diff --git a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/.stylelintrc.json b/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/.stylelintrc.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f8881079..00000000
--- a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/.stylelintrc.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
- "extends": [
- "stylelint-config-wordpress"
- ],
- "plugins": ["stylelint-a11y"],
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- "no-descending-specificity": null,
- "a11y/no-outline-none": true,
- "a11y/selector-pseudo-class-focus": true
- }
diff --git a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/404.php b/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/404.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 64c25039..00000000
--- a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/404.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- __( '404 not found', 'twentytwenty' ),
- )
- );
- ?>
- * {
- font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif;
- font-size: 18px;
-@supports ( font-variation-settings: normal ) {
- .editor-styles-wrapper > * {
- font-family: "Inter var", -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif;
- }
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- color: inherit;
-/* Fonts ------------------------------------- */
- * Chrome renders extra-wide characters for the Hoefler Text font.
- * This results in a jumping cursor when typing in both the Classic and block
- * editors. The following font-face override fixes the issue by manually
- * inserting a custom font that includes just a Hoefler Text space replacement
- * for that character instead.
- */
-@font-face {
- font-family: NonBreakingSpaceOverride;
- src: url(data:application/font-woff2;charset=utf-8;base64,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) format("woff2"), url(data:application/font-woff;charset=utf-8;base64,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) format("woff");
-/* ----------------------------------------------
-Inter variable font. Usage:
-@supports (font-variation-settings: normal) {
- html { font-family: "Inter var", sans-serif; }
----------------------------------------------- */
-@font-face {
- font-family: "Inter var";
- font-weight: 100 900; /* stylelint-disable-line font-weight-notation */
- font-style: normal;
- src: url(../fonts/inter/Inter-upright-var.woff2) format("woff2");
-@font-face {
- font-family: "Inter var";
- font-weight: 100 900; /* stylelint-disable-line font-weight-notation */
- font-style: italic;
- src: url(../fonts/inter/Inter-italic-var.woff2) format("woff2");
-/* Structure --------------------------------- */
-.wp-block {
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-.wp-block[data-align="wide"] .wp-block[data-align="wide"],
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-/* Font Families ------------------------------ */
-.editor-styles-wrapper p,
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- font-family: NonBreakingSpaceOverride, "Hoefler Text", Garamond, "Times New Roman", serif;
- letter-spacing: normal;
-.editor-post-title__block .editor-post-title__input,
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-@supports ( font-variation-settings: normal ) {
- .editor-post-title__block .editor-post-title__input,
- .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block h1,
- .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block h2,
- .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block h3,
- .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block h4,
- .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block h5,
- .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block h6,
- .editor-styles-wrapper .has-drop-cap:not(:focus)::first-letter,
- .editor-styles-wrapper cite,
- .editor-styles-wrapper figcaption,
- .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-caption-text {
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- }
-/* Colors ------------------------------------ */
-:root .has-accent-color {
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- color: #fff;
-:root .has-primary-color {
- color: #000;
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- color: #f5efe0;
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- color: #fff;
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- color: #dcd7ca;
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- color: #000;
-:root .has-background-color {
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- color: #000;
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- color: #fff;
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-/* Typography -------------------------------- */
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-/* DROP CAP */
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- color: #cd2653;
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- margin: 0.05em 0 0 0.1em;
-/* Monospace --------------------------------- */
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-/* Custom Text Sizes ------------------------- */
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-/* Post Media -------------------------------- */
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-/* Block: Base Margins ---------------------- */
-/* Block: Shared Widget Styles -------------- */
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-/* Block: Table ------------------------------ */
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- font-size: 32px;
- font-weight: 700;
- letter-spacing: 1em;
- padding-right: 1em;
-/* Block: Quote ------------------------------ */
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-/* Block: Code, Verse and Preformatted ------- */
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-/* Block: Pullquote -------------------------- */
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-/* Block: Button ----------------------------- */
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-/* Block: Shortcode -------------------------- */
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-/* Block: Embed ------------------------------ */
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-/* Block: Paragraph -------------------------- */
-/* X. Media Queries
-/* ------------------------------------------- */
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- /* BLOCK: TABLE */
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- padding: 90px 40px 80px;
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diff --git a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/assets/css/editor-style-block.css b/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/assets/css/editor-style-block.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 55d1446f..00000000
--- a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/assets/css/editor-style-block.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1454 +0,0 @@
-/* ------------------------------------------- */
-/* Twenty Twenty Editor Styles — Block Editor
-/* ------------------------------------------- */
-.editor-styles-wrapper {
- background: #f5efe0;
- color: #000;
- letter-spacing: -0.015em;
- -moz-font-smoothing: antialiased;
- -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
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- font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif;
- font-size: 18px;
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- color: inherit;
-/* Fonts ------------------------------------- */
- * Chrome renders extra-wide characters for the Hoefler Text font.
- * This results in a jumping cursor when typing in both the Classic and block
- * editors. The following font-face override fixes the issue by manually
- * inserting a custom font that includes just a Hoefler Text space replacement
- * for that character instead.
- */
-@font-face {
- font-family: NonBreakingSpaceOverride;
- src: url(data:application/font-woff2;charset=utf-8;base64,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) format("woff2"), url(data:application/font-woff;charset=utf-8;base64,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) format("woff");
-/* ----------------------------------------------
-Inter variable font. Usage:
-@supports (font-variation-settings: normal) {
- html { font-family: "Inter var", sans-serif; }
----------------------------------------------- */
-@font-face {
- font-family: "Inter var";
- font-weight: 100 900; /* stylelint-disable-line font-weight-notation */
- font-style: normal;
- src: url(../fonts/inter/Inter-upright-var.woff2) format("woff2");
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-/* X. Media Queries
-/* ------------------------------------------- */
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diff --git a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/assets/css/editor-style-classic-rtl.css b/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/assets/css/editor-style-classic-rtl.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 9eaf83fc..00000000
--- a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/assets/css/editor-style-classic-rtl.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,600 +0,0 @@
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Twenty Twenty Editor Styles — Classic Editor
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Fonts ------------------------------------- */
- * Chrome renders extra-wide characters for the Hoefler Text font.
- * This results in a jumping cursor when typing in both the classic editor and
- * block editor. The following font-face override fixes the issue by manually
- * inserting a custom font that includes just a Hoefler Text space replacement
- * for that character instead.
- */
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-Inter variable font. Usage:
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----------------------------------------------- */
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/assets/css/editor-style-classic.css
+++ /dev/null
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-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Twenty Twenty Editor Styles — Classic Editor
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Fonts ------------------------------------- */
- * Chrome renders extra-wide characters for the Hoefler Text font.
- * This results in a jumping cursor when typing in both the classic editor and
- * block editor. The following font-face override fixes the issue by manually
- * inserting a custom font that includes just a Hoefler Text space replacement
- * for that character instead.
- */
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index 844d377e..00000000
Binary files a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/assets/images/2020-landscape-2.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3acd76be..00000000
Binary files a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/assets/images/2020-square-1.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index e1ab8f80..00000000
Binary files a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/assets/images/2020-square-2.png and /dev/null differ
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index d02d9176..00000000
Binary files a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/assets/images/2020-three-quarters-1.png and /dev/null differ
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index 6b1dd1ab..00000000
Binary files a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/assets/images/2020-three-quarters-2.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3675b556..00000000
Binary files a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/assets/images/2020-three-quarters-3.png and /dev/null differ
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index aa7c7f0d..00000000
Binary files a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/assets/images/2020-three-quarters-4.png and /dev/null differ
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index 2587a481..00000000
--- a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/assets/js/color-calculations.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-/* global Color */
-/* eslint no-unused-vars: off */
- * Color Calculations.
- *
- * @since Twenty Twenty 1.0
- *
- * @param {string} backgroundColor - The background color.
- * @param {number} accentHue - The hue for our accent color.
- *
- * @return {Object} - this
- */
-function _twentyTwentyColor( backgroundColor, accentHue ) {
- // Set the object properties.
- this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
- this.accentHue = accentHue;
- this.bgColorObj = new Color( backgroundColor );
- this.textColorObj = this.bgColorObj.getMaxContrastColor();
- this.textColor = this.textColorObj.toCSS();
- this.isDark = 0.5 > this.bgColorObj.toLuminosity();
- this.isLight = ! this.isDark;
- // Return the object.
- return this;
- * Builds an array of Color objects based on the accent hue.
- * For improved performance we only build half the array
- * depending on dark/light background-color.
- *
- * @since Twenty Twenty 1.0
- *
- * @return {Object} - this
- */
-_twentyTwentyColor.prototype.setAccentColorsArray = function() {
- var self = this,
- minSaturation = 65,
- maxSaturation = 100,
- minLightness = 30,
- maxLightness = 80,
- stepSaturation = 2,
- stepLightness = 2,
- pushColor = function() {
- var colorObj = new Color( {
- h: self.accentHue,
- s: s,
- l: l
- } ),
- item,
- /**
- * Get a score for this color in contrast to its background color and surrounding text.
- *
- * @since Twenty Twenty 1.0
- *
- * @param {number} contrastBackground - WCAG contrast with the background color.
- * @param {number} contrastSurroundingText - WCAG contrast with surrounding text.
- * @return {number} - 0 is best, higher numbers have bigger difference with the desired scores.
- */
- getScore = function( contrastBackground, contrastSurroundingText ) {
- var diffBackground = ( 7 >= contrastBackground ) ? 0 : 7 - contrastBackground,
- diffSurroundingText = ( 3 >= contrastSurroundingText ) ? 0 : 3 - contrastSurroundingText;
- return diffBackground + diffSurroundingText;
- };
- item = {
- color: colorObj,
- contrastBackground: colorObj.getDistanceLuminosityFrom( self.bgColorObj ),
- contrastText: colorObj.getDistanceLuminosityFrom( self.textColorObj )
- };
- // Check a minimum of 4.5:1 contrast with the background and 3:1 with surrounding text.
