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* @package Grav.Core
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2015 - 2023 Trilby Media, LLC. All rights reserved.
* @license MIT License; see LICENSE file for details.
namespace Grav;
\define('GRAV_REQUEST_TIME', microtime(true));
\define('GRAV_PHP_MIN', '7.3.6');
if (PHP_SAPI === 'cli-server') {
$symfony_server = stripos(getenv('_'), 'symfony') !== false || stripos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] ?? '', 'symfony') !== false || stripos($_ENV['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] ?? '', 'symfony') !== false;
if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_CLI_ROUTER']) && !$symfony_server) {
die("PHP webserver requires a router to run Grav, please use: <pre>php -S {$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}:{$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']} system/router.php</pre>");
// Ensure vendor libraries exist
$autoload = __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
if (!is_file($autoload)) {
die('Please run: <i>bin/grav install</i>');
// Register the auto-loader.
$loader = require $autoload;
// Set timezone to default, falls back to system if php.ini not set
// Set internal encoding.
@ini_set('default_charset', 'UTF-8');
use Grav\Common\Grav;
use RocketTheme\Toolbox\Event\Event;
// Get the Grav instance
$grav = Grav::instance(array('loader' => $loader));
// Process the page
try {
} catch (\Error|\Exception $e) {
$grav->fireEvent('onFatalException', new Event(array('exception' => $e)));
throw $e;