const assert = require('assert') const assign = require('lodash.assign') const Command = require('./lib/command') const Completion = require('./lib/completion') const Parser = require('yargs-parser') const path = require('path') const Usage = require('./lib/usage') const Validation = require('./lib/validation') const Y18n = require('y18n') const requireMainFilename = require('require-main-filename') const objFilter = require('./lib/obj-filter') const setBlocking = require('set-blocking') var exports = module.exports = Yargs function Yargs (processArgs, cwd, parentRequire) { processArgs = processArgs || [] // handle calling yargs(). const self = {} var command = null var completion = null var groups = {} var preservedGroups = {} var usage = null var validation = null const y18n = Y18n({ directory: path.resolve(__dirname, './locales'), updateFiles: false }) if (!cwd) cwd = process.cwd() self.$0 = process.argv .slice(0, 2) .map(function (x, i) { // ignore the node bin, specify this in your // bin file with #!/usr/bin/env node if (i === 0 && /\b(node|iojs)(\.exe)?$/.test(x)) return var b = rebase(cwd, x) return x.match(/^(\/|([a-zA-Z]:)?\\)/) && b.length < x.length ? b : x }) .join(' ').trim() if (process.env._ !== undefined && process.argv[1] === process.env._) { self.$0 = process.env._.replace( path.dirname(process.execPath) + '/', '' ) } // use context object to keep track of resets, subcommand execution, etc // submodules should modify and check the state of context as necessary const context = { resets: -1, commands: [], files: [] } self.getContext = function () { return context } // puts yargs back into an initial state. any keys // that have been set to "global" will not be reset // by this action. var options self.resetOptions = self.reset = function (aliases) { context.resets++ aliases = aliases || {} options = options || {} // put yargs back into an initial state, this // logic is used to build a nested command // hierarchy. var tmpOptions = {} = ? : [] // if a key has been set as a global, we // do not want to reset it or its aliases. var globalLookup = {} (g) { globalLookup[g] = true ;(aliases[g] || []).forEach(function (a) { globalLookup[a] = true }) }) // preserve groups containing global keys preservedGroups = Object.keys(groups).reduce(function (acc, groupName) { var keys = groups[groupName].filter(function (key) { return key in globalLookup }) if (keys.length > 0) { acc[groupName] = keys } return acc }, {}) // groups can now be reset groups = {} var arrayOptions = [ 'array', 'boolean', 'string', 'requiresArg', 'skipValidation', 'count', 'normalize', 'number' ] var objectOptions = [ 'narg', 'key', 'alias', 'default', 'defaultDescription', 'config', 'choices', 'demanded' ] arrayOptions.forEach(function (k) { tmpOptions[k] = (options[k] || []).filter(function (k) { return globalLookup[k] }) }) objectOptions.forEach(function (k) { tmpOptions[k] = objFilter(options[k], function (k, v) { return globalLookup[k] }) }) tmpOptions.envPrefix = undefined options = tmpOptions // if this is the first time being executed, create // instances of all our helpers -- otherwise just reset. usage = usage ? usage.reset(globalLookup) : Usage(self, y18n) validation = validation ? validation.reset(globalLookup) : Validation(self, usage, y18n) command = command ? command.reset() : Command(self, usage, validation) if (!completion) completion = Completion(self, usage, command) exitProcess = true strict = false completionCommand = null self.parsed = false return self } self.resetOptions() self.boolean = function (bools) { options.boolean.push.apply(options.boolean, [].concat(bools)) return self } self.array = function (arrays) { options.array.push.apply(options.array, [].concat(arrays)) return self } self.nargs = function (key, n) { if (typeof key === 'object') { Object.keys(key).forEach(function (k) { self.nargs(k, key[k]) }) } else { options.narg[key] = n } return self } self.number = function (numbers) { options.number.push.apply(options.number, [].concat(numbers)) return self } self.choices = function (key, values) { if (typeof key === 'object') { Object.keys(key).forEach(function (k) { self.choices(k, key[k]) }) } else { options.choices[key] = (options.choices[key] || []).concat(values) } return self } self.normalize = function (strings) { options.normalize.push.apply(options.normalize, [].concat(strings)) return self } self.config = function (key, msg, parseFn) { // allow to pass a configuration object if (typeof key === 'object') { options.configObjects = (options.configObjects || []).concat(key) return self } // allow to provide a parsing function if (typeof msg === 'function') { parseFn = msg msg = null } key = key || 'config' self.describe(key, msg || usage.deferY18nLookup('Path to JSON config file')) ;(Array.isArray(key) ? key : [key]).forEach(function (k) { options.config[k] = parseFn || true }) return self } self.example = function (cmd, description) { usage.example(cmd, description) return self } self.command = function (cmd, description, builder, handler) { command.addHandler(cmd, description, builder, handler) return self } self.commandDir = function (dir, opts) { const req = parentRequire || require command.addDirectory(dir, self.getContext(), req, require('get-caller-file')(), opts) return self } self.string = function (strings) { options.string.push.apply(options.string, [].concat(strings)) return self } // The 'defaults' alias is deprecated. It will be removed in the next major version. self.default = self.defaults = function (key, value, defaultDescription) { if (typeof key === 'object') { Object.keys(key).forEach(function (k) { self.default(k, key[k]) }) } else { if (defaultDescription) options.defaultDescription[key] = defaultDescription if (typeof value === 'function') { if (!options.defaultDescription[key]) options.defaultDescription[key] = usage.functionDescription(value) value = } options.default[key] = value } return self } self.alias = function (x, y) { if (typeof x === 'object') { Object.keys(x).forEach(function (key) { self.alias(key, x[key]) }) } else { options.alias[x] = (options.alias[x] || []).concat(y) } return self } self.count = function (counts) { options.count.push.apply(options.count, [].concat(counts)) return self } self.demand = self.required = self.require = function (keys, max, msg) { // you can optionally provide a 'max' key, // which will raise an exception if too many '_' // options are provided. if (Array.isArray(max)) { max.forEach(function (key) { self.demand(key, msg) }) max = Infinity } else if (typeof max !== 'number') { msg = max max = Infinity } if (typeof keys === 'number') { if (!options.demanded._) options.demanded._ = { count: 0, msg: null, max: max } options.demanded._.count = keys options.demanded._.msg = msg } else if (Array.isArray(keys)) { keys.forEach(function (key) { self.demand(key, msg) }) } else { if (typeof msg === 'string') { options.demanded[keys] = { msg: msg } } else if (msg === true || typeof msg === 'undefined') { options.demanded[keys] = { msg: undefined } } } return self } self.getDemanded = function () { return options.demanded } self.requiresArg = function (requiresArgs) { options.requiresArg.push.apply(options.requiresArg, [].concat(requiresArgs)) return self } self.skipValidation = function (skipValidations) { options.skipValidation.push.apply(options.skipValidation, [].concat(skipValidations)) return self } self.implies = function (key, value) { validation.implies(key, value) return self } self.usage = function (msg, opts) { if (!opts && typeof msg === 'object') { opts = msg msg = null } usage.usage(msg) if (opts) self.options(opts) return self } self.epilogue = self.epilog = function (msg) { usage.epilog(msg) return self } = function (f) { usage.failFn(f) return self } self.check = function (f) { validation.check(f) return self } self.describe = function (key, desc) { options.key[key] = true usage.describe(key, desc) return self } = function (globals) {, [].concat(globals)) return self } self.pkgConf = function (key, path) { var conf = null var obj = pkgUp(path) // If an object exists in the key, add it to options.configObjects if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') { conf = obj[key] options.configObjects = (options.configObjects || []).concat(conf) } return self } var pkgs = {} function pkgUp (path) { var npath = path || '*' if (pkgs[npath]) return pkgs[npath] const readPkgUp = require('read-pkg-up') var obj = {} try { obj = readPkgUp.sync({ cwd: path || requireMainFilename(parentRequire || require) }) } catch (noop) {} pkgs[npath] = obj.pkg || {} return pkgs[npath] } self.parse = function (args, shortCircuit) { if (!shortCircuit) processArgs = args return parseArgs(args, shortCircuit) } self.option = self.options = function (key, opt) { if (typeof