- if ( 4.5 > item.contrastBackground || 3 > item.contrastText ) {
- return;
- }
- // Get a score for this color by multiplying the 2 contrasts.
- // We'll use that to sort the array.
- item.score = getScore( item.contrastBackground, item.contrastText );
- self.accentColorsArray.push( item );
- },
- s, l, aaa;
- this.accentColorsArray = [];
- // We're using `for` loops here because they perform marginally better than other loops.
- for ( s = minSaturation; s <= maxSaturation; s += stepSaturation ) {
- for ( l = minLightness; l <= maxLightness; l += stepLightness ) {
- pushColor( s, l );
- }
- }
- // Check if we have colors that are AAA compliant.
- aaa = this.accentColorsArray.filter( function( color ) {
- return 7 <= color.contrastBackground;
- } );
- // If we have AAA-compliant colors, always prefer them.
- if ( aaa.length ) {
- this.accentColorsArray = aaa;
- }
- // Sort colors by contrast.
- this.accentColorsArray.sort( function( a, b ) {
- return a.score - b.score;
- } );
- return this;
- * Get accessible text-color.
- *
- * @since Twenty Twenty 1.0
- *
- * @return {Color} - Returns a Color object.
- */
-_twentyTwentyColor.prototype.getTextColor = function() {
- return this.textColor;
- * Get accessible color for the defined accent-hue and background-color.
- *
- * @since Twenty Twenty 1.0
- *
- * @return {Color} - Returns a Color object.
- */
-_twentyTwentyColor.prototype.getAccentColor = function() {
- var fallback;
- // If we have colors returns the 1st one - it has the highest score.
- if ( this.accentColorsArray[0] ) {
- return this.accentColorsArray[0].color;
- }
- // Fallback.
- fallback = new Color( 'hsl(' + this.accentHue + ',75%,50%)' );
- return fallback.getReadableContrastingColor( this.bgColorObj, 4.5 );
- * Return a new instance of the _twentyTwentyColor object.
- *
- * @since Twenty Twenty 1.0
- *
- * @param {string} backgroundColor - The background color.
- * @param {number} accentHue - The hue for our accent color.
- * @return {Object} - this
- */
-function twentyTwentyColor( backgroundColor, accentHue ) {// jshint ignore:line
- var color = new _twentyTwentyColor( backgroundColor, accentHue );
- color.setAccentColorsArray();
- return color;
diff --git a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/assets/js/customize-controls.js b/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/assets/js/customize-controls.js
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index 26136e21..00000000
--- a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/assets/js/customize-controls.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-/* global twentyTwentyBgColors, twentyTwentyColor, jQuery, wp, _ */
- * Customizer enhancements for a better user experience.
- *
- * Contains extra logic for our Customizer controls & settings.
- *
- * @since Twenty Twenty 1.0
- */
-( function() {
- // Wait until the customizer has finished loading.
- wp.customize.bind( 'ready', function() {
- // Add a listener for accent-color changes.
- wp.customize( 'accent_hue', function( value ) {
- value.bind( function( to ) {
- // Update the value for our accessible colors for all areas.
- Object.keys( twentyTwentyBgColors ).forEach( function( context ) {
- var backgroundColorValue;
- if ( twentyTwentyBgColors[ context ].color ) {
- backgroundColorValue = twentyTwentyBgColors[ context ].color;
- } else {
- backgroundColorValue = wp.customize( twentyTwentyBgColors[ context ].setting ).get();
- }
- twentyTwentySetAccessibleColorsValue( context, backgroundColorValue, to );
- } );
- } );
- } );
- // Add a listener for background-color changes.
- Object.keys( twentyTwentyBgColors ).forEach( function( context ) {
- wp.customize( twentyTwentyBgColors[ context ].setting, function( value ) {
- value.bind( function( to ) {
- // Update the value for our accessible colors for this area.
- twentyTwentySetAccessibleColorsValue( context, to, wp.customize( 'accent_hue' ).get(), to );
- } );
- } );
- } );
- } );
- /**
- * Updates the value of the "accent_accessible_colors" setting.
- *
- * @since Twenty Twenty 1.0
- *
- * @param {string} context The area for which we want to get colors. Can be for example "content", "header" etc.
- * @param {string} backgroundColor The background color (HEX value).
- * @param {number} accentHue Numeric representation of the selected hue (0 - 359).
- *
- * @return {void}
- */
- function twentyTwentySetAccessibleColorsValue( context, backgroundColor, accentHue ) {
- var value, colors;
- // Get the current value for our accessible colors, and make sure it's an object.
- value = wp.customize( 'accent_accessible_colors' ).get();
- value = ( _.isObject( value ) && ! _.isArray( value ) ) ? value : {};
- // Get accessible colors for the defined background-color and hue.
- colors = twentyTwentyColor( backgroundColor, accentHue );
- // Sanity check.
- if ( colors.getAccentColor() && 'function' === typeof colors.getAccentColor().toCSS ) {
- // Update the value for this context.
- value[ context ] = {
- text: colors.getTextColor(),
- accent: colors.getAccentColor().toCSS(),
- background: backgroundColor
- };
- // Get borders color.
- value[ context ].borders = colors.bgColorObj
- .clone()
- .getReadableContrastingColor( colors.bgColorObj, 1.36 )
- .toCSS();
- // Get secondary color.
- value[ context ].secondary = colors.bgColorObj
- .clone()
- .getReadableContrastingColor( colors.bgColorObj )
- .s( colors.bgColorObj.s() / 2 )
- .toCSS();
- }
- // Change the value.
- wp.customize( 'accent_accessible_colors' ).set( value );
- // Small hack to save the option.
- wp.customize( 'accent_accessible_colors' )._dirty = true;
- }
-}( jQuery ) );
diff --git a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/assets/js/customize-preview.js b/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/assets/js/customize-preview.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bb361c7..00000000
--- a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/assets/js/customize-preview.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-/* global twentyTwentyBgColors, twentyTwentyPreviewEls, jQuery, _, wp */
- * Customizer enhancements for a better user experience.
- *
- * Contains handlers to make Theme Customizer preview reload changes asynchronously.
- *
- * @since Twenty Twenty 1.0
- */
-( function( $, api, _ ) {
- /**
- * Return a value for our partial refresh.
- *
- * @param {Object} partial Current partial.
- *
- * @return {jQuery.Promise} Resolved promise.
- */
- function returnDeferred( partial ) {
- var deferred = new $.Deferred();
- deferred.resolveWith( partial, _.map( partial.placements(), function() {
- return '';
- } ) );
- return deferred.promise();
- }
- // Selective refresh for "Fixed Background Image".
- api.selectiveRefresh.partialConstructor.cover_fixed = api.selectiveRefresh.Partial.extend( {
- /**
- * Override the refresh method.
- *
- * @return {jQuery.Promise} Resolved promise.
- */
- refresh: function() {
- var partial, cover, params;
- partial = this;
- params = partial.params;
- cover = $( params.selector );
- if ( cover.length && cover.hasClass( 'bg-image' ) ) {
- cover.toggleClass( 'bg-attachment-fixed' );
- }
- return returnDeferred( partial );
- }
- } );
- // Selective refresh for "Image Overlay Opacity".
- api.selectiveRefresh.partialConstructor.cover_opacity = api.selectiveRefresh.Partial.extend( {
- /**
- * Input attributes.
- *
- * @type {Object}
- */
- attrs: {},
- /**
- * Override the refresh method.
- *
- * @return {jQuery.Promise} Resolved promise.
- */
- refresh: function() {
- var partial, ranges, attrs, setting, params, cover, className, classNames;
- partial = this;
- attrs = partial.attrs;
- ranges = _.range( attrs.min, attrs.max + attrs.step, attrs.step );
- params = partial.params;
- setting = api( params.primarySetting );
- cover = $( params.selector );
- if ( cover.length ) {
- classNames = _.map( ranges, function( val ) {
- return 'opacity-' + val;
- } );
- className = classNames[ ranges.indexOf( parseInt( setting.get(), 10 ) ) ];
- cover.removeClass( classNames.join( ' ' ) );
- cover.addClass( className );
- }
- return returnDeferred( partial );
- }
- } );
- // Add listener for the "header_footer_background_color" control.
- api( 'header_footer_background_color', function( value ) {
- value.bind( function( to ) {
- // Add background color to header and footer wrappers.
- $( 'body:not(.overlay-header)#site-header, #site-footer' ).css( 'background-color', to );
- // Change body classes if this is the same background-color as the content background.
- if ( to.toLowerCase() === api( 'background_color' ).get().toLowerCase() ) {
- $( 'body' ).addClass( 'reduced-spacing' );
- } else {
- $( 'body' ).removeClass( 'reduced-spacing' );
- }
- } );
- } );
- // Add listener for the "background_color" control.
- api( 'background_color', function( value ) {
- value.bind( function( to ) {
- // Change body classes if this is the same background-color as the header/footer background.
- if ( to.toLowerCase() === api( 'header_footer_background_color' ).get().toLowerCase() ) {
- $( 'body' ).addClass( 'reduced-spacing' );
- } else {
- $( 'body' ).removeClass( 'reduced-spacing' );
- }
- } );
- } );
- // Add listener for the accent color.
- api( 'accent_hue', function( value ) {
- value.bind( function() {
- // Generate the styles.
- // Add a small delay to be sure the accessible colors were generated.
- setTimeout( function() {
- Object.keys( twentyTwentyBgColors ).forEach( function( context ) {
- twentyTwentyGenerateColorA11yPreviewStyles( context );
- } );
- }, 50 );
- } );
- } );
- // Add listeners for background-color settings.
- Object.keys( twentyTwentyBgColors ).forEach( function( context ) {
- wp.customize( twentyTwentyBgColors[ context ].setting, function( value ) {
- value.bind( function() {
- // Generate the styles.
- // Add a small delay to be sure the accessible colors were generated.
- setTimeout( function() {
- twentyTwentyGenerateColorA11yPreviewStyles( context );
- }, 50 );
- } );
- } );
- } );
- /**
- * Add styles to elements in the preview pane.
