array( 'include' => 'schedule', 'type_name' => t('Backup Schedule'), 'class' => 'backup_migrate_schedule', ), ); return $out; } /** * Run the preconfigured schedules. Called on cron. */ function backup_migrate_schedules_cron() { backup_migrate_include('profiles'); foreach (backup_migrate_get_schedules() as $schedule) { $schedule->cron(); } backup_migrate_cleanup(); } /** * Run the preconfigured schedules regardless of scheduled time settings. */ function backup_migrate_schedules_run() { backup_migrate_include('profiles'); foreach (backup_migrate_get_schedules() as $schedule) { $schedule->run(); } backup_migrate_cleanup(); } /** * Run the preconfigured schedules. Called on cron. */ function backup_migrate_schedule_run($schedule_id) { backup_migrate_include('profiles'); if ($schedule = backup_migrate_get_schedule($schedule_id)) { $schedule->run(); } backup_migrate_cleanup(); } /** * Get all the available backup schedules. */ function backup_migrate_get_schedules() { static $schedules = NULL; // Get the list of schedules and cache them locally. if ($schedules === NULL) { $schedules = backup_migrate_crud_get_items('schedule'); } return $schedules; } /** * Get the schedule info for the schedule with the given ID, or NULL if none exists. */ function backup_migrate_get_schedule($schedule_id) { $schedules = backup_migrate_get_schedules(); return @$schedules[$schedule_id]; } /** * A schedule class for crud operations. */ class backup_migrate_schedule extends backup_migrate_item { var $db_table = "backup_migrate_schedules"; var $type_name = 'schedule'; var $singular = 'schedule'; var $plural = 'schedules'; var $title_plural = 'Schedules'; var $title_singular = 'Schedule'; var $default_values = array(); /** * This function is not supposed to be called. It is just here to help the po extractor out. */ function strings() { // Help the pot extractor find these strings. t('Schedule'); t('Schedules'); t('schedule'); t('schedules'); } /** * Get the default values for this item. */ function get_default_values() { return array( 'name' => t("Untitled Schedule"), 'source_id' => 'db', 'enabled' => 1, 'keep' => BACKUP_MIGRATE_KEEP_ALL, 'period' => 60 * 60 * 24, 'storage' => BACKUP_MIGRATE_STORAGE_NONE, 'cron' => BACKUP_MIGRATE_CRON_BUILTIN, 'cron_schedule' => '0 4 * * *', ); } /** * Return as an array of values. */ function to_array() { $out = parent::to_array(); unset($out['last_run']); return $out; } /** * Get the columns needed to list the type. */ function get_list_column_info() { $out = parent::get_list_column_info(); $out = array( 'name' => array('title' => t('Name')), 'destination_name' => array('title' => t('Destinations'), 'html' => TRUE), 'profile_name' => array('title' => t('Profile'), 'html' => TRUE), 'frequency_description' => array('title' => t('Frequency')), 'keep_description' => array('title' => t('Keep')), 'enabled_description' => array('title' => t('Enabled')), 'last_run_description' => array('title' => t('Last run')), ) + $out; return $out; } /** * Get the columns needed to list the type. */ function get_settings_path() { // Pull the schedules tab up a level to the top. return BACKUP_MIGRATE_MENU_PATH . '/' . $this->type_name; } /** * Get the menu items for manipulating this type. */ function get_menu_items() { $items = parent::get_menu_items(); $path = $this->get_settings_path(); return $items; } /** * Get a row of data to be used in a list of items of this type. */ function get_list_row() { drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'backup_migrate') .'/backup_migrate.css'); $row = parent::get_list_row(); if (!