SUMMARY: -------- Allows videos embedded using the video_embed_field module to be displayed in a DOM Window overlay. REQUIREMENTS: ------------- * Libraries. * DOM Window. * DOM Window jQuery Plugin. * Image Cache Actions 7.x-1.0 * System Stream Wrapper * Video Embed.Field * System Stream Wrapper is only needed if you want to use ICA 7.x-1.1 or greater INSTALLATION: ------------- * Install this module as usual. * Make sure the DOM Window is installed correctly and the jquery.DOMWindow was downloaded correctly * If you haven't already done so, add a Video Embed field to one of your content types. * When configuring the field if you enable the description field, it will be used as the link description if you choose not to show the thumbnail. * The Video Embed overlay settings can be tweaked in the Manage Display tab of your content type. For your video embed field, under the format column you will be presented the usual options: Video Player and Thumbnail Preview and a new option, provided by this module: Overlay. * When you change the format, different options will be presented to you in the column to the right. So, click on overlay and notice that config settings will be presented to you. * Click on the gear icon on the far right of that row to make the necessary display adjustments. CONFIGURATION: -------------- * Video Style. Description: Same behavior from the video_embed_field module. Controls the embedded player settings. Default value: Normal. * Show Thumbnail. Description: Controls whether the thumbnail from the video service is displayed or not. If not, then a simple Play Button link will be shown instead of the thumbnail. Default value: Yes * Image Style. Description: If selected, applies one of the available image styles to the thumbnail image. Useful to overlay a play button on top of the thumbnail. Default value: None (original image) COOL EXTRAS: ------------ * For extra oomph try the imagecache_actions module that extends the core image functionality. $ drush dl imagecache_actions; drush en imagecache_canvasactions -y; ROAD MAP: --------- * Future enhancements include: - More customization of the settings via the user interface / admin screens. MAINTAINERS: ------------ * Rob Montero (rmontero) -