- *
- * @since Twenty Twenty 1.0
- *
- * @param {string} context The area for which we want to generate styles. Can be for example "content", "header" etc.
- *
- * @return {void}
- */
- function twentyTwentyGenerateColorA11yPreviewStyles( context ) {
- // Get the accessible colors option.
- var a11yColors = window.parent.wp.customize( 'accent_accessible_colors' ).get(),
- stylesheedID = 'twentytwenty-customizer-styles-' + context,
- stylesheet = $( '#' + stylesheedID ),
- styles = '';
- // If the stylesheet doesn't exist, create it and append it to
- if ( ! stylesheet.length ) {
- $( '#twentytwenty-style-inline-css' ).after( '' );
- stylesheet = $( '#' + stylesheedID );
- }
- if ( ! _.isUndefined( a11yColors[ context ] ) ) {
- // Check if we have elements defined.
- if ( twentyTwentyPreviewEls[ context ] ) {
- _.each( twentyTwentyPreviewEls[ context ], function( items, setting ) {
- _.each( items, function( elements, property ) {
- if ( ! _.isUndefined( a11yColors[ context ][ setting ] ) ) {
- styles += elements.join( ',' ) + '{' + property + ':' + a11yColors[ context ][ setting ] + ';}';
- }
- } );
- } );
- }
- }
- // Add styles.
- stylesheet.html( styles );
- }
- // Generate styles on load. Handles page-changes on the preview pane.
- $( document ).ready( function() {
- twentyTwentyGenerateColorA11yPreviewStyles( 'content' );
- twentyTwentyGenerateColorA11yPreviewStyles( 'header-footer' );
- } );
-}( jQuery, wp.customize, _ ) );
diff --git a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/assets/js/customize.js b/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/assets/js/customize.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a38ace1..00000000
--- a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/assets/js/customize.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-/* global wp, jQuery */
-( function( $, api ) {
- $( document ).ready( function() {
- // Make it possible to reset the color based on a radio input's value.
- // `active` can be either `custom` or `default`.
- api.control( 'accent_hue_active' ).setting.bind( function( active ) {
- var control = api.control( 'accent_hue' ); // Get the accent hue control.
- if ( 'custom' === active ) {
- // Activate the hue color picker control and focus it.
- control.activate( {
- completeCallback: function() {
- control.focus();
- }
- } );
- } else {
- // If the `custom` option isn't selected, deactivate the hue color picker and set a default.
- control.deactivate( {
- completeCallback: function() {
- control.setting.set( control.params.defaultValue );
- }
- } );
- }
- } );
- } );
-}( jQuery, wp.customize ) );
diff --git a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/assets/js/editor-script-block.js b/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/assets/js/editor-script-block.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ff08d53..00000000
--- a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/assets/js/editor-script-block.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
- * Remove squared button style
- *
- * @since Twenty Twenty 1.0
- */
-/* global wp */
-wp.domReady( function() {
- wp.blocks.unregisterBlockStyle( 'core/button', 'squared' );
-} );
diff --git a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/assets/js/index.js b/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/assets/js/index.js
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index b6919261..00000000
--- a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/assets/js/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,806 +0,0 @@
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Namespace
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-var twentytwenty = twentytwenty || {};
-// Set a default value for scrolled.
-twentytwenty.scrolled = 0;
-// polyfill closest
-// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/closest#Polyfill
-if ( ! Element.prototype.closest ) {
- Element.prototype.closest = function( s ) {
- var el = this;
- do {
- if ( el.matches( s ) ) {
- return el;
- }
- el = el.parentElement || el.parentNode;
- } while ( el !== null && el.nodeType === 1 );
- return null;
- };
-// polyfill forEach
-// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/NodeList/forEach#Polyfill
-if ( window.NodeList && ! NodeList.prototype.forEach ) {
- NodeList.prototype.forEach = function( callback, thisArg ) {
- var i;
- var len = this.length;
- thisArg = thisArg || window;
- for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
- callback.call( thisArg, this[ i ], i, this );
- }
- };
-// event "polyfill"
-twentytwenty.createEvent = function( eventName ) {
- var event;
- if ( typeof window.Event === 'function' ) {
- event = new Event( eventName );
- } else {
- event = document.createEvent( 'Event' );
- event.initEvent( eventName, true, false );
- }
- return event;
-// matches "polyfill"
-// https://developer.mozilla.org/es/docs/Web/API/Element/matches
-if ( ! Element.prototype.matches ) {
- Element.prototype.matches =
- Element.prototype.matchesSelector ||
- Element.prototype.mozMatchesSelector ||
- Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector ||
- Element.prototype.oMatchesSelector ||
- Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector ||
- function( s ) {
- var matches = ( this.document || this.ownerDocument ).querySelectorAll( s ),
- i = matches.length;
- while ( --i >= 0 && matches.item( i ) !== this ) {}
- return i > -1;
- };
-// Add a class to the body for when touch is enabled for browsers that don't support media queries
-// for interaction media features. Adapted from .
-twentytwenty.touchEnabled = {
- init: function() {
- var matchMedia = function() {
- // Include the 'heartz' as a way to have a non matching MQ to help terminate the join. See .
- var prefixes = [ '-webkit-', '-moz-', '-o-', '-ms-' ];
- var query = [ '(', prefixes.join( 'touch-enabled),(' ), 'heartz', ')' ].join( '' );
- return window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia( query ).matches;
- };
- if ( ( 'ontouchstart' in window ) || ( window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof window.DocumentTouch ) || matchMedia() ) {
- document.body.classList.add( 'touch-enabled' );
- }
- }
-}; // twentytwenty.touchEnabled
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Cover Modals
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-twentytwenty.coverModals = {
- init: function() {
- if ( document.querySelector( '.cover-modal' ) ) {
- // Handle cover modals when they're toggled.
- this.onToggle();
- // When toggled, untoggle if visitor clicks on the wrapping element of the modal.
- this.outsideUntoggle();
- // Close on escape key press.
- this.closeOnEscape();
- // Hide and show modals before and after their animations have played out.
- this.hideAndShowModals();
- }
- },
- // Handle cover modals when they're toggled.
- onToggle: function() {
- document.querySelectorAll( '.cover-modal' ).forEach( function( element ) {
- element.addEventListener( 'toggled', function( event ) {
- var modal = event.target,
- body = document.body;
- if ( modal.classList.contains( 'active' ) ) {
- body.classList.add( 'showing-modal' );
- } else {
- body.classList.remove( 'showing-modal' );
- body.classList.add( 'hiding-modal' );
- // Remove the hiding class after a delay, when animations have been run.
- setTimeout( function() {
- body.classList.remove( 'hiding-modal' );
- }, 500 );
- }
- } );
- } );
- },
- // Close modal on outside click.
- outsideUntoggle: function() {
- document.addEventListener( 'click', function( event ) {
- var target = event.target;
- var modal = document.querySelector( '.cover-modal.active' );
- if ( target === modal ) {
- this.untoggleModal( target );
- }
- }.bind( this ) );
- },
- // Close modal on escape key press.
- closeOnEscape: function() {
- document.addEventListener( 'keydown', function( event ) {
- if ( event.keyCode === 27 ) {
- event.preventDefault();
- document.querySelectorAll( '.cover-modal.active' ).forEach( function( element ) {
- this.untoggleModal( element );
- }.bind( this ) );
- }
- }.bind( this ) );
- },
- // Hide and show modals before and after their animations have played out.
- hideAndShowModals: function() {
- var _doc = document,
- _win = window,
- modals = _doc.querySelectorAll( '.cover-modal' ),
- htmlStyle = _doc.documentElement.style,
- adminBar = _doc.querySelector( '#wpadminbar' );
- function getAdminBarHeight( negativeValue ) {
- var height,
- currentScroll = _win.pageYOffset;
- if ( adminBar ) {
- height = currentScroll + adminBar.getBoundingClientRect().height;
- return negativeValue ? -height : height;
- }
- return currentScroll === 0 ? 0 : -currentScroll;
- }
- function htmlStyles() {
- var overflow = _win.innerHeight > _doc.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect().height;
- return {
- 'overflow-y': overflow ? 'hidden' : 'scroll',
- position: 'fixed',
- width: '100%',
- top: getAdminBarHeight( true ) + 'px',
- left: 0
- };
- }
- // Show the modal.
- modals.forEach( function( modal ) {
- modal.addEventListener( 'toggle-target-before-inactive', function( event ) {
- var styles = htmlStyles(),
- offsetY = _win.pageYOffset,
- paddingTop = ( Math.abs( getAdminBarHeight() ) - offsetY ) + 'px',
- mQuery = _win.matchMedia( '(max-width: 600px)' );
- if ( event.target !== modal ) {
- return;
- }
- Object.keys( styles ).forEach( function( styleKey ) {
- htmlStyle.setProperty( styleKey, styles[ styleKey ] );
- } );
- _win.twentytwenty.scrolled = parseInt( styles.top, 10 );
- if ( adminBar ) {
- _doc.body.style.setProperty( 'padding-top', paddingTop );
- if ( mQuery.matches ) {
- if ( offsetY >= getAdminBarHeight() ) {
- modal.style.setProperty( 'top', 0 );
- } else {
- modal.style.setProperty( 'top', ( getAdminBarHeight() - offsetY ) + 'px' );
- }
- }
- }
- modal.classList.add( 'show-modal' );
- } );
- // Hide the modal after a delay, so animations have time to play out.
- modal.addEventListener( 'toggle-target-after-inactive', function( event ) {
- if ( event.target !== modal ) {
- return;
- }
- setTimeout( function() {
- var clickedEl = twentytwenty.toggles.clickedEl;
- modal.classList.remove( 'show-modal' );
- Object.keys( htmlStyles() ).forEach( function( styleKey ) {
- htmlStyle.removeProperty( styleKey );
- } );
- if ( adminBar ) {
- _doc.body.style.removeProperty( 'padding-top' );
- modal.style.removeProperty( 'top' );
- }
- if ( clickedEl !== false ) {
- clickedEl.focus();
- clickedEl = false;
- }
- _win.scrollTo( 0, Math.abs( _win.twentytwenty.scrolled + getAdminBarHeight() ) );
- _win.twentytwenty.scrolled = 0;
- }, 500 );
- } );
- } );
- },
- // Untoggle a modal.