$this->is_enabled()) { foreach ($row as $key => $field) { if (!is_array($field)) { $row[$key] = array('data' => $field, 'class' => 'schedule-list-disabled'); } else if (isset($row[$key]['class'])) { $row[$key]['class'] .= ' schedule-list-disabled'; } else { $row[$key]['class'] = 'schedule-list-disabled'; } } } return $row; } /** * Is the schedule enabled and valid. */ function is_enabled() { $destination = $this->get_destination(); $profile = $this->get_profile(); return (!empty($this->enabled) && !empty($destination) && !empty($profile)); } /** * Get the destination object of the schedule. */ function get_destination() { $destinations = (array)$this->get_destinations(); return reset($destinations); } /** * Get the destination object of the schedule. */ function get_destination_ids() { $out = array(); foreach (array('destination_id', 'copy_destination_id') as $key) { if ($id = $this->get($key)) { $out[$key] = $id; } } return $out; } /** * Get the destination object of the schedule. */ function get_destinations() { backup_migrate_include('destinations'); $out = array(); foreach ($this->get_destination_ids() as $id) { if ($dest = backup_migrate_get_destination($id)) { $out[$id] = $dest; } } return $out; } /** * Get the destination object of the schedule. */ function get_destination_remote() { backup_migrate_include('destinations'); return backup_migrate_get_destination($this->get('destination_remote_id')); } /** * Get the destination object of the schedule. */ function get_destination_local() { backup_migrate_include('destinations'); return backup_migrate_get_destination($this->get('destination_local_id')); } /** * Get the name of the destination. */ function get_destination_name() { if ($destinations = $this->get_destinations()) { $out = array(); foreach ((array)$destinations as $destination) { $out[] = check_plain($destination->get_name()); } return implode(', ', $out); } return '
'. t("Missing") .'
'; } /** * Get the destination of the schedule. */ function get_profile() { backup_migrate_include('profiles'); if ($settings = backup_migrate_get_profile($this->get('profile_id'))) { $settings->file_info = empty($settings->file_info) ? array() : $settings->file_info; $settings->file_info += array( 'schedule_id' => $this->get_id(), 'schedule_name' => $this->get('name'), ); } return $settings; } /** * Get the name of the source. */ function get_profile_name() { if ($profile = $this->get_profile()) { return check_plain($profile->get_name()); } return '
'. t("Missing") .'
'; } /** * Format a frequency in human-readable form. */ function get_frequency_description() { $period = $this->get_frequency_period(); $cron = $this->get('cron'); if ($cron == BACKUP_MIGRATE_CRON_BUILTIN) { $out = format_plural(($this->period / $period['seconds']), $period['singular'], $period['plural']); } else if ($cron == BACKUP_MIGRATE_CRON_ELYSIA) { $out = $this->get('cron_schedule'); } else { $out = t('None'); } return $out; } /** * Format the number to keep in human-readable form. */ function get_keep_description() { return $this->generate_keep_description($this->keep); } /** * Format a number to keep in human readable from */ function generate_keep_description($keep, $terse = TRUE) { if ($keep == BACKUP_MIGRATE_KEEP_ALL) { return t('all backups'); } else if ($keep == BACKUP_MIGRATE_SMART_DELETE) { $keep_hourly = variable_get('backup_migrate_smart_keep_hourly', BACKUP_MIGRATE_SMART_KEEP_HOURLY); $keep_daily = variable_get('backup_migrate_smart_keep_daily', BACKUP_MIGRATE_SMART_KEEP_DAILY); $keep_weekly = variable_get('backup_migrate_smart_keep_weekly', BACKUP_MIGRATE_SMART_KEEP_WEEKLY); if ($terse) { return t('!hours hourly, !days daily, !weeks weekly backups', array( '!hours' => $keep_hourly == PHP_INT_MAX ? t('all') : $keep_hourly, '!days' => $keep_daily == PHP_INT_MAX ? t('all') : $keep_daily, '!weeks' => $keep_weekly == PHP_INT_MAX ? t('all') : $keep_weekly, )); } else { return t('hourly backups !hours, daily backups !days and weekly backups !weeks', array( '!hours' => $keep_hourly == PHP_INT_MAX ? t('forever') : format_plural($keep_hourly, 'for 1 hour', 'for the past @count hours'), '!days' => $keep_daily == PHP_INT_MAX ? t('forever') : format_plural($keep_daily, 'for 1 day', 'for the past @count days'), '!weeks' => $keep_weekly == PHP_INT_MAX ? t('forever') : format_plural($keep_weekly, 'for 1 week', 'for the past @count weeks'), ) ); } } return format_plural($keep, 'last 1 backup', 'last @count backups'); } /** * Format the enabled status in human-readable form. */ function get_enabled_description() { return !empty($this->enabled) ? t('Enabled') : t('Disabled'); } /** * Format the enabled status in human-readable form. */ function get_last_run_description() { $last_run = $this->get('last_run'); return !empty($last_run) ? format_date($last_run, 'small') : t('Never'); } /** * Get the number of excluded tables. */ function get_exclude_tables_count() { return count($this->exclude_tables) ? count($this->exclude_tables) : t("No tables excluded"); } /** * Get the number of excluded tables. */ function get_nodata_tables_count() { return count($this->nodata_tables) ? count($this->nodata_tables) : t("No data omitted"); } /** * Get the edit form. */ function edit_form() { $form = parent::edit_form(); backup_migrate_include('destinations', 'sources', 'profiles'); $form['name'] = array( "#type" => "textfield", "#title" => t("Schedule Name"), "#default_value" => $this->get('name'), ); $form += _backup_migrate_get_source_form($this->get('source_id')); $form['profile_id'] = array( "#type" => "select", "#title" => t("Settings Profile"), "#options" => _backup_migrate_get_profile_form_item_options(), "#default_value" => $this->get('profile_id'), ); $form['profile_id']['#description'] = ' '. l(t("Create new profile"), BACKUP_MIGRATE_MENU_PATH . "/profile/add"); if (!$form['profile_id']['#options']) { $form['profile_id']['#options'] = array('0' => t('-- None Available --')); } $period_options = array(); foreach ($this->frequency_periods() as $type => $period) { $period_options[$type] = $period['title']; } $default_period = $this->get_frequency_period(); $default_period_num = $this->get('period') / $default_period['seconds']; $form['enabled'] = array( '#type' => "checkbox", '#title' => t('Enabled'), '#default_value' => $this->get('enabled'), ); $form['cron_settings'] = array( '#type' => 'backup_migrate_dependent', '#dependencies' => array( 'enabled' => TRUE, ), ); $cron = $this->get('cron'); $form['cron_settings']['cron_builtin'] = array( "#type" => "radio", "#title" => t('Run using Drupal\'s cron'), '#return_value' => BACKUP_MIGRATE_CRON_BUILTIN, "#description" => t('Run this schedule when !cron runs.', array('!cron' => l(t('your cron task'), ''))), "#default_value" => $cron ? $cron : BACKUP_MIGRATE_CRON_BUILTIN, '#parents' => array('cron'), ); $form['cron_settings']['period_settings'] = array( '#type' => 'backup_migrate_dependent', '#dependencies' => array( 'cron' => BACKUP_MIGRATE_CRON_BUILTIN, ), ); $form['cron_settings']['period_settings']['period'] = array( "#type" => "item", "#title" => t("Backup every"), "#prefix" => '
', "#suffix" => '
