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2024-07-09 12:42:57 +02:00
# Local development services.
# To activate this feature, follow the instructions at the top of the
# 'example.settings.local.php' file, which sits next to this file.
# Twig debugging:
# When debugging is enabled:
# - The markup of each Twig template is surrounded by HTML comments that
# contain theming information, such as template file name suggestions.
# - Note that this debugging markup will cause automated tests that directly
# check rendered HTML to fail. When running automated tests, 'debug'
# should be set to FALSE.
# - The dump() function can be used in Twig templates to output information
# about template variables.
# - Twig templates are automatically recompiled whenever the source code
# changes (see auto_reload below).
# For more information about debugging Twig templates, see
# https://www.drupal.org/node/1906392.
# Not recommended in production environments
# @default false
debug: true
# Twig auto-reload:
# Automatically recompile Twig templates whenever the source code changes.
# If you don't provide a value for auto_reload, it will be determined
# based on the value of debug.
# Not recommended in production environments
# @default null
auto_reload: null
# Twig cache:
# By default, Twig templates will be compiled and stored in the filesystem
# to increase performance. Disabling the Twig cache will recompile the
# templates from source each time they are used. In most cases the
# auto_reload setting above should be enabled rather than disabling the
# Twig cache.
# Not recommended in production environments
# @default true
cache: false
# Cacheability debugging:
# Responses with cacheability metadata (CacheableResponseInterface instances)
# get X-Drupal-Cache-Tags and X-Drupal-Cache-Contexts headers.
# For more information about debugging cacheable responses, see
# https://www.drupal.org/developing/api/8/response/cacheable-response-interface
# Not recommended in production environments
# @default false
http.response.debug_cacheability_headers: true
class: Drupal\Core\Cache\NullBackendFactory