- untoggleModal: function( modal ) {
- var modalTargetClass,
- modalToggle = false;
- // If the modal has specified the string (ID or class) used by toggles to target it, untoggle the toggles with that target string.
- // The modal-target-string must match the string toggles use to target the modal.
- if ( modal.dataset.modalTargetString ) {
- modalTargetClass = modal.dataset.modalTargetString;
- modalToggle = document.querySelector( '*[data-toggle-target="' + modalTargetClass + '"]' );
- }
- // If a modal toggle exists, trigger it so all of the toggle options are included.
- if ( modalToggle ) {
- modalToggle.click();
- // If one doesn't exist, just hide the modal.
- } else {
- modal.classList.remove( 'active' );
- }
- }
-}; // twentytwenty.coverModals
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Intrinsic Ratio Embeds
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-twentytwenty.intrinsicRatioVideos = {
- init: function() {
- this.makeFit();
- window.addEventListener( 'resize', function() {
- this.makeFit();
- }.bind( this ) );
- },
- makeFit: function() {
- document.querySelectorAll( 'iframe, object, video' ).forEach( function( video ) {
- var ratio, iTargetWidth,
- container = video.parentNode;
- // Skip videos we want to ignore.
- if ( video.classList.contains( 'intrinsic-ignore' ) || video.parentNode.classList.contains( 'intrinsic-ignore' ) ) {
- return true;
- }
- if ( ! video.dataset.origwidth ) {
- // Get the video element proportions.
- video.setAttribute( 'data-origwidth', video.width );
- video.setAttribute( 'data-origheight', video.height );
- }
- iTargetWidth = container.offsetWidth;
- // Get ratio from proportions.
- ratio = iTargetWidth / video.dataset.origwidth;
- // Scale based on ratio, thus retaining proportions.
- video.style.width = iTargetWidth + 'px';
- video.style.height = ( video.dataset.origheight * ratio ) + 'px';
- } );
- }
-}; // twentytwenty.instrinsicRatioVideos
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Modal Menu
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-twentytwenty.modalMenu = {
- init: function() {
- // If the current menu item is in a sub level, expand all the levels higher up on load.
- this.expandLevel();
- this.keepFocusInModal();
- },
- expandLevel: function() {
- var modalMenus = document.querySelectorAll( '.modal-menu' );
- modalMenus.forEach( function( modalMenu ) {
- var activeMenuItem = modalMenu.querySelector( '.current-menu-item' );
- if ( activeMenuItem ) {
- twentytwentyFindParents( activeMenuItem, 'li' ).forEach( function( element ) {
- var subMenuToggle = element.querySelector( '.sub-menu-toggle' );
- if ( subMenuToggle ) {
- twentytwenty.toggles.performToggle( subMenuToggle, true );
- }
- } );
- }
- } );
- },
- keepFocusInModal: function() {
- var _doc = document;
- _doc.addEventListener( 'keydown', function( event ) {
- var toggleTarget, modal, selectors, elements, menuType, bottomMenu, activeEl, lastEl, firstEl, tabKey, shiftKey,
- clickedEl = twentytwenty.toggles.clickedEl;
- if ( clickedEl && _doc.body.classList.contains( 'showing-modal' ) ) {
- toggleTarget = clickedEl.dataset.toggleTarget;
- selectors = 'input, a, button';
- modal = _doc.querySelector( toggleTarget );
- elements = modal.querySelectorAll( selectors );
- elements = Array.prototype.slice.call( elements );
- if ( '.menu-modal' === toggleTarget ) {
- menuType = window.matchMedia( '(min-width: 1000px)' ).matches;
- menuType = menuType ? '.expanded-menu' : '.mobile-menu';
- elements = elements.filter( function( element ) {
- return null !== element.closest( menuType ) && null !== element.offsetParent;
- } );
- elements.unshift( _doc.querySelector( '.close-nav-toggle' ) );
- bottomMenu = _doc.querySelector( '.menu-bottom > nav' );
- if ( bottomMenu ) {
- bottomMenu.querySelectorAll( selectors ).forEach( function( element ) {
- elements.push( element );
- } );
- }
- }
- lastEl = elements[ elements.length - 1 ];
- firstEl = elements[0];
- activeEl = _doc.activeElement;
- tabKey = event.keyCode === 9;
- shiftKey = event.shiftKey;
- if ( ! shiftKey && tabKey && lastEl === activeEl ) {
- event.preventDefault();
- firstEl.focus();
- }
- if ( shiftKey && tabKey && firstEl === activeEl ) {
- event.preventDefault();
- lastEl.focus();
- }
- }
- } );
- }
-}; // twentytwenty.modalMenu
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Primary Menu
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-twentytwenty.primaryMenu = {
- init: function() {
- this.focusMenuWithChildren();
- },
- // The focusMenuWithChildren() function implements Keyboard Navigation in the Primary Menu
- // by adding the '.focus' class to all 'li.menu-item-has-children' when the focus is on the 'a' element.
- focusMenuWithChildren: function() {
- // Get all the link elements within the primary menu.
- var links, i, len,
- menu = document.querySelector( '.primary-menu-wrapper' );
- if ( ! menu ) {
- return false;
- }
- links = menu.getElementsByTagName( 'a' );
- // Each time a menu link is focused or blurred, toggle focus.
- for ( i = 0, len = links.length; i < len; i++ ) {
- links[i].addEventListener( 'focus', toggleFocus, true );
- links[i].addEventListener( 'blur', toggleFocus, true );
- }
- //Sets or removes the .focus class on an element.
- function toggleFocus() {
- var self = this;
- // Move up through the ancestors of the current link until we hit .primary-menu.
- while ( -1 === self.className.indexOf( 'primary-menu' ) ) {
- // On li elements toggle the class .focus.
- if ( 'li' === self.tagName.toLowerCase() ) {
- if ( -1 !== self.className.indexOf( 'focus' ) ) {
- self.className = self.className.replace( ' focus', '' );
- } else {
- self.className += ' focus';
- }
- }
- self = self.parentElement;
- }
- }
- }
-}; // twentytwenty.primaryMenu
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Toggles
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-twentytwenty.toggles = {
- clickedEl: false,
- init: function() {
- // Do the toggle.
- this.toggle();
- // Check for toggle/untoggle on resize.
- this.resizeCheck();
- // Check for untoggle on escape key press.
- this.untoggleOnEscapeKeyPress();
- },
- performToggle: function( element, instantly ) {
- var target, timeOutTime, classToToggle,
- self = this,
- _doc = document,
- // Get our targets.
- toggle = element,
- targetString = toggle.dataset.toggleTarget,
- activeClass = 'active';
- // Elements to focus after modals are closed.
- if ( ! _doc.querySelectorAll( '.show-modal' ).length ) {
- self.clickedEl = _doc.activeElement;
- }
- if ( targetString === 'next' ) {
- target = toggle.nextSibling;
- } else {
- target = _doc.querySelector( targetString );
- }
- // Trigger events on the toggle targets before they are toggled.
- if ( target.classList.contains( activeClass ) ) {
- target.dispatchEvent( twentytwenty.createEvent( 'toggle-target-before-active' ) );
- } else {
- target.dispatchEvent( twentytwenty.createEvent( 'toggle-target-before-inactive' ) );
- }
- // Get the class to toggle, if specified.
- classToToggle = toggle.dataset.classToToggle ? toggle.dataset.classToToggle : activeClass;
- // For cover modals, set a short timeout duration so the class animations have time to play out.
- timeOutTime = 0;
- if ( target.classList.contains( 'cover-modal' ) ) {
- timeOutTime = 10;
- }
- setTimeout( function() {
- var focusElement,
- subMenued = target.classList.contains( 'sub-menu' ),
- newTarget = subMenued ? toggle.closest( '.menu-item' ).querySelector( '.sub-menu' ) : target,
- duration = toggle.dataset.toggleDuration;
- // Toggle the target of the clicked toggle.
- if ( toggle.dataset.toggleType === 'slidetoggle' && ! instantly && duration !== '0' ) {
- twentytwentyMenuToggle( newTarget, duration );
- } else {
- newTarget.classList.toggle( classToToggle );
- }
- // If the toggle target is 'next', only give the clicked toggle the active class.
- if ( targetString === 'next' ) {
- toggle.classList.toggle( activeClass );
- } else if ( target.classList.contains( 'sub-menu' ) ) {
- toggle.classList.toggle( activeClass );
- } else {
- // If not, toggle all toggles with this toggle target.
- _doc.querySelector( '*[data-toggle-target="' + targetString + '"]' ).classList.toggle( activeClass );
- }
- // Toggle aria-expanded on the toggle.
- twentytwentyToggleAttribute( toggle, 'aria-expanded', 'true', 'false' );
- if ( self.clickedEl && -1 !== toggle.getAttribute( 'class' ).indexOf( 'close-' ) ) {
- twentytwentyToggleAttribute( self.clickedEl, 'aria-expanded', 'true', 'false' );
- }
- // Toggle body class.
- if ( toggle.dataset.toggleBodyClass ) {
- _doc.body.classList.toggle( toggle.dataset.toggleBodyClass );
- }
- // Check whether to set focus.
- if ( toggle.dataset.setFocus ) {
- focusElement = _doc.querySelector( toggle.dataset.setFocus );
- if ( focusElement ) {
- if ( target.classList.contains( activeClass ) ) {
- focusElement.focus();
- } else {
- focusElement.blur();
- }
- }
- }
- // Trigger the toggled event on the toggle target.
- target.dispatchEvent( twentytwenty.createEvent( 'toggled' ) );
- // Trigger events on the toggle targets after they are toggled.
