# Security Policy ## Supported Versions We are focusing our security updates on the following versions | Version | Supported | | ------- | ------------------ | | 1.7.x | :white_check_mark: | | 1.6.x | :x: | | < 1.6 | :x: | ## :pushpin: Note on Security Severity > NOTE: Please use the following guidlines when selecting a **Severity**. Submitted advisories that are marked **High** or **Critical** that don't meet the guidelines below will be cliosed. * **CRITICAL** - no account required, can modify content, or run malicious code or nefarious activity without any access. * **HIGH** - publisher level account able to run malicious code or nefarious activity, or other high level security things. * **MODERATE** - admin level account able to run malicious code or do nefarious things. other moderate security things. * **LOW** - super admin level account able to run malicious code or do nefarious things. other minor security things. ## :warning: Versions Versions with :warning: will be supported for security issues, however you won't be able to update to them, you will need to manually update through the [`direct-install` command](https://learn.getgrav.org/17/admin-panel/tools). If you cannot update to the latest stable version available because, for example, your server does not meet the minimum PHP requirements, you can manually install a previous version by downloading the package from our Releases directory (https://github.com/getgrav/grav/releases). ## :pencil: Reporting a Vulnerability Please contact security@getgrav.org with a detailed explanation of the security issue found. If it appears to be a legitimate issues, please submit an **advisory via GitHub Security**: https://github.com/getgrav/grav/security/advisories > NOTE: Please do not use 3rd party security issue reporting services, we like to keep everything in the GitHub ecosystem for easier manageability. ## :bug: Bug Bounties We do greatly appreciate your efforts to improve Grav, but unfortunately because we are a small open source project, we **do not have the resources to offer bounties** for security issues found.