notice(print_r($form, true)); $form['name']['#attributes'] += array( "v-model" => "mail", "@keyup.enter" => "login" ); $form['pass']['#attributes'] = array( "v-model" => "password", "@keyup.enter" => "login" ); $url = Url::fromRoute('user.pass'); $form['pass']['#description'] = Link::fromTextAndUrl('Forgot your password?', $url)->toString(); // "{{ 'Forgot your password?'|t }}"; $form['actions']['submit']['#attributes'] = array( "@click.prevent" => "login" ); } function materio_user_form_user_modal_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) { // Drupal::logger('materio_user')->notice(print_r($form['mail'], true)); // ksm($form); $form['account']['mail']['#attributes'] = array( "v-model" => "mail", "@keyup.enter" => "register", "placeholder" => $form['account']['mail']['#title'], "title" => $form['account']['mail']['#description'] ); // // Get default process function array: $element_info = element_info('password_confirm'); $process = $element_info['#process']; // Add our process function to the array: $process[] = '_materio_user_process_password_confirm'; $form['account']['pass']['#process'] = $process; $form['actions']['submit']['#attributes'] = array( "@click.prevent" => "register", "@keyup.enter" => "register", "ref" => "register" // ":class" => "can_register" ); } function _materio_user_process_password_confirm($element){ // ksm($element); $element['pass1']['#description'] = t('Password must contains Lowercase and Uppercase Letters, numbers, and punctuation.'); $element['pass1']['#attributes'] += array( "v-model" => "pass1", "placeholder" => $element['pass1']['#title'], ":class" => "psswd_class" ); $element['pass2']['#attributes'] += array( "v-model" => "pass2", "placeholder" => $element['pass2']['#title'] ); return $element; } /** * Returns HTML for a form element. * Prepares variables for form element templates. * * Default template: form-element.html.twig. * * @param array $variables * An associative array containing: * - element: An associative array containing the properties of the element. * Properties used: #title, #title_display, #description, #id, #required, * #children, #type, #name, #label_for. */ // function materio_user_preprocess_form_element(&$vars) { // $element = $vars['element']; // if($element['#type'] == 'password' && $element['#array_parents'][0] == 'account'){ // ksm($vars); // // $vars['attributes']['placeholder'] = $element['#title']; // $vars['element']['#attributes']['placeholder'] = $element['#title']; // } // } /** * implements hook_block_view_BASE_BLOCK_ID_alter() * * */ function materio_user_block_view_user_login_block_alter(array &$build, BlockPluginInterface $block) { $build['#pre_render'][] = '_materio_user_user_login_block_pre_render'; } function _materio_user_user_login_block_pre_render(array $build){ $user_links = &$build['content']['user_links']; $items = &$user_links['#items']; // ksm($items); $items['create_account']['#url']->mergeOptions(array( "attributes" => array( "@click.prevent" => "create_account" ) )); $items['request_password']['#url']->mergeOptions(array( 'attributes' => array( "@click.prevent" => "request_password" ) )); return $build; } function materio_user_entity_type_build(array &$entity_types) { // $entity_types['user']->setFormClass('modal', 'Drupal\user\RegisterForm'); }