(function($) { /** * Attaches the tree behavior to the term widget form. */ Drupal.behaviors.termReferenceTree = { attach: function(context, settings) { // Bind the term expand/contract button to slide toggle the list underneath. $('.term-reference-tree-button', context).once('term-reference-tree-button').click(function() { $(this).toggleClass('term-reference-tree-collapsed'); $(this).siblings('ul').slideToggle('fast'); }); // An expand all button (unimplemented) /* $('.expandbutton').click(function() { $(this).siblings('.term-reference-tree-button').trigger('click'); }); */ $('.term-reference-tree', context).once('term-reference-tree').each(function() { // On page load, check whether the maximum number of choices is already selected. // If so, disable the other options. var tree = $(this); checkMaxChoices(tree, false); $(this).find('input[type=checkbox]').change(function() { checkMaxChoices(tree, $(this)); }); //On page load, check if the user wants a cascading selection. if($(this).hasClass('term-reference-tree-select-parents')) { $(this).find('.form-checkbox').parent().addClass('select-parents'); } //On page load, check if the user wants a track list. If so, add the //currently selected items to it. if($(this).hasClass('term-reference-tree-track-list-shown')) { var track_list_container = $(this).find('.term-reference-tree-track-list'); //Var to track whether using checkboxes or radio buttons. var input_type = ( $(this).has('input[type=checkbox]').length > 0 ) ? 'checkbox' : 'radio'; //Find all the checked controls. var checked_controls = $(this).find('input[type=' + input_type + ']:checked'); //Get their labels. var labels = checked_controls.next(); var label_element; //For each label of the checked boxes, add item to the track list. labels.each(function(index) { label_element = $(labels[index]); addItemToTrackList( track_list_container, //Where to add new item. label_element.html(), //Text of new item. $(label_element).attr('for'), //Id of control new item is for. input_type //checkbox or radio ); }); //End labels.each //Show "nothing selected" message, if needed. showNothingSelectedMessage(track_list_container); //Event - when an element on the track list is clicked on: // 1. Delete it. // 2. Uncheck the associated checkbox. //The event is bound to the track list container, not each element. $(track_list_container).click(function(event){ //Remove the "nothing selected" message if showing - add it later if needed. //removeNothingSelectedMessage(track_list_container); var event_target = $(event.target); var control_id = event_target.data('control_id'); if(control_id) { event_target.remove(); var checkbox = $('#' + control_id); checkbox.removeAttr('checked'); checkMaxChoices(tree, checkbox); //Show "nothing selected" message, if needed. showNothingSelectedMessage(track_list_container); } }); //Change track list when controls are clicked. $(this).find('.form-' + input_type).change(function(event){ //Remove the "nothing selected" message if showing - add it later if needed. removeNothingSelectedMessage(track_list_container); var event_target = $(event.target); var control_id = event_target.attr('id'); if ( event_target.attr('checked') ) { //Control checked - add item to the track list. label_element = event_target.next(); addItemToTrackList( track_list_container, //Where to add new item. label_element.html(), //Text of new item. $(label_element).attr('for'), //Id of control new item is for. input_type //checkbox or radio ); } else { //Checkbox unchecked. Remove from the track list. $('#' + control_id + '_list').remove(); } //Show "nothing selected" message, if needed. showNothingSelectedMessage(track_list_container); }); //End process checkbox changes. } //End Want a track list. //On page load, check if the user wants a cascading selection. if($(this).hasClass('term-reference-tree-cascading-selection')) { var mode_select = $(this).hasClass('term-reference-tree-cascading-selection-mode-select'); var mode_deselect = $(this).hasClass('term-reference-tree-cascading-selection-mode-deselect'); //Check children when checkboxes are clicked. $(this).find('.form-checkbox').change(function(event) { var event_target = $(event.target); var event_target_checked = event_target.is(':checked'); var control_id = event_target.attr('id'); var children = event_target.parent().next().children().find('> :not(ul) > input[id^="' + control_id + '-children"]'); if (!mode_select && !mode_deselect) { if(event_target_checked) { $(children).filter(':not(:checked)').click().trigger('change'); } else { $(children).filter(':checked').click().trigger('change'); } } else if (mode_select && event_target_checked) { $(children).filter(':not(:checked)').click().trigger('change'); } else if (mode_deselect && !event_target_checked) { $(children).filter(':checked').click().trigger('change'); } }); //End process checkbox changes. } //End Want a cascading checking. }); } }; /** * Add a new item to the track list. * If more than one item can be selected, the new item is positioned to * match the order of the terms in the checkbox tree. * * @param track_list_container Container where the new item will be added. * * @param item_text Text of the item to add. * * @param control_id Id of the checkbox/radio control the item matches. * * @param control_type Control type - 'checkbox' or 'radio'. */ function addItemToTrackList(track_list_container, item_text, control_id, control_type) { var new_item = $('
