blueprints.yaml 6.5 KB

  1. name: TNT Search
  2. type: plugin
  3. slug: tntsearch
  4. version: 3.4.0
  5. testing: false
  6. description: Powerful indexed-based full text search engine powered by TNTSearch
  7. icon: binoculars
  8. author:
  9. name: Trilby Media, LLC
  10. email:
  11. homepage:
  12. keywords: grav, plugin, search, search-engine
  13. bugs:
  14. docs:
  15. license: MIT
  16. dependencies:
  17. - { name: grav, version: '>=1.6.21' }
  18. form:
  19. validation: strict
  20. fields:
  21. enabled:
  22. type: toggle
  23. label: Plugin status
  24. highlight: 1
  25. default: 0
  26. options:
  27. 1: Enabled
  28. 0: Disabled
  29. validate:
  30. type: bool
  31. index_title:
  32. type: spacer
  33. title: Indexer Settings
  34. index_status:
  35. type: indexstatus
  36. label: Search Index Status
  37. enable_admin_page_events:
  38. type: toggle
  39. label: Enable Admin Page Events
  40. help: Disable this if you are having problems with timeouts during page saving
  41. highlight: 1
  42. default: 1
  43. options:
  44. 1: Enabled
  45. 0: Disabled
  46. validate:
  47. type: bool
  48. scheduled_index.enabled:
  49. type: toggle
  50. label: Enable Index Scheduled Job
  51. help: Use the Grav Scheduler to kick off a background index job
  52. highlight: 0
  53. default: 0
  54. options:
  55. 1: Enabled
  56. 0: Disabled
  57. validate:
  58. type: bool
  60. type: cron
  61. label: Scheduled Job Frequency
  62. size: medium
  63. help: Use 'cron' format
  64. default: '0 */3 * * *'
  65. placeholder: '0 */3 * * *'
  66. scheduled_index.logs:
  67. type: text
  68. label: Scheduled Job Log File
  69. placeholder: 'logs/tntsearch-index.out'
  70. size: medium
  71. ui_title:
  72. type: spacer
  73. title: UI Settings
  74. built_in_css:
  75. type: toggle
  76. label: Built-in CSS
  77. highlight: 1
  78. default: 1
  79. options:
  80. 1: Enabled
  81. 0: Disabled
  82. validate:
  83. type: bool
  84. built_in_js:
  85. type: toggle
  86. label: Built-in Javascript
  87. highlight: 1
  88. default: 1
  89. options:
  90. 1: Enabled
  91. 0: Disabled
  92. validate:
  93. type: bool
  94. search_title:
  95. type: spacer
  96. title: Search Settings
  97. built_in_search_page:
  98. type: toggle
  99. label: Built-in Search Page
  100. highlight: 1
  101. default: 1
  102. options:
  103. 1: Enabled
  104. 0: Disabled
  105. validate:
  106. type: bool
  107. search_route:
  108. type: text
  109. size: medium
  110. label: Search Page Route
  111. help: The route for the built-in search page, leave empty if you wish to not have a dedicated search page.
  112. query_route:
  113. type: text
  114. size: medium
  115. label: Query Route
  116. help: The route used to retrieve search results.
  117. search_type:
  118. type: select
  119. size: small
  120. classes: fancy
  121. label: Search Type
  122. help: Configure how TNTSearch will use the search query term
  123. default: auto
  124. options:
  125. auto: Auto
  126. basic: Basic
  127. boolean: Boolean
  128. fuzzy:
  129. type: toggle
  130. label: Fuzzy Search
  131. highlight: 1
  132. default: 0
  133. options:
  134. 1: Enabled
  135. 0: Disabled
  136. validate:
  137. type: bool
  138. distance:
  139. type: number
  140. size: x-small
  141. label: Levenshtein distance of fuzzy search
  142. help: It represents the amount of characters which need to be changed, removed, or added in a word in order it to match the search keyword. Increasing the distance produces more search results but decreases the accuracy of the search.
  143. default: 2
  144. phrases:
  145. type: toggle
  146. label: Match quoted phrases
  147. highlight: 1
  148. default: 1
  149. options:
  150. 1: Enabled
  151. 0: Disabled
  152. validate:
  153. type: bool
  154. stemmer:
  155. type: select
  156. size: small
  157. classes: fancy
  158. label: Stemmer
  159. help: An automated process which produces a base string in an attempt to represent related words. If your content is not in the language listed, for best search results it is recommended to disable the stemmer.
  160. default: no
  161. options:
  162. no: Disabled
  163. arabic: Arabic
  164. croatian: Croatian
  165. porter: English
  166. german: German
  167. italian: Italian
  168. portuguese: Portuguese
  169. russian: Russian
  170. ukrainian: Ukrainian
  171. display_route:
  172. type: toggle
  173. label: Display Route
  174. highlight: 1
  175. default: 1
  176. options:
  177. 1: Enabled
  178. 0: Disabled
  179. validate:
  180. type: bool
  181. live_uri_update:
  182. type: toggle
  183. label: Live URI Update
  184. highlight: 1
  185. default: 1
  186. options:
  187. 1: Enabled
  188. 0: Disabled
  189. validate:
  190. type: bool
  191. display_hits:
  192. type: toggle
  193. label: Display Hits
  194. highlight: 1
  195. default: 1
  196. options:
  197. 1: Enabled
  198. 0: Disabled
  199. validate:
  200. type: bool
  201. display_time:
  202. type: toggle
  203. label: Display Time
  204. highlight: 1
  205. default: 1
  206. options:
  207. 1: Enabled
  208. 0: Disabled
  209. validate:
  210. type: bool
  211. limit:
  212. type: text
  213. label: Results Limit
  214. default: 20
  215. min:
  216. type: text
  217. label: Min Chars Before Search
  218. default: 3
  219. snippet:
  220. type: text
  221. label: Results Text Limit
  222. default: 300
  223. index_page_by_default:
  224. type: toggle
  225. label: Index Every Page
  226. help: 'Index every page by default unless a page specifically declares `tntsearch: process: false`. Disabling this requires a `process: true` declartion to be added to each page that should be indexed.'
  227. highlight: 1
  228. default: 1
  229. options:
  230. 1: Enabled
  231. 0: Disabled
  232. validate:
  233. type: bool
  234. filter.items:
  235. type: textarea
  236. size: large
  237. rows: 4
  238. label: Search Filter
  239. help: Use a standard collections based filter definition to restrict search to only these pages
  240. yaml: true
  241. placeholder: 'taxonomy@: { category: [news] }'
  242. validate:
  243. type: yaml
  244. powered_by:
  245. type: toggle
  246. label: Powered By
  247. highlight: 1
  248. default: 0
  249. options:
  250. 1: Enabled
  251. 0: Disabled
  252. validate:
  253. type: bool
  254. adv_title:
  255. type: spacer
  256. title: Advanced Settings
  257. search_object_type:
  258. type: text
  259. label: Search Object Type
  260. help: Allows for overriding the deafult search type to a custom type provided by a plugin.
  261. default: Grav