12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 |
- {% set url = url|default(base_url|rtrim('/') ~ '/' ~ config.get('plugins.tntsearch.query_route', 's')|trim('/')) %}
- {% set limit = limit|default(config.get('plugins.tntsearch.limit', 20)) %}
- {% set snippet = snippet|default(config.get('plugins.tntsearch.snippet', 300)) %}
- {% set min = min|default(config.get('plugins.tntsearch.min', 3)) %}
- {% set search_type = search_type|default(config.get('plugins.tntsearch.search_type', 'auto')) %}
- {% set placeholder = placeholder|default('Search...') %}
- {% set live_update = in_page ? live_update|default(config.get('plugins.tntsearch.live_uri_update', 1)) : 0 %}
- {% set nojs_action = config.get('plugins.tntsearch.search_route', '/search')|trim('/') %}
- {% set options = { uri: url, limit: limit, snippet: snippet, min: min, in_page: in_page, live_update: live_update, search_type: search_type } %}
- <form role="form" class="tntsearch-form columns small-10 small-offset-1" action="{{ nojs_action }}" method="get">
- {% block tntsearch_input %}
- <div id="tntsearch-wrapper columns small-12" class="form-group{{ dropdown ? ' tntsearch-dropdown' : '' }}">
- <input type="text" name="q" class="form-control form-input tntsearch-field{{ in_page ? ' tntsearch-field-inpage' : '' }}" data-tntsearch="{{ options|json_encode|e('html_attr') }}" placeholder="{{ placeholder }}" value="{{ not dropdown ? query|e : '' }}" autofocus>
- <span class="tntsearch-clear"{{ not query or dropdown ? ' style="display: none;"' : '' }}>×</span>
- </div>
- {% endblock %}
- <div class="tntsearch-results{{ in_page ? ' tntsearch-results-inpage' : '' }}">
- {% if tntsearch_results is defined and tntsearch_results is not empty and in_page %}
- {% include 'tntquery-ajax.html.twig' %}
- {% endif %}
- </div>
- {% if config.get('plugins.tntsearch.powered_by') %}
- <p class="tntsearch-powered-by">
- {{ "PLUGIN_TNTSEARCH.POWERED_BY"|t("<a href='https://github.com/trilbymedia/grav-plugin-tntsearch' target='_blank'>TNTSearch</a>")|raw }}
- </p>
- {% endif %}
- </form>