key === 'object') { Object.keys(key).forEach(function (k) { self.options(k, key[k]) }) } else { assert(typeof opt === 'object', 'second argument to option must be an object') options.key[key] = true // track manually set keys. if (opt.alias) self.alias(key, opt.alias) var demand = opt.demand || opt.required || opt.require if (demand) { self.demand(key, demand) } if ('config' in opt) { self.config(key, opt.configParser) } if ('default' in opt) { self.default(key, opt.default) } if ('nargs' in opt) { self.nargs(key, opt.nargs) } if ('normalize' in opt) { self.normalize(key) } if ('choices' in opt) { self.choices(key, opt.choices) } if ('group' in opt) {, } if ( { } if (opt.boolean || opt.type === 'boolean') { self.boolean(key) if (opt.alias) self.boolean(opt.alias) } if (opt.array || opt.type === 'array') { self.array(key) if (opt.alias) self.array(opt.alias) } if (opt.number || opt.type === 'number') { self.number(key) if (opt.alias) self.number(opt.alias) } if (opt.string || opt.type === 'string') { self.string(key) if (opt.alias) self.string(opt.alias) } if (opt.count || opt.type === 'count') { self.count(key) } if (opt.defaultDescription) { options.defaultDescription[key] = opt.defaultDescription } if (opt.skipValidation) { self.skipValidation(key) } var desc = opt.describe || opt.description || opt.desc if (desc) { self.describe(key, desc) } if (opt.requiresArg) { self.requiresArg(key) } } return self } self.getOptions = function () { return options } = function (opts, groupName) { var existing = preservedGroups[groupName] || groups[groupName] if (preservedGroups[groupName]) { // the preserved group will be moved to the set of explicitly declared // groups delete preservedGroups[groupName] } var seen = {} groups[groupName] = (existing || []).concat(opts).filter(function (key) { if (seen[key]) return false return (seen[key] = true) }) return self } self.getGroups = function () { // combine explicit and preserved groups. explicit groups should be first return assign({}, groups, preservedGroups) } // as long as options.envPrefix is not undefined, // parser will apply env vars matching prefix to argv self.env = function (prefix) { if (prefix === false) options.envPrefix = undefined else options.envPrefix = prefix || '' return self } self.wrap = function (cols) { usage.wrap(cols) return self } var strict = false self.strict = function () { strict = true return self } self.getStrict = function () { return strict } self.showHelp = function (level) { if (!self.parsed) parseArgs(processArgs) // run parser, if it has not already been executed. usage.showHelp(level) return self } var versionOpt = null self.version = function (opt, msg, ver) { if (arguments.length === 0) { ver = guessVersion() opt = 'version' } else if (arguments.length === 1) { ver = opt opt = 'version' } else if (arguments.length === 2) { ver = msg } versionOpt = opt msg = msg || usage.deferY18nLookup('Show version number') usage.version(ver || undefined) self.boolean(versionOpt) self.describe(versionOpt, msg) return self } function guessVersion () { var obj = pkgUp() return obj.version || 'unknown' } var helpOpt = null self.addHelpOpt = = function (opt, msg) { opt = opt || 'help' helpOpt = opt self.boolean(opt) self.describe(opt, msg || usage.deferY18nLookup('Show help')) return self } self.showHelpOnFail = function (enabled, message) { usage.showHelpOnFail(enabled, message) return self } var exitProcess = true self.exitProcess = function (enabled) { if (typeof enabled !== 'boolean') { enabled = true } exitProcess = enabled return self } self.getExitProcess = function () { return exitProcess } var completionCommand = null self.completion = function (cmd, desc, fn) { // a function to execute when generating // completions can be provided as the second // or third argument to completion. if (typeof desc === 'function') { fn = desc desc = null } // register the completion command. completionCommand = cmd || 'completion' if (!desc && desc !== false) { desc = 'generate bash completion script' } self.command(completionCommand, desc) // a function can be provided if (fn) completion.registerFunction(fn) return self } self.showCompletionScript = function ($0) { $0 = $0 || self.