diff --git a/config/sync/core.entity_form_display.node.thematique.default.yml b/config/sync/core.entity_form_display.node.thematique.default.yml
index 5bcd66a2..4f34b0e9 100644
--- a/config/sync/core.entity_form_display.node.thematique.default.yml
+++ b/config/sync/core.entity_form_display.node.thematique.default.yml
@@ -4,12 +4,118 @@ status: true
- field.field.node.thematique.body
+ - field.field.node.thematique.field_linked_articles
- field.field.node.thematique.field_linked_materials
+ - field.field.node.thematique.field_memo
+ - field.field.node.thematique.field_short_description
- field.field.node.thematique.field_tags
+ - field.field.node.thematique.field_visuel
+ - image.style.thumbnail
- node.type.thematique
+ - field_group
+ - image
- path
- text
+ field_group:
+ group_htabs:
+ children:
+ - group_content
+ - group_media
+ - group_internal
+ - group_taxonomy
+ - group_links
+ parent_name: ''
+ weight: 1
+ format_type: tabs
+ region: content
+ format_settings:
+ id: ''
+ classes: ''
+ direction: horizontal
+ label: htabs
+ group_content:
+ children:
+ - field_short_description
+ - body
+ parent_name: group_htabs
+ weight: 19
+ format_type: tab
+ region: content
+ format_settings:
+ id: ''
+ classes: ''
+ description: ''
+ formatter: open
+ required_fields: true
+ label: Content
+ group_media:
+ children:
+ - field_visuel
+ parent_name: group_htabs
+ weight: 20
+ format_type: tab
+ region: content
+ format_settings:
+ id: ''
+ classes: ''
+ description: ''
+ formatter: closed
+ required_fields: true
+ label: Media
+ group_taxonomy:
+ children:
+ - field_tags
+ parent_name: group_htabs
+ weight: 21
+ format_type: tab
+ region: hidden
+ format_settings:
+ id: ''
+ classes: ''
+ description: ''
+ formatter: closed
+ required_fields: true
+ label: Taxonomy
+ group_links:
+ children:
+ - field_linked_materials
+ - field_linked_articles
+ parent_name: group_htabs
+ weight: 22
+ format_type: tab
+ region: hidden
+ format_settings:
+ id: ''
+ classes: ''
+ description: ''
+ formatter: closed
+ required_fields: true
+ label: Links
+ group_internal:
+ children:
+ - uid
+ - status
+ - langcode
+ - created
+ - flag
+ - promote
+ - sticky
+ - path
+ - url_redirects
+ - field_memo
+ parent_name: group_htabs
+ weight: 21
+ format_type: tab
+ region: hidden
+ format_settings:
+ id: ''
+ classes: ''
+ description: ''
+ formatter: closed
+ required_fields: true
+ label: Internal
id: node.thematique.default
targetEntityType: node
bundle: thematique
@@ -17,7 +123,7 @@ mode: default
type: text_textarea_with_summary
- weight: 121
+ weight: 17
rows: 9
summary_rows: 3
@@ -27,12 +133,22 @@ content:
region: content
type: datetime_timestamp
- weight: 10
+ weight: 23
region: content
settings: { }
third_party_settings: { }
+ field_linked_articles:
+ weight: 29
+ settings:
+ match_operator: CONTAINS
+ match_limit: 10
+ size: 60
+ placeholder: ''
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ type: entity_reference_autocomplete
+ region: content
- weight: 122
+ weight: 28
match_operator: CONTAINS
size: 60
@@ -41,8 +157,24 @@ content:
third_party_settings: { }
type: entity_reference_autocomplete
region: content
+ field_memo:
+ weight: 15
+ settings:
+ rows: 5
+ placeholder: ''
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ type: string_textarea
+ region: content
+ field_short_description:
+ weight: 16
+ settings:
+ size: 60
+ placeholder: ''
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ type: string_textfield
+ region: content
- weight: 123
+ weight: 30
match_operator: CONTAINS
size: 60
@@ -51,16 +183,29 @@ content:
third_party_settings: { }
type: entity_reference_autocomplete
region: content
+ field_visuel:
+ weight: 13
+ settings:
+ progress_indicator: throbber
+ preview_image_style: thumbnail
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ type: image_image
+ region: content
+ flag:
+ weight: 24
+ region: content
+ settings: { }
+ third_party_settings: { }
type: language_select
- weight: 2
+ weight: 22
region: content
include_locked: true
third_party_settings: { }
type: path
- weight: 30
+ weight: 27
region: content
settings: { }
third_party_settings: { }
@@ -68,26 +213,26 @@ content:
type: boolean_checkbox
display_label: true
- weight: 15
+ weight: 25
region: content
third_party_settings: { }
type: boolean_checkbox
display_label: true
- weight: 120
+ weight: 21
region: content
third_party_settings: { }
type: boolean_checkbox
display_label: true
- weight: 16
+ weight: 26
region: content
third_party_settings: { }
type: string_textfield
