/'. This * will route through the 'update' method and create the entity if it doesn't * exist. This is the most logical thing to do, since it's up to the client to * generate and set the UUID on the entity. */ function uuid_services_services_resources_alter(&$resources, &$endpoint) { foreach (entity_get_info() as $entity_type => $entity_info) { if (isset($entity_info['uuid']) && $entity_info['uuid'] == TRUE && isset($resources[$entity_type])) { unset($resources[$entity_type]['operations']['create']); // Alter 'retrieve' method to use UUID enabled functions and arguments. $resources[$entity_type]['operations']['retrieve']['help'] = t('Retrieve %label entities based on UUID.', array('%label' => $entity_info['label'])); $resources[$entity_type]['operations']['retrieve']['callback'] = '_uuid_services_entity_retrieve'; $resources[$entity_type]['operations']['retrieve']['access callback'] = '_uuid_services_entity_access'; $resources[$entity_type]['operations']['retrieve']['access arguments'] = array('view'); $resources[$entity_type]['operations']['retrieve']['access arguments append'] = TRUE; $resources[$entity_type]['operations']['retrieve']['args'] = array( // This argument isn't exposed in the service, only used internally.. array( 'name' => 'entity_type', 'description' => t('The entity type.'), 'type' => 'string', 'default value' => $entity_type, 'optional' => TRUE, ), array( 'name' => 'uuid', 'description' => t('The %label UUID.', array('%label' => $entity_info['label'])), 'type' => 'text', 'source' => array('path' => 0), ), ); // Alter 'update' method to use UUID enabled functions and arguments. $resources[$entity_type]['operations']['update']['help'] = t('Update or create %label entities based on UUID. The payload must be formatted according to the OData protocol.', array('%label' => $entity_info['label'], '!url' => 'http://www.odata.org/developers/protocols')); $resources[$entity_type]['operations']['update']['callback'] = '_uuid_services_entity_update'; $resources[$entity_type]['operations']['update']['access callback'] = '_uuid_services_entity_access'; $resources[$entity_type]['operations']['update']['access arguments'] = array('update'); $resources[$entity_type]['operations']['update']['access arguments append'] = TRUE; $resources[$entity_type]['operations']['update']['args'] = array( // This argument isn't exposed in the service, only used internally.. array( 'name' => 'entity_type', 'description' => t('The entity type.'), 'type' => 'string', 'default value' => $entity_type, 'optional' => TRUE, ), array( 'name' => 'uuid', 'description' => t('The %label UUID.', array('%label' => $entity_info['label'])), 'type' => 'text', 'source' => array('path' => 0), ), array( 'name' => 'entity', 'description' => t('The %label entity object.', array('%label' => $entity_info['label'])), 'type' => 'struct', 'source' => 'data', ), ); // Alter 'delete' method to use UUID enabled functions and arguments. $resources[$entity_type]['operations']['delete']['help'] = t('Delete %label entities based on UUID.', array('%label' => $entity_info['label'])); $resources[$entity_type]['operations']['delete']['callback'] = '_uuid_services_entity_delete'; $resources[$entity_type]['operations']['delete']['access callback'] = '_uuid_services_entity_access'; $resources[$entity_type]['operations']['delete']['access arguments'] = array('delete'); $resources[$entity_type]['operations']['delete']['access arguments append'] = TRUE; $resources[$entity_type]['operations']['delete']['args'] = array( // This argument isn't exposed in the service, only used internally.. array( 'name' => 'entity_type', 'description' => t('The entity type.'), 'type' => 'string', 'default value' => $entity_type, 'optional' => TRUE, ), array( 'name' => 'uuid', 'description' => t('The %label UUID.', array('%label' => $entity_info['label'])), 'type' => 'text', 'source' => array('path' => 0), ), ); } } } /** * Callback for the 'retrieve' method. * * @see entity_uuid_load() */ function _uuid_services_entity_retrieve($entity_type, $uuid) { try { $entities = entity_uuid_load($entity_type, array($uuid)); $entity = reset($entities); return $entity; } catch (Exception $exception) { watchdog_exception('uuid_services', $exception); return services_error($exception, 406, $uuid); } } /** * Callback for the 'update' method. * * @see entity_uuid_save() */ function _uuid_services_entity_update($entity_type, $uuid, $entity) { try { $controller = entity_get_controller($entity_type); if ($controller instanceof EntityAPIControllerInterface) { $entity = $controller->create($entity); } else { $entity = (object) $entity; } entity_uuid_save($entity_type, $entity); return $entity; } catch (Exception $exception) { watchdog_exception('uuid_services', $exception); return services_error($exception, 406, $entity); } } /** * Callback for the 'delete' method. * * @see entity_uuid_delete() */ function _uuid_services_entity_delete($entity_type, $uuid) { try { $return = entity_uuid_delete($entity_type, array($uuid)); return $return; } catch (Exception $exception) { watchdog_exception('uuid_services', $exception); return services_error($exception, 406, $uuid); } } /** * Access callback. * * @param $op * The operation we are trying to do on the entity. Can only be: * - "view" * - "update" * - "delete" * See 'uuid_services_services_resources_alter()' for an explanation why * 'create' is missing. * @param $args * The arguments passed to the method. The keys are holding the following: * 0. * 1. * 2. (only available if $op == 'update') */ function _uuid_services_entity_access($op, $args) { try { // Fetch the information we have to work with. $entity_type = $args[0]; // Load functions always deal with multiple entities. So does this lookup // function. But in practice this will always only be one id. $entity_ids = entity_get_id_by_uuid($entity_type, array($args[1])); $entity = NULL; if (!empty($args[2])) { $entity = entity_create($entity_type, $args[2]); // We have to make the entity local (i.e. only have local references), for // access functions to work on it. entity_make_entity_local($entity_type, $entity); } // Fetch the local entity if we've got an id. elseif (!empty($entity_id)) { $entities = entity_load($entity_type, $entity_ids); $entity = reset($entities); } // If we've been routed to the 'update' method and the entity we are // operating on doesn't exist yet, that should be reflected. if ($op == 'update' && empty($entity_ids)) { $op = 'create'; } // Taxonomy and Comment module uses 'edit' instead of 'update'. // Oh, how I love Drupal consistency. if (($entity_type == 'taxonomy_term' || $entity_type == 'comment') && $op == 'update') { $op = 'edit'; } // The following code is taken from entity_access() with some extra logic // to handle the case where an entity type is not defining an access // callback. With this logic, it's important that all entity types that // needs access control have an access callback defined. if (($info = entity_get_info()) && isset($info[$entity_type]['access callback'])) { return $info[$entity_type]['access callback']($op, $entity, NULL, $entity_type); } return TRUE; } catch (Exception $exception) { watchdog_exception('uuid_services', $exception); return services_error($exception, 406, $entity_type); } } /** * Implements hook_services_resources(). */ function uuid_services_services_resources() { module_load_include('inc', 'uuid_services', 'resources/field_collection.resource'); $resources = array( '#api_version' => 3002, ); $resources += _field_collection_resource_definition(); return $resources; }