/** Clockwork Debugger JS **/ document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { // Directly select the script tag by its id var currentScript = document.getElementById('clockwork-script'); if (!currentScript) { console.error("Clockwork Debugger: Script tag with id 'clockwork-script' not found."); return; } var route = currentScript.getAttribute('data-route') || '/clockwork'; // Default route if not specified // Debugging: Log the route to verify console.log("Clockwork Debugger Route:", route); // Create the badge container var badge = document.createElement("div"); badge.className = "clockwork-badge"; badge.setAttribute('aria-label', 'Clockwork Debugger Enabled'); badge.setAttribute('role', 'button'); // Create the icon element var icon = document.createElement("i"); badge.appendChild(icon); // Create the tooltip element var tooltip = document.createElement("div"); tooltip.className = "tooltip"; tooltip.innerHTML = ` Grav Clockwork Debugger Enabled.
Install the Clockwork Browser extension (Chrome or Firefox) or use the "Clockwork Web" Grav plugin to View Debug Info 🔗. `; badge.appendChild(tooltip); // Append the badge to the body document.body.appendChild(badge); });