- weight: -5
+ weight: 0
region: content
size: 60
@@ -95,7 +240,7 @@ content:
third_party_settings: { }
type: entity_reference_autocomplete
- weight: 5
+ weight: 20
match_operator: CONTAINS
size: 60
@@ -104,8 +249,8 @@ content:
region: content
third_party_settings: { }
- weight: 50
+ weight: 28
+ region: content
settings: { }
third_party_settings: { }
- region: content
hidden: { }
diff --git a/config/sync/core.entity_view_display.node.thematique.default.yml b/config/sync/core.entity_view_display.node.thematique.default.yml
index 537dfefe..8faeddf8 100644
--- a/config/sync/core.entity_view_display.node.thematique.default.yml
+++ b/config/sync/core.entity_view_display.node.thematique.default.yml
@@ -4,10 +4,15 @@ status: true
- field.field.node.thematique.body
+ - field.field.node.thematique.field_linked_articles
- field.field.node.thematique.field_linked_materials
+ - field.field.node.thematique.field_memo
+ - field.field.node.thematique.field_short_description
- field.field.node.thematique.field_tags
+ - field.field.node.thematique.field_visuel
- node.type.thematique
+ - image
- text
- user
id: node.thematique.default
@@ -22,6 +27,14 @@ content:
settings: { }
third_party_settings: { }
region: content
+ field_linked_articles:
+ weight: 105
+ label: above
+ settings:
+ link: true
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ type: entity_reference_label
+ region: content
weight: 102
label: above
@@ -30,6 +43,21 @@ content:
third_party_settings: { }
type: entity_reference_label
region: content
+ field_memo:
+ weight: 106
+ label: above
+ settings: { }
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ type: basic_string
+ region: content
+ field_short_description:
+ weight: 107
+ label: above
+ settings:
+ link_to_entity: false
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ type: string
+ region: content
weight: 103
label: above
@@ -38,10 +66,53 @@ content:
third_party_settings: { }
type: entity_reference_label
region: content
+ field_visuel:
+ weight: 104
+ label: above
+ settings:
+ image_style: ''
+ image_link: ''
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ type: image
+ region: content
+ flag_admintest:
+ weight: 10
+ settings: { }
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ region: content
+ flag_dossier:
+ weight: 10
+ settings: { }
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ region: content
+ flag_flag_list_template_1:
+ weight: 10
+ settings: { }
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ region: content
+ flag_projet_1:
+ weight: 10
+ settings: { }
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ region: content
+ flag_projet_2:
+ weight: 10
+ settings: { }
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ region: content
weight: 100
settings: { }
third_party_settings: { }
region: content
+ title:
+ label: hidden
+ type: string
+ weight: -5
+ region: content
+ settings:
+ link_to_entity: false
+ third_party_settings: { }
langcode: true
+ search_api_excerpt: true
diff --git a/config/sync/core.entity_view_display.node.thematique.teaser.yml b/config/sync/core.entity_view_display.node.thematique.teaser.yml
index ba417ffa..74fd9f3c 100644
--- a/config/sync/core.entity_view_display.node.thematique.teaser.yml
+++ b/config/sync/core.entity_view_display.node.thematique.teaser.yml
@@ -5,6 +5,12 @@ dependencies:
- core.entity_view_mode.node.teaser
- field.field.node.thematique.body
+ - field.field.node.thematique.field_linked_articles
+ - field.field.node.thematique.field_linked_materials
+ - field.field.node.thematique.field_memo
+ - field.field.node.thematique.field_short_description
+ - field.field.node.thematique.field_tags
+ - field.field.node.thematique.field_visuel
- node.type.thematique
- text
@@ -22,12 +28,50 @@ content:
trim_length: 600
third_party_settings: { }
region: content
+ flag_admintest:
+ weight: 10
+ settings: { }
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ region: content
+ flag_dossier:
+ weight: 10
+ settings: { }
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ region: content
+ flag_flag_list_template_1:
+ weight: 10
+ settings: { }
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ region: content
+ flag_projet_1:
+ weight: 10
+ settings: { }
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ region: content
+ flag_projet_2:
+ weight: 10
+ settings: { }
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ region: content
weight: 100
settings: { }
third_party_settings: { }
region: content
+ title:
+ label: hidden
+ type: string
