# Date Popup Authored [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/itafroma/drupal-date_popup_authored.svg?branch=7.x-1.x)](https://travis-ci.org/itafroma/drupal-date_popup_authored) ## Introduction Date Popup Authored provides a jQuery UI datepicker for the "Authored on" date field found on node submission forms. For a full description of the module, visit the [project page][1] on Drupal.org. To submit bug reports and feature suggestions, or to track changes, please visit the [issue queue][2]. [1]: https://drupal.org/project/date_popup_authored "Date Popup Authored project page" [2]: https://drupal.org/project/issues/date_popup_authored "Date Popup Authored issue tracker" ## Requirements - Drupal 7 - [Date][3] 2.0 or later - Date Popup, part of the Date module [3]: https://drupal.org/project/date "Date project page" ## Installation and configuration Install as usual. See the [handbook page on installing contributed modules][4] for further information. You can change the behavior of the date-picker by going to the settings page for each content type. [4]: https://drupal.org/node/895232 "Installing modules (Drupal 7)" ## Caveats Since Date Popup Authored allows you to choose a date format that's less specific than the default date format Drupal uses for the Authored on field, it will insert default data if you use a more simplified date format. For example, if the date format you've configured doesn't include a time, when the node is saved, the Authored on time will be set to 12:00AM. Similarly, if you don't include the ability to choose a month, the Authored on month will be set to January (i.e. month 1). So, if you care about the time a post is authored, make sure you allow the user to set it in the date format. See installation for more information. ## Future development The functionality this module provides is being considered for core inclusion: - [#1835016: Polyfill date input type][1] - [#471942-30: Use Date Popup on 'Authored on' field][2] - [#504524: Extend Authored on field with jQuery UI Date Picker][3] Because of this, there will hopefully be no Drupal 8 version. [5]: https://www.drupal.org/node/1835016 "#1835016: Polyfill date input type" [6]: https://www.drupal.org/comment/6788664#comment-6788664 "#471942-30: Use Date Popup on 'Authored on' field" [7]: https://www.drupal.org/node/504524 "#504524: Extend Authored on field with jQuery UI Date Picker" ## Contact The current maintainer is [Mark Trapp][5] ([Drupal.org profile][6]). [8]: http://marktrapp.com "Mark Trapp's website" [9]: https://drupal.org/u/mark-trapp "Mark Trapp's Drupal.org profile" ## Acknowledgments Date Popup Authored was inspired by the hacks provided by [brice][7] and [Rob Loach][8] in the Date module issue, "[Use Date Popup on 'Authored on' field][9]." It contains additional fixes to account for problems found in their solution, new configuration options, Drupal 7 support, and a full test suite. [10]: https://drupal.org/user/446296 "brice's Drupal.org profile" [11]: https://drupal.org/u/robloach "Rob Loach's Drupal.org profile" [12]: https://drupal.org/node/471942 "Use Date Popup on 'Authored on' field" ## More information - For additional documentation, see the [online Drupal handbook][10]. - For a list of security announcements, see the [*Security advisories* page][11] (available as an RSS feed). This page also describes how to subscribe to these announcements via e-mail. - For information about the Drupal security process, or to find out how to report a potential security issue to the Drupal security team, see the [*Security team* page][12]. - For information about the wide range of available support options, see the [*Support* page][13]. [13]: https://drupal.org/handbook "Drupal Handbook" [14]: https://drupal.org/security "Drupal security advisories" [15]: https://drupal.org/security-team "Drupal security team" [16]: https://drupal.org/support] "Drupal support"