-z\d_]{2,32}$/', $k = $orderBy[0]) && (($v = $orderBy[1]) === 'DESC' || $v === 'ASC')) { if ($k == 'time' || $k == 'timestamp') { $query->orderBy('w.timestamp', $v); if ($v == 'ASC') { $timeAscending = TRUE; } } else { $query->orderBy('w.' . $k, $v); } } } unset($orderBy); $query->orderBy('w.wid', !$timeAscending ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'); } else { $query->orderBy('timestamp', 'DESC')->orderBy('w.wid', 'DESC'); } if (($offset || $max) && self::DB_SUBQUERY_LIMIT) { // A range must have a max length, otherwise it's ignored. if (!$max) { $max = PHP_INT_MAX - $offset; } $query->range($offset, $max); } return $query; } /** * @param array &$conditions * @param array $order_by * @param integer $offset * - minus one: list $max number of items from end of total matching items * @param integer $max * @param boolean $translate * - default: FALSE * @return array */ protected static function _listLogs(&$conditions, $order_by, $offset, $max, $translate = FALSE) { // Find total matching items. $total = (int)self::_logListQuery($conditions, $order_by, 0, 0, FALSE)->execute()->fetchField(); // Max number of items from end of total matching items? if ($offset < 0) { $offset = $max ? $total - $max : 0; } $query = self::_logListQuery($conditions, $order_by, $offset, $max, NULL, array('name')); if (($offset || $max) && !self::DB_SUBQUERY_LIMIT) { // A range must have a max length, otherwise it's ignored. if (!$max) { $max = PHP_INT_MAX - $offset; } $query->range($offset, $max); } // Work on event buckets. if (($rows = $query->execute()->fetchAll())) { foreach($rows as &$event) { // Translate? if (($vars = $event->variables) === 'N;') { $event->variables = ''; } elseif (!$translate) { // Do variables replacement frontend. $event->variables = unserialize($vars); } else { // Do translate if any variables $event->message = t($event->message, unserialize($vars)); $event->variables = ''; } // Filter link. if ($event->link) { $event->link = filter_xss($event->link); } } unset($event); // Clear reference. } // Tell which conditions were used, but not what their values where - except for the wid (log id) condition. $responseConditions = array_fill_keys(array_keys($conditions), true); if (!empty($conditions['wid'])) { $responseConditions['wid'] = $conditions['wid']; } return array( $rows, $responseConditions, $offset, $total, ); } /** * Using a LIMIT for delete queryies is kind of hard since db_delete doesnt support LIMIT (because PostgresSQL doesnt support that), * and MySQL doesnt support LIMIT for sub queries. * * And MySQL doesnt support using the same table in a sub query and in an outer CRUD query. * * So we have to do a separate select getting the relevant ids, and then do a delete using that - potentially too long - list of ids. * Does it in chunks of 40000 items; that should work even when db query max length is only half a megabyte. * * @param array $conditions * @param array $order_by * @param integer $offset * @param integer $max * @return integer */ protected static function _deleteLogs($conditions, $order_by, $offset, $max) { global $user; // Deleting all logs unconditionally is not an option, because deleting logs of type 'log_filter delete logs' is illegal. //if (!$conditions && !$offset && !$max) { // $deleted = db_delete('watchdog') // ->execute(); //} //else { $query = self::_logListQuery($conditions, $order_by, $offset, $max, array('wid'), FALSE, TRUE); if (($offset || $max) && !self::DB_SUBQUERY_LIMIT) { // A range must have a max length, otherwise it's ignored. if (!$max) { $max = PHP_INT_MAX - $offset; } $query->range($offset, $max); } $ids = $query->execute()->fetchCol(); if (!