save(); // Test cache: $w3 must be OK, too. $w2 = workflow_load($workflow->wid); $w3 = workflow_load($workflow->wid); if ($w2 != $w3) { // error. } // Test Cache: number of workflows must be OK. $ws = workflow_load_multiple(); $count2 = count($ws); $workflow->delete(); $ws = workflow_load_multiple(); $count3 = count($ws); if ($count1 === $count3 && ($count2 - $count1) == 1) { drupal_set_message(t('workflow->create/save/delete OK')); } else { drupal_set_message(t('workflow->create/save/delete: error')); } $workflow = workflow_create('test' . REQUEST_TIME); $s1 = $workflow->createState('first'); $s2 = $workflow->createState('second'); $s3 = $workflow->createState('third'); $s1->save(); $s2->save(); $s2->save(); $s3->save(); } function _workflow_test_entity1() { $workflow = NULL; // Create a workflow. dpm('--- Create Workflow ---'); dpm($workflow, '--- test workflow_create() pre'); $workflow = workflow_create('test' . REQUEST_TIME); dpm($workflow, '--- test workflow_create() pre_save'); $workflow->save(); dpm($workflow, '--- test workflow_create() post_save'); // Create States for the workflow. dpm('--- Create States ---'); dpm($workflow->getStates(TRUE), '--- test getStates() pre'); dpm($workflow, '--- test getStates() pre'); $s1 = $workflow->createState('first'); dpm($workflow->getStates(TRUE), '--- test getStates() post s1'); dpm($workflow, '--- test getStates() post s1'); $s2 = $workflow->createState('second'); $s3 = $workflow->createState('third'); // $s1->save(); // $s2->save(); // $s3->save(); dpm($workflow->getStates(TRUE), '--- test getStates() post'); dpm($workflow, '--- test getStates() post'); dpm($s3->getWorkflow(), '--- test getStates() post'); // Create Transitions for the workflow. dpm('--- Create Transitions ---'); dpm('--- Create Transition s1->s2 ---'); dpm($workflow->getTransitions(), '--- test getTransitions() pre'); $roles = array(-1, 5); $t1 = $workflow->createTransition($s1->sid, $s2->sid); $t1->label = 'transitions t1'; $t1->roles = $roles; // The transition was initially saved in createState, // but without roles and name. $t1->save(); dpm($t1, '-- test show new Transition'); dpm($workflow->getTransitions(), '-- test getTransitions() post 1'); dpm('--- Create Transition s1->s2 ---'); dpm($workflow->getTransitions(), '--- test getTransitions() pre'); $roles = array(-1, 6); $t2 = $workflow->createTransition($s2->sid, $s3->sid); $t2->label = 'transitions t2'; $t2->roles = $roles; // The transition was initially saved in createState, // but without roles and name. $t2->save(); dpm($t2, '-- test show new Transition'); dpm($workflow->getTransitions(), '-- test getTransitions() post 2'); dpm('--- Show resulting Workflow ---'); dpm($workflow); dpm('todo: Test if workflow, states and transitions are properly shown in Admin UI.'); dpm('--- Show resulting Workflow after workflow_load---'); // Refresh the workflow, and show again. $workflow2 = workflow_load($workflow->wid); dpm($workflow2); // dpm($t->uri()); // dpm($t->label()); // Remove the workflow and its components. dpm('--- Delete resulting Workflow ---'); $workflow->delete(); dpm($workflow); dpm('todo: Test if workflow, states and transitions are properly deleted.'); } function _workflow_test_entity2() { $w = workflow_load('test'); dpm($w); dpm($w->getTransitions()); return; $ts = entity_load('WorkflowConfigTransition', array(6)); $t = reset($ts); $t->roles += array(3 => 3); entity_save('WorkflowConfigTransition', $t); } function _workflow_test_entity3() { $workflow = workflow_load_single(1); dpm($workflow->getStates()); dpm($workflow->loadTransitions()); // $t1 = $workflow->createTransition($s1->sid, $s2->sid); // $t1->save(); // dpm($t1); // $t2 = $workflow->createTransition('third', 'second'); // $t2->save(); // dpm($t2); // dpm($t->uri()); // dpm($t->label()); // $workflow->delete(); // $ts = entity_load('WorkflowConfigTransition', array(6)); // $t = reset($ts); // $t->roles += array(3 => 3); // entity_save('WorkflowConfigTransition', $t); } function _workflow_test_entity_allowable() { global $user; $workflow = workflow_create('workflow_test_' . REQUEST_TIME); $workflow->save(); $s1 = $workflow->createState('to be opened'); $s2 = $workflow->createState('open'); $s3 = $workflow->createState('closed'); $s1->save(); $s2->save(); $s3->save(); $roles = array(1, 2); // anon, auth user. $t1 = $t = $workflow->createTransition(WORKFLOW_CREATION_STATE_NAME, 'to be opened'); $t->roles = $roles; $t->save(); $t2 = $t = $workflow->createTransition('to be opened', 'open'); $t->roles = $roles; $t->save(); $t3 = $t = $workflow->createTransition('open', 'closed'); $t->roles = $roles; DPM($t3); $t->save(); DPM($t3); $t4 = $t = $workflow->createTransition('closed', 'open'); $t->roles = $roles; $t->save(); dpm($s2->getOptions('', NULL, '', $user, FALSE)); // returns TRUE if the role is allowed to do the transition. $rc = $t3->isAllowed($role = 2); dpm($t3); dpm('this result must be TRUE: ' . (int) $rc); $rc = $t3->isAllowed($role = 3); dpm('this result must be FALSE: ' . (int) $rc); $rc = $workflow->GetTransitionsBySid($s3->sid); dpm($rc, 'allowed transitions from ' . $s3->label()); $ts = $workflow->getTransitions(); dpm($ts); $ts = $workflow->getTransitionsBySid($s3->sid); dpm($ts); $workflow->delete(); } function _workflow_test_metadata() { // Find the first, arbitrary workflow. $workflows = workflow_load_multiple(); $workflow = reset($workflows); dpm($workflow); // Add a Workflow wrapper; $wrapper = $workflow_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('Workflow', $workflow); dpm(t('---- Workflow: showing objects ---')); dpm($wrapper); // Get properties of the Workflow. dpm(t('---- Workflow: showing getters ---')); dpm($wrapper->wid->label() . ' => ' . $wrapper->wid->value() ); dpm($wrapper->name->label() . ' => ' . $wrapper->name->value() ); dpm($wrapper->label->label() . ' => ' . $wrapper->label->value() ); dpm($wrapper->status->value() ); dpm($wrapper->tab_roles->value() ); //dpm($wrapper->states->value() ); dpm($wrapper->states->optionsList() ); //dpm($wrapper->transitions->value() ); dpm($wrapper->options->optionsList() ); // Set properties of the Workflow. //dpm($wrapper->label->set('ssdfdss') ); // ... // Get properties of States. dpm(t('---- start of WorkflowState getters ---')); $states = $workflow->getStates(); $state = reset($states); $state_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('WorkflowState', $state); dpm($states); dpm( $state_wrapper->sid->value() ); dpm( $state_wrapper->wid->value() ); dpm( $state_wrapper->weight->value() ); //dpm( $state_wrapper->state->value() ); dpm( $state_wrapper->status->value() ); //dpm( $wrapper->author->mail->value() ); //dpm( $wrapper->title->value(array('sanitize' => TRUE)) ); // Get the transitions. dpm(t('---- start of WorkflowConfigTransition getters ---')); $transitions = $state->getTransitions(); dpm($transitions); $options = $state->getOptions('', NULL, '', NULL); dpm($options); $transition = reset($transitions); dpm($transition); $transition_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('WorkflowConfigTransition', $transition); dpm( $transition_wrapper ); //dpm( $transition_wrapper->old_sid->value() ); dpm( $transition_wrapper->old_state->value() ); dpm( $transition_wrapper->old_state->value()->sid ); } /** * Test all tokens */ function _workflow_test_tokens($entity_id = 76, $entity_type = 'node', $field_name = NULL) { global $user; // $entity_id = 76; if ($entity_id) { $node = entity_load_single($entity_type, $entity_id); } else { // Create a node. $node = new stdClass(); $node->title = "A new Node " . REQUEST_TIME; $node->type = "WorkfowField"; node_object_prepare($node); // Sets some defaults. Invokes hook_prepare() and hook_node_prepare(). $node->language = LANGUAGE_NONE; // Or for example 'en' if locale is enabled. $node->uid = $user->uid; $node->status = 1; //(1 or 0): published or not $node->promote = 0; //(1 or 0): promoted to front page $node->comment = 1; // 0 = comments disabled, 1 = read only, 2 = read/write // // Term reference (taxonomy) field $node->field_workflow[$node->language][]['value'] = 1; // // Entity reference field // $node->field_customer_nid[$node->language][] = array( // 'target_id' => $form_state['values']['entity id'], // 'target_type' => 'node', // ); // 'node' is default, // Other possible values are "user" and "taxonomy_term". $node = node_submit($node); // Prepare node for saving node_save($node); } $t_greetings = " Hello [current-user:name]!