- if ( target.classList.contains( activeClass ) ) {
- target.dispatchEvent( twentytwenty.createEvent( 'toggle-target-after-active' ) );
- } else {
- target.dispatchEvent( twentytwenty.createEvent( 'toggle-target-after-inactive' ) );
- }
- }, timeOutTime );
- },
- // Do the toggle.
- toggle: function() {
- var self = this;
- document.querySelectorAll( '*[data-toggle-target]' ).forEach( function( element ) {
- element.addEventListener( 'click', function( event ) {
- event.preventDefault();
- self.performToggle( element );
- } );
- } );
- },
- // Check for toggle/untoggle on screen resize.
- resizeCheck: function() {
- if ( document.querySelectorAll( '*[data-untoggle-above], *[data-untoggle-below], *[data-toggle-above], *[data-toggle-below]' ).length ) {
- window.addEventListener( 'resize', function() {
- var winWidth = window.innerWidth,
- toggles = document.querySelectorAll( '.toggle' );
- toggles.forEach( function( toggle ) {
- var unToggleAbove = toggle.dataset.untoggleAbove,
- unToggleBelow = toggle.dataset.untoggleBelow,
- toggleAbove = toggle.dataset.toggleAbove,
- toggleBelow = toggle.dataset.toggleBelow;
- // If no width comparison is set, continue.
- if ( ! unToggleAbove && ! unToggleBelow && ! toggleAbove && ! toggleBelow ) {
- return;
- }
- // If the toggle width comparison is true, toggle the toggle.
- if (
- ( ( ( unToggleAbove && winWidth > unToggleAbove ) ||
- ( unToggleBelow && winWidth < unToggleBelow ) ) &&
- toggle.classList.contains( 'active' ) ) ||
- ( ( ( toggleAbove && winWidth > toggleAbove ) ||
- ( toggleBelow && winWidth < toggleBelow ) ) &&
- ! toggle.classList.contains( 'active' ) )
- ) {
- toggle.click();
- }
- } );
- } );
- }
- },
- // Close toggle on escape key press.
- untoggleOnEscapeKeyPress: function() {
- document.addEventListener( 'keyup', function( event ) {
- if ( event.key === 'Escape' ) {
- document.querySelectorAll( '*[data-untoggle-on-escape].active' ).forEach( function( element ) {
- if ( element.classList.contains( 'active' ) ) {
- element.click();
- }
- } );
- }
- } );
- }
-}; // twentytwenty.toggles
- * Is the DOM ready?
- *
- * This implementation is coming from https://gomakethings.com/a-native-javascript-equivalent-of-jquerys-ready-method/
- *
- * @param {Function} fn Callback function to run.
- */
-function twentytwentyDomReady( fn ) {
- if ( typeof fn !== 'function' ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( document.readyState === 'interactive' || document.readyState === 'complete' ) {
- return fn();
- }
- document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', fn, false );
-twentytwentyDomReady( function() {
- twentytwenty.toggles.init(); // Handle toggles.
- twentytwenty.coverModals.init(); // Handle cover modals.
- twentytwenty.intrinsicRatioVideos.init(); // Retain aspect ratio of videos on window resize.
- twentytwenty.modalMenu.init(); // Modal Menu.
- twentytwenty.primaryMenu.init(); // Primary Menu.
- twentytwenty.touchEnabled.init(); // Add class to body if device is touch-enabled.
-} );
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Helper functions
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Toggle an attribute ----------------------- */
-function twentytwentyToggleAttribute( element, attribute, trueVal, falseVal ) {
- if ( trueVal === undefined ) {
- trueVal = true;
- }
- if ( falseVal === undefined ) {
- falseVal = false;
- }
- if ( element.getAttribute( attribute ) !== trueVal ) {
- element.setAttribute( attribute, trueVal );
- } else {
- element.setAttribute( attribute, falseVal );
- }
- * Toggle a menu item on or off.
- *
- * @param {HTMLElement} target
- * @param {number} duration
- */
-function twentytwentyMenuToggle( target, duration ) {
- var initialParentHeight, finalParentHeight, menu, menuItems, transitionListener,
- initialPositions = [],
- finalPositions = [];
- if ( ! target ) {
- return;
- }
- menu = target.closest( '.menu-wrapper' );
- // Step 1: look at the initial positions of every menu item.
- menuItems = menu.querySelectorAll( '.menu-item' );
- menuItems.forEach( function( menuItem, index ) {
- initialPositions[ index ] = { x: menuItem.offsetLeft, y: menuItem.offsetTop };
- } );
- initialParentHeight = target.parentElement.offsetHeight;
- target.classList.add( 'toggling-target' );
- // Step 2: toggle target menu item and look at the final positions of every menu item.
- target.classList.toggle( 'active' );
- menuItems.forEach( function( menuItem, index ) {
- finalPositions[ index ] = { x: menuItem.offsetLeft, y: menuItem.offsetTop };
- } );
- finalParentHeight = target.parentElement.offsetHeight;
- // Step 3: close target menu item again.
- // The whole process happens without giving the browser a chance to render, so it's invisible.
- target.classList.toggle( 'active' );
- /*
- * Step 4: prepare animation.
- * Position all the items with absolute offsets, at the same starting position.
- * Shouldn't result in any visual changes if done right.
- */
- menu.classList.add( 'is-toggling' );
- target.classList.toggle( 'active' );
- menuItems.forEach( function( menuItem, index ) {
- var initialPosition = initialPositions[ index ];
- if ( initialPosition.y === 0 && menuItem.parentElement === target ) {
- initialPosition.y = initialParentHeight;
- }
- menuItem.style.transform = 'translate(' + initialPosition.x + 'px, ' + initialPosition.y + 'px)';
- } );
- /*
- * The double rAF is unfortunately needed, since we're toggling CSS classes, and
- * the only way to ensure layout completion here across browsers is to wait twice.
- * This just delays the start of the animation by 2 frames and is thus not an issue.
- */
- requestAnimationFrame( function() {
- requestAnimationFrame( function() {
- /*
- * Step 5: start animation by moving everything to final position.
- * All the layout work has already happened, while we were preparing for the animation.
- * The animation now runs entirely in CSS, using cheap CSS properties (opacity and transform)
- * that don't trigger the layout or paint stages.
- */
- menu.classList.add( 'is-animating' );
- menuItems.forEach( function( menuItem, index ) {
- var finalPosition = finalPositions[ index ];
- if ( finalPosition.y === 0 && menuItem.parentElement === target ) {
- finalPosition.y = finalParentHeight;
- }
- if ( duration !== undefined ) {
- menuItem.style.transitionDuration = duration + 'ms';
- }
- menuItem.style.transform = 'translate(' + finalPosition.x + 'px, ' + finalPosition.y + 'px)';
- } );
- if ( duration !== undefined ) {
- target.style.transitionDuration = duration + 'ms';
- }
- } );
- // Step 6: finish toggling.
- // Remove all transient classes when the animation ends.
- transitionListener = function() {
- menu.classList.remove( 'is-animating' );
- menu.classList.remove( 'is-toggling' );
- target.classList.remove( 'toggling-target' );
- menuItems.forEach( function( menuItem ) {
- menuItem.style.transform = '';
- menuItem.style.transitionDuration = '';
- } );
- target.style.transitionDuration = '';
- target.removeEventListener( 'transitionend', transitionListener );
- };
- target.addEventListener( 'transitionend', transitionListener );
- } );
- * Traverses the DOM up to find elements matching the query.
- *
- * @param {HTMLElement} target
- * @param {string} query
- * @return {NodeList} parents matching query
- */
-function twentytwentyFindParents( target, query ) {
- var parents = [];
- // Recursively go up the DOM adding matches to the parents array.
- function traverse( item ) {
- var parent = item.parentNode;
- if ( parent instanceof HTMLElement ) {
- if ( parent.matches( query ) ) {
- parents.push( parent );
- }
- traverse( parent );
- }
- }
- traverse( target );
- return parents;
diff --git a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/assets/js/skip-link-focus-fix.js b/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/assets/js/skip-link-focus-fix.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 181b7979..00000000
--- a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/assets/js/skip-link-focus-fix.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * File skip-link-focus-fix.js.
- *
- * Helps with accessibility for keyboard only users.
- *
- * This is the source file for what is minified in the twentytwenty_skip_link_focus_fix() PHP function.
- *
- * Learn more: https://git.io/vWdr2
- */
-( function() {
- var isIe = /(trident|msie)/i.test( navigator.userAgent );
- if ( isIe && document.getElementById && window.addEventListener ) {
- window.addEventListener( 'hashchange', function() {
- var id = location.hash.substring( 1 ),
- element;
- if ( ! ( /^[A-z0-9_-]+$/.test( id ) ) ) {
- return;
- }
- element = document.getElementById( id );
- if ( element ) {
- if ( ! ( /^(?:a|select|input|button|textarea)$/i.test( element.tagName ) ) ) {
- element.tabIndex = -1;
- }
- element.focus();
- }
- }, false );
- }
-}() );
diff --git a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/classes/class-twentytwenty-customize.php b/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/classes/class-twentytwenty-customize.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ff7c70c2..00000000
--- a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/classes/class-twentytwenty-customize.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,526 +0,0 @@
-get_setting( 'blogname' )->transport = 'postMessage';
- $wp_customize->get_setting( 'blogdescription' )->transport = 'postMessage';
- $wp_customize->selective_refresh->add_partial(
- 'blogname',
- array(
- 'selector' => '.site-title a',
- 'render_callback' => 'twentytwenty_customize_partial_blogname',
- )
- );
- $wp_customize->selective_refresh->add_partial(
- 'blogdescription',
- array(
- 'selector' => '.site-description',
- 'render_callback' => 'twentytwenty_customize_partial_blogdescription',
- )
- );
- $wp_customize->selective_refresh->add_partial(
- 'custom_logo',
- array(
- 'selector' => '.header-titles [class*=site-]:not(.site-description)',
- 'render_callback' => 'twentytwenty_customize_partial_site_logo',
- )
- );
- $wp_customize->selective_refresh->add_partial(
- 'retina_logo',
- array(
- 'selector' => '.header-titles [class*=site-]:not(.site-description)',
- 'render_callback' => 'twentytwenty_customize_partial_site_logo',
- )
- );
- /**
- * Site Identity
- */
- /* 2X Header Logo ---------------- */
- $wp_customize->add_setting(
- 'retina_logo',
- array(
- 'capability' => 'edit_theme_options',
- 'sanitize_callback' => array( __CLASS__, 'sanitize_checkbox' ),
- 'transport' => 'postMessage',
- )
- );
- $wp_customize->add_control(
- 'retina_logo',
- array(
- 'type' => 'checkbox',
- 'section' => 'title_tagline',
- 'priority' => 10,
- 'label' => __( 'Retina logo', 'twentytwenty' ),
- 'description' => __( 'Scales the logo to half its uploaded size, making it sharp on high-res screens.', 'twentytwenty' ),
- )
- );
- // Header & Footer Background Color.