$0 console.log(completion.generateCompletionScript($0)) return self } self.getCompletion = function (args, done) { completion.getCompletion(args, done) } self.locale = function (locale) { if (arguments.length === 0) { guessLocale() return y18n.getLocale() } detectLocale = false y18n.setLocale(locale) return self } self.updateStrings = self.updateLocale = function (obj) { detectLocale = false y18n.updateLocale(obj) return self } var detectLocale = true self.detectLocale = function (detect) { detectLocale = detect return self } self.getDetectLocale = function () { return detectLocale } self.getUsageInstance = function () { return usage } self.getValidationInstance = function () { return validation } self.getCommandInstance = function () { return command } self.terminalWidth = function () { return require('window-size').width } Object.defineProperty(self, 'argv', { get: function () { var args = null try { args = parseArgs(processArgs) } catch (err) {, err) } return args }, enumerable: true }) function parseArgs (args, shortCircuit) { options.__ = y18n.__ options.configuration = pkgUp(cwd)['yargs'] || {} const parsed = Parser.detailed(args, options) const argv = parsed.argv var aliases = parsed.aliases argv.$0 = self.$0 self.parsed = parsed guessLocale() // guess locale lazily, so that it can be turned off in chain. // while building up the argv object, there // are two passes through the parser. If completion // is being performed short-circuit on the first pass. if (shortCircuit) { return argv } // if there's a handler associated with a // command defer processing to it. var handlerKeys = command.getCommands() for (var i = 0, cmd; (cmd = argv._[i]) !== undefined; i++) { if (~handlerKeys.indexOf(cmd) && cmd !== completionCommand) { setPlaceholderKeys(argv) return command.runCommand(cmd, self, parsed) } } // generate a completion script for adding to ~/.bashrc. if (completionCommand && ~argv._.indexOf(completionCommand) && !argv[completion.completionKey]) { if (exitProcess) setBlocking(true) self.showCompletionScript() if (exitProcess) { process.exit(0) } } // we must run completions first, a user might // want to complete the --help or --version option. if (completion.completionKey in argv) { if (exitProcess) setBlocking(true) // we allow for asynchronous completions, // e.g., loading in a list of commands from an API. var completionArgs = args.slice(args.indexOf('--' + completion.completionKey) + 1) completion.getCompletion(completionArgs, function (completions) { ;(completions || []).forEach(function (completion) { console.log(completion) }) if (exitProcess) { process.exit(0) } }) return } var skipValidation = false // Handle 'help' and 'version' options Object.keys(argv).forEach(function (key) { if (key === helpOpt && argv[key]) { if (exitProcess) setBlocking(true) skipValidation = true self.showHelp('log') if (exitProcess) { process.exit(0) } } else if (key === versionOpt && argv[key]) { if (exitProcess) setBlocking(true) skipValidation = true usage.showVersion() if (exitProcess) { process.exit(0) } } }) // Check if any of the options to skip validation were provided if (!skipValidation && options.skipValidation.length > 0) { skipValidation = Object.keys(argv).some(function (key) { return options.skipValidation.indexOf(key) >= 0 }) } // If the help or version options where used and exitProcess is false, // or if explicitly skipped, we won't run validations if (!skipValidation) { if (parsed.error) throw parsed.error // if we're executed via bash completion, don't // bother with validation. if (!argv[completion.completionKey]) { validation.nonOptionCount(argv) validation.missingArgumentValue(argv) validation.requiredArguments(argv) if (strict) validation.unknownArguments(argv, aliases) validation.customChecks(argv, aliases) validation.limitedChoices(argv) validation.implications(argv) } } setPlaceholderKeys(argv) return argv } function guessLocale () { if (!detectLocale) return try { const osLocale = require('os-locale') self.locale(osLocale.sync({ spawn: false })) } catch (err) { // if we explode looking up locale just noop // we'll keep using the default language 'en'. } } function setPlaceholderKeys (argv) { Object.keys(options.key).forEach(function (key) { // don't set placeholder keys for dot // notation options ''. if (~key.indexOf('.')) return if (typeof argv[key] === 'undefined') argv[key] = undefined }) } return self } // rebase an absolute path to a relative one with respect to a base directory // exported for tests exports.rebase = rebase function rebase (base, dir) { return path.relative(base, dir) }