', "#tree" => TRUE, '#parents' => array('period'), ); $form['cron_settings']['period_settings']['period']['number'] = array( "#type" => "textfield", "#size" => 6, "#default_value" => $default_period_num, '#parents' => array('period', 'number'), ); $form['cron_settings']['period_settings']['period']['type'] = array( "#type" => "select", "#options" => $period_options, "#default_value" => $default_period['type'], '#parents' => array('period', 'type'), ); $form['cron_settings']['cron_elysia'] = array( "#type" => "radio", "#title" => t('Run using Elysia cron'), '#return_value' => BACKUP_MIGRATE_CRON_ELYSIA, "#description" => t('You can specify exactly when this schedule should run using !elysia.', array('!elysia' => l(t('the Elysia Cron module'), ''))), "#default_value" => $cron ? $cron : BACKUP_MIGRATE_CRON_BUILTIN, '#parents' => array('cron'), ); if (!module_exists('elysia_cron')) { $form['cron_settings']['cron_elysia']['#disabled'] = TRUE; $form['cron_settings']['cron_elysia']['#description'] .= ' ' . t('Install !elysia to enable this option.', array('!elysia' => l(t('Elysia Cron'), ''))); } $form['cron_settings']['cron_schedule_settings'] = array( '#type' => 'backup_migrate_dependent', '#dependencies' => array( 'cron' => BACKUP_MIGRATE_CRON_ELYSIA, ), ); $form['cron_settings']['cron_schedule_settings']['cron_schedule'] = array( "#type" => "textfield", "#title" => t('Cron Schedule'), '#length' => 10, "#description" => t('Specify the frequecy of the schedule using standard cron notation. For more information see the !elysiareadme.', array('!elysiareadme' => l(t('the Elysia Cron README'), ''))), "#default_value" => $this->get('cron_schedule'), '#parents' => array('cron_schedule'), ); $form['cron_settings']['cron_none'] = array( "#type" => "radio", "#title" => t('Do not run automatically'), '#return_value' => 'none', "#description" => t('Do not run this schedule automatically. You can still run it using !drush.', array('!drush' => l(t('Drush'), ''))), "#default_value" => $cron ? $cron : BACKUP_MIGRATE_CRON_BUILTIN, '#parents' => array('cron'), ); $keep = $this->get('keep'); $form['delete'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#default_value' => $keep != 0, '#title' => t('Automatically delete old backups'), ); $form['delete_settings'] = array( '#type' => 'backup_migrate_dependent', '#dependencies' => array( 'delete' => TRUE, ), ); $keep_hourly = variable_get('backup_migrate_smart_keep_hourly', BACKUP_MIGRATE_SMART_KEEP_HOURLY); $keep_daily = variable_get('backup_migrate_smart_keep_daily', BACKUP_MIGRATE_SMART_KEEP_DAILY); $keep_weekly = variable_get('backup_migrate_smart_keep_weekly', BACKUP_MIGRATE_SMART_KEEP_WEEKLY); $form['delete_settings']['smartdelete'] = array( "#type" => "radio", "#title" => t('Smart Delete'), '#return_value' => BACKUP_MIGRATE_SMART_DELETE, "#description" => t('Keep !keep. Recommended', array('!keep' => $this->generate_keep_description(BACKUP_MIGRATE_SMART_DELETE, FALSE))), "#default_value" => $keep ? $keep : BACKUP_MIGRATE_SMART_DELETE, '#parents' => array('deletetype'), ); $form['delete_settings']['standarddelete'] = array( "#type" => "radio", "#title" => t('Simple Delete'), '#return_value' => BACKUP_MIGRATE_STANDARD_DELETE, "#description" => t("Keep a specified number of files deleting the oldest ones first."), "#default_value" => $keep > 0 ? BACKUP_MIGRATE_STANDARD_DELETE : 0, '#parents' => array('deletetype'), ); $form['delete_settings']['keep-settings'] = array( '#type' => 'backup_migrate_dependent', '#dependencies' => array( 'deletetype' => BACKUP_MIGRATE_STANDARD_DELETE, ), ); $form['delete_settings']['keep-settings']['keep'] = array( "#type" => "textfield", "#size" => 6, "#title" => t("Number of Backup files to keep"), "#description" => t("The number of backup files to keep before deleting old ones."), "#default_value" => $keep > 0 ? $keep : BACKUP_MIGRATE_KEEP_DEFAULT, ); $form['destination'] = _backup_migrate_get_destination_pulldown('scheduled backup', $this->get('destination_id'), $this->get('copy_destination_id')); return $form; } /** * Submit the edit form. */ function edit_form_validate($form, &$form_state) { if (!is_numeric($form_state['values']['period']['number']) || $form_state['values']['period']['number'] <= 0) { form_set_error('period][number', t('Backup period must be a number greater than 0.')); } if (!