- $wp_customize->add_setting(
- 'header_footer_background_color',
- array(
- 'default' => '#ffffff',
- 'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_hex_color',
- 'transport' => 'postMessage',
- )
- );
- $wp_customize->add_control(
- new WP_Customize_Color_Control(
- $wp_customize,
- 'header_footer_background_color',
- array(
- 'label' => __( 'Header & Footer Background Color', 'twentytwenty' ),
- 'section' => 'colors',
- )
- )
- );
- // Enable picking an accent color.
- $wp_customize->add_setting(
- 'accent_hue_active',
- array(
- 'capability' => 'edit_theme_options',
- 'sanitize_callback' => array( __CLASS__, 'sanitize_select' ),
- 'transport' => 'postMessage',
- 'default' => 'default',
- )
- );
- $wp_customize->add_control(
- 'accent_hue_active',
- array(
- 'type' => 'radio',
- 'section' => 'colors',
- 'label' => __( 'Primary Color', 'twentytwenty' ),
- 'choices' => array(
- 'default' => __( 'Default', 'twentytwenty' ),
- 'custom' => __( 'Custom', 'twentytwenty' ),
- ),
- )
- );
- /**
- * Implementation for the accent color.
- * This is different to all other color options because of the accessibility enhancements.
- * The control is a hue-only colorpicker, and there is a separate setting that holds values
- * for other colors calculated based on the selected hue and various background-colors on the page.
- *
- * @since Twenty Twenty 1.0
- */
- // Add the setting for the hue colorpicker.
- $wp_customize->add_setting(
- 'accent_hue',
- array(
- 'default' => 344,
- 'type' => 'theme_mod',
- 'sanitize_callback' => 'absint',
- 'transport' => 'postMessage',
- )
- );
- // Add setting to hold colors derived from the accent hue.
- $wp_customize->add_setting(
- 'accent_accessible_colors',
- array(
- 'default' => array(
- 'content' => array(
- 'text' => '#000000',
- 'accent' => '#cd2653',
- 'secondary' => '#6d6d6d',
- 'borders' => '#dcd7ca',
- ),
- 'header-footer' => array(
- 'text' => '#000000',
- 'accent' => '#cd2653',
- 'secondary' => '#6d6d6d',
- 'borders' => '#dcd7ca',
- ),
- ),
- 'type' => 'theme_mod',
- 'transport' => 'postMessage',
- 'sanitize_callback' => array( __CLASS__, 'sanitize_accent_accessible_colors' ),
- )
- );
- // Add the hue-only colorpicker for the accent color.
- $wp_customize->add_control(
- new WP_Customize_Color_Control(
- $wp_customize,
- 'accent_hue',
- array(
- 'section' => 'colors',
- 'settings' => 'accent_hue',
- 'description' => __( 'Apply a custom color for links, buttons, featured images.', 'twentytwenty' ),
- 'mode' => 'hue',
- 'active_callback' => function() use ( $wp_customize ) {
- return ( 'custom' === $wp_customize->get_setting( 'accent_hue_active' )->value() );
- },
- )
- )
- );
- // Update background color with postMessage, so inline CSS output is updated as well.
- $wp_customize->get_setting( 'background_color' )->transport = 'postMessage';
- /**
- * Theme Options
- */
- $wp_customize->add_section(
- 'options',
- array(
- 'title' => __( 'Theme Options', 'twentytwenty' ),
- 'priority' => 40,
- 'capability' => 'edit_theme_options',
- )
- );
- /* Enable Header Search ----------------------------------------------- */
- $wp_customize->add_setting(
- 'enable_header_search',
- array(
- 'capability' => 'edit_theme_options',
- 'default' => true,
- 'sanitize_callback' => array( __CLASS__, 'sanitize_checkbox' ),
- )
- );
- $wp_customize->add_control(
- 'enable_header_search',
- array(
- 'type' => 'checkbox',
- 'section' => 'options',
- 'priority' => 10,
- 'label' => __( 'Show search in header', 'twentytwenty' ),
- )
- );
- /* Show author bio ---------------------------------------------------- */
- $wp_customize->add_setting(
- 'show_author_bio',
- array(
- 'capability' => 'edit_theme_options',
- 'default' => true,
- 'sanitize_callback' => array( __CLASS__, 'sanitize_checkbox' ),
- )
- );
- $wp_customize->add_control(
- 'show_author_bio',
- array(
- 'type' => 'checkbox',
- 'section' => 'options',
- 'priority' => 10,
- 'label' => __( 'Show author bio', 'twentytwenty' ),
- )
- );
- /* Display full content or excerpts on the blog and archives --------- */
- $wp_customize->add_setting(
- 'blog_content',
- array(
- 'capability' => 'edit_theme_options',
- 'default' => 'full',
- 'sanitize_callback' => array( __CLASS__, 'sanitize_select' ),
- )
- );
- $wp_customize->add_control(
- 'blog_content',
- array(
- 'type' => 'radio',
- 'section' => 'options',
- 'priority' => 10,
- 'label' => __( 'On archive pages, posts show:', 'twentytwenty' ),
- 'choices' => array(
- 'full' => __( 'Full text', 'twentytwenty' ),
- 'summary' => __( 'Summary', 'twentytwenty' ),
- ),
- )
- );
- /**
- * Template: Cover Template.
- */
- $wp_customize->add_section(
- 'cover_template_options',
- array(
- 'title' => __( 'Cover Template', 'twentytwenty' ),
- 'capability' => 'edit_theme_options',
- 'description' => __( 'Settings for the "Cover Template" page template. Add a featured image to use as background.', 'twentytwenty' ),
- 'priority' => 42,
- )
- );
- /* Overlay Fixed Background ------ */
- $wp_customize->add_setting(
- 'cover_template_fixed_background',
- array(
- 'capability' => 'edit_theme_options',
- 'default' => true,
- 'sanitize_callback' => array( __CLASS__, 'sanitize_checkbox' ),
- 'transport' => 'postMessage',
- )
- );
- $wp_customize->add_control(
- 'cover_template_fixed_background',
- array(
- 'type' => 'checkbox',
- 'section' => 'cover_template_options',
- 'label' => __( 'Fixed Background Image', 'twentytwenty' ),
- 'description' => __( 'Creates a parallax effect when the visitor scrolls.', 'twentytwenty' ),
- )
- );
- $wp_customize->selective_refresh->add_partial(
- 'cover_template_fixed_background',
- array(
- 'selector' => '.cover-header',
- 'type' => 'cover_fixed',
- )
- );
- /* Separator --------------------- */
- $wp_customize->add_setting(
- 'cover_template_separator_1',
- array(
- 'sanitize_callback' => 'wp_filter_nohtml_kses',
- )
- );
- $wp_customize->add_control(
- new TwentyTwenty_Separator_Control(
- $wp_customize,
- 'cover_template_separator_1',
- array(
- 'section' => 'cover_template_options',
- )
- )
- );
- /* Overlay Background Color ------ */
- $wp_customize->add_setting(
- 'cover_template_overlay_background_color',
- array(
- 'default' => twentytwenty_get_color_for_area( 'content', 'accent' ),
- 'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_hex_color',
- )
- );
- $wp_customize->add_control(
- new WP_Customize_Color_Control(
- $wp_customize,
- 'cover_template_overlay_background_color',
- array(
- 'label' => __( 'Overlay Background Color', 'twentytwenty' ),
- 'description' => __( 'The color used for the overlay. Defaults to the accent color.', 'twentytwenty' ),
- 'section' => 'cover_template_options',
- )
- )
- );
- /* Overlay Text Color ------------ */
- $wp_customize->add_setting(
- 'cover_template_overlay_text_color',
- array(
- 'default' => '#ffffff',
- 'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_hex_color',
- )
- );
- $wp_customize->add_control(
- new WP_Customize_Color_Control(
- $wp_customize,
- 'cover_template_overlay_text_color',
- array(
- 'label' => __( 'Overlay Text Color', 'twentytwenty' ),
- 'description' => __( 'The color used for the text in the overlay.', 'twentytwenty' ),
- 'section' => 'cover_template_options',
- )
- )
- );
- /* Overlay Color Opacity --------- */
- $wp_customize->add_setting(
- 'cover_template_overlay_opacity',
- array(
- 'default' => 80,
- 'sanitize_callback' => 'absint',
- 'transport' => 'postMessage',
- )
- );
- $wp_customize->add_control(
- 'cover_template_overlay_opacity',
- array(
- 'label' => __( 'Overlay Opacity', 'twentytwenty' ),
- 'description' => __( 'Make sure that the contrast is high enough so that the text is readable.', 'twentytwenty' ),
- 'section' => 'cover_template_options',
- 'type' => 'range',
- 'input_attrs' => twentytwenty_customize_opacity_range(),
- )
- );
- $wp_customize->selective_refresh->add_partial(
- 'cover_template_overlay_opacity',
- array(
- 'selector' => '.cover-color-overlay',
- 'type' => 'cover_opacity',
- )
- );
- }
- /**
- * Sanitization callback for the "accent_accessible_colors" setting.
