type = $type; $this->key = $key; $this->object = $object ? $object : $this->load_object($key); } /** * Get edit path for object */ function get_edit_path() { return $this->path_replace($this->get_info('edit path')); } /** * Get field value from object/array */ function get_field($field, $default = NULL) { return i18n_object_field($this->object, $field, $default); } /** * Set field value to object/array */ function set_field($field, $value) { if (is_object($this->object)) { $this->object->$field = $value; } elseif (is_array($this->object)) { $this->object[$field] = $value; } return $this; } /** * Get string numeric key for indexing. */ function get_index() { $key = $this->get_key(); return is_array($key) ? implode(':', $key) : $key; } /** * Get key value from object/array */ function get_key($default = NULL) { if ($field = $this->get_info('key')) { return $this->get_field($field, $default); } else { return $default; } } /** * Get language code */ public function get_langcode() { return i18n_object_langcode($this->object); } /** * Get real object or array. */ public function get_object() { return $this->object; } /** * Load real object or array. * * @param $object */ function load_object($object) { if ($callback = $this->get_info('load callback', NULL)) { $this->object = call_user_func($callback, $object); } elseif ($entity_type = $this->get_info('entity', NULL)) { $entity = entity_load($entity_type, array($object)); $this->object = $entity ? reset($entity) : FALSE; } return $this->get_object(); } /** * Get menu placehoders for object */ protected function get_placeholders() { $placeholders = $this->get_info('placeholders', array()); foreach ($placeholders as $name => $field) { $placeholders[$name] = $this->get_field($field); } return $placeholders; } /** * Get link for item */ public function get_path() { if ($uri = entity_uri($this->type, $this->object)) { return $uri['path']; } } /** * Get title from item */ public function get_title() { return entity_label($this->type, $this->object); } /** * Get object type */ public function get_type() { return $this->type; } /** * Menu access callback for mixed translation tab */ function get_translate_access() { switch ($this->get_translate_mode()) { case I18N_MODE_TRANSLATE: return $this->translate_access(); case I18N_MODE_LOCALIZE: return $this->localize_access(); default: return FALSE; } } /** * Get translate or localize mode for object */ function get_translate_mode() { return I18N_MODE_NONE; } /** * Get translation set id if any */ function get_tsid() { return $this->get_field($this->get_translation_info('field', 'i18n_tsid')); } /** * Set translation set id */ function set_tsid($tsid) { return $this->set_field($this->get_translation_info('field', 'i18n_tsid'), $tsid); } /** * Localize object if localizable. */ function localize($langcode, $options = array()) { if ($this->get_translate_mode() == I18N_MODE_LOCALIZE) { return $this->translate($langcode, $options); } else { return $this->object; } } /** * Translate object if translatable. */ function translate($langcode, $options = array()) { if (isset($this->translations[$langcode])) { return $this->translations[$langcode]; } else { return $this->object; } } /** * Translate access (translation sets) */ protected function translate_access() { return FALSE; } /** * Translate access (localize strings) */ protected function localize_access() { return FALSE; } /** * Replace path with placeholders * * @param $path * Path to replace * @param $replacements * Replacement variables to override or add to placeholders */ protected function path_replace($path, $replacements = array()) { if ($path) { $path = strtr($path, $replacements + $this->get_placeholders()); // Clean up duplicated and final '/' (empty placeholders) $path = strtr($path, array('//' => '/')); return trim($path, '/'); } else { return ''; } } /** * Get object info */ public function get_info($property, $default = NULL) { return i18n_object_info($this->type, $property, $default); } /** * Get object translation set info */ public function get_translation_info($property, $default = NULL) { return function_exists('i18n_translation_set_info') ? i18n_translation_set_info($this->type, $property, $default) : $default; } /** * Get object string translation info */ public function get_string_info($property, $default = NULL) { $info = $this->get_info('string translation'); return $info && isset($info[$property]) ? $info[$property] : $default; } }