'taxonomy/term/:source_id', 'BlogEntries' => 'node/:source_id', 'Slideshows' => 'node/:source_id', 'TagTerm' => 'taxonomy/term/:source_id', )); $pattern = $patterns[$migration_name]; // Swap in the destination ID. $destination_uri = str_replace(':source_id', $destid1, $pattern); // For speed, we go right to aliases table rather than more bootstrapping. if ($uri_clean = db_query("SELECT alias FROM {url_alias} WHERE source = :destination_uri", array(':destination_uri' => $destination_uri))->fetchField()) { $destination_uri = $uri_clean; } // Build absolute url for 301 redirect. return $base_url . '/' . $destination_uri; } define('DRUPAL_ROOT', getcwd()); require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/bootstrap.inc'; // Only bootstrap to DB so we are as fast as possible. Much of the Drupal API // is not available to us. drupal_bootstrap(DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_DATABASE); // You must populate this querystring param from a rewrite rule or $_SERVER // On Apache, we could likely use _SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']. nginx? if (!$source_uri = $_GET['migrate_source_uri']) { print '$_GET[migrate_source_uri] was not found on the request.'; exit(); } // This is a tall table mapping legacy URLs to source_id and migration_name. // If you can already know the migration name and source_id based on the URI, // then the first lookup is not needed. $uri_table = variable_get('migrate_source_uri_table', 'migrate_source_uri_map'); if ($uri_map = db_query("SELECT migration_name, source_id FROM $uri_table WHERE source_uri = :source_uri", array(':source_uri' => $source_uri))->fetchObject()) { // Hurray, we do recognize this URI. // Consult migrate_map_x table to determine corresponding Drupal nid/tid/cid/etc. $map_table = 'migrate_map_' . drupal_strtolower($uri_map->migration_name); $sql = "SELECT destid1 FROM $map_table WHERE sourceid1 = :source_id"; if ($destid1 = $migrate_map = db_query($sql, array(':source_id' => $uri_map->source_id))->fetchField()) { // Hurray. We already migrated this content. Go there. header('Location: ' . migrate_build_url($destid1, $uri_map->migration_name), TRUE, 301); } else { // We recognize URI but don't have the content in Drupal. Very unlikely. } } else { // Can't find the source URI. TODO: Make nice 404 page. header('Status=Not Found', TRUE, 404); print 'Sorry folks. Park is closed.'; }