index = Index::load('database'); $this->query = $this->index->query(); // Change the parse mode for the search. $parse_mode = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.search_api.parse_mode') ->createInstance('direct'); $parse_mode->setConjunction('OR'); $this->query->setParseMode($parse_mode); // Set fulltext search keywords and fields. $this->query->keys($this->keys); // $this->query->setFulltextFields(['name']); // Set additional conditions. // $this->query->addCondition('status', 1) // ->addCondition('author', 1, '<>'); // Restrict the search to specific languages. // $this->query->setLanguages(['de', 'it']); // Do paging. $this->query->range($this->offset, $this->limit); // Add sorting. $this->query->sort('search_api_relevance', 'DESC'); // Set one or more tags for the query. // @see hook_search_api_query_TAG_alter() // @see hook_search_api_results_TAG_alter() $this->query->addTag('materio_sapi_search'); $this->results = $this->query->execute(); } private function defaultQuery(){ $entity_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('node'); $this->query = $entity_storage->getQuery() ->condition('type', 'materiau') ->condition('status', '1') ->range($this->offset, $this->limit) ->accessCheck(TRUE) ->sort('changed', 'DESC'); // ->condition('field_example', 'test_value') $this->results = $this->query->execute(); $this->count_query = $entity_storage->getQuery() ->condition('type', 'materiau') ->accessCheck(TRUE) ->condition('status', '1') ->count(); $this->count = $this->count_query->execute(); } /** * get params from request */ private function parseRequest(Request $request){ // Get the typed string from the URL, if it exists. $this->keys = $request->query->get('keys'); if($this->keys){ $this->keys = Unicode::strtolower($this->keys); // $this->keys = Tags::explode($this->keys); \Drupal::logger('materio_sapi')->notice($this->keys); } $this->term = $request->query->get('term'); $this->offset = $request->query->get('offset') ?? $this->offset; $this->limit = $request->query->get('limit') ?? $this->limit; } /** * Handler for ajax search. */ public function getResults(Request $request) { $this->parseRequest($request); $resp = [ 'range' => array( 'offset' => $this->offset, 'limit' => $this->limit ), ]; if ($this->keys) { $this->sapiQuery(); $resp['keys'] = $this->keys; $resp['term'] = $this->term; $resp['count'] = $this->results->getResultCount(); $resp['infos'] = t('The search found @count result(s) with keywords @keys.', array( "@count" => $resp['count'], "@keys" => $this->keys )); $resp['options'] = $this->query->getOptions(); // $items = []; $uuids = []; $nids = []; foreach ($this->results as $result) { // $nid = $result->getField('nid')->getValues()[0]; // $uuid = $result->getField('uuid')->getValues()[0]; // $title = $result->getField('title')->getValues()[0]->getText(); // $items[] = [ // 'nid' => $nid, // 'uuid' => $uuid, // 'title' => $title, // ]; $uuids[] = $result->getField('uuid')->getValues()[0]; $nids[] = $result->getField('nid')->getValues()[0]; } // $resp['items'] = $items; $resp['uuids'] = $uuids; $resp['nids'] = $nids; } else { // no keys or terms to search for // display the default base page $this->defaultQuery(); // $uuids = []; $nids = []; // Using entityTypeManager // Get a node storage object. $node_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('node'); foreach ($this->results as $result) { $lang = \Drupal::languageManager()->getCurrentLanguage()->getId(); // Load a single node. $node = $node_storage->load($result); // check if has translation if ($node->hasTranslation($lang)) { // $uuids[] = $result->getField('uuid')->getValues()[0]; $nids[] = $result; } } // $resp['uuids'] = $uuids; $resp['nids'] = $nids; $resp['count'] = $this->count; $resp['infos'] = t('Please use the search form to search from our @count materials.', array( "@count" => $resp['count'] )); } return new JsonResponse($resp); } /** * Handler for regular page search. */ function pageHandler(Request $request){ // \Drupal::logger('materio_sapi')->notice(print_r($request, true)); $this->parseRequest($request); $resp = [ "#title" => 'Base' ]; if ($this->keys) { $resp['#title'] = $this->keys; $this->sapiQuery(); $node_view_builder = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getViewBuilder('node'); $items = $this->results->getResultItems(); $this->items = []; foreach ($items as $item) { // \Drupal::logger('materio_sapi')->notice(print_r($item, true)); try { /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity */ $entity = $item->getOriginalObject()->getValue(); } catch (SearchApiException $e) { continue; } if (!$entity) { continue; } // TODO: define dynamicly viewmode $this->items[] = $node_view_builder->view($entity, 'teaser'); } $resp['items'] = $this->items; }else{ $resp['#markup'] = t("no keys to search for"); } return $resp; } }