+ weight: -5
+ region: content
+ settings:
+ link_to_entity: false
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ field_linked_articles: true
field_linked_materials: true
+ field_memo: true
+ field_short_description: true
field_tags: true
+ field_visuel: true
langcode: true
+ search_api_excerpt: true
diff --git a/config/sync/field.field.node.thematique.field_linked_articles.yml b/config/sync/field.field.node.thematique.field_linked_articles.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..63aaa448
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/field.field.node.thematique.field_linked_articles.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+uuid: a49418f6-8715-4c59-a93d-90bc3cc00462
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ config:
+ - field.storage.node.field_linked_articles
+ - node.type.article
+ - node.type.thematique
+id: node.thematique.field_linked_articles
+field_name: field_linked_articles
+entity_type: node
+bundle: thematique
+label: 'Linked Articles'
+description: ''
+required: false
+translatable: true
+default_value: { }
+default_value_callback: ''
+ handler: 'default:node'
+ handler_settings:
+ target_bundles:
+ article: article
+ sort:
+ field: _none
+ auto_create: false
+ auto_create_bundle: ''
+field_type: entity_reference
diff --git a/config/sync/field.field.node.thematique.field_memo.yml b/config/sync/field.field.node.thematique.field_memo.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..27c880e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/field.field.node.thematique.field_memo.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+uuid: 3f8497b2-3629-4f05-9388-cc02b797668e
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ config:
+ - field.storage.node.field_memo
+ - node.type.thematique
+id: node.thematique.field_memo
+field_name: field_memo
+entity_type: node
+bundle: thematique
+label: Memo
+description: ''
+required: false
+translatable: true
+default_value: { }
+default_value_callback: ''
+settings: { }
+field_type: string_long
diff --git a/config/sync/field.field.node.thematique.field_short_description.yml b/config/sync/field.field.node.thematique.field_short_description.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..321e4582
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/field.field.node.thematique.field_short_description.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+uuid: 53ee10ef-653e-4830-baca-ca298a282d94
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ config:
+ - field.storage.node.field_short_description
+ - node.type.thematique
+id: node.thematique.field_short_description
+field_name: field_short_description
+entity_type: node
+bundle: thematique
+label: 'Short description'
+description: ''
+required: false
+translatable: true
+default_value: { }
+default_value_callback: ''
+settings: { }
+field_type: string
diff --git a/config/sync/field.field.node.thematique.field_visuel.yml b/config/sync/field.field.node.thematique.field_visuel.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b5e6c321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/field.field.node.thematique.field_visuel.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+uuid: 7819fe89-4f3b-4229-848d-62c575d39a69
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ config:
+ - field.storage.node.field_visuel
+ - node.type.thematique
+ module:
+ - content_translation
+ - image
+ content_translation:
+ translation_sync:
+ alt: alt
+ title: title
+ file: '0'
+id: node.thematique.field_visuel
+field_name: field_visuel
+entity_type: node
+bundle: thematique
+label: Visuel
+description: ''
+required: false
+translatable: true
+default_value: { }
+default_value_callback: ''
+ file_directory: '[date:custom:Y]-[date:custom:m]'
+ file_extensions: 'png gif jpg jpeg'
+ max_filesize: ''
+ max_resolution: ''
+ min_resolution: ''
+ alt_field: true
+ alt_field_required: true
+ title_field: false
+ title_field_required: false
+ default_image:
+ uuid: ''
+ alt: ''
+ title: ''
+ width: null
+ height: null
+ handler: 'default:file'
+ handler_settings: { }
+field_type: image
diff --git a/config/sync/field.storage.node.field_linked_articles.yml b/config/sync/field.storage.node.field_linked_articles.yml
index 7eafc1f0..83b8d0f5 100644
--- a/config/sync/field.storage.node.field_linked_articles.yml
+++ b/config/sync/field.storage.node.field_linked_articles.yml
@@ -3,7 +3,11 @@ langcode: en
status: true
+ - field_permissions
- node
+ field_permissions:
+ permission_type: public