node type + id + title = [node:content-type] + [node:nid] + [node:title] "; $t_node_all = '
Workflow last transition = [node:last-transition] Last workflow state transition of content.
Comment comment = [node:last-transition:comment] Workflow executed transition "comment" property.
Created Medium format = [node:last-transition:created:medium] A date in "medium" format. (Fri, 05/30/2014 - 10:59)
Created Raw timestamp = [node:last-transition:created:raw] A date in UNIX timestamp format (1401440380)
Created Seconds-since = [node:last-transition:created:seconds] A date in "seconds ago" format (604800). Use it for easy scheduling workflow transitions.
Delta = [node:last-transition:delta] Workflow executed transition "delta" property.
Entity_type = [node:last-transition:entity-type] Workflow executed transition "entity_type" property.
Field_name = [node:last-transition:field-name] Workflow executed transition "field_name" property.
label = [node:last-transition:label] Workflow executed transition "label" property.
Language = [node:last-transition:language] Workflow executed transition "language" property.
New state = [node:last-transition:new-state] The new state.
Original workflow state = [node:last-transition:new-state:original] The original workflow state data if the workflow state is being updated or saved.
State ID = [node:last-transition:new-state:sid] The State ID.
State label = [node:last-transition:new-state:label] The state label.
Status = [node:last-transition:new-state:status] Workflow state "status" property.
Sysid = [node:last-transition:new-state:sysid] Workflow state "sysid" property.
URL = [node:last-transition:new-state:url] The URL of the workflow state.
Weight = [node:last-transition:new-state:weight] Workflow state "weight" property.
Wid = [node:last-transition:new-state:wid] Workflow state "wid" property.
Nid = [node:last-transition:nid] Workflow executed transition "nid" property.
Old_sid = [node:last-transition:old-sid] Workflow executed transition "old_sid" property.
Revision_id = [node:last-transition:revision-id] Workflow executed transition "revision_id" property.
Sid = [node:last-transition:sid] Workflow executed transition "sid" property.
Stamp = [node:last-transition:stamp] Workflow executed transition "stamp" property.
Uid = [node:last-transition:uid] Workflow executed transition "uid" property.
Old state = [node:last-transition:old-state] The old state.
Original workflow state = [node:last-transition:old-state:original] The original workflow state data if the workflow state is being updated or saved.
State ID = [node:last-transition:old-state:sid] The State ID.
State label = [node:last-transition:old-state:label] The state label.
Status = [node:last-transition:old-state:status] Workflow state "status" property.
Sysid = [node:last-transition:old-state:sysid] Workflow state "sysid" property.
URL = [node:last-transition:old-state:url] The URL of the workflow state.
Weight = [node:last-transition:old-state:weight] Workflow state "weight" property.
Wid = [node:last-transition:old-state:wid] Workflow state "wid" property.
User = [node:last-transition:user] The user that executed the transition.
Created = [node:last-transition:user:created] The date the user account was created.
Default theme = [node:last-transition:user:theme] The user"s default theme.
