ajout partenaires et équipe
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,157 +25,227 @@ export const useContentStore = defineStore('content', {
actions: {
async fetchContentData(path) {
const contentTypes = [ 'etape', 'static' ];
const contentTypes = [ 'etape', 'static', 'equipe', 'partenaires' ];
try {
let rawContent,
for (let type of contentTypes) {
response = await REST.get(`/jsonapi/node/${type}/`);
for (let content of response.data.data) {
for (let tag of content.attributes.metatag) {
if (tag.tag === "link" && tag.attributes.href === path) {
this.contentType = type;
rawContent = content;
contentType = type;
break contentTypesLoop;
for (let type of contentTypes) {
if (type !== 'partenaires') {
response = await REST.get(`/jsonapi/node/${type}/`);
for (let content of response.data.data) {
for (let tag of content.attributes.metatag) {
if (tag.tag === "link" && tag.attributes.href === path) {
this.contentType = type;
rawContent = content;
contentType = type;
break contentTypesLoop;
// pour les pages équipes
if (!rawContent) {
const baseUrl = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host;
if (path.startsWith(baseUrl)) {
const shortenPath = path.slice(baseUrl.length + 1);
if (content.attributes.title.toLowerCase() === shortenPath) {
this.contentType = type;
rawContent = content;
contentType = type;
break contentTypesLoop;
} else {
// pour les pages partenaires
rawContent = await REST.get('/rest/partenaires/');
contentType = type;
this.contentType = type;
// pageTitle
for (let tag of rawContent.attributes.metatag) {
if (tag.tag === "meta") {
this.pageTitle = tag.attributes.content;
if (this.contentType !== 'equipe' && this.contentType !== 'partenaires') {
// pageTitle
for (let tag of rawContent.attributes.metatag) {
if (tag.tag === "meta") {
this.pageTitle = tag.attributes.content;
// contentTitle
this.content.contentTitle = rawContent.attributes.title;
// contentTitle
this.content.contentTitle = rawContent.attributes.title;
// vignette
const vignetteFetch = await this.fetchDeeperContent('field_vignette', rawContent.relationships);
if (vignetteFetch) {
this.content.vignette = {
url: vignetteFetch.attributes.uri.url,
alt: rawContent.relationships.field_vignette.data.meta.alt
if (contentType === 'etape') {
// coordinates
this.content.coordinates = {
lat: rawContent.attributes.field_geofield.lat,
lon: rawContent.attributes.field_geofield.lon,
// adresse
this.content.adresse = rawContent.attributes.field_adresse;
// étape number
this.content.etape_number = rawContent.attributes.field_arret_numero;
// couleur
this.content.couleur = rawContent.attributes.field_couleur;
// dates
this.content.dates = {
start: this.getCleanDate(rawContent.attributes.field_dates.value),
end: this.getCleanDate(rawContent.attributes.field_dates.end_value),
// previous / next
await this.getRelatedEtape('previous', response.data.data, path);
await this.getRelatedEtape('next', response.data.data, path);
// parties
const fieldParties = contentType === 'etape' ? 'field_parties' : 'field_parties_static';
const partiesFetch = await this.fetchDeeperContent(fieldParties, rawContent.relationships);
if (partiesFetch) {
this.content.parties = [];
for (let partie of partiesFetch) {
const partieType = partie.type.replace(/^paragraph--/, "");
let partieContent = {
type: partieType,
// vignette
const vignetteFetch = await this.fetchFromRelationships('field_vignette', rawContent.relationships);
if (vignetteFetch) {
this.content.vignette = {
url: vignetteFetch.attributes.uri.url,
alt: rawContent.relationships.field_vignette.data.meta.alt
switch (partieType) {
case 'carte_sensible':
const carteSensibleFetch = await this.fetchDeeperContent('field_image_carte', partie.relationships);
if (carteSensibleFetch) {
partieContent.carteSensible = {
url: carteSensibleFetch.attributes.uri.url,
alt: partie.relationships.field_image_carte.data.meta.alt,
case 'titre_texte':
partieContent.titre = partie.attributes.field_titre;
partieContent.texte = partie.attributes.field_texte.value;
case 'chiffres_cles':
const chiffresClesFetch = await this.fetchDeeperContent('field_chiffres_clefs', partie.relationships);
if (chiffresClesFetch) {
partieContent.chiffresCles = [];
for (let chiffre of chiffresClesFetch) {
chiffre: chiffre.attributes.field_chiffre,
description: chiffre.attributes.field_description,
if (contentType === 'etape') {
// coordinates
this.content.coordinates = {
lat: rawContent.attributes.field_geofield.lat,
lon: rawContent.attributes.field_geofield.lon,
// adresse
this.content.adresse = rawContent.attributes.field_adresse;
// étape number
