tr.js 10 KB

  1. tinymce.addI18n('tr',{
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  29. "Your browser doesn't support direct access to the clipboard. Please use the Ctrl+X\/C\/V keyboard shortcuts instead.": "Taray\u0131c\u0131n\u0131z panoya do\u011frudan eri\u015fimi desteklemiyor. L\u00fctfen Ctrl+X\\\/C\\\/V klavye k\u0131sayollar\u0131n\u0131 kullan\u0131n\u0131z.",
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  52. "Paste is now in plain text mode. Contents will now be pasted as plain text until you toggle this option off.": "D\u00fcz metin modunda yap\u0131\u015ft\u0131r. Bu se\u00e7ene\u011fi kapatana kadar i\u00e7erikler d\u00fcz metin olarak yap\u0131\u015ft\u0131r\u0131l\u0131r.",
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  58. "Drop an image here": "G\u00f6rseli buraya s\u00fcr\u00fckleyin",
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  74. "Id should start with a letter, followed only by letters, numbers, dashes, dots, colons or underscores.": "Id bir harf ile ba\u015flamal\u0131d\u0131r ve harf, rakam, \u00e7izgi, nokta, iki nokta \u00fcst\u00fcste veya alt \u00e7izgi kullan\u0131labilir.",
  75. "You have unsaved changes are you sure you want to navigate away?": "Kaydedilmemi\u015f de\u011fi\u015fiklikler var, sayfadan ayr\u0131lmak istedi\u011finize emin misiniz?",
  76. "Restore last draft": "Son tasla\u011f\u0131 geri y\u00fckle",
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  102. "Focus to toolbar": "Ara\u00e7 tak\u0131m\u0131na odaklan",
  103. "Focus to element path": "\u00d6\u011fe yoluna odaklan",
  104. "Focus to contextual toolbar": "Ba\u011flamsal ara\u00e7 tak\u0131m\u0131na odaklan",
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  107. "Find (if searchreplace plugin activated)": "Bul (Bul\/De\u011fi\u015ftir eklentisi aktif ise)",
  108. "Plugins installed ({0}):": "Eklentiler y\u00fcklendi ({0}):",
  109. "Premium plugins:": "Premium eklentiler:",
  110. "Learn more...": "Detayl\u0131 bilgi...",
  111. "You are using {0}": "\u015eu an {0} kullan\u0131yorsunuz",
  112. "Plugins": "Plugins",
  113. "Handy Shortcuts": "Handy Shortcuts",
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  160. "Paste or type a link": "Bir ba\u011flant\u0131 yaz\u0131n yada yap\u0131\u015ft\u0131r\u0131n",
  161. "The URL you entered seems to be an email address. Do you want to add the required mailto: prefix?": "Girdi\u011finiz URL bir e-posta adresi gibi g\u00f6r\u00fcn\u00fcyor. Gerekli olan mailto: \u00f6nekini eklemek ister misiniz?",
  162. "The URL you entered seems to be an external link. Do you want to add the required http:\/\/ prefix?": "Girdi\u011finiz URL bir d\u0131\u015f ba\u011flant\u0131 gibi g\u00f6r\u00fcn\u00fcyor. Gerekli olan http:\/\/ \u00f6nekini eklemek ister misiniz?",
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  165. "Insert\/edit video": "Video ekle\/d\u00fczenle",
  166. "Insert\/edit media": "Medya ekle\/d\u00fczenle",
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  169. "Paste your embed code below:": "Video g\u00f6mme kodunu a\u015fa\u011f\u0131ya yap\u0131\u015ft\u0131r\u0131n\u0131z:",
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  180. "Replace": "De\u011fi\u015ftir",
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  183. "Next": "Sonraki",
  184. "Find and replace": "Bul ve de\u011fi\u015ftir",
  185. "Could not find the specified string.": "Herhangi bir sonu\u00e7 bulunamad\u0131.",
  186. "Match case": "B\u00fcy\u00fck\/k\u00fc\u00e7\u00fck harf duyarl\u0131",
  187. "Whole words": "Tam kelimeler",
  188. "Spellcheck": "Yaz\u0131m denetimi",
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  190. "Ignore all": "T\u00fcm\u00fcn\u00fc yoksay",
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  209. "Paste row after": "Alta sat\u0131r yap\u0131\u015ft\u0131r",
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  246. "No color": "Renk yok",
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  249. "Show invisible characters": "G\u00f6r\u00fcnmez karakterleri g\u00f6ster",
  250. "Words: {0}": "Kelime: {0}",
  251. "{0} words": "{0} words",
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  259. "Powered by {0}": "Powered by {0}",
  260. "Rich Text Area. Press ALT-F9 for menu. Press ALT-F10 for toolbar. Press ALT-0 for help": "Zengin Metin Alan\u0131. Men\u00fc i\u00e7in ALT-F9 tu\u015funa bas\u0131n\u0131z. Ara\u00e7 \u00e7ubu\u011fu i\u00e7in ALT-F10 tu\u015funa bas\u0131n\u0131z. Yard\u0131m i\u00e7in ALT-0 tu\u015funa bas\u0131n\u0131z."
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