  • ' + item_text + '
  • '); new_item.data('control_id', control_id); //Add an id for easy finding of the item. new_item.attr('id', control_id + '_list'); //Process radio controls - only one item can be selected. if ( control_type == 'radio') { //Find the existing element on the track list, if there is one. var current_items = track_list_container.find('li'); //If there are no items on the track list, add the new item. if ( current_items.length == 0 ) { track_list_container.append(new_item); } else { //There is an item on the list. var current_item = $(current_items.get(0)); //Is the item we want to add different from what is there? if ( current_item.data('control_id') != control_id ) { //Remove exiting element from track list, and add the new one. current_item.remove(); track_list_container.append(new_item); } } return; } //Using checkboxes, so there can be more than one selected item. //Find the right place to put the new item, to match the order of the //checkboxes. var list_items = track_list_container.find('li'); var item_comparing_to; //Flag to tell whether the item was inserted. var inserted_flag = false; list_items.each(function(index){ item_comparing_to = $(list_items[index]); //If item is already on the track list, do nothing. if ( control_id == item_comparing_to.data('control_id') ) { inserted_flag = true; return false; //Returning false stops the loop. } else if ( control_id < item_comparing_to.data('control_id') ) { //Add it here. item_comparing_to.before(new_item); inserted_flag = true; return false; //Returning false stops the loop. } }); //If not inserted yet, add new item at the end of the track list. if ( ! inserted_flag ) { track_list_container.append(new_item); } } /** * Show the 'nothing selected' message if it applies. * * @param track_list_container Where the message is to be shown. */ function showNothingSelectedMessage(track_list_container) { //Is the message there already? var message_showing = (track_list_container.find('.term_ref_tree_nothing_message').length != 0); //Number of real items showing. var num_real_items_showing = message_showing ? track_list_container.find('li').length - 1 : track_list_container.find('li').length; if ( num_real_items_showing == 0 ) { //No items showing, so show the message. if ( ! message_showing ) { track_list_container.append( '
  • ' + termReferenceTreeNothingSelectedText + '
  • ' ); } } else { // !(num_real_items_showing == 0) //There are real items. if ( message_showing ) { track_list_container.find('.term_ref_tree_nothing_message').remove(); } } } /** * Remove the 'nothing selected' message. Makes processing easier. * * @param track_list_container Where the message is shown. */ function removeNothingSelectedMessage(track_list_container) { track_list_container.find('.term_ref_tree_nothing_message').remove(); } // This helper function checks if the maximum number of choices is already selected. // If so, it disables all the other options. If not, it enables them. function checkMaxChoices(item, checkbox) { var maxChoices = -1; try { maxChoices = parseInt(Drupal.settings.term_reference_tree.trees[item.attr('id')]['max_choices']); } catch (e){} var count = item.find(':checked').length; if(maxChoices > 0 && count >= maxChoices) { item.find('input[type=checkbox]:not(:checked)').attr('disabled', 'disabled').parent().addClass('disabled'); } else { item.find('input[type=checkbox]').removeAttr('disabled').parent().removeClass('disabled'); } if(checkbox) { if(item.hasClass('term-reference-tree-select-parents')) { var track_list_container = item.find('.term-reference-tree-track-list'); if(checkbox.prop('checked')) { checkbox.parents('ul.term-reference-tree-level li').children('div.form-item').find('input[type=checkbox]').each(function() { $(this).prop('checked', true); if(track_list_container) { var label_element = $(this).next(); addItemToTrackList( track_list_container, //Where to add new item. label_element.html(), //Text of new item. $(label_element).attr('for'), //Id of control new item is for. (item.has('input[type=checkbox]').length > 0) ? 'checkbox' : 'radio' ); } }); } } } } })(jQuery);