Edit URL = [node:last-transition:user:edit-url] The URL of the account edit page.
Email = [node:last-transition:user:mail] The email address of the user account.
Last access = [node:last-transition:user:last-access] The date the user last accessed the site.
Last login = [node:last-transition:user:last-login] The date the user last logged in to the site.
Name = [node:last-transition:user:name] The login name of the user account.
Original user = [node:last-transition:user:original] The original user data if the user is being updated or saved.
Picture = [node:last-transition:user:picture] The picture of the user.
Roles = [node:last-transition:user:roles] The user roles associated with the user account.
Status = [node:last-transition:user:status] Whether the user is active or blocked.
URL = [node:last-transition:user:url] The URL of the account profile page.
User ID = [node:last-transition:user:uid] The unique ID of the user account.
Workflow = [node:last-transition:Workflow] Workflow the state belongs to.
Workflow ID = [node:last-transition:Workflow:wid] The ID used to identify this workflow internally.
Module = [node:last-transition:Workflow:module] Workflow "module" property.
Options = [node:last-transition:Workflow:options] Workflow "options" property.
Original workflow = [node:last-transition:Workflow:original] The original workflow data if the workflow is being updated or saved.
States of this Workflow = [node:last-transition:Workflow:states] States of this Workflow
Status = [node:last-transition:Workflow:status] Workflow "status" property.
Tab_roles = [node:last-transition:Workflow:tab-roles] Workflow "tab_roles" property.
Transitions of this Workflow = [node:last-transition:Workflow:transitions] Transitions of this Workflow
URL = [node:last-transition:Workflow:url] The URL of the workflow.
Workflow ID = [node:last-transition:Workflow:wid] The unique ID of the workflow applied to this node.
Workflow label = [node:last-transition:Workflow:label] The workflow applied to this node.
Workflow executed transition ID = [node:last-transition:hid] The unique ID of the workflow executed transition. '; // This text is to test only a few tokens, for better inspection. $t_node_sub = '
User = [node:last-transition:user] The user that executed the transition.
label = [node:last-transition:label] Workflow executed transition "label" property. '; // todo : test old-state $data = array(); $data['node'] = $node; $data['entity'] = $node; $data['entity_type'] = 'node'; // Display the tokenized text. dpm($node); dpm(token_replace( $t_greetings, $data)); dpm(token_replace( $t_node_all, $data)); // dpm(token_replace( $t_node_sub, $data)); } function _workflow_test_tokens_term($entity_id = '2', $entity_type = 'taxonomy_term', $field_name = NULL) { $token_type = 'term'; global $user; if ($entity_id) { $node = entity_load_single($entity_type, $entity_id); } else { // Create a term. } $t_greetings = " Hello [current-user:name]!
node type + id + title = [term:content-type] + [term:tid] + [term:title] "; $t_node_all = '
Workflow last transition = [term:last-transition] Last workflow state transition of content.
Comment comment = [term:last-transition:comment] Workflow executed transition "comment" property.
Created = [term:last-transition:created] The date the transition was created.
Created Medium format = [term:last-transition:created:medium] A date in "medium" format. (Fri, 05/30/2014 - 10:59)
Created Raw timestamp = [term:last-transition:created:raw] A date in UNIX timestamp format (1401440380)
Created Seconds-since = [term:last-transition:created:seconds] A date in "seconds ago" format (604800). Use it for easy scheduling workflow transitions.
Delta = [term:last-transition:delta] Workflow executed transition "delta" property.
Entity_type = [term:last-transition:entity-type] Workflow executed transition "entity_type" property.
Field_name = [term:last-transition:field-name] Workflow executed transition "field_name" property.
label = [term:last-transition:label] Workflow executed transition "label" property.
Language = [term:last-transition:language] Workflow executed transition "language" property.
New state = [term:last-transition:new-state] The new state.
Original workflow state = [term:last-transition:new-state:original] The original workflow state data if the workflow state is being updated or saved.
State ID = [term:last-transition:new-state:sid] The State ID.
State label = [term:last-transition:new-state:label] The state label.
Status = [term:last-transition:new-state:status] Workflow state "status" property.