($le = count($ids))) { return 0; } // This may fail because the list of ids may exceed query limit (query max length). if ($le > 40000) { $le = count($ids = array_chunk($ids, 40000)); $deleted = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $le; $i++) { $deleted += db_delete('watchdog') ->condition('wid', $ids[$i], 'IN') ->execute(); } } else { $deleted = db_delete('watchdog') ->condition('wid', $ids, 'IN') ->execute(); } //} watchdog( 'log_filter delete logs', 'User (%uid) %name deleted !deleted log events.', array('%uid' => $user->uid, '%name' => $user->name, '!deleted' => $deleted), WATCHDOG_NOTICE ); return $deleted; } /** * Access permission: 'access site reports'. * * All actions require the POST var form_token. * * Expects (requires) POST vars on actions: * - filter_create|filter_edit: name, filter, conditions, order_by * - list_logs: conditions, order_by, offset, max, translate * - delete_logs: conditions, order_by, offset, max * * @see LogFilter::ajaxCallback * @param string $action * @return void * - sends 403 header if the expected POST vars arent set or their sanitized values evaluates to empty */ public static function ajaxCallback($action) { if ( // Require permission. !user_access('access site reports') // Require valid composition of the 'action' parameter (presumably a GET var). || !$action || !($le = strlen($action)) // Deliberately not drupal_...(). || $le > 32 ) { header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden'); exit; } $action = '' . $action; $oResp = new stdClass(); $oResp->action = check_plain($action); // Redundant; vs. code review. $oResp->error = ''; $oResp->success = TRUE; $oResp->error_code = 0; try { switch ($action) { case 'username_autocomplete': $oResp = array(); if (isset($_GET['term']) && strlen($needle = trim($_GET['term'])) && drupal_validate_utf8($needle)) { $maxResult = 9; //$oResp = array( array('value' => '8', 'label' => 'someuser'), ); $uids = array(); $users = db_select('users', 'u') ->fields('u', array('uid', 'name')) ->condition('name', db_like($needle) . '%', 'LIKE') ->orderBy('u.name', 'ASC') ->range(0, $maxResult) ->execute() ->fetchAll(); if (($le = count($users))) { for ($i = 0; $i < $le; ++$i) { $oResp[] = array('value' => $uids[] = $users[$i]->uid, 'label' => $users[$i]->name); } } if ($le < $maxResult) { $users = db_select('users', 'u') ->fields('u', array('uid', 'name')); if ($uids) { $users = $users->condition('uid', $uids, 'NOT IN'); } $users = $users->condition('name', '%' . db_like($needle) . '%', 'LIKE') ->orderBy('u.name', 'ASC') ->range(0, $maxResult - $le) ->execute() ->fetchAll(); if (($le = count($users))) { for ($i = 0; $i < $le; ++$i) { $oResp[] = array('value' => $users[$i]->uid, 'label' => $users[$i]->name); } } } } break; case 'filter_create': case 'filter_edit': $conditions = $order_by = NULL; if ( !array_key_exists('name', $_POST) || !($le = strlen($name = $_POST['name'])) // Deliberately not drupal_...(). And composition is checked later. || $le > 32 || !array_key_exists('filter', $_POST) || !is_array($filter = $_POST['filter']) // It is an array! || !array_key_exists('require_admin', $filter) || !(($require_admin = (int)$filter['require_admin']) == 0 || $require_admin == 1) || !array_key_exists('description', $filter) || ( ($description = $filter['description']) !== '' && (!drupal_validate_utf8($description) || drupal_strlen($description) > 255) ) // conditions may not exist, because jQuery.ajax() >v1.4.4 doesn't POST empty object. // _saveFilter() checks/filters conditions buckets vs. xss. || (array_key_exists('conditions', $_POST) && ($conditions = $_POST['conditions']) && !is_array($conditions)) // order_by may not exist, because jQuery.ajax() >v1.4.4 doesn't POST empty object. // _saveFilter() checks/filters order_by buckets vs. xss. || (array_key_exists('order_by', $_POST) && ($order_by = $_POST['order_by']) && !is_array($order_by)) ) { header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden'); exit; } if (!user_access('log_filter edit filters')) { $oResp->success = FALSE; $oResp->error_code = self::$_errorCodes['perm_filter_crud']; } elseif (!preg_match('/^[a-z_][a-z\d_]+$/', $name) || $name == 'default' || $name == 'adhoc') { // @IDE: var $name is declared. $oResp->success = FALSE; $oResp->error_code = self::$_errorCodes['filter_name_composition']; // $oResp->error = t('Invalid machine name[' . $name . '].'); Frontend creates own message. $oResp->name = check_plain($name); } else { $oResp->name = $name = check_plain(strtolower($name)); // Deliberately not drupal_...