id: node.field_linked_articles
field_name: field_linked_articles
entity_type: node
diff --git a/config/sync/field.storage.node.field_memo.yml b/config/sync/field.storage.node.field_memo.yml
index 057032d0..f54754a1 100644
--- a/config/sync/field.storage.node.field_memo.yml
+++ b/config/sync/field.storage.node.field_memo.yml
@@ -3,7 +3,11 @@ langcode: en
status: true
+ - field_permissions
- node
+ field_permissions:
+ permission_type: public
id: node.field_memo
field_name: field_memo
entity_type: node
diff --git a/config/sync/field.storage.node.field_short_description.yml b/config/sync/field.storage.node.field_short_description.yml
index 2418e36c..d9e68271 100644
--- a/config/sync/field.storage.node.field_short_description.yml
+++ b/config/sync/field.storage.node.field_short_description.yml
@@ -3,7 +3,11 @@ langcode: en
status: true
+ - field_permissions
- node
+ field_permissions:
+ permission_type: public
id: node.field_short_description
field_name: field_short_description
entity_type: node
diff --git a/config/sync/field.storage.node.field_visuel.yml b/config/sync/field.storage.node.field_visuel.yml
index fb350b08..8c6f6c56 100644
--- a/config/sync/field.storage.node.field_visuel.yml
+++ b/config/sync/field.storage.node.field_visuel.yml
@@ -3,9 +3,13 @@ langcode: en
status: true
+ - field_permissions
- file
- image
- node
+ field_permissions:
+ permission_type: public
id: node.field_visuel
field_name: field_visuel
entity_type: node
diff --git a/config/sync/user.role.admin.yml b/config/sync/user.role.admin.yml
index 51389480..301e360b 100644
--- a/config/sync/user.role.admin.yml
+++ b/config/sync/user.role.admin.yml
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ permissions:
- 'create evenement content'
- 'create field_company'
- 'create field_member_type'
- - 'create field_memo'
- 'create field_showroom'
- 'create generique workflow_transition'
- 'create materiau content'
@@ -83,7 +82,6 @@ permissions:
- 'edit any thematique content'
- 'edit field_company'
- 'edit field_member_type'
- - 'edit field_memo'
- 'edit field_showroom'
- 'edit own enregistrement content'
- 'edit own flag lists'
@@ -162,7 +160,6 @@ permissions:
- 'view evenement revisions'
- 'view field_company'
- 'view field_member_type'
- - 'view field_memo'
- 'view field_showroom'
- 'view frontpage revisions'
- 'view materiau revisions'
diff --git a/config/sync/views.view.admin_nodes.yml b/config/sync/views.view.admin_nodes.yml
index ae941e44..563e09f3 100644
--- a/config/sync/views.view.admin_nodes.yml
+++ b/config/sync/views.view.admin_nodes.yml
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ dependencies:
- image.style.medium
- node.type.article
- node.type.materiau
+ - node.type.thematique
- taxonomy.vocabulary.company
- taxonomy.vocabulary.tags
- taxonomy.vocabulary.thesaurus
@@ -5815,3 +5816,1568 @@ display:
- 'config:field.storage.node.field_thesaurus'
- 'config:field.storage.node.field_visuel'
- 'config:field.storage.node.field_workflow'
+ page_3:
+ display_plugin: page
+ id: page_3
+ display_title: 'Page Thématiques'
+ position: 1
+ display_options:
+ display_extenders:
+ views_ef_fieldset:
+ views_ef_fieldset:
+ enabled: 1
+ options:
+ sort:
+ root:
+ container_type: details
+ title: Filters
+ description: ''
+ open: '1'
+ weight: '0'
+ id: root
+ pid: ''
+ depth: '0'
+ type: container
+ container-0:
+ container_type: container
+ title: ''
+ description: ''
+ open: '1'
+ weight: '-25'
+ id: container-0
+ pid: root
+ depth: '1'
+ type: container
+ title:
+ weight: '-23'
+ id: title
+ pid: container-0
+ depth: '2'
+ type: filter
+ field_reference_value:
+ weight: '-22'
+ id: field_reference_value
+ pid: container-0
+ depth: '2'
+ type: filter
+ tid:
+ weight: '-21'
+ id: tid
+ pid: container-0
+ depth: '2'
+ type: filter
+ field_famille_value:
+ weight: '-20'
+ id: field_famille_value
+ pid: container-0
+ depth: '2'
+ type: filter
+ field_workflow_value:
+ weight: '-19'
+ id: field_workflow_value
+ pid: container-0
+ depth: '2'
+ type: filter
+ field_thesaurus_target_id:
+ weight: '-18'
+ id: field_thesaurus_target_id
+ pid: container-0
+ depth: '2'
+ type: filter
+ field_tags_target_id:
+ weight: '-17'
+ id: field_tags_target_id
+ pid: container-0
+ depth: '2'
+ type: filter
+ field_samples_location:
+ weight: '-16'
+ id: field_samples_location
+ pid: container-0
+ depth: '2'
+ type: filter
+ field_memo_value:
+ weight: '-15'
+ id: field_memo_value
+ pid: container-0
+ depth: '2'
+ type: filter
+ field_migration_value:
+ weight: '-14'
