'drupal_node_export_callback_export', 'description' => "Export nodes using Node export.", 'arguments' => array( 'nids' => "A list of space-separated node IDs to export.", ), 'options' => array( 'file' => "The filename of the output file. If supplied, the node code will be exported to that file, otherwise it will export to stdout.", 'format' => "If supplied, node code will be output using a particular export format, if available. (e.g. serialize)", 'status' => "Filter for 'status'; A boolean value (0 or 1) indicating whether the node is published (visible to non-administrators).", 'promote' => "Filter for 'promote'; A boolean value (0 or 1) indicating whether the node should be displayed on the front page.", 'sticky' => "Filter for 'sticky'; A boolean value (0 or 1) indicating whether the node should be displayed at the top of lists in which it appears.", 'translate' => "Filter for 'translate'; A boolean value (0 or 1) indicating whether the node translation needs to be updated.", 'language' => "Filter for 'language'; The language code (e.g. de or en-US) of this node.", 'type' => "Filter for 'type'; The machine-readable name (e.g. story or page) of the type of this node.", 'sql' => "Filter by SQL (EXPERIMENTAL); An SQL query string that returns nids (e.g. \"SELECT nid FROM nodes WHERE nid < 10\").", 'code' => "Filter by PHP code (EXPERIMENTAL); PHP code that prints or returns, an array or CSV string of nids (e.g. \"custom_get_my_nids();\"). Don't include PHP tags.", ), 'examples' => array( 'drush node-export-export 45 46 47 --file=filename' => "export nodes with node IDs 45, 46, and 47 to the file with the supplied filename.", 'drush node-export-export --type=story,page --file=filename' => "export nodes of type story and page to the file with the supplied filename.", ), ); $items['node-export-import'] = array( 'callback' => 'drush_node_export_callback_import', 'description' => "Import nodes previously exported with Node export.", 'options' => array( 'uid' => "User ID of user to save nodes as. If not given will use the user with an ID of 1. You may specify 0 for the Anonymous user.", 'file' => "The filename of the input file. If supplied, the node code will be imported from that file, otherwise it will import to stdin.", ), 'examples' => array( 'drush node-export-import --file=filename' => 'Import nodes from the file with the given filename.', 'drush node-export-import --uid=2 --file=filename' => "Import nodes from the file with the given filename. The author of the nodes will be set to the user that has the user ID of 2.", ), ); // Add aliases for usability. node_export_drush_command_add_alias($items, 'node-export-export', 'node-export'); node_export_drush_command_add_alias($items, 'node-export-export', 'ne-export'); node_export_drush_command_add_alias($items, 'node-export-import', 'ne-import'); return $items; } /** * A function to help alias commands as other commands. */ function node_export_drush_command_add_alias(&$items, $command, $alias) { // Create a property on the command for adding aliases, if not there. if (!isset($items[$command]['node_export command aliases'])) { $items[$command]['node_export command aliases'] = array(); } // Record the alias into that property. $items[$command]['node_export command aliases'][] = $alias; // Create the alias as a new command. $items[$alias] = $items[$command]; // Indicate what this new command is an alias for. $items[$alias]['node_export alias for'] = $command; } /** * Implements hook_drush_help(). * * This function is called whenever a drush user calls * 'drush help ' * * @param * A string with the help section (prepend with 'drush:') * * @return * A string with the help text for your command. */ function node_export_drush_help($section) { // This is to prevent duplication of information from hook_drush_command(). $commands = node_export_drush_command(); foreach ($commands as $command => $command_info) { if ($section == 'drush:' . $command) { $out = $command_info['description']; if (isset($command_info['node_export alias for'])) { $output .= "\nThis command is an alias for "; $output .= $command_info['node_export alias for'] . "."; } if (isset($command_info['node_export command aliases'])) { if (count($command_info['node_export command aliases']) == 1) { $output .= "\nThis command can be called by it's alias; "; $output .