# readdirp examples ## How to run the examples Assuming you installed readdirp (`npm install readdirp`), you can do the following: 1. `npm explore readdirp` 2. `cd examples` 3. `npm install` At that point you can run the examples with node, i.e., `node grep`. ## stream api [stream-api.js](https://github.com/thlorenz/readdirp/blob/master/examples/stream-api.js) Demonstrates error and data handling by listening to events emitted from the readdirp stream. ## stream api pipe [stream-api-pipe.js](https://github.com/thlorenz/readdirp/blob/master/examples/stream-api-pipe.js) Demonstrates error handling by listening to events emitted from the readdirp stream and how to pipe the data stream into another destination stream. ## grep [grep.js](https://github.com/thlorenz/readdirp/blob/master/examples/grep.js) Very naive implementation of grep, for demonstration purposes only. ## using callback api [callback-api.js](https://github.com/thlorenz/readdirp/blob/master/examples/callback-api.js) Shows how to pass callbacks in order to handle errors and/or data.