+ id: field_migration_value
+ pid: container-0
+ depth: '2'
+ type: filter
+ container-3:
+ container_type: container
+ title: ''
+ description: ''
+ open: '1'
+ weight: '-23'
+ id: container-3
+ pid: root
+ depth: '1'
+ type: container
+ submit:
+ weight: '-23'
+ id: submit
+ pid: container-3
+ depth: '2'
+ type: buttons
+ container-2:
+ container_type: container
+ title: ''
+ description: ''
+ open: '1'
+ weight: '-22'
+ id: container-2
+ pid: root
+ depth: '1'
+ type: container
+ container-1:
+ container_type: container
+ title: ''
+ description: ''
+ weight: '-21'
+ open: 0
+ id: container-1
+ pid: root
+ depth: '1'
+ type: container
+ container-4:
+ container_type: details
+ title: 'Container 4'
+ description: ''
+ weight: '-19'
+ open: 0
+ id: container-4
+ pid: root
+ depth: '1'
+ type: container
+ container-5:
+ container_type: details
+ title: 'Container 5'
+ description: ''
+ weight: '-18'
+ open: 0
+ id: container-5
+ pid: root
+ depth: '1'
+ type: container
+ container-6:
+ container_type: details
+ title: 'Container 6'
+ description: ''
+ weight: '-17'
+ open: 0
+ id: container-6
+ pid: root
+ depth: '1'
+ type: container
+ container-8:
+ container_type: details
+ title: 'Container 8'
+ description: ''
+ weight: '-16'
+ open: 0
+ id: container-8
+ pid: root
+ depth: '1'
+ type: container
+ container-7:
+ container_type: details
+ title: 'Container 7'
+ description: ''
+ weight: '-15'
+ open: 0
+ id: container-7
+ pid: root
+ depth: '1'
+ type: container
+ container-10:
+ container_type: details
+ title: 'Container 10'
+ description: ''
+ weight: '-14'
+ open: 0
+ id: container-10
+ pid: root
+ depth: '1'
+ type: container
+ container-9:
+ container_type: details
+ title: 'Container 9'
+ description: ''
+ weight: '-13'
+ open: 0
+ id: container-9
+ pid: root
+ depth: '1'
+ type: container
+ path: admin/content/thematiques
+ menu:
+ type: tab
+ title: Thématiques
+ description: ''
+ expanded: false
+ parent: editors_menus.contents
+ weight: 0
+ context: '0'
+ menu_name: editors
+ display_description: ''
+ title: 'Admin Thématiques'
+ defaults:
+ title: false
+ fields: false
+ style: false
+ row: false
+ filters: false
+ filter_groups: false
+ fields:
+ views_bulk_operations_bulk_form:
+ id: views_bulk_operations_bulk_form
+ table: views
+ field: views_bulk_operations_bulk_form
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: 'Views bulk operations'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
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+ action_title: Action
+ selected_actions:
+ -
+ action_id: 'entity:break_lock:node'
+ preconfiguration:
+ label_override: ''
+ -
+ action_id: node_save_action
+ preconfiguration:
+ label_override: ''
+ -
+ action_id: views_bulk_edit
+ preconfiguration:
+ label_override: ''
+ get_bundles_from_results: 1
+ -
+ action_id: views_bulk_operations_delete_entity
+ preconfiguration:
+ label_override: ''
+ -
+ action_id: workflow_node_given_state_action
+ preconfiguration:
+ label_override: ''
+ -
+ action_id: pathauto_update_alias
+ preconfiguration:
+ label_override: ''
+ plugin_id: views_bulk_operations_bulk_form
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+ id: nid
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+ id: title
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+ alter_text: true
+ text: '
{{ title }}
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+ id: operations
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+ id: is_locked
+ table: content_lock
+ field: is_locked
+ relationship: none
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+ type_custom_false: ''
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+ id: field_tags
+ table: node__field_tags
+ field: field_tags
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: Tags
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+ alter_text: false
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+ plugin_id: field
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+ id: field_linked_materials
+ table: node__field_linked_materials
+ field: field_linked_materials
+ relationship: none
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+ group_columns: { }
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+ multi_type: separator
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+ id: field_linked_articles
+ table: node__field_linked_articles
+ field: field_linked_articles
+ relationship: none
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+ id: field_workflow