- *
- * @static
- * @access public
- * @since Twenty Twenty 1.0
- * @param array $value The value we want to sanitize.
- * @return array Returns sanitized value. Each item in the array gets sanitized separately.
- */
- public static function sanitize_accent_accessible_colors( $value ) {
- // Make sure the value is an array. Do not typecast, use empty array as fallback.
- $value = is_array( $value ) ? $value : array();
- // Loop values.
- foreach ( $value as $area => $values ) {
- foreach ( $values as $context => $color_val ) {
- $value[ $area ][ $context ] = sanitize_hex_color( $color_val );
- }
- }
- return $value;
- }
- /**
- * Sanitize select.
- *
- * @param string $input The input from the setting.
- * @param object $setting The selected setting.
- *
- * @return string $input|$setting->default The input from the setting or the default setting.
- */
- public static function sanitize_select( $input, $setting ) {
- $input = sanitize_key( $input );
- $choices = $setting->manager->get_control( $setting->id )->choices;
- return ( array_key_exists( $input, $choices ) ? $input : $setting->default );
- }
- /**
- * Sanitize boolean for checkbox.
- *
- * @param bool $checked Whether or not a box is checked.
- *
- * @return bool
- */
- public static function sanitize_checkbox( $checked ) {
- return ( ( isset( $checked ) && true === $checked ) ? true : false );
- }
- }
- // Setup the Theme Customizer settings and controls.
- add_action( 'customize_register', array( 'TwentyTwenty_Customize', 'register' ) );
- * */
-if ( ! function_exists( 'twentytwenty_customize_partial_blogname' ) ) {
- /**
- * Render the site title for the selective refresh partial.
- */
- function twentytwenty_customize_partial_blogname() {
- bloginfo( 'name' );
- }
-if ( ! function_exists( 'twentytwenty_customize_partial_blogdescription' ) ) {
- /**
- * Render the site description for the selective refresh partial.
- */
- function twentytwenty_customize_partial_blogdescription() {
- bloginfo( 'description' );
- }
-if ( ! function_exists( 'twentytwenty_customize_partial_site_logo' ) ) {
- /**
- * Render the site logo for the selective refresh partial.
- *
- * Doing it this way so we don't have issues with `render_callback`'s arguments.
- */
- function twentytwenty_customize_partial_site_logo() {
- twentytwenty_site_logo();
- }
- * Input attributes for cover overlay opacity option.
- *
- * @return array Array containing attribute names and their values.
- */
-function twentytwenty_customize_opacity_range() {
- /**
- * Filter the input attributes for opacity
- *
- * @param array $attrs {
- * The attributes
- *
- * @type int $min Minimum value
- * @type int $max Maximum value
- * @type int $step Interval between numbers
- * }
- */
- return apply_filters(
- 'twentytwenty_customize_opacity_range',
- array(
- 'min' => 0,
- 'max' => 90,
- 'step' => 5,
- )
- );
diff --git a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/classes/class-twentytwenty-non-latin-languages.php b/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/classes/class-twentytwenty-non-latin-languages.php
deleted file mode 100644
index df95c56a..00000000
--- a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/classes/class-twentytwenty-non-latin-languages.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
- array( 'Tahoma', 'Arial', 'sans-serif' ),
- 'ary' => array( 'Tahoma', 'Arial', 'sans-serif' ),
- 'azb' => array( 'Tahoma', 'Arial', 'sans-serif' ),
- 'ckb' => array( 'Tahoma', 'Arial', 'sans-serif' ),
- 'fa-IR' => array( 'Tahoma', 'Arial', 'sans-serif' ),
- 'haz' => array( 'Tahoma', 'Arial', 'sans-serif' ),
- 'ps' => array( 'Tahoma', 'Arial', 'sans-serif' ),
- // Chinese Simplified (China) - Noto Sans SC.
- 'zh-CN' => array( '\'PingFang SC\'', '\'Helvetica Neue\'', '\'Microsoft YaHei New\'', '\'STHeiti Light\'', 'sans-serif' ),
- // Chinese Traditional (Taiwan) - Noto Sans TC.
- 'zh-TW' => array( '\'PingFang TC\'', '\'Helvetica Neue\'', '\'Microsoft YaHei New\'', '\'STHeiti Light\'', 'sans-serif' ),
- // Chinese (Hong Kong) - Noto Sans HK.
- 'zh-HK' => array( '\'PingFang HK\'', '\'Helvetica Neue\'', '\'Microsoft YaHei New\'', '\'STHeiti Light\'', 'sans-serif' ),
- // Cyrillic.
- 'bel' => array( '\'Helvetica Neue\'', 'Helvetica', '\'Segoe UI\'', 'Arial', 'sans-serif' ),
- 'bg-BG' => array( '\'Helvetica Neue\'', 'Helvetica', '\'Segoe UI\'', 'Arial', 'sans-serif' ),
- 'kk' => array( '\'Helvetica Neue\'', 'Helvetica', '\'Segoe UI\'', 'Arial', 'sans-serif' ),
- 'mk-MK' => array( '\'Helvetica Neue\'', 'Helvetica', '\'Segoe UI\'', 'Arial', 'sans-serif' ),
- 'mn' => array( '\'Helvetica Neue\'', 'Helvetica', '\'Segoe UI\'', 'Arial', 'sans-serif' ),
- 'ru-RU' => array( '\'Helvetica Neue\'', 'Helvetica', '\'Segoe UI\'', 'Arial', 'sans-serif' ),
- 'sah' => array( '\'Helvetica Neue\'', 'Helvetica', '\'Segoe UI\'', 'Arial', 'sans-serif' ),
- 'sr-RS' => array( '\'Helvetica Neue\'', 'Helvetica', '\'Segoe UI\'', 'Arial', 'sans-serif' ),
- 'tt-RU' => array( '\'Helvetica Neue\'', 'Helvetica', '\'Segoe UI\'', 'Arial', 'sans-serif' ),
- 'uk' => array( '\'Helvetica Neue\'', 'Helvetica', '\'Segoe UI\'', 'Arial', 'sans-serif' ),
- // Devanagari.
- 'bn-BD' => array( 'Arial', 'sans-serif' ),
- 'hi-IN' => array( 'Arial', 'sans-serif' ),
- 'mr' => array( 'Arial', 'sans-serif' ),
- 'ne-NP' => array( 'Arial', 'sans-serif' ),
- // Greek.
- 'el' => array( '\'Helvetica Neue\', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif' ),
- // Gujarati.
- 'gu' => array( 'Arial', 'sans-serif' ),
- // Hebrew.
- 'he-IL' => array( '\'Arial Hebrew\'', 'Arial', 'sans-serif' ),
- // Japanese.
- 'ja' => array( 'sans-serif' ),
- // Korean.
- 'ko-KR' => array( '\'Apple SD Gothic Neo\'', '\'Malgun Gothic\'', '\'Nanum Gothic\'', 'Dotum', 'sans-serif' ),
- // Thai.
- 'th' => array( '\'Sukhumvit Set\'', '\'Helvetica Neue\'', 'Helvetica', 'Arial', 'sans-serif' ),
- // Vietnamese.
- 'vi' => array( '\'Libre Franklin\'', 'sans-serif' ),
- )
- );
- // Return if the selected language has no fallback fonts.
- if ( empty( $font_family[ $locale ] ) ) {
- return;
- }
- // Define elements to apply fallback fonts to.
- $elements = apply_filters(
- 'twentytwenty_get_localized_font_family_elements',
- array(
- 'front-end' => array( 'body', 'input', 'textarea', 'button', '.button', '.faux-button', '.wp-block-button__link', '.wp-block-file__button', '.has-drop-cap:not(:focus)::first-letter', '.has-drop-cap:not(:focus)::first-letter', '.entry-content .wp-block-archives', '.entry-content .wp-block-categories', '.entry-content .wp-block-cover-image', '.entry-content .wp-block-latest-comments', '.entry-content .wp-block-latest-posts', '.entry-content .wp-block-pullquote', '.entry-content .wp-block-quote.is-large', '.entry-content .wp-block-quote.is-style-large', '.entry-content .wp-block-archives *', '.entry-content .wp-block-categories *', '.entry-content .wp-block-latest-posts *', '.entry-content .wp-block-latest-comments *', '.entry-content p', '.entry-content ol', '.entry-content ul', '.entry-content dl', '.entry-content dt', '.entry-content cite', '.entry-content figcaption', '.entry-content .wp-caption-text', '.comment-content p', '.comment-content ol', '.comment-content ul', '.comment-content dl', '.comment-content dt', '.comment-content cite', '.comment-content figcaption', '.comment-content .wp-caption-text', '.widget_text p', '.widget_text ol', '.widget_text ul', '.widget_text dl', '.widget_text dt', '.widget-content .rssSummary', '.widget-content cite', '.widget-content figcaption', '.widget-content .wp-caption-text' ),
- 'block-editor' => array( '.editor-styles-wrapper > *', '.editor-styles-wrapper p', '.editor-styles-wrapper ol', '.editor-styles-wrapper ul', '.editor-styles-wrapper dl', '.editor-styles-wrapper dt', '.editor-post-title__block .editor-post-title__input', '.editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block h1', '.editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block h2', '.editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block h3', '.editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block h4', '.editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block h5', '.editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block h6', '.editor-styles-wrapper .has-drop-cap:not(:focus)::first-letter', '.editor-styles-wrapper cite', '.editor-styles-wrapper figcaption', '.editor-styles-wrapper .wp-caption-text' ),
- 'classic-editor' => array( 'body#tinymce.wp-editor', 'body#tinymce.wp-editor p', 'body#tinymce.wp-editor ol', 'body#tinymce.wp-editor ul', 'body#tinymce.wp-editor dl', 'body#tinymce.wp-editor dt', 'body#tinymce.wp-editor figcaption', 'body#tinymce.wp-editor .wp-caption-text', 'body#tinymce.wp-editor .wp-caption-dd', 'body#tinymce.wp-editor cite', 'body#tinymce.wp-editor table' ),
- )
- );
- // Return if the specified type doesn't exist.
