  <article class="card search-card">
      <h1 v-if="isloggedin">{{ item.title }}</h1>
      <h4>{{ item.short_description }}</h4>
      <span v-if="isloggedin" class="ref">{{ item.reference }}</span>
    <nav class="tools" v-if="isloggedin">
      <section class="tool flags">
        <span class="btn mdi mdi-folder-outline"/>
        <div class="tool-content">
            <li  v-if="flagcolls" v-for="coll in flagcolls" :key="coll.id">
                class="flag mdi"
                  flagIsLoading(coll.id) ? 'mdi-loading mdi-spin' : flagIsActive(coll.id) ? 'mdi-close-circle isActive' : 'mdi-plus'
              {{ coll.name }}
            <li v-if="collsLength<15" class="create-flag">
                placeholder="new folder"
                class="add-btn mdi"
      <section class="tool samples" v-if="item.samples && item.samples.length">
        <span class="btn mdi mdi-beaker-outline"/>
        <div class="tool-content">
          <span class="label">{{ $t("materio.Samples") }}</span>
              v-for="sample in item.samples"
              <span class="showroom">{{ sample.showroom.name }}</span>: {{ sample.location }}
      <section v-if="item.note" class="tool note">
        <span class="btn mdi mdi-note"/>
      <section class="tool print">
        <a :href="item.path+'/printable/print'" target="_blank">
          <span class="btn mdi mdi-printer"/>
    <section class="images" v-switcher>
        v-for="(img, index) in item.images"
    <!-- <CoolLightBox
      @close="lightbox_index = null">
    </CoolLightBox> -->

import { mapState, mapActions } from 'vuex'
import cardMixins from 'vuejs/components/cardMixins'
import ModalCard from 'vuejs/components/Content/ModalCard'

export default {
  name: "Card",
  props: ['item'],
  mixins: [cardMixins],
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      loadingFlag: false,
      new_folder_name: "",
      is_creating_folder: false
      // lightbox_index: null
  computed: {
      flagcolls: state => state.User.flagcolls,
      isloggedin: state => state.User.isloggedin
    collsLength() {
      return Object.keys(this.flagcolls).length
    addFlagBtnClassObj() {
      return {
        'mdi-plus-circle-outline': !this.is_creating_folder,
        'mdi-loading': this.is_creating_folder,
        active: this.new_folder_name.length > 4 && !this.is_creating_folder,
        loading: this.is_creating_folder
  methods: {
      // refreshItem: 'Search/refreshItem',
      createFlagColl: 'User/createFlagColl',
      flagUnflag: 'User/flagUnflag'
    onCreateFlagColl () {
      console.log("Card onCreateFlagColl", this.new_folder_name)
      this.is_creating_folder = true;
        .then(data => {
          console.log("Card onCreateFlagColl then", data)
          this.new_folder_name = "";
          this.is_creating_folder = false;
          let collid = data.id
          this.loadingFlag = collid;
          this.flagUnflag({ action: 'flag', id: this.item.id, collid: collid})
          .then(data => {
            console.log("onFlagActionCard then", data)
            this.loadingFlag = false;
    flagIsActive(collid) {
      // console.log("Card flagIsActive",
      //   this.item.id,
      //   this.flagcolls[collid].items,
      //   this.flagcolls[collid].items.indexOf(this.item.id)
      // );
      // console.log(this.flagcolls[collid].items_uuids)
      // return this.flagcolls[collid].items_uuids.indexOf(this.item.uuid) !== -1;
      return this.flagcolls[collid].items.indexOf(this.item.id) !== -1;
    flagIsLoading(collid) {
      // console.log(this.item.uuid)
      // console.log(this.flagcolls[collid].items_uuids)
      return collid === this.loadingFlag;
    onFlagActionCard (e) {
      console.log("Card onFlagActionCard", e, this.item)
      if (!this.loadingFlag) {
        let collid = e.target.getAttribute('collid');
        let isActive = this.flagIsActive(collid);
        let action = isActive ? 'unflag' : 'flag';
        // console.log('collid', collid)
        // console.log("this.item", this.item)
        this.loadingFlag = collid;
        this.flagUnflag({ action: action, id: this.item.id, collid: collid})
        .then(data => {
          console.log("onFlagActionCard then", data)
          this.loadingFlag = false;
    // onClickImg (e, index) {
    //   this.lightbox_index = index
    // },
    openModalCard (e) {
      console.log('openModalCard', this.isLoggedin)
      if (this.isloggedin) {
            item: this.item,
            // not really an event
            // more a callback function passed as prop to the component
            addNoteId:(id) => {
              // no needs to refresh the entire item via searchresults
              // plus if we are in article, there is not searchresults
              // this.refreshItem({id: this.item.id})
              // instead create the note id directly
              this.item.note = {id: id}
            name: `modal-${this.item.id}`,
            draggable: false,
            classes: "vm--modale-card",
            // this does not work
            // adaptative: true,
            // maxWidth: 850,
            // maxHeight: 610,
            width: '95%',
            height: '95%'


<style lang="scss" scoped>