= $command_info['node_export command aliases'] . "."; } else { $last_alias = array_pop($command_info['node_export command aliases']); $output .= "\nThis command can be called by it's aliases; "; $output .= implode(", ", $command_info['node_export command aliases']); $output .= ", or " . $last_alias . "."; } } $out .= "\n\nArguments:"; if (isset($command_info['arguments'])) { foreach ($command_info['arguments'] as $k => $v) { $out .= "\n " . $k . " : " . $v; } } $out .= "\n\nOptions:"; if (isset($command_info['options'])) { foreach ($command_info['options'] as $k => $v) { $out .= "\n " . $k . " : " . $v; } } $out .= "\n\nExamples:"; if (isset($command_info['examples'])) { foreach ($command_info['examples'] as $k => $v) { $out .= "\n \'" . $k . "\' : " . $v; } } return dt($out); } } } /** * Drush command callback. * * export nodes. */ function drupal_node_export_callback_export() { // Set up an array of nid_filters. $nid_filters = array(); // The base nids. $args = array_filter(func_get_args(), 'is_numeric'); if ($args) { $nid_filters['base'] = $args; } // Filter for values in the node table (except for nids). $filters = array( 'status', 'promote', 'sticky', 'translate', 'language', 'type', ); $query = db_select('node', 'n')->fields('n', array('nid')); $execute = FALSE; foreach ($filters as $filter) { $filter_option = drush_get_option($filter); if ($filter_option) { $query->condition($filter, explode(',', $filter_option), 'IN'); // Only execute if conditions are set. $execute = TRUE; } } if ($execute) { $result = $query->execute(); foreach ($result as $row) { $nid_filters['filters'][] = $row->nid; } } // Handle SQL option. $sql = drush_get_option('sql'); if ($sql) { $result = db_query($sql); foreach ($result as $row) { $nid_filters['sql'][] = $row->nid; } } // Handle PHP option. $code = drush_get_option('code'); if ($code) { ob_start(); print eval("?>"); $result = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if (is_array($result)) { $nid_filters['code'] = $result; } else { $nid_filters['code'] = explode( ",", str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "\t", " "), '', $result) ); } } if (count($nid_filters) > 1) { // Compute the intersect of all $nid_filters if there are more than one. $nids = call_user_func_array('array_intersect', $nid_filters); } elseif (count($nid_filters) == 1) { // Use the only filter if there is only one. $nids = reset($nid_filters); } else { // Is there are no filters at all, do a query to get all nids. $result = db_select('node', 'n')->fields('n', array('nid'))->execute(); $nids = array(); foreach ($result as $row) { $nids[] = $row->nid; } } // Handle format option. $format = drush_get_option('format'); if (empty($nids)) { drush_set_error('DRUSH_NOT_COMPLETED', "No nodes found."); } $result = node_export($nids, $format, 'dt'); if ($result['success']) { $filename = drush_get_option('file'); if ($filename) { // Output data to file. Note this only takes a flat filename for the current directory. // If file exists, ask for whether to overwrite. if (file_exists($filename)) { if (!drush_confirm(dt("File $filename exists. Do you really want to overwrite?"))) { return; } } // Write the file. file_put_contents($filename, $result['output']); } else { // stdout. drush_print_r($result['output']); } } else { // We have received an error message. drush_set_error('DRUSH_NOT_COMPLETED', strip_tags(implode("\n", $result['output']))); } } /** * Drush command callback. * * Import nodes from data. */ function drush_node_export_callback_import() { // Switch to site maintenance account or the specified user so imported nodes are not anonymous. $uid = drush_get_option('uid'); // Test on NULL so uid may be given as 0. if (is_null($uid)) { $uid = 1; } // User 0 is already loaded. if ($uid != 0) { global $user; $user = user_load($uid); } $filename = drush_get_option('file'); if ($filename) { $node_code = file_get_contents($filename, "r"); } else { $node_code = file_get_contents("php://stdin", "r"); } if (!empty($node_code)) { $result = node_export_import($node_code, 'dt'); if (!$result['success']) { // We have received an error message. drush_set_error('DRUSH_NOT_COMPLETED', strip_tags(implode("\n", $result['output']))); } else { drush_print(strip_tags(implode("\n", $result['output']))); } } }