array( 'variables' => array( 'show_thumbnail' => TRUE, 'thumbnail_path' => NULL, 'description' => NULL, 'image_style' => NULL, 'video_url' => NULL, 'video_style' => 'normal', ), ), ); } /** * Implements hook_field_formatter_info(). */ function video_embed_field_overlay_field_formatter_info() { return array( 'video_embed_field_overlay' => array( 'label' => t('Overlay'), 'field types' => array('video_embed_field'), 'settings' => array( 'show_thumbnail' => TRUE, 'video_style' => 'normal', 'image_style' => image_style_load('video_thumbnail') ? 'video_thumbnail' : 'none', 'description' => 1, 'overlay' => 'dom-window'), ), ); } /** * Implements hook_field_formatter_settings_form(). */ function video_embed_field_overlay_field_formatter_settings_form($field, $instance, $view_mode, $form, &$form_state) { $display = $instance['display'][$view_mode]; $settings = $display['settings']; $element = array(); if ($display['type'] == 'video_embed_field_overlay') { // Video style $video_styles = video_embed_field_video_style_options(FALSE); $element['video_style'] = array( '#title' => t('Video style'), '#type' => 'select', '#default_value' => $settings['video_style'], '#options' => $video_styles, ); // Show an image? $element['show_thumbnail'] = array( '#title' => t('Show thumbnail'), '#type' => 'select', '#options' => array(1 => t('Yes'), 0 => t('No')), '#default_value' => $settings['show_thumbnail'], ); // Image style $element['image_style'] = array( '#title' => t('Image style'), '#type' => 'select', '#options' => image_style_options(FALSE), '#default_value' => $settings['image_style'], '#empty_option' => t('None (original image)'), ); // Overlay library $element['overlay'] = array( '#title' => t('Overlay Library:'), '#type' => 'select', '#options' => array('dom-window' => t('DOM Window')), '#default_value' => $settings['overlay'], ); } return $element; } /** * Implements hook_field_formatter_settings_summary(). */ function video_embed_field_overlay_field_formatter_settings_summary($field, $instance, $view_mode) { $display = $instance['display'][$view_mode]; $settings = $display['settings']; $summary = array(); if ($display['type'] == 'video_embed_field_overlay') { // Video style $video_styles = video_embed_field_video_style_options(FALSE); // Styles could be lost because of enabled/disabled modules that defines // their styles in code. if (isset($video_styles[$settings['video_style']])) { $summary[] = t('Video style: @style', array('@style' => $video_styles[$settings['video_style']])); } // Display thumbnail? if (isset($settings['show_thumbnail']) && $settings['show_thumbnail'] == TRUE) { $summary[] = t('Link: Showing thumbnail in link.'); } else { $summary[] = t('Link: Showing plain-text link.'); } // Image style $image_styles = image_style_options(FALSE); if (isset($image_styles[$settings['image_style']])) { $summary[] = t('Image style: @style', array('@style' => $image_styles[$settings['image_style']])); } //No Image style (original image) else { $summary[] = t('Original Image.'); } // Overlay // @TODO: extend this to use a list of available overlay libraries. if (isset($settings['overlay'])) { $summary[] = t('Overlay Library: @overlay.', array('@overlay' => 'DOM Window')); } else { $summary[] = t('Overlay Library: @overlay.', array('@overlay' => 'DOM Window')); } } return implode('
', $summary); } /** * Implements hook_field_formatter_view(). */ function video_embed_field_overlay_field_formatter_view($entity_type, $entity, $field, $instance, $langcode, $items, $display) { $element = array(); foreach ($items as $delta => $item) { if ($display['type'] == 'video_embed_field_overlay') { if (!isset($item['description']) || empty($item['description'])) { $item['description'] = t('Play video'); } $element[$delta] = array( '#theme' => 'video_embed_field_overlay', '#thumbnail_path' => $item['thumbnail_path'], '#image_style' => $display['settings']['image_style'], '#video_url' => $item['video_url'], '#description' => $item['description'], '#show_thumbnail' => $display['settings']['show_thumbnail'], '#video_style' => $display['settings']['video_style'], '#attached' => array( 'css' => array( drupal_get_path('module', 'video_embed_field_overlay') . '/css/video_embed_field_overlay.css', ), ), ); if (video_embed_field_overlay_library_exists()) { $element[$delta]['#attached']['library'] = array(array('domwindow', 'domwindow')); $element[$delta]['#attached']['js'] = array(drupal_get_path('module', 'video_embed_field_overlay') . '/js/video_embed_field_overlay.js'); drupal_add_js(array( 'video_embed_field_overlay' => array( 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'video_embed_field_overlay'), ), ), 'setting'); } else { drupal_set_message(t('DOM Window library was not found.'), 'warning'); } } } return $element; } /** * Theme function wraps a video_embed_field element in an overlay */ function theme_video_embed_field_overlay(&$variables) { $output = ''; if (isset($variables['show_thumbnail']) && $variables['show_thumbnail'] == TRUE) { if (isset($variables['image_style']) && $variables['image_style']) { $thumbnail = theme('image_style', array( 'path' => $variables['thumbnail_path'], 'style_name' => $variables['image_style'])); } else { $thumbnail = theme('image', array( 'path' => $variables['thumbnail_path'], 'alt' => $variables['description'], )); } } if (!isset($thumbnail) || empty($thumbnail)) { $link = l($variables['description'], $variables['video_url'], array( 'attributes' => array( 'class' => array('overlay'), 'title' => $variables['description'], ), 'html' => TRUE, )); } else { $link = l($thumbnail, $variables['video_url'], array( 'attributes' => array( 'class' => array('overlay'), ), 'html' => TRUE, )); } if (!isset($variables['video_style']) || empty($variables['video_style'])) { $variables['video_style'] = 'normal'; } $embed_code = theme('video_embed_field_embed_code', array( 'url' => $variables['video_url'], 'style' => $variables['video_style'], )); $output .= '
'; $output .= '
'; $output .= ' ' . $link; $output .= '
'; $output .= '
'; $output .= ' ' . $embed_code; $output .= '
'; $output .= '
'; return $output; } /** * Implements hook_image_default_styles(). */ function video_embed_field_overlay_image_default_styles() { $styles = array(); // Exported image style: video_thumbnail $styles['video_thumbnail'] = array( 'name' => 'video_thumbnail', 'effects' => array( 1 => array( 'label' => 'Scale and crop', 'help' => 'Scale and crop will maintain the aspect-ratio of the original image, then crop the larger dimension. This is most useful for creating perfectly square thumbnails without stretching the image.', 'effect callback' => 'image_scale_and_crop_effect', 'dimensions callback' => 'image_resize_dimensions', 'form callback' => 'image_resize_form', 'summary theme' => 'image_resize_summary', 'module' => 'image', 'name' => 'image_scale_and_crop', 'data' => array( 'width' => '510', 'height' => '290', ), 'weight' => '1', ), ), ); // If the user has enabled the imagecache_canvasactions module, use it. // @see if (module_exists('imagecache_canvasactions')) { $styles['video_thumbnail']['effects'][] = array( 'label' => 'Overlay (watermark)', 'help' => 'Choose the file image you wish to use as an overlay, and position it in a layer on top of the canvas.', 'effect callback' => 'canvasactions_file2canvas_image', 'form callback' => 'canvasactions_file2canvas_form', 'summary theme' => 'canvasactions_file2canvas_summary', 'module' => 'imagecache_canvasactions', 'name' => 'canvasactions_file2canvas', 'data' => array( 'xpos' => 'center', 'ypos' => 'center', 'alpha' => '100', // 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'video_embed_field_overlay') . '/images/video_overlay.png', 'path' => 'module://video_embed_field_overlay/images/video_overlay.png', ), 'weight' => '2', ); } return $styles; } /** * Implements hook_modules_enabled(). */ function video_embed_field_overlay_modules_enabled($modules) { if (in_array('imagecache_canvasactions', $modules)) { drupal_static_reset('image_effect_definitions'); $style = image_style_load('video_thumbnail'); if ($style) { image_default_style_revert($style); drupal_set_message(t('Video Thumbnail image style has been reverted to its original state and the overlay action has been added.')); image_flush_caches(); } } } /** * Helper function that checks if the domwindow library is present. */ function video_embed_field_overlay_library_exists() { $libraries = array(); if (empty($libraries)) { $libraries = libraries_get_libraries(); } return array_key_exists('jquery.domwindow', $libraries); }