uuid: 6909971d-b780-4af3-967c-ae547d9e7926 langcode: en status: true dependencies: module: - commerce_payment - commerce_promotion - commerce_stripe - email_registration id: materio_checkout_flow label: 'materio checkout flow' plugin: multistep_default configuration: display_checkout_progress: true display_checkout_progress_breadcrumb_links: true panes: contact_information: double_entry: false step: order_information weight: 0 allow_guest_checkout: true allow_registration: false payment_information: step: order_information weight: 1 review: step: review weight: 2 stripe_review: button_id: edit-actions-next step: review weight: 3 payment_process: capture: true step: payment weight: 4 completion_message: message: value: "

[current-user:customer:address:given_name] [current-user:customer:address:family_name] thank you and welcome to [site:name]!


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\r\n" format: wysiwyg step: complete weight: 5 order_summary: view: commerce_checkout_order_summary step: _sidebar weight: 6 coupon_redemption: allow_multiple: false step: _sidebar weight: 7 email_registration_login: allow_guest_checkout: true allow_registration: false step: _disabled weight: 8 email_registration_completion_registration: step: _disabled weight: 9 completion_register: step: _disabled weight: 10 login: allow_guest_checkout: true allow_registration: false step: _disabled weight: 11