$form_state['values']['delete']) { $form_state['values']['keep'] = 0; } else if ($form_state['values']['deletetype'] == BACKUP_MIGRATE_SMART_DELETE) { $form_state['values']['keep'] = BACKUP_MIGRATE_SMART_DELETE; } else if (!is_numeric($form_state['values']['keep']) || $form_state['values']['keep'] <= 0) { form_set_error('keep', t('Number to keep must be a number greater than 0.')); } parent::edit_form_validate($form, $form_state); } /** * Submit the edit form. */ function edit_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { $periods = $this->frequency_periods(); $period = $periods[$form_state['values']['period']['type']]; $form_state['values']['period'] = $form_state['values']['period']['number'] * $period['seconds']; parent::edit_form_submit($form, $form_state); } /** * Get the period of the frequency (ie: seconds, minutes etc.) */ function get_frequency_period() { foreach (array_reverse($this->frequency_periods()) as $period) { if ($period['seconds'] && ($this->period % $period['seconds']) === 0) { return $period; } } } /** * Get a list of available backup periods. Only returns time periods which have a * (reasonably) consistent number of seconds (ie: no months). */ function frequency_periods() { return array( 'seconds' => array('type' => 'seconds', 'seconds' => 1, 'title' => t('Seconds'), 'singular' => t('Once a second'), 'plural' => t('Every @count seconds')), 'minutes' => array('type' => 'minutes', 'seconds' => 60, 'title' => t('Minutes'), 'singular' => t('Once a minute'), 'plural' => t('Every @count minutes')), 'hours' => array('type' => 'hours', 'seconds' => 3600, 'title' => t('Hours'), 'singular' => t('Once an hour'), 'plural' => t('Every @count hours')), 'days' => array('type' => 'days', 'seconds' => 86400, 'title' => t('Days'), 'singular' => t('Once a day'), 'plural' => t('Every @count days')), 'weeks' => array('type' => 'weeks', 'seconds' => 604800, 'title' => t('Weeks'), 'singular' => t('Once a week'), 'plural' => t('Every @count weeks')), ); } /** * Get the message to send to the user when confirming the deletion of the item. */ function delete_confirm_message() { return t('Are you sure you want to delete the schedule %name? Backups made with this schedule will not be deleted.', array('%name' => $this->get('name'))); } /** * Perform the cron action. Run the backup if enough time has elapsed. */ function cron() { $now = time(); // Add a small negative buffer (1% of the entire period) to the time to account for slight difference in cron run length. $wait_time = $this->period - ($this->period * variable_get('backup_migrate_schedule_buffer', 0.01)); $cron = $this->get('cron'); if ($cron == BACKUP_MIGRATE_CRON_BUILTIN && $this->is_enabled() && ($now - $this->get('last_run')) >= $wait_time) { $this->run(); } } /** * Run the actual schedule. */ function run() { if ($settings = $this->get_profile()) { $settings->source_id = $this->get('source_id'); $settings->destination_id = $this->get('destination_ids'); backup_migrate_perform_backup($settings); $this->update_last_run(time()); $this->remove_expired_backups(); } else { backup_migrate_backup_fail("Schedule '%schedule' could not be run because requires a profile which is missing.", array('%schedule' => $schedule->get_name()), $settings); } } /** * Set the last run time of a schedule to the given timestamp, or now if none specified. */ function update_last_run($timestamp = NULL) { if ($timestamp === NULL) { $timestamp = time(); } variable_set('backup_migrate_schedule_last_run_' . $this->get('id'), $timestamp); } /** * Set the last run time of a schedule to the given timestamp, or now if none specified. */ function get_last_run() { return variable_get('backup_migrate_schedule_last_run_' . $this->get('id'), 0); } /** * Remove older backups keeping only the number specified by the aministrator. */ function remove_expired_backups() { backup_migrate_include('destinations'); $num_to_keep = $this->keep; // If num to keep is not 0 (0 is infinity). foreach ((array)$this->get_destinations() as $destination) { if ($destination && $destination->op('delete') && $destination_files = $destination->list_files()) { if ($num_to_keep == BACKUP_MIGRATE_SMART_DELETE) { $this->smart_delete_backups( $destination, $destination_files, variable_get('backup_migrate_smart_keep_subhourly', BACKUP_MIGRATE_SMART_KEEP_SUBHOURLY), variable_get('backup_migrate_smart_keep_hourly', BACKUP_MIGRATE_SMART_KEEP_HOURLY), variable_get('backup_migrate_smart_keep_daily', BACKUP_MIGRATE_SMART_KEEP_DAILY), variable_get('backup_migrate_smart_keep_weekly', BACKUP_MIGRATE_SMART_KEEP_WEEKLY) ); } else if ($num_to_keep != BACKUP_MIGRATE_KEEP_ALL) { $this->delete_backups($destination, $destination_files, $num_to_keep); } } } } /** * Remove older backups keeping only the number specified by the aministrator. */ function delete_backups($destination, $files, $num_to_keep) { backup_migrate_include('destinations'); $num_to_keep = $this->keep; // Sort the files by modified time. $i = 0; foreach ($files as $id => $file) { if ($file->is_recognized_type()) { $time = $file->info('filetime'); $sorted[$id] = $time; } } asort($sorted); // If we are beyond our limit, remove as many as we need. $num_files = count($files); if ($num_files > $num_to_keep) { $num_to_delete = $num_files - $num_to_keep; // Delete from the start of the list (earliest). foreach ($sorted as $id => $time) { if (!$num_to_delete--) { break; } $destination->delete_file($id); } } } /** * Delete files keeping the specified number of hourly, daily, weekly and monthly backups. */ function smart_delete_backups($destination, $files, $keep_subhourly = 3600, $keep_hourly = 24, $keep_daily = 14, $keep_weekly = PHP_INT_MAX, $keep_monthly = PHP_INT_MAX) { $now = time(); $periods = array( 'subhourly' => array( 'delta' => 1, 'keep' => $keep_subhourly, 'last_time' => 0, 'files' => array(), ), 'hourly' => array( 'delta' => 60*60, 'keep' => $keep_hourly, 'last_time' => 0, 'files' => array(), ), 'daily' => array( 'delta' => 60*60*24, 'keep' => $keep_daily, 'last_time' => 0, 'files' => array(), ), 'weekly' => array( 'delta' => 60*60*24*7, 'keep' => $keep_weekly, 'last_time' => 0, 'files' => array(), ), /* 'monthly' => array( 'delta' => 60*60*24*7*4, 'keep' => $keep_monthly, 'last_time' => 0, 'files' => array(), ), */ ); $keep_files = $filetimes = $times = $groups = $sorted = $saved = array(); foreach ($files as $id => $file) { if ($file->is_recognized_type()) { $time = $file->info('filetime'); $sorted[$id] = $time; } } arsort($sorted); $now = time(); foreach ($periods as $i => $period) { foreach ($sorted as $id => $time) { if ($time < ($now - ($period['delta'] * $period['keep']))) { break; } if ($period['last_time'] == 0 || $time <= ($period['last_time'] - $period['delta'])) { $period['last_time'] = $time; $keep_files[$id] = $id; } } // Keep oldest backup or it will get deleted if it doesn't fall on an exact multiple of the period if ($id) { $keep_files[$id] = $id; } } // Do the delete. foreach ($files as $id => $file) { if (!isset($keep_files[$id])) { $destination->delete_file($file->file_id()); } } } }