field_index->value); if (!empty($entity->field_index->value)) { // the node is not new return $entity->field_index->value; } // TODO: finish the job /* FROM D7 // dsm('-- computed --'); // dsm($entity_field, '$entity_field'); // dsm($entity_type, '$entity_type'); // dsm($entity, '$entity'); // dsm($field, '$field'); // dsm($instance, '$instance'); // dsm($items, '$items'); // dsm($entity_field[0]['value'], 'entity_field value'); if (!empty($entity_field[0]['value'])) { // the node is not new return $entity_field[0]['value']; } else { // the node is new // get all same entities in same family $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $query ->entityCondition('entity_type', $entity_type) ->entityCondition('bundle', $entity->type) ->fieldCondition('field_famille', 'value', $entity->field_famille['und'][0]['value']); $result = $query->execute(); if(is_array($result[$entity_type])){ $entities = entity_load($entity_type, array_keys($result[$entity_type])); // get identifiants fo these entities $ids = array(); foreach ($entities as $id => $e) { $identifiant = field_view_field($entity_type, $e, 'field_identifiant'); $ids[] = $identifiant[0]['#markup'] ? intval($identifiant[0]['#markup']) : 0; } sort($ids); $value = strval(array_pop($ids) + 1); }else{ $value = '1'; } // parse the value to a string as 0023 or 4458 or 0001 $value_parts = str_split($value); while (count($value_parts) < 4) { array_unshift($value_parts, "0"); } // record the result $entity_field[0]['value'] = implode('', $value_parts); } */ } // function computed_field_field_identifiant_display($field, $entity_field_item, $entity_lang = "en", $langcode = "en") { // return $entity_field_item['value']; // } function computed_field_field_reference_compute($entity_type_manager, $entity, $fields, $delta) { if (!empty($entity->field_reference->value)) { // the node is not new return $entity->field_reference->value; } // TODO: finish the job /* FROM D7 // dsm('-- computed --'); // dsm($entity_field, '$entity_field'); // dsm($entity_type, '$entity_type'); // dsm($entity, '$entity'); // dsm($field, '$field'); // dsm($instance, '$instance'); // dsm($items, '$items'); if (!empty($entity_field[0]['value'])) { // the node is not new return $entity_field[0]['value']; } else { // the node is new $entity_field[0]['value'] = $entity->field_famille['und'][0]['value'].'-'.$entity->field_identifiant['und'][0]['value']; } */ } // function computed_field_field_reference_materio_display($field, $entity_field_item, $entity_lang = "en", $langcode = "en") { // return $entity_field_item['value']; // }