<?php /** * @file * Functions to support theming in the Seven theme. */ use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface; /** * Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for HTML document templates. */ // function matminimal_preprocess_html(&$variables) { // // If on a node add or edit page, add a node-layout class. // $path_args = explode('/', \Drupal::request()->getPathInfo()); // if ($suggestions = theme_get_suggestions($path_args, 'page', '-')) { // foreach ($suggestions as $suggestion) { // // dsm($suggestion); // preg_match('/taxonomy-manage-[^-]+-add$/', $suggestion, $matches); // // ksm($matches); // if ($suggestion === 'page--taxonomy-term-edit' || isset($matches)) { // $variables['attributes']['class'][] = 'node-form-layout'; // } // } // } // } // function matminimal_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id){ // // dsm($form_id); // // create a colomuned term form (not working yet) // if(in_array($form_id, ['taxonomy_term_company_form', 'taxonomy_term_showroom_form'])){ // // ksm($form); // $form['#theme'] = ['term_edit_form']; // $form['#attached']['library'][] = 'seven/node-form'; // // $form['advanced']['#type'] = 'container'; // $form['meta']['#type'] = 'container'; // $form['meta']['#access'] = TRUE; // $form['meta']['changed']['#wrapper_attributes']['class'][] = 'container-inline'; // $form['meta']['author']['#wrapper_attributes']['class'][] = 'container-inline'; // // $form['revision_information']['#type'] = 'container'; // $form['revision_information']['#group'] = 'meta'; // } // } /** * Implements hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter() for \Drupal\node\NodeForm. * * Changes vertical tabs to container. */ function matminimal_form_node_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { $form['#theme'] = ['node_edit_form']; $form['#attached']['library'][] = 'seven/node-form'; $form['advanced']['#type'] = 'container'; $form['meta']['#type'] = 'container'; $form['meta']['#access'] = TRUE; $form['meta']['changed']['#wrapper_attributes']['class'][] = 'container-inline'; $form['meta']['author']['#wrapper_attributes']['class'][] = 'container-inline'; $form['revision_information']['#type'] = 'container'; $form['revision_information']['#group'] = 'meta'; }