- if ( empty( $elements[ $type ] ) ) {
- return;
- }
- // Return the specified styles.
- return twentytwenty_generate_css( implode( ',', $elements[ $type ] ), 'font-family', implode( ',', $font_family[ $locale ] ), null, null, false );
- }
- }
diff --git a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/classes/class-twentytwenty-script-loader.php b/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/classes/class-twentytwenty-script-loader.php
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index cc05187b..00000000
--- a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/classes/class-twentytwenty-script-loader.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-get_data( $handle, $attr ) ) {
- continue;
- }
- // Prevent adding attribute when already added in #12009.
- if ( ! preg_match( ":\s$attr(=|>|\s):", $tag ) ) {
- $tag = preg_replace( ':(?=>):', " $attr", $tag, 1 );
- }
- // Only allow async or defer, not both.
- break;
- }
- return $tag;
- }
- }
diff --git a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/classes/class-twentytwenty-separator-control.php b/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/classes/class-twentytwenty-separator-control.php
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index 0682373a..00000000
--- a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/classes/class-twentytwenty-separator-control.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/classes/class-twentytwenty-svg-icons.php b/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/classes/class-twentytwenty-svg-icons.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 025ad9f8..00000000
--- a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/classes/class-twentytwenty-svg-icons.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-\s*', '><', $svg ); // Remove whitespace between SVG tags.
- return $svg;
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Detects the social network from a URL and returns the SVG code for its icon.
- *
- * @param string $uri The URL to retrieve SVG for.
- */
- public static function get_social_link_svg( $uri ) {
- static $regex_map; // Only compute regex map once, for performance.
- if ( ! isset( $regex_map ) ) {
- $regex_map = array();
- $map = &self::$social_icons_map; // Use reference instead of copy, to save memory.
- foreach ( array_keys( self::$social_icons ) as $icon ) {
- $domains = array_key_exists( $icon, $map ) ? $map[ $icon ] : array( sprintf( '%s.com', $icon ) );
- $domains = array_map( 'trim', $domains ); // Remove leading/trailing spaces, to prevent regex from failing to match.
- $domains = array_map( 'preg_quote', $domains );
- $regex_map[ $icon ] = sprintf( '/(%s)/i', implode( '|', $domains ) );
- }
- }
- foreach ( $regex_map as $icon => $regex ) {
- if ( preg_match( $regex, $uri ) ) {
- return twentytwenty_get_theme_svg( $icon, 'social' );
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Store the code for all SVGs in an array.
- *
- * @var array
- */
- public static $ui_icons = array(
- 'arrow-down' => '',
- 'arrow-down-circled' => '',
- 'bookmark' => '',
- 'calendar' => '',
- 'chevron-down' => '',
- 'comment' => '',
- 'cross' => '',
- 'ellipsis' => '',
- 'edit' => '',
- 'folder' => '',
- 'link' => '',
- 'search' => '',
- 'tag' => '',
- 'user' => '',
- );
- /**
- * Social Icons – domain mappings.
- *
- * By default, each Icon ID is matched against a .com TLD. To override this behavior,
- * specify all the domains it covers (including the .com TLD too, if applicable).
- *
- * @var array
- */
- public static $social_icons_map = array(
- 'amazon' => array(
- 'amazon.com',
- 'amazon.cn',
- 'amazon.in',
- 'amazon.fr',
- 'amazon.de',
- 'amazon.it',
- 'amazon.nl',
- 'amazon.es',
- 'amazon.co',
- 'amazon.ca',
- ),
- 'behance' => array(
- 'behance.net',
- ),
- 'codepen' => array(
- 'codepen.io',
- ),
- 'facebook' => array(
- 'facebook.com',
- 'fb.me',
- ),
- 'feed' => array(
- 'feed',
- ),
- 'lastfm' => array(
- 'last.fm',
- ),
- 'mail' => array(
- 'mailto:',
- ),
- 'pocket' => array(
- 'getpocket.com',
- ),
- 'twitch' => array(
- 'twitch.tv',
- ),
- 'wordpress' => array(
- 'wordpress.com',
- 'wordpress.org',
- ),
- );
- /**
- * Social Icons – svg sources.
- *
- * @var array
- */
- public static $social_icons = array(
- '500px' => '',
- 'amazon' => '',
- 'bandcamp' => '',
- 'behance' => '',
- 'codepen' => '',
- 'deviantart' => '',
- 'dribbble' => '',
- 'dropbox' => '',
- 'etsy' => '',
- 'facebook' => '',
- 'feed' => '',
- 'flickr' => '',
- 'foursquare' => '',
- 'goodreads' => '',
- 'google' => '',
- 'github' => '',
- 'instagram' => '',
- 'lastfm' => '',
- 'linkedin' => '',
- 'mail' => '',
- 'mastodon' => '',
- 'medium' => '',
- 'meetup' => '',
- 'pinterest' => '',
- 'pocket' => '',
- 'reddit' => '',
- 'skype' => '',
- 'snapchat' => '',
- 'soundcloud' => '',
- 'spotify' => '',
- 'tumblr' => '',
- 'twitch' => '',
- 'twitter' => '',
- 'vimeo' => '',
- 'vk' => '',
- 'whatsapp' => '',
- // phpcs:disable WordPress.WP.CapitalPDangit.Misspelled
- 'wordpress' => '',
- 'yelp' => '',
- 'youtube' => '',
- );
- }
diff --git a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/classes/class-twentytwenty-walker-comment.php b/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/classes/class-twentytwenty-walker-comment.php
deleted file mode 100644
index eda038e3..00000000
--- a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/classes/class-twentytwenty-walker-comment.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- < id="comment-" has_children ? 'parent' : '', $comment ); ?>>
- 'div-comment',
- 'depth' => $depth,
- 'max_depth' => $args['max_depth'],
- 'before' => '',
- )
- )
- );
- $by_post_author = twentytwenty_is_comment_by_post_author( $comment );
- if ( $comment_reply_link || $by_post_author ) {
- ?>
- ID );
- if ( isset( $args['pages_with_children'][ $page->ID ] ) ) {
- $css_class[] = 'page_item_has_children';
- }
- if ( ! empty( $current_page ) ) {
- $_current_page = get_post( $current_page );
- if ( $_current_page && in_array( $page->ID, $_current_page->ancestors, true ) ) {
- $css_class[] = 'current_page_ancestor';
- }
- if ( $page->ID === $current_page ) {
- $css_class[] = 'current_page_item';
- } elseif ( $_current_page && $page->ID === $_current_page->post_parent ) {
- $css_class[] = 'current_page_parent';
- }
- } elseif ( get_option( 'page_for_posts' ) === $page->ID ) {
- $css_class[] = 'current_page_parent';
- }
- /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/class-walker-page.php */
- $css_classes = implode( ' ', apply_filters( 'page_css_class', $css_class, $page, $depth, $args, $current_page ) );
- $css_classes = $css_classes ? ' class="' . esc_attr( $css_classes ) . '"' : '';
- if ( '' === $page->post_title ) {
- /* translators: %d: ID of a post. */
- $page->post_title = sprintf( __( '#%d (no title)', 'twentytwenty' ), $page->ID );
- }
- $args['link_before'] = empty( $args['link_before'] ) ? '' : $args['link_before'];
- $args['link_after'] = empty( $args['link_after'] ) ? '' : $args['link_after'];
- $atts = array();
- $atts['href'] = get_permalink( $page->ID );
- $atts['aria-current'] = ( $page->ID === $current_page ) ? 'page' : '';
- /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/class-walker-page.php */
- $atts = apply_filters( 'page_menu_link_attributes', $atts, $page, $depth, $args, $current_page );
- $attributes = '';
- foreach ( $atts as $attr => $value ) {
- if ( ! empty( $value ) ) {
- $value = ( 'href' === $attr ) ? esc_url( $value ) : esc_attr( $value );
- $attributes .= ' ' . $attr . '="' . $value . '"';
- }
- }
- $args['list_item_before'] = '';
- $args['list_item_after'] = '';
- // Wrap the link in a div and append a sub menu toggle.
- if ( isset( $args['show_toggles'] ) && true === $args['show_toggles'] ) {
- // Wrap the menu item link contents in a div, used for positioning.
- $args['list_item_before'] = '';
- $args['list_item_after'] = '';
- // Add a toggle to items with children.
- if ( isset( $args['pages_with_children'][ $page->ID ] ) ) {
- $toggle_target_string = '.menu-modal .page-item-' . $page->ID . ' > ul';
- $toggle_duration = twentytwenty_toggle_duration();
- // Add the sub menu toggle.
- $args['list_item_after'] .= '';
- }
- // Close the wrapper.
- $args['list_item_after'] .= '
- }
- // Add icons to menu items with children.
- if ( isset( $args['show_sub_menu_icons'] ) && true === $args['show_sub_menu_icons'] ) {
- if ( isset( $args['pages_with_children'][ $page->ID ] ) ) {
- $args['list_item_after'] = '';
- }
- }
- $output .= $indent . sprintf(
- '%s%s%s%s%s',
- $css_classes,
- $args['list_item_before'],
- $attributes,
- $args['link_before'],
- /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/post-template.php */
- apply_filters( 'the_title', $page->post_title, $page->ID ),
- $args['link_after'],
- $args['list_item_after']
- );
- if ( ! empty( $args['show_date'] ) ) {
- if ( 'modified' === $args['show_date'] ) {
- $time = $page->post_modified;
- } else {
- $time = $page->post_date;
- }
- $date_format = empty( $args['date_format'] ) ? '' : $args['date_format'];
- $output .= ' ' . mysql2date( $date_format, $time );
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/comments.php b/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/comments.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bc2d9b7..00000000
--- a/web/app/themes/Lamine__old/comments.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
- ';
- }
- comment_form(
- array(
- 'class_form' => 'section-inner thin max-percentage',
- 'title_reply_before' => '',
- )
- );
-} elseif ( is_single() ) {
- if ( $comments ) {
- echo '
- }
- ?>