+ table: node__field_workflow
+ field: field_workflow
+ relationship: none
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+ admin_label: ''
+ label: Workflow
+ exclude: false
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+ summary: ''
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+ views_bulk_operations_bulk_form: views_bulk_operations_bulk_form
+ nid: nid
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+ operations: title
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+ field_manufacturer: field_manufacturer
+ field_distributor: field_manufacturer
+ field_linked_materials: field_linked_materials
+ field_linked_articles: field_linked_articles
+ field_samples: field_samples
+ field_workflow: field_workflow
+ field_migration: field_migration
+ field_memo: field_memo
+ changed: changed
+ created: created
+ info:
+ views_bulk_operations_bulk_form:
+ align: ''
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+ responsive: ''
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+ responsive: ''
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+ sortable: false
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: views-align-left
+ separator: ''
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+ responsive: ''
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+ sortable: false
+ default_sort_order: asc
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+ responsive: ''
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+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
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+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
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+ sortable: false
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
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+ align: ''
+ separator: '
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
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+ separator: ''
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+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
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+ responsive: ''
+ field_distributor:
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+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
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+ align: ''
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+ responsive: ''
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+ responsive: ''
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+ align: ''
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+ responsive: ''
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+ default_sort_order: asc
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+ responsive: ''
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+ align: ''
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+ id: title
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+ value: ''
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+ identifier: title
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+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
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+ entity_field: title
+ plugin_id: string
+ tid:
+ id: tid
+ table: taxonomy_index
+ field: tid
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ operator: or
+ value: { }
+ group: 1
+ exposed: true
+ expose:
+ operator_id: tid_op
+ label: Company
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: tid_op
+ identifier: tid
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ unverified: '0'
+ anonymous: '0'
+ free_user: '0'
+ contact_company: '0'
+ alpha_testeur: '0'
+ student: '0'
+ adherent: '0'
+ translator: '0'
+ admin_showroom: '0'
+ admin: '0'
+ root: '0'
+ reduce: false
+ operator_limit_selection: false
+ operator_list: { }
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ reduce_duplicates: false
+ type: textfield
+ limit: true
+ vid: company
+ hierarchy: false
+ error_message: true
+ parent: 0
+ level_labels: ''
+ force_deepest: false
+ plugin_id: taxonomy_index_tid
+ field_workflow_value:
+ id: field_workflow_value
+ table: node__field_workflow
+ field: field_workflow_value
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ operator: or
+ value: { }
+ group: 1
+ exposed: true
+ expose:
+ operator_id: field_workflow_value_op
+ label: Workflow
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: field_workflow_value_op
+ identifier: field_workflow_value