Sysid = [term:last-transition:new-state:sysid] Workflow state "sysid" property.
URL = [term:last-transition:new-state:url] The URL of the workflow state.
Weight = [term:last-transition:new-state:weight] Workflow state "weight" property.
Wid = [term:last-transition:new-state:wid] Workflow state "wid" property.
Nid = [term:last-transition:nid] Workflow executed transition "nid" property.
Old_sid = [term:last-transition:old-sid] Workflow executed transition "old_sid" property.
Revision_id = [term:last-transition:revision-id] Workflow executed transition "revision_id" property.
Sid = [term:last-transition:sid] Workflow executed transition "sid" property.
Stamp = [term:last-transition:stamp] Workflow executed transition "stamp" property.
Uid = [term:last-transition:uid] Workflow executed transition "uid" property.
Old state = [term:last-transition:old-state] The old state.
Original workflow state = [term:last-transition:old-state:original] The original workflow state data if the workflow state is being updated or saved.
State ID = [term:last-transition:old-state:sid] The State ID.
State label = [term:last-transition:old-state:label] The state label.
Status = [term:last-transition:old-state:status] Workflow state "status" property.
Sysid = [term:last-transition:old-state:sysid] Workflow state "sysid" property.
URL = [term:last-transition:old-state:url] The URL of the workflow state.
Weight = [term:last-transition:old-state:weight] Workflow state "weight" property.
Wid = [term:last-transition:old-state:wid] Workflow state "wid" property.
User = [term:last-transition:user] The user that executed the transition.
Created = [term:last-transition:user:created] The date the user account was created.
Default theme = [term:last-transition:user:theme] The user"s default theme.
Edit URL = [term:last-transition:user:edit-url] The URL of the account edit page.
Email = [term:last-transition:user:mail] The email address of the user account.
Last access = [term:last-transition:user:last-access] The date the user last accessed the site.
Last login = [term:last-transition:user:last-login] The date the user last logged in to the site.
Name = [term:last-transition:user:name] The login name of the user account.
Original user = [term:last-transition:user:original] The original user data if the user is being updated or saved.
Picture = [term:last-transition:user:picture] The picture of the user.
Roles = [term:last-transition:user:roles] The user roles associated with the user account.
Status = [term:last-transition:user:status] Whether the user is active or blocked.
URL = [term:last-transition:user:url] The URL of the account profile page.
User ID = [term:last-transition:user:uid] The unique ID of the user account.
Workflow = [term:last-transition:Workflow] Workflow the state belongs to.
Workflow ID = [term:last-transition:Workflow:wid] The ID used to identify this workflow internally.
Module = [term:last-transition:Workflow:module] Workflow "module" property.
Options = [term:last-transition:Workflow:options] Workflow "options" property.
Original workflow = [term:last-transition:Workflow:original] The original workflow data if the workflow is being updated or saved.
States of this Workflow = [term:last-transition:Workflow:states] States of this Workflow
Status = [term:last-transition:Workflow:status] Workflow "status" property.
Tab_roles = [term:last-transition:Workflow:tab-roles] Workflow "tab_roles" property.
Transitions of this Workflow = [term:last-transition:Workflow:transitions] Transitions of this Workflow
URL = [term:last-transition:Workflow:url] The URL of the workflow.
Workflow ID = [term:last-transition:Workflow:wid] The unique ID of the workflow applied to this node.
Workflow label = [term:last-transition:Workflow:label] The workflow applied to this node.
