field = $field; $this->instance = $instance; } /** * Implements EntityReferenceHandler::settingsForm(). */ public static function settingsForm($field, $instance) { $view_settings = empty($field['settings']['handler_settings']['view']) ? '' : $field['settings']['handler_settings']['view']; $displays = views_get_applicable_views('entityreference display'); // Filter views that list the entity type we want, and group the separate // displays by view. $entity_info = entity_get_info($field['settings']['target_type']); $options = array(); foreach ($displays as $data) { list($view, $display_id) = $data; if ($view->base_table == $entity_info['base table']) { $options[$view->name . ':' . $display_id] = $view->name . ' - ' . $view->display[$display_id]->display_title; } } // The value of the 'view_and_display' select below will need to be split // into 'view_name' and 'view_display' in the final submitted values, so // we massage the data at validate time on the wrapping element (not // ideal). $form['view']['#element_validate'] = array('entityreference_view_settings_validate'); if ($options) { $default = !empty($view_settings['view_name']) ? $view_settings['view_name'] . ':' . $view_settings['display_name'] : NULL; $form['view']['view_and_display'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('View used to select the entities'), '#required' => TRUE, '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => $default, '#description' => '

' . t('Choose the view and display that select the entities that can be referenced.
Only views with a display of type "Entity Reference" are eligible.') . '

', ); $default = !empty($view_settings['args']) ? implode(', ', $view_settings['args']) : ''; $form['view']['args'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('View arguments'), '#default_value' => $default, '#required' => FALSE, '#description' => t('Provide a comma separated list of arguments to pass to the view.'), ); } else { $form['view']['no_view_help'] = array( '#markup' => '

' . t('No eligible views were found. Create a view with an Entity Reference display, or add such a display to an existing view.', array( '@create' => url('admin/structure/views/add'), '@existing' => url('admin/structure/views'), )) . '

', ); } return $form; } protected function initializeView($match = NULL, $match_operator = 'CONTAINS', $limit = 0, $ids = NULL) { $view_name = $this->field['settings']['handler_settings']['view']['view_name']; $display_name = $this->field['settings']['handler_settings']['view']['display_name']; $args = $this->field['settings']['handler_settings']['view']['args']; $entity_type = $this->field['settings']['target_type']; // Check that the view is valid and the display still exists. $this->view = views_get_view($view_name); if (!$this->view || !isset($this->view->display[$display_name]) || !$this->view->access($display_name)) { watchdog('entityreference', 'The view %view_name is no longer eligible for the %field_name field.', array('%view_name' => $view_name, '%field_name' => $this->instance['label']), WATCHDOG_WARNING); return FALSE; } $this->view->set_display($display_name); // Make sure the query is not cached. $this->view->is_cacheable = FALSE; // Pass options to the display handler to make them available later. $entityreference_options = array( 'match' => $match, 'match_operator' => $match_operator, 'limit' => $limit, 'ids' => $ids, ); $this->view->display_handler->set_option('entityreference_options', $entityreference_options); return TRUE; } /** * Implements EntityReferenceHandler::getReferencableEntities(). */ public function getReferencableEntities($match = NULL, $match_operator = 'CONTAINS', $limit = 0) { $display_name = $this->field['settings']['handler_settings']['view']['display_name']; $args = $this->field['settings']['handler_settings']['view']['args']; $result = array(); if ($this->initializeView($match, $match_operator, $limit)) { // Get the results. $result = $this->view->execute_display($display_name, $args); } $return = array(); if ($result) { $target_type = $this->field['settings']['target_type']; $entities = entity_load($target_type, array_keys($result)); foreach($entities as $entity) { list($id,, $bundle) = entity_extract_ids($target_type, $entity); $return[$bundle][$id] = $result[$id]; } } return $return; } /** * Implements EntityReferenceHandler::countReferencableEntities(). */ function countReferencableEntities($match = NULL, $match_operator = 'CONTAINS') { $this->getReferencableEntities($match, $match_operator); return $this->view->total_items; } function validateReferencableEntities(array $ids) { $display_name = $this->field['settings']['handler_settings']['view']['display_name']; $args = $this->field['settings']['handler_settings']['view']['args']; $result = array(); if ($this->initializeView(NULL, 'CONTAINS', 0, $ids)) { // Get the results. $entities = $this->view->execute_display($display_name, $args); if (!empty($entities)) { $result = array_keys($entities); } } return $result; } /** * Implements EntityReferenceHandler::validateAutocompleteInput(). */ public function validateAutocompleteInput($input, &$element, &$form_state, $form) { return NULL; } /** * Implements EntityReferenceHandler::getLabel(). */ public function getLabel($entity) { return entity_label($this->field['settings']['target_type'], $entity); } /** * Implements EntityReferenceHandler::entityFieldQueryAlter(). */ public function entityFieldQueryAlter(SelectQueryInterface $query) { } } function entityreference_view_settings_validate($element, &$form_state, $form) { // Split view name and display name from the 'view_and_display' value. if (!empty($element['view_and_display']['#value'])) { list($view, $display) = explode(':', $element['view_and_display']['#value']); } else { form_error($element, t('The views entity selection mode requires a view.')); return; } // Explode the 'args' string into an actual array. Beware, explode() turns an // empty string into an array with one empty string. We'll need an empty array // instead. $args_string = trim($element['args']['#value']); if ($args_string === '') { $args = array(); } else { // array_map is called to trim whitespaces from the arguments. $args = array_map('trim', explode(',', $args_string)); } $value = array('view_name' => $view, 'display_name' => $display, 'args' => $args); form_set_value($element, $value, $form_state); }