this.content.etape_number = rawContent.attributes.field_arret_numero;
// couleur
this.content.couleur = rawContent.attributes.field_couleur;
// dates
this.content.dates = {
start: this.getCleanDate(rawContent.attributes.field_dates.value),
end: this.getCleanDate(rawContent.attributes.field_dates.end_value),
// previous / next
await this.getRelatedEtape('previous', response.data.data, path);
await this.getRelatedEtape('next', response.data.data, path);
// parties
const fieldParties = contentType === 'etape' ? 'field_parties' : 'field_parties_static';
const partiesFetch = await this.fetchFromRelationships(fieldParties, rawContent.relationships);
if (partiesFetch) {
this.content.parties = [];
for (let partie of partiesFetch) {
const partieType = partie.type.replace(/^paragraph--/, "");
let partieContent = {
type: partieType,
switch (partieType) {
case 'carte_sensible':
const carteSensibleFetch = await this.fetchFromRelationships('field_image_carte', partie.relationships);
if (carteSensibleFetch) {
partieContent.carteSensible = {
url: carteSensibleFetch.attributes.uri.url,
alt: partie.relationships.field_image_carte.data.meta.alt,
case 'diaporama':
const diaporamaFetch = await this.fetchDeeperContent('field_diaporama', partie.relationships);
if (diaporamaFetch) {
partieContent.diaporama = [];
for (let [index, image] of diaporamaFetch.entries()) {
url: image.attributes.uri.url,
alt: partie.relationships.field_diaporama.data[index].meta.alt,
case 'entretien':
partieContent.entretien = {};
const personnesFetch = await this.fetchDeeperContent('field_personne_s', partie.relationships);
const questionsReponsesFetch = await this.fetchDeeperContent('field_questions_reponses', partie.relationships);
if (personnesFetch && questionsReponsesFetch) {
partieContent.entretien.personnes = [];
for (let personne of personnesFetch) {
const portraitFetch = await this.fetchDeeperContent('field_portrait', personne.relationships);
if (portraitFetch) {
portrait: portraitFetch.attributes.uri.url,
alt: personne.relationships.field_portrait.data.meta.alt,
description: personne.attributes.field_description,
case 'titre_texte':
partieContent.titre = partie.attributes.field_titre;
partieContent.texte = partie.attributes.field_texte.value;
case 'chiffres_cles':
const chiffresClesFetch = await this.fetchFromRelationships('field_chiffres_clefs', partie.relationships);
if (chiffresClesFetch) {
partieContent.chiffresCles = [];
for (let chiffre of chiffresClesFetch) {
chiffre: chiffre.attributes.field_chiffre,
description: chiffre.attributes.field_description,
partieContent.entretien.questionsReponses = [];
for (let qr of questionsReponsesFetch) {
question: qr.attributes.field_question,
reponse: qr.attributes.field_reponse.value,
case 'diaporama':
const diaporamaFetch = await this.fetchFromRelationships('field_diaporama', partie.relationships);
if (diaporamaFetch) {
partieContent.diaporama = [];
for (let [index, image] of diaporamaFetch.entries()) {
url: image.attributes.uri.url,
alt: partie.relationships.field_diaporama.data[index].meta.alt,
case 'exergue':
partieContent.exergue = partie.attributes.field_texte_exergue.value;
case 'video':
partieContent.videos = [];
for (let video of partie.attributes.field_videos) {
const videoId = video.split('?v=')[1];
const videoUrl = `https://www.youtube.com/embed/${videoId}`;
case 'entretien':
partieContent.entretien = {};
const personnesFetch = await this.fetchFromRelationships('field_personne_s', partie.relationships);
const questionsReponsesFetch = await this.fetchFromRelationships('field_questions_reponses', partie.relationships);
if (personnesFetch && questionsReponsesFetch) {
partieContent.entretien.personnes = [];
for (let personne of personnesFetch) {
const portraitFetch = await this.fetchFromRelationships('field_portrait', personne.relationships);
if (portraitFetch) {
portrait: portraitFetch.attributes.uri.url,
alt: personne.relationships.field_portrait.data.meta.alt,
description: personne.attributes.field_description,
partieContent.entretien.questionsReponses = [];
for (let qr of questionsReponsesFetch) {
question: qr.attributes.field_question,
reponse: qr.attributes.field_reponse.value,
case 'exergue':
partieContent.exergue = partie.attributes.field_texte_exergue.value;
case 'video':
partieContent.videos = [];
for (let video of partie.attributes.field_videos) {
const videoId = video.split('?v=')[1];
const videoUrl = `https://www.youtube.com/embed/${videoId}`;
} else if (this.contentType === 'equipe') {
// pour les pages équipe
for (let tag of rawContent.attributes.metatag) {
