availableVariables(); // Default to variables with the same name as the parameter. if (isset($vars[$name])) { $settings[$name . ':select'] = $name; } // If there is only one match, use it by default. elseif (count($matches = RulesData::matchingDataSelector($vars, $info, '', 1, FALSE)) == 1) { $settings[$name . ':select'] = rules_array_key($matches); } } $form[$name . ':select'] = array( '#type' => 'rules_data_selection', '#title' => t('Data selector'), '#default_value' => $settings[$name . ':select'], '#required' => empty($info['optional']), '#autocomplete_path' => RulesPluginUI::path($element->root()->name, 'autocomplete' . '/' . $name), // Make the autocomplete textfield big enough so that it can display // descriptions without word wraps. '#size' => 75, '#description' => t("The data selector helps you drill down into the data available to Rules. To make entity fields appear in the data selector, you may have to use the condition 'entity has field' (or 'content is of type'). More useful tips about data selection is available in the online documentation.", array('@url' => rules_external_help('data-selection'))), ); $cache = rules_get_cache(); $form['types_help'] = array( '#theme' => 'rules_settings_help', '#heading' => t('Data types'), ); if ($info['type'] == '*') { $type_labels[] = t('any'); } else { $types = is_array($info['type']) ? $info['type'] : array($info['type']); $type_labels = array(); foreach ($types as $type) { $type_labels[] = drupal_ucfirst(isset($cache['data_info'][$type]['label']) ? $cache['data_info'][$type]['label'] : $type); } } $form['types_help']['#text'] = format_plural(count($type_labels), 'Select data of the type %types.', 'Select data of the types %types.', array('%types' => implode(', ', $type_labels))); if (!empty($info['translatable'])) { if (empty($info['custom translation language'])) { $text = t('If a multilingual data source (i.e. a translatable field) is given, the argument is translated to the current interface language.'); } else { $text = t('If a multilingual data source (i.e. a translatable field) is given, the argument is translated to the configured language.'); } $form['translation'] = array( '#theme' => 'rules_settings_help', '#text' => $text, '#heading' => t('Translation'), ); } $form['help'] = array( '#theme' => 'rules_data_selector_help', '#variables' => $element->availableVariables(), '#parameter' => $info, ); // Add data processor. $settings += array($name . ':process' => array()); $form[$name . ':process'] = array(); RulesDataProcessor::attachForm($form[$name . ':process'], $settings[$name . ':process'], $info, $element->availableVariables()); return $form; } /** * Renders the value by making use of the label if an options list is available. * * Used for data UI classes implementing the * RulesDataDirectInputFormInterface. * * In case an options list is available, the the usual render() method won't * be invoked, instead the selected entry is rendered via this method. * * @todo for Drupal 8: Refactor to avoid implementations have to care about * option lists when generating the form, but not when rendering values. */ public static function renderOptionsLabel($value, $name, $info, RulesPlugin $element) { if (!empty($info['options list'])) { $element->call('loadBasicInclude'); $options = entity_property_options_flatten(call_user_func($info['options list'], $element, $name)); if (!is_array($value) && isset($options[$value])) { $value = $options[$value]; } elseif (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $key => $single_value) { if (isset($options[$single_value])) { $value[$key] = $options[$single_value]; } } $value = implode(', ', $value); } return array( 'content' => array('#markup' => check_plain($value)), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('rules-parameter-options-entry')), ); } } /** * Returns the data type and parameter information for the given arguments. * * This helper may be used by options list callbacks operation at data-type * level, see RulesDataInputOptionsListInterface. */ public static function getTypeInfo(RulesPlugin $element, $name) { $parameters = $element->pluginParameterInfo(); return array($parameters[$name]['type'], $parameters[$name]); } } /** * UI for textual data. */ class RulesDataUIText extends RulesDataUI implements RulesDataDirectInputFormInterface { public static function