Workflow executed transition ID = [term:last-transition:hid] The unique ID of the workflow executed transition. '; // This text is to test only a few tokens, for better inspection. $t_node_sub = '
Workflow = [term:last-transition:Workflow] Workflow the state belongs to. '; $data = array(); // $data['node'] = $node; $data['term'] = $node; $data['entity'] = $node; $data['entity_type'] = $entity_type; $data['token_type'] = $token_type; $options['sanitize'] = FALSE; $options['clear'] = TRUE; $options['language'] = NULL; //dpm($node); //dpm($data); // Display the tokenized text. // dpm(token_replace($t_greetings, $data)); dpm(token_replace($t_node_all, $data, $options)); } /** * Test, taken from CommentTokenReplaceTestCase::testCommentTokenReplacement */ /* function WorkflowCommentTokenReplacement() { global $language; $url_options = array( 'absolute' => TRUE, 'language' => $language, ); $this->drupalLogin($this->admin_user); // Set comment variables. $this->setCommentSubject(TRUE); // Create a node and a comment. $node = $this->drupalCreateNode(array('type' => 'article')); $parent_comment = $this->postComment($node, $this->randomName(), $this->randomName(), TRUE); // Post a reply to the comment. $this->drupalGet('comment/reply/' . $node->nid . '/' . $parent_comment->id); $child_comment = $this->postComment(NULL, $this->randomName(), $this->randomName()); $comment = comment_load($child_comment->id); $comment->homepage = ''; // Add HTML to ensure that sanitation of some fields tested directly. $comment->subject = 'Blinking Comment'; $instance = field_info_instance('comment', 'body', 'comment_body'); // Generate and test sanitized tokens. $tests = array(); $tests['[comment:cid]'] = $comment->cid; $tests['[comment:hostname]'] = check_plain($comment->hostname); $tests['[comment:name]'] = filter_xss($comment->name); $tests['[comment:mail]'] = check_plain($this->admin_user->mail); $tests['[comment:homepage]'] = check_url($comment->homepage); $tests['[comment:title]'] = filter_xss($comment->subject); $tests['[comment:body]'] = _text_sanitize($instance, LANGUAGE_NONE, $comment->comment_body[LANGUAGE_NONE][0], 'value'); $tests['[comment:url]'] = url('comment/' . $comment->cid, $url_options + array('fragment' => 'comment-' . $comment->cid)); $tests['[comment:edit-url]'] = url('comment/' . $comment->cid . '/edit', $url_options); $tests['[comment:created:since]'] = format_interval(REQUEST_TIME - $comment->created, 2, $language->language); $tests['[comment:changed:since]'] = format_interval(REQUEST_TIME - $comment->changed, 2, $language->language); $tests['[comment:parent:cid]'] = $comment->pid; $tests['[comment:parent:title]'] = check_plain($parent_comment->subject); $tests['[comment:node:nid]'] = $comment->nid; $tests['[comment:node:title]'] = check_plain($node->title); $tests['[comment:author:uid]'] = $comment->uid; $tests['[comment:author:name]'] = check_plain($this->admin_user->name); // Test to make sure that we generated something for each token. $this->assertFalse(in_array(0, array_map('strlen', $tests)), 'No empty tokens generated.'); foreach ($tests as $input => $expected) { $output = token_replace($input, array('comment' => $comment), array('language' => $language)); $this->assertEqual($output, $expected, format_string('Sanitized comment token %token replaced.', array('%token' => $input))); } // Generate and test unsanitized tokens. $tests['[comment:hostname]'] = $comment->hostname; $tests['[comment:name]'] = $comment->name; $tests['[comment:mail]'] = $this->admin_user->mail; $tests['[comment:homepage]'] = $comment->homepage; $tests['[comment:title]'] = $comment->subject; $tests['[comment:body]'] = $comment->comment_body[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value']; $tests['[comment:parent:title]'] = $parent_comment->subject; $tests['[comment:node:title]'] = $node->title; $tests['[comment:author:name]'] = $this->admin_user->name; foreach ($tests as $input => $expected) { $output = token_replace($input, array('comment' => $comment), array('language' => $language, 'sanitize' => FALSE)); $this->assertEqual($output, $expected, format_string('Unsanitized comment token %token replaced.', array('%token' => $input))); } // Load node so comment_count gets computed. $node = node_load($node->nid); // Generate comment tokens for the node (it has 2 comments, both new). $tests = array(); $tests['[node:comment-count]'] = 2; $tests['[node:comment-count-new]'] = 2; foreach ($tests as $input => $expected) { $output = token_replace($input, array('node' => $node), array('language' => $language)); $this->assertEqual($output, $expected, format_string('Node comment token %token replaced.', array('%token' => $input))); } } */