if (tag.tag === "meta") {
this.pageTitle = tag.attributes.content;
this.content.contentTitle = rawContent.attributes.title;
this.content.textIntro = rawContent.attributes.body.value;
const personnesArray = [];
const personnes = await this.fetchFromRelationships('field_personne_s', rawContent.relationships);
for (let personne of personnes) {
const fetchPortrait = await this.fetchFromRelationships('field_portrait', personne.relationships);
nom: personne.attributes.field_nom,
prenom: personne.attributes.field_prenom,
description: personne.attributes.field_description,
portrait_alt: personne.relationships.field_portrait.data.meta.alt,
portrait_url: fetchPortrait.attributes.uri.url,
this.content.personnes = personnesArray;
// await this.fetchFromId(bundle, id);
// est peut-être plus lisible que fetchFromRelationships
} else if (this.contentType === 'partenaires') {
this.content.contentTitle = "Partenaires";
const partenairesArray = [];
for (let partenaire of rawContent.data) {
title: partenaire.title[0].value,
description: partenaire.body[0].value,
link_url: partenaire.field_lien[0].uri,
link_text: partenaire.field_lien[0].title,
logo_url: partenaire.field_logo[0].url,
logo_alt: partenaire.field_logo[0].alt,
weight: partenaire.field_poid[0].value,
this.content.partenaires = partenairesArray;
} catch (error) {
this.error = 'Failed to fetch data';
console.error('Issue with getNodeData', error);
@ -236,7 +306,7 @@ export const useContentStore = defineStore('content', {
async fetchDeeperContent(field, relationships) {
async fetchFromRelationships(field, relationships) {
if (relationships[field].data) {
try {
const contentLink = relationships[field].links.related.href;
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ export async function handleBrowserNavigation(store, baseUrl, siteName, mapStore
pageChange(href, store, siteName, mapStore, baseUrl)
async function pageChange(href, store, siteName, mapStore, baseUrl) {
export async function pageChange(href, store, siteName, mapStore, baseUrl) {
if (href === '/') {
document.title = siteName;
@ -3,7 +3,12 @@
:enter-active-class="animationsAreEnabled ? 'v-enter-active' : 'no-transition'"
:leave-active-class="animationsAreEnabled ? 'v-leave-active' : 'no-transition'"
<div v-if="!loading && (contentType === 'etape' || contentType === 'static')">
<div v-if="!loading && (
contentType === 'etape'
|| contentType === 'static'
|| contentType === 'equipe'
|| contentType === 'partenaires'
<div class="content-wrapper">
@ -38,6 +43,12 @@
v-if="partie.type === 'video'"
:partie="partie" />
v-if="contentType === 'equipe'"
:content="content" />
v-if="contentType === 'partenaires'"
:content="content" />
@ -50,15 +61,16 @@
<script setup>
import { computed, watch, onMounted } from 'vue';
import { watch, onMounted } from 'vue';
import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia';
import { useContentStore } from '../stores/content';
import { useMapStore } from '../stores/map';
import { useLayoutStore } from '../stores/layout';
import ModaleHeader from './components/ModaleHeader.vue';
import ModaleFooter from './components/ModaleFooter.vue';
import EquipeContent from './components/EquipeContent.vue';
import PartenairesContent from './components/PartenairesContent.vue';
import ModaleCarteSensible from './components/parties/ModaleCarteSensible.vue';
import ModaleTitreTexte from './components/parties/ModaleTitreTexte.vue';
@ -70,12 +82,6 @@ import ModaleVideos from './components/parties/ModaleVideos.vue';
const store = useContentStore();
const mapState = useMapStore();
const layoutStore = useLayoutStore();
// pour importer le breakpoint
// const { minDesktopWidth } = storeToRefs(layoutStore);
// console.log(minDesktopWidth);
const {
@ -134,9 +140,7 @@ const handleMapMovement = () => {
} else {
console.log('détail -> détail');
//setTimeout(zoomToContentPlace, animationDuration.value * 1000);
} else {
if (wasModaleEtape) {
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
<div id="equipe">
<div v-html="content.textIntro"></div>
<div v-for="personne in content.personnes" class="personne">
<img :src="personne.portrait_url" :alt="personne.portrait_alt">
<div class="name"><p v-html="personne.prenom + ' ' + personne.nom"></p></div>
<div class="description"><p v-html="personne.description"></p></div>
<script setup>
const props = defineProps({
content: Object,
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<div v-if="contentType === 'etape' && (content.previous || content.next)" class="related-etape-links">
<div v-if="content.previous" class="card previous" @click="clickRelatedElement(content.previous.url)">