(). $oResp->description = !$description ? '' : check_plain(trim(str_replace(array("\r", "\n", "\t"), ' ', $description))); self::_saveFilter( $name, array( 'filter' => array( 'require_admin' => $require_admin, 'description' => $description ), 'conditions' => $conditions ? $conditions : array(), // _saveFilter() checks/filters conditions buckets vs. xss. 'order_by' => $order_by ? $order_by : array(), // _saveFilter() checks/filters order_by buckets vs. xss. ), $action == 'filter_create' ); } break; case 'list_logs': $conditions = $order_by = NULL; if ( // conditions may not exist, because jQuery.ajax() >v1.4.4 doesn't POST empty object. // _logListQuery() checks/filters conditions buckets vs. xss. (array_key_exists('conditions', $_POST) && ($conditions = $_POST['conditions']) && !is_array($conditions)) // order_by may not exist, because jQuery.ajax() >v1.4.4 doesn't POST empty object. // _logListQuery() checks/filters order_by buckets vs. xss. || (array_key_exists('order_by', $_POST) && ($order_by = $_POST['order_by']) && !is_array($order_by)) || !array_key_exists('offset', $_POST) || ($offset = (int)$_POST['offset']) < -1 || $offset > PHP_INT_MAX || !array_key_exists('max', $_POST) || ($max = (int)$_POST['max']) < 0 || $max > PHP_INT_MAX || !array_key_exists('translate', $_POST) ) { header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden'); exit; } if ($max > self::PAGE_RANGE_MAX) { $max = self::PAGE_RANGE_MAX; } if (!$conditions) { $conditions = array(); } $oResp->log_list = self::_listLogs( $conditions, $order_by ? $order_by : array(), $offset, $max, $translate = (bool)$_POST['translate'] ); // Save pager_range and translate to session. $session = array( 'settings' => array( 'pager_range' => $max > 0 ? $max : variable_get('log_filter_pgrng', self::PAGE_RANGE_DEFAULT), 'translate' => $translate, ), ); if (module_exists('state')) { State::sessionSet('module', 'log_filter', $session); } else { drupal_session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['module'])) { $_SESSION['module'] = array( 'log_filter' => $session, ); } else { $_SESSION['module']['log_filter'] = $session; } } break; case 'delete_logs': $conditions = $order_by = NULL; if ( // conditions may not exist, because jQuery.ajax() >v1.4.4 doesn't POST empty object. // _logListQuery() checks/filters conditions buckets vs. xss. (array_key_exists('conditions', $_POST) && ($conditions = $_POST['conditions']) && !is_array($conditions)) // order_by may not exist, because jQuery.ajax() >v1.4.4 doesn't POST empty object. // _logListQuery() checks/filters order_by buckets vs. xss. || (array_key_exists('order_by', $_POST) && ($order_by = $_POST['order_by']) && !is_array($order_by)) || !array_key_exists('offset', $_POST) || ($offset = (int)$_POST['offset']) < -1 || $offset > PHP_INT_MAX || !array_key_exists('max', $_POST) || ($max = (int)$_POST['max']) < 0 || $max > PHP_INT_MAX ) { header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden'); exit; } $oResp->delete_logs = self::_deleteLogs( $conditions ? $conditions : array(), $order_by ? $order_by : array(), $offset, $max ); break; default: $oResp->success = FALSE; $oResp->error_code = 1; $oResp->error = 'Unsupported action[' . $action . '].'; } } catch (PDOException $xc) { self::_errorHandler($xc); $oResp->success = FALSE; $oResp->error_code = self::$_errorCodes['db_general']; } catch (Exception $xc) { self::_errorHandler($xc); $oResp->success = FALSE; if (($error_code = $xc->getCode()) && in_array($error_code, self::$_errorCodes)) { $oResp->error_code = $error_code; } else { $oResp->error_code = self::$_errorCodes['unknown']; } } header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); header('Cache-Control: private, no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate'); header('Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT'); echo drupal_json_encode($oResp); flush(); exit; } }