getDefaultMode() { return 'input'; } public static function inputForm($name, $info, $settings, RulesPlugin $element) { if (!empty($info['options list'])) { // Make sure the .rules.inc of the providing module is included as the // options list callback may reside there. $element->call('loadBasicInclude'); $form[$name] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#options' => call_user_func($info['options list'], $element, $name), ); } else { $form[$name] = array( '#type' => 'textarea', ); RulesDataInputEvaluator::attachForm($form, $settings, $info, $element->availableVariables()); } $settings += array($name => isset($info['default value']) ? $info['default value'] : NULL); $form[$name] += array( '#title' => t('Value'), '#default_value' => $settings[$name], '#required' => empty($info['optional']), '#after_build' => array('rules_ui_element_fix_empty_after_build'), '#rows' => 3, ); return $form; } public static function render($value) { return array( 'content' => array('#markup' => check_plain($value)), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('rules-parameter-text')), ); } } /** * UI for text tokens. */ class RulesDataUITextToken extends RulesDataUIText { public static function inputForm($name, $info, $settings, RulesPlugin $element) { $form = parent::inputForm($name, $info, $settings, $element); if ($form[$name]['#type'] == 'textarea') { $form[$name]['#element_validate'][] = 'rules_ui_element_token_validate'; $form[$name]['#description'] = t('May only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores and has to start with a letter.'); $form[$name]['#rows'] = 1; } return $form; } } /** * UI for formatted text. */ class RulesDataUITextFormatted extends RulesDataUIText { public static function inputForm($name, $info, $settings, RulesPlugin $element) { $form = parent::inputForm($name, $info, $settings, $element); $settings += array($name => isset($info['default value']) ? $info['default value'] : array('value' => NULL, 'format' => NULL)); $form[$name]['#type'] = 'text_format'; $form[$name]['#base_type'] = 'textarea'; $form[$name]['#default_value'] = $settings[$name]['value']; $form[$name]['#format'] = $settings[$name]['format']; return $form; } public static function render($value) { return array( 'content' => array('#markup' => check_plain($value['value'])), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('rules-parameter-text-formatted')), ); } } /** * UI for decimal data. */ class RulesDataUIDecimal extends RulesDataUIText { public static function inputForm($name, $info, $settings, RulesPlugin $element) { $form = parent::inputForm($name, $info, $settings, $element); if (empty($info['options list'])) { $form[$name]['#type'] = 'textfield'; } $form[$name]['#element_validate'][] = 'rules_ui_element_decimal_validate'; $form[$name]['#rows'] = 1; return $form; } } /** * UI for integers. */ class RulesDataUIInteger extends RulesDataUIText { public static function inputForm($name, $info, $settings, RulesPlugin $element) { $form = parent::inputForm($name, $info, $settings, $element); if (empty($info['options list'])) { $form[$name]['#type'] = 'textfield'; } $form[$name]['#element_validate'][] = 'rules_ui_element_integer_validate'; return $form; } } /** * UI for IP addresses. */ class RulesDataUIIPAddress extends RulesDataUIText { public static function inputForm($name, $info, $settings, RulesPlugin $element) { $form = parent::inputForm($name, $info, $settings, $element); if (empty($info['options list'])) { $form[$name]['#type'] = 'textfield'; $form[$name]['#description'] = t('If not provided, the IP address of the current user will be used.'); } $form[$name]['#element_validate'][] = 'rules_ui_element_ip_address_validate'; $form[$name]['#rows'] = 1; return $form; } } /** * UI for boolean data. */ class RulesDataUIBoolean extends RulesDataUI implements RulesDataDirectInputFormInterface { public static function getDefaultMode() { return 'input'; } public static function inputForm($name, $info, $settings, RulesPlugin $element) { $settings += array($name => isset($info['default value']) ? $info['default value'] : NULL); // Note: Due to the checkbox even optional parameter always receive a value. $form[$name] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#default_value' => $settings[$name], '#options' => array( TRUE => t('@label: True.', array('@label' => $info['label'])), FALSE => t('@label: False.', array('@label' => $info['label'])), ), ); return $form; } public static function render($value) { return array( 'content' => array('#markup' => !empty($value) ? t('true') : t('false')), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('rules-parameter-boolean')), ); } } /** * UI for dates. */ class RulesDataUIDate extends RulesDataUIText { public static function inputForm($name, $info, $settings, RulesPlugin $element) { $settings += array($name => isset($info['default value']) ? $info['default value'] : (empty($info['optional']) ? gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()) : NULL)); // Convert any configured timestamp into a readable format. if (is_numeric($settings[$name])) { $settings[$name] = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $settings[$name]); } $form = parent::inputForm($name, $info, $settings, $element); $form[$name]['#type'] = 'textfield'; $form[$name]['#element_validate'][] = 'rules_ui_element_date_validate'; // Note that the date input evaluator takes care for parsing dates using // strtotime() into a timestamp, which is the internal date format. $form[$name]['#description'] = t('The date in GMT. You may enter a fixed time (like %format) or any other values in GMT known by the PHP !strtotime function (like "+1 day"). Relative dates like "+1 day" or "now" relate to the evaluation time.', array('%format' => gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + 86400), '!strtotime' => l('strtotime()', 'http://php.net/strtotime'))); //TODO: Leverage the jquery datepicker+timepicker once a module providing //the timpeicker is available. return $form; } public static function render($value) { $value = is_numeric($value) ? format_date($value, 'short') : check_plain($value); return array( 'content' => array('#markup' => $value), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('rules-parameter-date')), ); } } /** * UI for duration type parameter. */ class RulesDataUIDuration extends RulesDataUIText { public static function inputForm($name, $info, $settings, RulesPlugin $element) { $form = parent::inputForm($name, $info, $settings, $element); $form[$name]['#type'] = 'rules_duration'; $form[$name]['#after_build'][] = 'rules_ui_element_duration_after_build'; return $form; } public static function render($value) { $value = is_numeric($value) ? format_interval($value) : check_plain($value); return array( 'content' => array('#markup' => $value), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('rules-parameter-duration')), ); } } /** * UI for the URI type parameter. */ class RulesDataUIURI extends RulesDataUIText { public static function inputForm($name, $info, $settings, RulesPlugin $element) { $form = parent::inputForm($name, $info, $settings, $element); $form[$name]['#rows'] = 1; $form[$name]['#description'] = t('You may enter relative URLs like %url as well as absolute URLs like %absolute-url.', array('%url' => 'user/login?destination=node', '%absolute-url' => 'http://drupal.org')); return $form; } } /** * UI for lists of textual data. */ class RulesDataUIListText extends RulesDataUIText { public static function getDefaultMode() { return 'input'; } /** * @todo This does not work for inputting textual values including "\n". */ public static function inputForm($name, $info, $settings, RulesPlugin $element) { $settings += array($name => isset($info['default value']) ? $info['default value'] : NULL); $form = parent::inputForm($name, $info, $settings, $element); if ($form[$name]['#type'] == 'textarea') { // Fix up the value to be an array during after build. $form[$name]['#delimiter'] = "\n"; $form[$name]['#after_build'][] = 'rules_ui_list_textarea_after_build'; $form[$name]['#pre_render'][] = 'rules_ui_list_textarea_pre_render'; $form[$name]['#default_value'] = !empty($settings[$name]) ? implode("\n", $settings[$name]) : NULL; $form[$name]['#description'] = t('A list of values, one on each line.'); } else { $form[$name]['#multiple'] = TRUE; } return $form; } public static function render($value) { return array( 'content' => array('#markup' => check_plain(implode(', ', $value))), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('rules-parameter-list')), ); } } /** * UI for lists of integers. */ class RulesDataUIListInteger extends RulesDataUIListText { public static function inputForm($name, $info, $settings, RulesPlugin $element) { $settings += array($name => isset($info['default value']) ? $info['default value'] : NULL); $form = parent::inputForm($name, $info, $settings, $element); if ($form[$name]['#type'] == 'textarea') { $form[$name]['#description'] = t('A list of integers, separated by commas. E.g. enter "1, 2, 3".'); $form[$name]['#delimiter'] = ','; $form[$name]['#default_value'] = !empty($settings[$name]) ? implode(", ", $settings[$name]) : NULL; $form[$name]['#element_validate'][] = 'rules_ui_element_integer_list_validate'; $form[$name]['#rows'] = 1; } return $form; } } /** * UI for lists of tokens. */ class RulesDataUIListToken extends RulesDataUIListInteger { public static function inputForm($name, $info, $settings, RulesPlugin $element) { $form = parent::inputForm($name, $info, $settings, $element); if ($form[$name]['#type'] == 'textarea') { $form[$name]['#description'] = t('A list of text tokens, separated by commas. E.g. enter "one, two, three".'); $form[$name]['#element_validate'] = array('rules_ui_element_token_list_validate'); } return $form; } } /** * UI for entity-based data types. */ class RulesDataUIEntity extends RulesDataUIText { public static function getDefaultMode() { return 'selector'; } public static function inputForm($name, $info, $settings, RulesPlugin $element) { $form = parent::inputForm($name, $info, $settings, $element); if (empty($info['options list'])) { $form[$name]['#type'] = 'textfield'; $entity_info = entity_get_info($info['type']); if (empty($entity_info['entity keys']['name'])) { $form[$name]['#element_validate'][] = 'rules_ui_element_integer_validate'; } $form[$name]['#title'] = t('@entity identifier', array('@entity' => $entity_info['label'])); $entity_label = strtolower($entity_info['label'][0]) . substr($entity_info['label'], 1); $form[$name]['#description'] = t('Specify an identifier of a @entity.', array('@entity' => $entity_label)); } return $form; } } /** * UI for exportable entity-based data types. */ class RulesDataUIEntityExportable extends RulesDataUIEntity { public static function getDefaultMode() { return 'input'; } } /** * Data UI variant displaying a select list of available bundle entities. * * This is used for "bundle entities" implemented via the 'bundle of' feature * of entity.module. */ class RulesDataUIBundleEntity extends RulesDataUIEntity implements RulesDataInputOptionsListInterface { public static function getDefaultMode() { return 'input'; } /** * Implements RulesDataInputOptionsListInterface::optionsList(). */ public static function optionsList(RulesPlugin $element, $name) { list($data_type, $parameter_info) = RulesDataUI::getTypeInfo($element, $name); $bundles = array(); $entity_info = entity_get_info(); $bundle_of_type = $entity_info[$data_type]['bundle of']; if (isset($entity_info[$bundle_of_type]['bundles'])) { foreach ($entity_info[$bundle_of_type]['bundles'] as $bundle_name => $bundle_info) { $bundles[$bundle_name] = $bundle_info['label']; } } return $bundles; } } /** * UI for taxonomy vocabularies. * * @see RulesTaxonomyVocabularyWrapper */ class RulesDataUITaxonomyVocabulary extends RulesDataUIEntity implements RulesDataInputOptionsListInterface { public static function getDefaultMode() { return 'input'; } /** * Implements RulesDataInputOptionsListInterface::optionsList(). */ public static function optionsList(RulesPlugin $element, $name) { $options = array(); foreach (taxonomy_vocabulary_get_names() as $machine_name => $vocab) { $options[$machine_name] = $vocab->name; } return $options; } } /** * UI for lists of entity-based data types. */ class RulesDataUIListEntity extends RulesDataUIListInteger { public static function inputForm($name, $info, $settings, RulesPlugin $element) { $form = parent::inputForm($name, $info, $settings, $element); if (empty($info['options list'])) { $entity_info = entity_get_info(entity_property_list_extract_type($info['type'])); if (!empty($entity_info['entity keys']['name'])) { $form[$name]['#element_validate'] = array('rules_ui_element_token_list_validate'); } $form[$name]['#title'] = t('@entity identifiers', array('@entity' => $entity_info['label'])); $entity_label = strtolower($entity_info['label'][0]) . substr($entity_info['label'], 1); $form[$name]['#description'] = t('Specify a comma-separated list of identifiers of @entity entities.', array('@entity' => $entity_label)); } return $form; } }