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ anonymous: '0'
+ admin: '0'
+ root: '0'
+ user: '0'
+ reduce: false
+ operator_limit_selection: false
+ operator_list: { }
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ reduce_duplicates: false
+ plugin_id: workflow_state
+ field_tags_target_id:
+ id: field_tags_target_id
+ table: node__field_tags
+ field: field_tags_target_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ operator: or
+ value: { }
+ group: 1
+ exposed: true
+ expose:
+ operator_id: field_tags_target_id_op
+ label: Tags
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: field_tags_target_id_op
+ identifier: field_tags_target_id
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ unverified: '0'
+ anonymous: '0'
+ free_user: '0'
+ contact_company: '0'
+ alpha_testeur: '0'
+ student: '0'
+ adherent: '0'
+ translator: '0'
+ admin_showroom: '0'
+ admin: '0'
+ root: '0'
+ reduce: false
+ operator_limit_selection: false
+ operator_list: { }
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ reduce_duplicates: false
+ type: textfield
+ limit: true
+ vid: tags
+ hierarchy: false
+ error_message: true
+ parent: 0
+ level_labels: ''
+ force_deepest: false
+ plugin_id: taxonomy_index_tid
+ field_memo_value:
+ id: field_memo_value
+ table: node__field_memo
+ field: field_memo_value
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ operator: contains
+ value: ''
+ group: 1
+ exposed: true
+ expose:
+ operator_id: field_memo_value_op
+ label: Memo
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: field_memo_value_op
+ identifier: field_memo_value
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ anonymous: '0'
+ admin: '0'
+ root: '0'
+ user: '0'
+ placeholder: ''
+ operator_limit_selection: false
+ operator_list: { }
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ plugin_id: string
+ select_translation:
+ id: select_translation
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: select_translation
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ operator: '='
+ value: default
+ group: 1
+ exposed: false
+ expose:
+ operator_id: ''
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ operator_limit_selection: false
+ operator_list: { }
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ priorities: ''
+ default_language_only: 0
+ include_content_with_unpublished_translation: 0
+ entity_type: node
+ plugin_id: select_translation_filter
+ filter_groups:
+ operator: AND
+ groups:
+ 1: AND
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: 0
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_content'
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url
+ - url.query_args
+ - user
+ - 'user.node_grants:view'
+ - user.roles
+ tags:
+ - 'config:field.storage.node.field_linked_articles'
+ - 'config:field.storage.node.field_linked_materials'
+ - 'config:field.storage.node.field_memo'
+ - 'config:field.storage.node.field_tags'
+ - 'config:field.storage.node.field_visuel'
+ - 'config:field.storage.node.field_workflow'
diff --git a/config/sync/views.view.blabla.yml b/config/sync/views.view.blabla.yml
index 1d5852ae..8a9a1327 100644
--- a/config/sync/views.view.blabla.yml
+++ b/config/sync/views.view.blabla.yml
@@ -223,6 +223,72 @@ display:
separator: ', '
field_api_classes: false
plugin_id: field
+ nid:
+ id: nid
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: nid
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: ''
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: false
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ click_sort_column: value
+ type: number_integer
+ settings:
+ thousand_separator: ''
+ prefix_suffix: true
+ group_column: value
+ group_columns: { }
+ group_rows: true
+ delta_limit: 0
+ delta_offset: 0
+ delta_reversed: false
+ delta_first_last: false
+ multi_type: separator
+ separator: ', '
+ field_api_classes: false
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: nid
+ plugin_id: field
id: uuid
table: node
diff --git a/web/modules/custom/editors_menus/editors_menus.links.action.yml b/web/modules/custom/editors_menus/editors_menus.links.action.yml
index e8c2c227..0e25bb67 100644
--- a/web/modules/custom/editors_menus/editors_menus.links.action.yml
+++ b/web/modules/custom/editors_menus/editors_menus.links.action.yml
@@ -14,6 +14,14 @@ editors_menus.article_add:
- view.admin_nodes.page_2
+ route_name: node.add
+ route_parameters:
+ node_type: 'thematique'
+ title: 'Add Thematique'
+ appears_on:
+ - view.admin_nodes.page_3
route_name: entity.taxonomy_term.add_form