284 lines
6.8 KiB
284 lines
6.8 KiB
* Unidragger v2.3.1
* Draggable base class
* MIT license
/*jshint browser: true, unused: true, undef: true, strict: true */
( function( window, factory ) {
// universal module definition
/*jshint strict: false */ /*globals define, module, require */
if ( typeof define == 'function' && define.amd ) {
// AMD
define( [
], function( Unipointer ) {
return factory( window, Unipointer );
} else if ( typeof module == 'object' && module.exports ) {
// CommonJS
module.exports = factory(
} else {
// browser global
window.Unidragger = factory(
}( window, function factory( window, Unipointer ) {
'use strict';
// -------------------------- Unidragger -------------------------- //
function Unidragger() {}
// inherit Unipointer & EvEmitter
var proto = Unidragger.prototype = Object.create( Unipointer.prototype );
// ----- bind start ----- //
proto.bindHandles = function() {
this._bindHandles( true );
proto.unbindHandles = function() {
this._bindHandles( false );
* Add or remove start event
* @param {Boolean} isAdd
proto._bindHandles = function( isAdd ) {
// munge isAdd, default to true
isAdd = isAdd === undefined ? true : isAdd;
// bind each handle
var bindMethod = isAdd ? 'addEventListener' : 'removeEventListener';
var touchAction = isAdd ? this._touchActionValue : '';
for ( var i=0; i < this.handles.length; i++ ) {
var handle = this.handles[i];
this._bindStartEvent( handle, isAdd );
handle[ bindMethod ]( 'click', this );
// touch-action: none to override browser touch gestures. metafizzy/flickity#540
if ( window.PointerEvent ) {
handle.style.touchAction = touchAction;
// prototype so it can be overwriteable by Flickity
proto._touchActionValue = 'none';
// ----- start event ----- //
* pointer start
* @param {Event} event
* @param {Event or Touch} pointer
proto.pointerDown = function( event, pointer ) {
var isOkay = this.okayPointerDown( event );
if ( !isOkay ) {
// track start event position
// Safari 9 overrides pageX and pageY. These values needs to be copied. flickity#842
this.pointerDownPointer = {
pageX: pointer.pageX,
pageY: pointer.pageY,
// bind move and end events
this._bindPostStartEvents( event );
this.emitEvent( 'pointerDown', [ event, pointer ] );
// nodes that have text fields
var cursorNodes = {
INPUT: true,
SELECT: true,
OPTION: true,
// input types that do not have text fields
var clickTypes = {
radio: true,
checkbox: true,
button: true,
submit: true,
image: true,
file: true,
// dismiss inputs with text fields. flickity#403, flickity#404
proto.okayPointerDown = function( event ) {
var isCursorNode = cursorNodes[ event.target.nodeName ];
var isClickType = clickTypes[ event.target.type ];
var isOkay = !isCursorNode || isClickType;
if ( !isOkay ) {
return isOkay;
// kludge to blur previously focused input
proto.pointerDownBlur = function() {
var focused = document.activeElement;
// do not blur body for IE10, metafizzy/flickity#117
var canBlur = focused && focused.blur && focused != document.body;
if ( canBlur ) {
// ----- move event ----- //
* drag move
* @param {Event} event
* @param {Event or Touch} pointer
proto.pointerMove = function( event, pointer ) {
var moveVector = this._dragPointerMove( event, pointer );
this.emitEvent( 'pointerMove', [ event, pointer, moveVector ] );
this._dragMove( event, pointer, moveVector );
// base pointer move logic
proto._dragPointerMove = function( event, pointer ) {
var moveVector = {
x: pointer.pageX - this.pointerDownPointer.pageX,
y: pointer.pageY - this.pointerDownPointer.pageY
// start drag if pointer has moved far enough to start drag
if ( !this.isDragging && this.hasDragStarted( moveVector ) ) {
this._dragStart( event, pointer );
return moveVector;
// condition if pointer has moved far enough to start drag
proto.hasDragStarted = function( moveVector ) {
return Math.abs( moveVector.x ) > 3 || Math.abs( moveVector.y ) > 3;
// ----- end event ----- //
* pointer up
* @param {Event} event
* @param {Event or Touch} pointer
proto.pointerUp = function( event, pointer ) {
this.emitEvent( 'pointerUp', [ event, pointer ] );
this._dragPointerUp( event, pointer );
proto._dragPointerUp = function( event, pointer ) {
if ( this.isDragging ) {
this._dragEnd( event, pointer );
} else {
// pointer didn't move enough for drag to start
this._staticClick( event, pointer );
// -------------------------- drag -------------------------- //
// dragStart
proto._dragStart = function( event, pointer ) {
this.isDragging = true;
// prevent clicks
this.isPreventingClicks = true;
this.dragStart( event, pointer );
proto.dragStart = function( event, pointer ) {
this.emitEvent( 'dragStart', [ event, pointer ] );
// dragMove
proto._dragMove = function( event, pointer, moveVector ) {
// do not drag if not dragging yet
if ( !this.isDragging ) {
this.dragMove( event, pointer, moveVector );
proto.dragMove = function( event, pointer, moveVector ) {
this.emitEvent( 'dragMove', [ event, pointer, moveVector ] );
// dragEnd
proto._dragEnd = function( event, pointer ) {
// set flags
this.isDragging = false;
// re-enable clicking async
setTimeout( function() {
delete this.isPreventingClicks;
}.bind( this ) );
this.dragEnd( event, pointer );
proto.dragEnd = function( event, pointer ) {
this.emitEvent( 'dragEnd', [ event, pointer ] );
// ----- onclick ----- //
// handle all clicks and prevent clicks when dragging
proto.onclick = function( event ) {
if ( this.isPreventingClicks ) {
// ----- staticClick ----- //
// triggered after pointer down & up with no/tiny movement
proto._staticClick = function( event, pointer ) {
// ignore emulated mouse up clicks
if ( this.isIgnoringMouseUp && event.type == 'mouseup' ) {
this.staticClick( event, pointer );
// set flag for emulated clicks 300ms after touchend
if ( event.type != 'mouseup' ) {
this.isIgnoringMouseUp = true;
// reset flag after 300ms
setTimeout( function() {
delete this.isIgnoringMouseUp;
}.bind( this ), 400 );
proto.staticClick = function( event, pointer ) {
this.emitEvent( 'staticClick', [ event, pointer ] );
// ----- utils ----- //
Unidragger.getPointerPoint = Unipointer.getPointerPoint;
// ----- ----- //
return Unidragger;