<div v-if="content.previous" class="card previous" @click="goToRelatedElement(content.previous.url)">
<div class="icon">
<div :style="{ backgroundColor: content.previous.couleur }"></div>
<div :style="{ backgroundColor: content.previous.couleur }"></div>
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
<div v-if="content.next" class="card next" @click="clickRelatedElement(content.next.url)">
<div v-if="content.next" class="card next" @click="goToRelatedElement(content.next.url)">
<div class="icon">
<div :style="{ backgroundColor: content.next.couleur }"></div>
<div :style="{ backgroundColor: content.next.couleur }"></div>
@ -42,12 +42,16 @@
<script setup>
import router from '../../router/router.js';
import { useContentStore } from '../../stores/content';
import { pageChange } from '../../utils/handle-navigation.js';
const brandColor = "#80c8bf";
const store = useContentStore();
const mapStore = useContentStore();
const siteName = document.querySelector('#site_name').innerText;
const props = defineProps({
contentType: String,
content: Object,
@ -55,21 +59,10 @@ const props = defineProps({
map: Object,
async function displayRelatedElement(href) {
const baseUrl = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host;
if (href.startsWith(baseUrl)) href = href.replace(baseUrl, '');
await store.fetchContentData(baseUrl + href);
document.title = store.pageTitle;
import { setActiveNavItem } from '../../utils/set-active-nav-item.js';
function clickRelatedElement(href) {
async function goToRelatedElement(href) {
const baseUrl = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host;
if (href.startsWith(baseUrl)) href = href.replace(baseUrl, '');
setActiveNavItem('etape', href);
pageChange(href, store, siteName, mapStore, baseUrl)
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
<div class="locality">
<div class="top-triangle"></div>
<div class="locality-title">
<h1>{{content.contentTitle}} <em v-if="content.adresse">({{ content.adresse.postal_code.slice(0, 2) }})</em></h1>
<h1>{{content.contentTitle}}<em v-if="content.adresse">({{ content.adresse.postal_code.slice(0, 2) }})</em></h1>
@ -27,4 +27,4 @@ const props = defineProps({
content: Object,
couleur: String,
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
<div id="partenaires">
<div v-for="partenaire in content.partenaires" class="partenaire">
<img :src="partenaire.logo_url" :alt="partenaire.logo_alt">
<div class="title"><p v-html="partenaire.title"></p></div>
<div class="description"><p v-html="partenaire.description"></p></div>
<script setup>
const props = defineProps({
content: Object,
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ body{
padding-left: $menu-margin;
margin: 10px 0;
color: white;
font-size: $l-font-size-mobile;
font-size: 2rem;
font-family: 'Joost', sans-serif;
font-weight: bold;
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@ -229,7 +229,6 @@ body{
z-index: 1;
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> li {
@ -746,6 +745,10 @@ body{
> #content-modale {
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z-index: 6;
> div:not(.image-viewer-wrapper, .image-modale) {
padding-bottom: 5vh;
> .content-wrapper {
@ -888,6 +891,7 @@ body{
> main {
width: 100%;
padding: 0 $modale-x-padding;
padding-bottom: 5vh;
box-sizing: border-box;
> .partie {
width: 100%;
@ -1060,6 +1064,55 @@ body{
font-size: $sm-font-size-desktop;
> #equipe,
> #partenaires {
margin-top: 5vh;
> div:not(.personne) {
@media screen and (min-width: $desktop-min-width) {
margin: 10vh 0;
> div.personne,
> div.partenaire {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 0.4fr 1fr;
column-gap: 3rem;
grid-template-rows: 1fr 1fr;
justify-items: start;
margin: 5vh 0;
> figure {
grid-column: 1;
grid-row: 1 / span 2;
width: 100%;
margin: 0;
> img {
border-radius: 50%;
> .name,
> .title {
align-self: flex-end;
margin-bottom: 1.3rem;
font-size: $m-font-size-mobile;
@media screen and (min-width: $desktop-min-width) {
font-size: $m-font-size-desktop;
> p {
margin: 0;
> .description {
> p {
margin: 0;
#partenaires {
@media screen and (min-width: $desktop-min-width) {
margin-top: 10vh;
> footer {
.pattern-bottom {
@ -1179,71 +1232,76 @@ body{
> #animation-toggle > div {
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> #animation-toggle {
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> .switch {
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> input {
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Reference in New Issue
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